Act in favouris of Maister Williame Forbes off Craigiewar

Oure soverane lord and estaitis of this present parliament ratifies and apprevis the chartour and infeftment maid and grauntit be his majestie, with advyse and consent off his majesties greit thesaurer, comptroller and collectour or thesaurer of his hienes new augmentatiounes within the realme of Scotland, and of his hienes umquhile depute in the saidis offices and of the remanent lordis of his hienes secreit counsale of Scotland, his hienes commissionaris, to and in favouris of his hienes lovit Maister Williame Forbes, then of Meny and now of Cragiewar, in lyfrent for all the dayes of his lyftyme, and to Williame Forbes, his eldest lauchfull sone, his aires maill and of tailyie thairin designit heritablie (under the express provisioune and conditioune thairincontenit allanerlie and na utherwayis), off all and sindry the paroche kirkis off Fintray and Culsamond, personages and viccarages thairof, advocatioun, donatioun and richt of patronage thairof, with all and sindrie teindis, fruittis, rentis, manse, gleibis, kirklandis, proffittes and dewties quhatsumevir pertening and belanging thairto; and of all and sindrie the teindschaves off all and haill the townes, landis and stedingis lyand naturally and locallie within the parochinis of Chrystis Kirk and Premney; and of all and sindry the tounes, landis, mylnis, wodis, fischingis and with the office of bailliarie and utheris att lenth speciallie and particularlie sett doune in the said chartour; and of the advocatioun, donatioun and right of patronage of the personages and viccarages of the paroche kirkis of Kincardin Oneill, Glentanner, Lumquhannen, Cluny and Midmar lyand within the diocie and schirefdome of Abirdene; and of the advocatioun, donatioun and right of patronage of the kirk of Auchtertuill, personage and viccarage thairof, with all landis, teindis, rentis, fruittis, proffitis, emolumentis and dewties pertening and belanging thairto lyand within the diocie of [...] and schirefdome of Fyff, contening thairintill ane new gift and unione, erectioune and incorporatioun off all and sindry the saidis tounes, landis, mylnes, wodis, fischingis, kirkis, personages, viccarages, advocatiounes, donatiounes, richtis of patronage, teindis and utheris contenit in the said chartour in ane haill and frie baronie thairin callit and appointit to be callit in all tyme cumming the barony of Logiefintrey, as the said chartour under his hienes greit seill of the date the fourt day of December, the yeir of God jM vjC sevintene yeiris att mair lenth beiris. And siclyke oure said soverane lord and the estaitis of parliament ratifies and apprevis that uther chartour and infeftment maid and grantit be oure said soverane lord, with advyse and consent foirsaid, to the said Maister Williame Forbes in lyfrent during all the dayes of his lyftyme and to the said Walliame Forbes, his sone, his aires maill and of taillie and assignayis thairincontenit heritablie, under the provisiounes and conditiounes specifit and sett doun in the said chartour, in favouris of the said Maister Willim Forbes himselff allanerlie and na utherwayis off all and sindrie the particuler tounes, landis, croftis, mylnis, wodis, fischingis, kirkis, personages, viccarages, advocatiounes, donatiounes and richtis of patronage, teindis and utheris speciallie and particularlie thairincontenit, all thairby unite, annexit and incorporat in ane haill and frie barrony to be callit lykwayis now and in all tymecuming the barony off Logiefintray, as the said chartour under his hienes greit seill of the dait the tuentie twa day of Apryle, the yeir of God jM vjC and nyntene yeiris also att mair lenth beiris; quhilkis haill tounes, landis, mylnis, wodis, fischingis, kirkis, personages, viccarages, advocatiounes, donatiounes and richtis of patronages, teindis and utheris specifit in the saidis chartoures, and ather of thame, and thairby unite in the saidis barronies in maner foirsaid, ar appointit to be haldin of our soverane lord and his hienes successouris in fie heretage and frie barronies for ewir in maner specifit in the saidis chartoures. And in lykmaner, our said soverane lord and estaitis of parliament ratifies and apprevis the act of dissolutioun maid in his hienes parliament haldin att Perth, the nynt day of Juli 1606 yeiris, quhairby his majestie and estaitis of parliament dissolvit fra his majesties croun and patrimony thairof, and fra the act of annexatioun off all kirklandis and temporall benefices within this realme to his hienes crowne, all and sindry landis, lordschipis, baronies, mylnis, wodis, fischingis, kirkis, personages, viccarages, advocatiounes, donatiounes, richtis off patronages, teindis and utheris quhatsumevir quhilkis pertenit of befoir to the abbacie of Lundoris, spiritualitie and temporalitie thairoff, quhilkis wer erectit in ane temporall lordschip and baronie to Patrik, now lord off Lundoris, callit the lordschip and baronie of Lundoris, to the effect it micht be lesum to his majestie to gif and dispone the zamen to and in favouris of the said Patrik, lord Lundoris, his aires and assignais in maner specifit in the said act off dissolutioune, as the samyn also beiris. And siclyk oure said soverane lord and estaittis of parliament ratifies and apprevis the chartour and infeftment maid and grauntit be ane reverend father in God, Alexander, bischope of Dunkeld, superiour of the landis, baronies and utheris underwrittin, with advyse and consent of the dene, chaptoure and channonis off the cathedrall kirk of Dunkell, to the said Maister Willim Forbes and Margaret Udwart, his spous, and to the langest levar of thame twa in lyfrent, and to the said Williame Forbes, thair eldest sone, his airis maill and of taillie and assigneyis thairincontenit heritablie off all and haill the landis and barrony of Auchtertuill, comprehending the particular tounes, landis, mylnis, wodis, fischingis and utheris thairincontenit lyand within the said baronie of Auchtertule and schirefdome of Fyf, to be haldin of the said reverend father in God, Alexander, bischope of Dunkeld and his successoures in fewferme and heretage for payment of ane certane yeirlie fewferme dewtie mentionat in the said chartour, as the samyne, contening ane new gift and dyverse utheris heidis and clauses, off the dait att Sanctmadois, the [...] day of Merche, the yeir of God jM vjC and sextene yeiris, att mair lenth also beiris; togidder also with the chartour of confirmatioun thairof grauntit be his hienes, with advyse and consent foirsaid, upoun the said chartour of fewferme, thairincontening ane new gift quhairby his hienes for all richt, tytill, entres and clame of richt quhatsumevir quhilk his majestie, his predicessouris or successoures had, hes or may pretend to the saidis landis and baronie of Auchtertuill, gave, grauntit and disponit the samyne to the said Maister William Forbes and his said spous, the langest levar of thame twa, in lyfrent and to the said Williame, thair sone, his airis maill and of taillie and assigneyis thairincontenit, and unite and annexit the samen in ane haill and frie barronie callit the barronie of Auchtertuill, with all priviledges belanging to ane frie baronie, and maid and erectit the toune and landis of Mylnetoune of Auchtertuill in ane frie burgh of baronie, with all liberties belanging thairto, as the said chartour of confirmatioune under his hienes greit seill off the dait the sext day of Februar, the yeir of God jM vjC and sevintene yeiris, also att mair lenth beris, in all and sindrie the heidis, poyntis, clauses, articles, circumstances and conditiounes contenit in the saidis thrie chartoures, confirmatioun and act of dissolutioune abovewrittin and ilkane off thame, and eftir the formes and tennouris thairof in all poyntis. Lykeas our said soverane lord and estaitis of this present parliament willis and grauntis and, for his majestie and his successoures, decernis and ordanis that the foirsaidis infeftmentis, chartouris, confirmatioun and act of dissolutioun and this present ratificatioun thairof is and salbe guid, valide and sufficient richtis in thame selffis to the said Maister Williame Forbes, his spous and sone and thair foirsaidis for bruiking of the saidis haill tounes, landis, baronies, mylnis, wodis, fischingis, burghis of barrony and utheris abovewrittin contenit in the saidis chartoures and infeftmentis, and haill priviledges, liberties, fredomes and commodities pertening and belanging thairto specifit in the saidis infeftmentis, or ony off thame, according thairto in all tymecumming; and that this present ratificatioun off the saidis richtis is and salbe als effectuall and sufficient to thame for that effect as gif the haill tennouris of the saidis infeftmentis, chartoures, confirmatioun and act of dissolutioune wer heirin speciallie and particularlie insert and ingrossit de verbo in verbum. And farder, inrespect off the dissolutioun alreddye maid off the saidis tounes, landis, kirkis, personages, viccarages, advocatiounes, donatiounes, richtis of patronage and utheris contenit and comprehendit in the said barony of Logyfintray, quhilkis pertenit of auld to the abbacie and thaireftir to the lordschip of Lundoris, in favoures of the said Patrik, lord Lundoris be the said act of dissolutioune abovementionat in maner and to the effect thairin contenit, thairfore oure soverane lord, for guid, trew and thankfull service done to his majestie and his predicessouris be the Maister William Forbes and his predicessouris in tyme bygane and for dyverse utheris guid respectis, causes and consideratiounes moving his majestie, with advyse and consent of the estaitis of this parliament present, off new dissolvis fra his majesties croune and patrimonie thairof and fra the first act of annexatioun of all kirklandis and kirkrentis within this realme to his hienes crowne and fra all utheris annexatiounes, baith speciall and generall maid thairto att ony tyme heirtofoir, all and sindry the foirsaidis tounes, landis, kirkis, personages, viccarages, advocatiounes, donatiounes, richtis of patronage and utheris unite and comprehendit in the said barronie of Logyfintrey be the saidis twa infeftmentis thairof abovewrittin quhilkis pertenit of befoir to the said abbacie and lordship of Lundoris, to the effect it may be lesum and lawfull to oure soverane lord, be his hienes chartour under the greit seill, to gif, graunt and dispone the samen to the said Maister Williame Forbes in lyfrent and to the said William Forbes, his sone, his airis maill and of taillie abovewrittin, and erect the samyn in ane frie baronie to be callit the barronie of Logiefintray, to be haldin of oure soverane lord and his hienes successoures in fie heritage, frie barrony and blenchferme for payment of the sowme of money, and with the uther priviledges and liberties in maner as the said Maister Williame and his sone hes the samen be the saidis former infeftmentis grauntit to thame thairupoune. Lykeas oure said soverane lord and estaitis of parliament willis, grauntis, declaris and ordanis that the said dissolutioun thairof maid be his majestie of the samene in favouris of the said Patrik, lord Lundoris, fra quhome the said Maister Williame and his sone thair richt thairof proceidis, is and salbe als valed and sufficient as gif infeftment thairof had followit in favouris of the said Patrik, lord Lundoris eftir and conforme to the said act of dissolutioune, notwithstanding that na infeftment thairoff followit thairupoune; quhairanent oure said soverane lord and estaitis off parliament hes dispensit and dispenses for evir. And siclyk, forsamekill as be the saidis infeftmentis abovewrittin the foirsaydis tounes, landis, mylnis, wodis, fischingis and utheris abovewrittin thairin contenit pertening off auld to the said lordschip of Lundoris and regalitie thairof ar dissolvit and seperate fra the said lordship and regalitie and cease to be ony langer ony pairt or portioune thairof, and that the burgh of Newburgh in Fyiff is the heid burgh of the regalitie of Lundoris, quhairatt all horningis, inhibitiounes and utheris lettres and proclamatiounes useit aganes ony persounes dwelling within the boundis of the said regalitie, or upone ony landis lyand thairin, behovit to be usit and execute, and that the foirsaidis landis, tounes, mylnis, wodis, fischeingis and utheris abovewrittin contenit in the saidis infeftmentis off the said barrony of Logiefintrey, quhilkis pertenit of auld to the said lordship and regalitie of Lundoris and now dissolvit and seperatit thairfra as said is, lyis far north and far distant fra the said burgh of Newburgh and hes be the last infeftment thairof abovewrittin ane burgh off baronie erectit thairin within the middis of the samen landis, quairatt the saidis executiounes may be mair convenientlie usit to the greiter weill of all our soverane lordis lieges, less expenses of the pairties usaris thairof and to be soner gottin knawledge of be the persounes aganes quhome the samen ar usit nor gif the samen wer done att the said mercate croce of Newburgh, thairfore, and for the greiter weill and ease of all oure soverane lordis lieges and for dyverse utheris guid respectis, causes and consideratiounes moving his majestie, our soverane lord and the estaitis of this present parliament statutis and ordanis that all executiounes, lettres, summoundis, brevis and utheris proclamatiounes and executiounes to be maid aganes or in favouris of ony persounes dwelling upoune the saidis landis, tounes, mylnis, mylnelandis and utheris abovewrittin contenit in the saidis infeftmentis pertening of auld to the said lordschip and regalitie of Lundoris salbe now and in all tymecumming onlie usit and execute in the said burgh of barronie of Haltoune of Fintray and att the mercat croce thairof and att the courtis of apprysing, service of brevis and utheris courtis sa fer as concernis the saidis landis and utheris abovewrittin pertening of auld to the said lordship and regalitie and now to the said Maister Williame Forbes and his sone, sall sitt and be haldin in the tolbuith of the said burgh of barronie of Haltoun of Fintrey, and the saidis proclamatiounes and executiounes swa to be maid att the said mercat croce of Newburgh and courtis to be haldin, saidis proclamatiounes and executiounes swa to be maid att the said mercat croce of Haltoun of Fintrey, and courtis to be haldin and sentences to be gevin in the tolbuith thairof in all tymecuming to be als effectuall and lawfull as gif the samyn wer done att the croce and in the tolbuith off the said burgh of Newburgh; and declares and ordanes that the persounes dwelling within the boundis of the saidis townes, landis and utheris abovewrittin unite in the said baronie of Logyfintrey pertening of auld to the said lordship and regalitie of Lundoris, and now to the said Maister Williame Forbes and his sone, sall nawayis be haldin to compeir in na courtis of the said regalitie of Lundoris haldin at Newburgh intymecumming, and that na executiounes nor proclamatiounes to be usit aganis thame in tymecumming att the said mercat croce of Newburgh salbe repute nor haldin lawfull, bot the samyn to be done intymecumming att the croce and in the tolbuith of Haltoun of Fintrey sicklyk and als lawfullie as the samen wes done or micht haif bene done in tyme bygane att the said croce and in the said tolbuith of Newburgh. And our soverane lord ordanes his hienes clerk of register and his deputis to amplifie and extend this present ratificatioun upoun the saidis infeftmentis, act of dissolutioune, confirmatioun and utheris abovewrittin and upoune everie particular heid and poynt thairof and utherwayis in maist ampill forme, with extentioun of all clauses necessar in favouris of the said Maister Williame Forbes, his spous and sone and thair foirsaidis.

  1. NAS PA2/20, f.93r-95r. Back