Procedure: protest
[Andrew Leslie], earl of Rothes's protestation

The which day, in presence of the king's majesty, his council and nobility presently convened, Andrew, earl of Rothes, lord Leslie, protested that albeit he, amongst others, subscribed the act containing a declaration given by the nobility and estates convened in the month of [...] last, of good service done by certain of the nobility and others in taking of arms and using of a restraint and captivity of his majesty's person at Ruthven and certain other parts, and allowing and approving the same, with all things that followed thereupon, yet was the same, his subscription, passed and given to the said act only at his majesty's special commandment and direction, against his will and not in token of his consent and approbation of the said act and deed, the same being disallowed by his own declaration uttered to his highness's self immediately after the attempting of the same at Perth, and therefore that no pain, crime nor danger might be imputed to him for the same by any manner of way in time coming; which protestation his majesty and the said lords admitted.

  1. NAS, PC1/11, f.73r. Back
  2. A similar protestation by Robert Hamilton follows, specifically directed to and received by the privy council, with no mention of the king. Back