Ratificatione in favoures of the Earle of Roxburgh anent Kelso and Lesmahago, with a new dissolutioun

Oure soverane lord and estaittis off parliament ratiefies and apprevis the act of parliament maid upoun the ellevint off August, jM vjC and sevin yeiris, quhairby his majestie and estaittis off parliament hes dissolvit the haill landis, baronies and utheris rentis of the temporalitie of the abbacie of Kelso and cell of Lesmahago, togidder with the haill kirkis and teyndis pertening to the said abbacye of Kelso and cell of Lesmahago, fra the said abbacye and fra his majesties croun (except certane landis, kirkis and teyndis pertening to Alexander, erle of Home and Schir Johne Cokburne of Ormestoun, knicht), to the effect the samene might have bene erectit and disponit in favoures of his majesties traist cousing Robert, erle of Roxburgh, his aires maill and successoures, as at mair lenth is conteanit in the said act of the date foirsaid; togidder with the chartouris, infeftmentis, preceptis and instrumentis of seasing following thairupoun maid be his majestie to the said Robert, erle of Roxburgh and his foirsaidis in the haill poyntes, articles, clauses and conditiounes off the samene. And farder, his majestie and estaittis foirsaidis hes of new dissolvit and, be thir presentis, dissolvis the foirsaidis haill landis, baronies, annuelrentis and utheris temporall landis pertening off before to the said abbacie of Kelso and cell of Lesmahago, togidder with the haill kirkes and teyndis quhilkis pertenit of before to the said abbacie of Kelso and cell of Lesmahago, except the landis, kirkis and teyndis pertening to the saidis Erle of Home and Schir Johnne Cokburne of Ormistoun, quhilkis ar exceptit furthe off the said former act off dissolutioun and infeftmentis following thairupoun made to the said Erle of Roxburgh respective, fra his majesties croun and patrimonie thairoff, and fra all actis of annexatioun by the quhilk the foirsaidis landis, baronies, kirkis, teyndis and utheris abovespecifit wer annexit to his majesties croun at any tyme before, and to the effect his majestie may of new dispone the samene to the said Robert, erle of Roxburgh and his foirsaidis, to be haldin in maner and for payment of the dewtie contenit in his said former infeftment, or utherwayes at his majesties plesour.

  1. NAS, PA2/20, f.49r-v. Back