Act anent the unione of the landis of Kynninmonth unto the kirk off Seres

Oure soverane lord and estaittis of parliament, understanding that ane reverend father in God, Johnne, archebischope of Sanctandros hes for the weill and commoditie of the tennentis and inhabitantis of the landis of Kynninmonthe, Baldinny, Ballchuny Mylne, Ardnydie, Ladedie Lyme Landis, Over and Nethir Magaskies and Balmakie Medow pertening heretablie to Maister Thomas Hope of Craighall, advocat, lyand of auld within the parochyn of Sanctandros, ordanit that they sall repair to the kirk of Seres in all tyme cuming for heiring of the word, partaking of the sacramentis, ressaving of the benefite of mariage and utheris benefites and liberties of ane paroche kirk; lykeas the tennentis and inhabitantis off the saidis landis hes repairit this lang tyme bygane to the said kirk of Seres as thair paroche kirk continuallie sence the dait of the said ordinance and of befoir as the kirk maist ewest and commodious for thame; thairfore his majestie and estaitis ratefies and apprevis the said act and ordinance maid be the said Archebischope of Sanctandros anent the unioune of the saidis landis to the said kirk of Seres, and als be thir presentis dissolvis and separatis the saidis landis frome the said kirk of Sanctandros within the parochyn quhairof they wer and lay of auld, and unitis and annexis the samyn to the said kirk of Seres, and ordanes the tennentis and inhabitantis off the saidis landis to repair to the said kirk of Seres as thair paroche kirk in all tyme cumming; but prejudice alwayes to the said Maister Thomas Hope of Craighall, advocat, of his infeftment of the teindschaves of the saidis landis and of his rightis of the small and viccarage teindis thairof, maid and to be maid to him of the samyn, to the quhilk thir presentis sall mak no dirogatioune, bot sall remane in the selff same estait and conditioune as they wer befoir the date of this present act.

  1. NAS, PA2/20, f.91v-92r. Back