Schir George Homes protestatione aganis Johnne Stewartis erectione of Coldinghame

In presence of my lord commissioner and estaittis of parliament, comperit Schir George Home of Manderstoun, knycht, heretabill proprietar of the landis of Flemingtoun callit Nethir Aytoun, Reidhall, Nather Byre, Bromesland and Gunnisgrene, coirne and walk mylnes and mylnelandis, multoures, pairtis and pertinentis thairoff, with thair teyndschevis includit, the landis of Fairnysyid, with the teyndis thairoff includit, all lyand within the baronie of Coldinghame and schirefdome off Beruick, and protestit that the dissolutioune off the pryourie of Coldinghame, haill landis, kirkis and teindis thairoff maid in this present parliament and erectioun and dispostioune thairoff in favoures of Johnne Stewart, sone to umquhile Frances, sumtyme earle of Bothuell suld nawayes be hurtfull nor prejudiciall to the said Schir George Home of Manderstoun, his infeftmentis, rightis, tytillis and securities maid to him and his predicessoures of the foirsaidis landis and teyndis includit, and to umquhile George, erle of Dunbar, his author of the samen, bot that the samen may remayne to him and thame gude and valide in thame selffis, nochtwithstanding of the said dissolutioune and erectione of the said pryourie made in favouris of the said Johnne Stewart as said is. And siclyik protestit that the foirsaid dissolutione and erectione might nawayes be prejudiciall to ony right or tytle the said Schir George hes to ony utheris landis or teyndis lyand within the said abbacye and baronye of Coldinghame and schirefdome of Beruick, bot that the samene may lyikwayes remayne to him gude and valide in thame selffis, nochtwithstanding of the said dissolutioune and erectione in favouris of the said Johnne Stewart as said is. And the said Johnne Stewart, being present with Maister Lues Stewart, his procuratour, protestit in the contrair.

  1. NAS, PA2/20, f.69v. Back