Legislation: private acts
Ratificatioun and new dissolutioun of Jedburgh and Cannabie in favoures of the Erle off Home

Oure soverane lord and estaittis of this present parliament, understanding that be ane speciall act maid in his hienes parliament haldin at Peirthe in the moneth of Julii, the yeir of God jM vjC and sex yeiris, and for the causes thairin specifit, his majestie and estaittis of the said parliament dissolvit the landis and rentis of the temporalitie of the abbacie of Jedburghe and cell or pryourie of Cannabie annexit thairto fra the actis of annexatioun thairoff to his majesties croun and fra all uther actis of annexatioune thairoff quhatsumevir, to the effect the samen micht be disponit heretablie to umquhile Alexander, earle of Home, lord Dunglas, his aires maill and assigneyis thairin specifit, as in the said act of parliament at mair lenth is conteanit; lyik as the said umquhile Alexander, erle of Home, being lauchfullie prowydit to the spiritualitie of the saidis benefices with the kirkes, teyndis and utheris pertening thairto, maid dew and lauchfull resignatioun and dimissioun of the samene in the handis of his majestie, to the effect that his majestie might geve, grant and dispone the samen to the said umquhile Alexander, erle of Home, his airis maill and assigneyis heretablie, as the provisioun made to the said umquhile Alexander, erle of Home of the spiritualitie of the saidis benefices, procuratorie of dimissioun of the samen maid be him and ane instrument of dimissioun following thairupoun at mair lenth proportis. Upone the quhilk act of parliament and dimissioun, the said umquhile Alexander, erle of Home wes dewlie and heretablie infeft and seasit in the haill landis, teindis and utheris quhilkis pertenit of old to the saidis benefices, temporalitie and spiritualitie thairoff, be vertew and conforme to ane chartoure maid and grantit be his majestie under his hieghnes gryit seale to the said umquhile Alexander, erle of Home thairanent, off the date the tuentie day off Merche, the yeir of God jM vjC and ten yearis, as the samyne chartour, precept and instrument of seasing following thairupoun at mair lenth beiris. Thairfore, and for the gode, trew and thankfull service done to his majestye and his hienes maist noble progenitoures be the said umquhile Earle of Home and his predicessoures in tyme bygane, tending to the contentment of his majestie, tranquillitie and peace of this realme and weall of the liegis thairoff, oure said soverane lord and estaittis of this present parliament ratiefies and approvis the foirsaid act of dissolutioun off the landis and utheris quhilkis pertenit of auld to the temporalitie off the said abbacie of Jedburgh and cell or pryourie of Cannabie annexit thairto, the foirsaid procutorie of dimissioun maid be the foirsaid umquhile Alexander, erle of Home off the spiritualitie of the saidis benefices and instrument of resignatioune and dimissioun following thairupoun, the foirsaid chartour maid and grantit be his majestie to the said umquhile Erle of Home of the date abovewrittin, with the precept and instrument of seasing following upoun the samen, in all poyntis, articles and clauses thairin contened, with all that hes followit or may follow thairupoun in sua far allanerlie as the samyne concernis or may be extendit to the landis, teyndis and utheris quhilkis pertenit of auld to the saidis benefices off the abbacie of Jedburgh and cell or pryourie of Cannabie annexit thairto and na farder; declaring this present generall ratificatioun to be als valide, effectuall and sufficient in all respectis as giff the act of parliament, chartoure and utheris evidentis abovespecifit wer at lenth insert heirintill, anent the not inserting quhairoff his majestie and estaittis foirsaidis, be thir presentis, dispensses for evir. And farder, oure said soverane lord and estaittis of this present parliament, understanding that Schir David Home off Wodderburne, knycht, being lauchfullie prowydit to the spiritualitie off the saidis benefices of the abbacie of Jedburgh and cell or pryourie of Cannabie annexit thairto, with consent of the convent thairof, hes made ane lauchfull resignatioun and dimissioun thairof in the handis of his majestie, or gif the lordis of his hienes secreit counsell of the kingdome of Scotland, haveing his majesties full power and commissioun to ressave resignatories and dimissiounes in his majesties name to the effect that his majestie may gif, grant and dispone to his majesties right traist cousing James, now erle off Home, his airs maill and assigneyis quhatsumevir heretablie all and haill the abbacye places, clausteris, housis, biggingis, yairdis, orcheardis and all utheris lyand within the precinctis of the saidis abbacie of Jedburgh and cell or pryourie of Cannabie, and siclyik all and sindrie the teindschevis and utheris teindis, fructis, rentis, proventis, emolumentis and dewties pertening and belanging thairto sa far as concernes the spiritualitie thairof, as the provisioun maid to the said Schir David Home to the spiritualitie of the saidis benefices, procutorie of dimissioun off the samen maid be him with consent foirsaid and instrument of dimissioun following thairupoun at mair lenth proportis, thairfore oure said soverane lord and estaittis of this present parliament have of new dissolvit and, be the tennoure heirof, of new dissolvis all and sindrie the landis, baronies, castellis, toures, fortalices, maner place, housis, biggingis, yairdis, orcheartis, doucattis, milnes, multouris, woddis, fischeingis, coillis, coilheuchis, tennentis, tenandries, service of frie tennentis, feufermes, annexis, connexis, dependences, pairtis, pendicles and pertinentis quhatsumevir pertening and belonging of auld to the temporalitie of the said abbacie of Jedburgh and cell of Cannabie annexit thairto fra the said act of annexatioun made upoun the tuentie nynt day of Julii, the yeir of God jM vC fourescore sevin yeiris, annexand the temporalitie of all benefices within this realme to the patrimonie of his hienes croun; and siclyik hes off new dissolvit and, be thir presentis, off new dissolvis the saidis abbaye places, clausteris, housis, biggingis, yairdis, orcheartis and all utheris lying within the precinctis of the saidis abbacie of Jedburgh and cell or pryourie of Cannabie annexit thairto, and siclyik all and sindrie the teyndschevis, utheris teyndis, fruitis, rentis, proventis, emolumentis and dewties, alsueill of the personage as viccarage, of all and sindrie the paroches kirkes efterspecified pertening to the saidis abbacye of Jedburgh and cell or pryourie of Cannabie annexit thair to, to wit: all and sindrie the teyndschevis and utheris teyndis, personage and viccarage, of the kirkis of Jedburgh, Ekfurde, Howname, Oxnem, Hopkirk, Nisbite, Craling, Spittell and Cassiltoun, quhilkis ar kirkis of the said abbacye of Jedburgh lyand within the schirrefdome of Roxburgh, and all and sindrie the teyndschevis and utheris teyndis, personage and vicarage, of the kirkis of Wauchope and Cannabie, quhilkis ar kirkis of the said cell or pryourie of Cannabie lyand within the schirrefdome of Dumfries, fra the saidis abbacie of Jedburgh and cell or pryourie of Cannabie annexit thairto and fra the benefices thairof, quhairunto the samen pertenit of auld as the spiritualitie thairoff, to the effect that his majestie may gif, grant and dispone to the said James, erle of Home, his airis maill and assigneyis quhatsumevir heretablie all and sindrie the landis, baronies, castellis, toures, fortalices, maner places, housis, biggingis, yeardis, orcheardis, doucattis, milnes, multeris, woddis, fischeingis, coillis, coilheuchis, tennentis, tenandries, service of frie tennentis, fewfermes, annexis, connexis, dependences, pairtis, pendicles and pertinentis quhatsumevir pertening and belonging of auld to the temporalitie off the said abbacye of Jedburgh and cell of Cannabie annexit thairto, togidder with all and haill the foirsaidis abbey places, clausteris, housis, biggingis, yairdis, orcheartis and all utheris lyand within the precinctes of the saidis abbacie of Jedburgh and cell or pryourie of Cannabie annexit thairto, and siclyik with all and sindrie the foirsaidis teindscheavis, utheris teindis, fructis, rentis, proventis, emolumentis and dewties, alsueill of the personage as viccarage, of all and sindrie the paroche kirkis abovespecifiet pertening to the saidis abbay of Jedburgh and cell or pryourie of Cannabie annexit thairto, togidder with all rycht, tytill, entres and clame of richt quhilk his majestie, his predicessoures or successoures had, hes or onywayes may have or clame thairto, or ony pairt thairoff in tyme coming, and als to the effect that the samen may be erectit, unite and incorporat in ane haill and frie baronye, to be callit now and in all tyme coming the baronie of Jedburgh. Attoure, his majestie and estaittis foirsaidis, according to the tennoure of the foirsaid anteriour infeftment grantit to the said umquhile Alexander, earle of Home and of the act of parliament quhairupoun the samene proceidit, ordanis sufficient and qualifiet persounes to be nominat and presentit be his majestie and his successoures to serve the cure at the saidis kirkis and that thai, for thair stependis and honest sustentatioun, salhave thankfully payit to thame be the said James, erle of Home and his foirsaidis the yeirlie stependis underwrittin, viz: the minister serveing the cure at the said kirk of Edinburgh for the tyme sall have and ressave yeirlie for his sustentatioun aucht chalderis victuell, halff beir, halff ait meill, guid and sufficient merchandise with the haill viccarage, manse and gleib of the said kirk; the minister serveing the cure at the said kirk of Ekfurde for the tyme sall have and ressave yeirlie for his sustentatioun fyve chalderis victuell, halff beir, halff ait meill, gude and sufficient merchandise with the haill manse and gleib [...] viccarage of the said kirk; the minister serveing the cure at the kirk off Howneme for the tyme sall have and ressave yeirlie for his sustentatioun thrie chalderis victuell, halff beir, halff ait meill, gude and sufficient merchandise with the haill viccarage, manse and gleib off the samene kirk; the minister serveing the cure at the said kirk of Oxnem for the tyme salhave and ressave yeirlie for his sustentatioun thrie chalderis victuell, halff beir, halff ait meill, gude and sufficient merchandise with the haill viccarages of the said kirk of Oxnem and off the kirk off Prenderleithe, togidder with the manse and gleib off the said kirk off Oxnem; the minister serveing the cure at the said kirk of Hopkirk for the tyme sall have and ressave yearlie for his sustentatioun thrie chalderis victuell, half beir, halff ait meill, gude and sufficient merchandise, togidder with the viccarage, manse and glebe of the said kirk; the minister serveing the cure at the saidis kirkis of Nisbit, Craling and Spittell, unite be his majesties commissioneris, sall have and ressave yeirlie for his sustentatioun four chalderis victuell, halff beir, halff ait meill, gude and sufficient merchandise, togidder with the haill viccarages of the saidis kirkis and with the manse and gleib of the said kirk off Nisbite; the minister serveing the cure at the said kirk off Cassiltoun for the tyme sall have and ressave yeirlie for his sustentatioun the soume of sevin hundereth merkis usuall money of the said realme of Scotland; the minister serveing the cure at the saidis kirkis of Wauchope and Cannabie, unite togidder be the saidis lordis commissioneris, sall have and ressave yeirlie for his sustenatioune for serveing the cure at the saidis kirkis the soume of fyve hundereth merkis money abovewrittin. And lyikwayes to the effect that the saidis abbacie of Jedburgh and cell or pryourie of Cannabie annexit thairto may be suppressit and extinguischit perpetuallie in all tyme coming, and that na persoun nor persounes be prowydit thairto in na tyme heirefter, renunceand and dischargeand all right and tytill quhilkis his majestie or his successoures had, hes or may pretend in and to the monkis portiounes, thriddis, first yeiris fructis and fyft pennie of the saidis benefices be quhatsumevir rightis, actis of parliament or lawes of this realme, dischargeing his hienes collectoures present and to cum of all uplifting of the samene, revokeand, dischargeand and annulland all pensiounes disponit furthe of the thriddis off the said abbacie and cell thairof abovewrittin in any tyme bygane, and decernand the samen to be null in all tyme coming; ordaning the abbey place of Jedburgh to be the principall messuage off the said baronye for taking of seasing thairat in all tyme heirefter, and that the samen sesingis to be takin thairat sall stand and be sufficient seasingis for the abbey places, teyndis and utheris abovespecifit, with the pertinentis and for everie pairt thairoff, without anye uther speciall or particular seasing to be takin at anye uther pairt or place thairof, nochtwithstanding that the samene lyes not contigue togidder bot within severall schirefdomes and jurisdictiounes, to be haldin of oure said soverane lord and his successoures in frie blenche, fie, heretage and frie baronie for evir; payand thairfore yeirlie the said James, erle of Home, his aires maill and assigneyis foirsaidis to oure said soverane lord and his successoures the soume of tua hundereth merkis usuall money of the said realme of Scotland at the feist of Witsonday in name of blenche ferme, and siclyk payand to the ministeris present and to cum serveing the cures at the kirkis abovementionat the yeirlie stependis abovespecifit, ilk ane of thame for thair awin pairtis as is before dewydit; and als relevand the saidis ministeris of all taxatiounnes and impositiones imposit and to be imposed upone the saidis kirkis, and of the reparatiounne thairoff, and of the furnesing of the elementis of bread and wyne to the celebratione of the comunione within the samen kirkis in all tyme cuming allanerlie. With declaratione that it nawayes extendis to the pryourie off Restennethe nor to the right quhilk Thomas, earle of Melros hes to the kirk, landis and teyndis of the parochin of Dummenye, and with speciall provisioun that heirby the saidis landis ar not erectit in ane temporall lordschip.

  1. NAS, PA2/20, f.46v-49r. Back
  2. NAS, PA2/20, f.49r. Back
  3. NAS, PA2/20, f.49r-v. Back
  4. NAS, PA2/20, f.49v-50r. Back
  5. NAS, PA2/20, f.50r-51v. Back
  6. NAS, PA2/20, f.52r-54v. Back
  7. NAS, PA2/20, f.54v-55r. Back
  8. 'lauchfullie' repeated. Back
  9. NAS, PA2/20, f.55v-57r. Back
  10. Sic. '[secund]' in APS. Back
  11. NAS, PA2/20, f.57r-59r. Back
  12. Partly obscured by ink spill. Back
  13. Written superscript. Back
  14. Followed by an undecipherable deletion. Back
  15. A double line space left blank in the manuscript. Back
  16. NAS, PA2/20, f.59r. Back
  17. NAS, PA2/20, f.59r-60v. Back
  18. NAS, PA2/20, f.60v-61r. Back
Ratieficatioun in favoures of the Erle of Lowithiane

Oure soverane lord, with advyse and consent of the estaittis of this present parliament, for gude respectis and considerationes, be thir presentis ratifies and apprevis the chartoure and infeftment maid and grantit be his hienes, with advyse and consent off the lordis his hienes commisioneris of this kingdome under the gryit seale thairoff, to his right traist cousing and counsellour Robert, earle of Lowithiane, lord Ker of Newbotle and Morphet, his aires and assigneyis specifit thairintill, of all and haill the lordschip of Newbotle off the date the tuentie nynt day of Merche lastbypast, in all and sindrie the heiddis, poyntis, clauses and conditiounes contenit in the said infeftment efter the forme and tennour thairoff, with all and sindrie utheris infeftmentis maid and grantit be his hienes off the said lordschip of Newbotle to the said Robert, earle of Lowithiane and umquhile Mark, erle of Lowithiane, his father, and thair aires off quhatsumevir daittis, tennoures or contentis the samene be off or beiris, with the haill rightis quhairupoun the same proceidit, with all that hes followit thairupoun; and willis, grantis and declairis that this present ratieficatioun thairoff in generall salbe als sufficient and effectuall as gif the same and everie ane of thame wer heirin specialie expressit, ratifiet and approvin.

  1. NAS, PA2/20, f.46v-49r. Back
  2. NAS, PA2/20, f.49r. Back
  3. NAS, PA2/20, f.49r-v. Back
  4. NAS, PA2/20, f.49v-50r. Back
  5. NAS, PA2/20, f.50r-51v. Back
  6. NAS, PA2/20, f.52r-54v. Back
  7. NAS, PA2/20, f.54v-55r. Back
  8. 'lauchfullie' repeated. Back
  9. NAS, PA2/20, f.55v-57r. Back
  10. Sic. '[secund]' in APS. Back
  11. NAS, PA2/20, f.57r-59r. Back
  12. Partly obscured by ink spill. Back
  13. Written superscript. Back
  14. Followed by an undecipherable deletion. Back
  15. A double line space left blank in the manuscript. Back
  16. NAS, PA2/20, f.59r. Back
  17. NAS, PA2/20, f.59r-60v. Back
  18. NAS, PA2/20, f.60v-61r. Back
Ratificatione in favoures of the Earle of Roxburgh anent Kelso and Lesmahago, with a new dissolutioun

Oure soverane lord and estaittis off parliament ratiefies and apprevis the act of parliament maid upoun the ellevint off August, jM vjC and sevin yeiris, quhairby his majestie and estaittis off parliament hes dissolvit the haill landis, baronies and utheris rentis of the temporalitie of the abbacie of Kelso and cell of Lesmahago, togidder with the haill kirkis and teyndis pertening to the said abbacye of Kelso and cell of Lesmahago, fra the said abbacye and fra his majesties croun (except certane landis, kirkis and teyndis pertening to Alexander, erle of Home and Schir Johne Cokburne of Ormestoun, knicht), to the effect the samene might have bene erectit and disponit in favoures of his majesties traist cousing Robert, erle of Roxburgh, his aires maill and successoures, as at mair lenth is conteanit in the said act of the date foirsaid; togidder with the chartouris, infeftmentis, preceptis and instrumentis of seasing following thairupoun maid be his majestie to the said Robert, erle of Roxburgh and his foirsaidis in the haill poyntes, articles, clauses and conditiounes off the samene. And farder, his majestie and estaittis foirsaidis hes of new dissolvit and, be thir presentis, dissolvis the foirsaidis haill landis, baronies, annuelrentis and utheris temporall landis pertening off before to the said abbacie of Kelso and cell of Lesmahago, togidder with the haill kirkes and teyndis quhilkis pertenit of before to the said abbacie of Kelso and cell of Lesmahago, except the landis, kirkis and teyndis pertening to the saidis Erle of Home and Schir Johnne Cokburne of Ormistoun, quhilkis ar exceptit furthe off the said former act off dissolutioun and infeftmentis following thairupoun made to the said Erle of Roxburgh respective, fra his majesties croun and patrimonie thairoff, and fra all actis of annexatioun by the quhilk the foirsaidis landis, baronies, kirkis, teyndis and utheris abovespecifit wer annexit to his majesties croun at any tyme before, and to the effect his majestie may of new dispone the samene to the said Robert, erle of Roxburgh and his foirsaidis, to be haldin in maner and for payment of the dewtie contenit in his said former infeftment, or utherwayes at his majesties plesour.

  1. NAS, PA2/20, f.46v-49r. Back
  2. NAS, PA2/20, f.49r. Back
  3. NAS, PA2/20, f.49r-v. Back
  4. NAS, PA2/20, f.49v-50r. Back
  5. NAS, PA2/20, f.50r-51v. Back
  6. NAS, PA2/20, f.52r-54v. Back
  7. NAS, PA2/20, f.54v-55r. Back
  8. 'lauchfullie' repeated. Back
  9. NAS, PA2/20, f.55v-57r. Back
  10. Sic. '[secund]' in APS. Back
  11. NAS, PA2/20, f.57r-59r. Back
  12. Partly obscured by ink spill. Back
  13. Written superscript. Back
  14. Followed by an undecipherable deletion. Back
  15. A double line space left blank in the manuscript. Back
  16. NAS, PA2/20, f.59r. Back
  17. NAS, PA2/20, f.59r-60v. Back
  18. NAS, PA2/20, f.60v-61r. Back
Ratieficatione in favouris of the Earle of Kellie

Oure soverane lord and estaittis of parliament ratifeis and apprevis the chartoure and infeftment under his majesties gryit seale to his majesties trustie counsing Thomas, erle of Kellie, vicount off Fentoun, lord Dirletoun, his aires maill and assigneyis off all and sindrie the lands, milnes and utheris landis thairin conteanit quhilk pertenit of before to the freris predicatoures off Striviling and all unite and erectit in ane tenandrie callit the tenandrie off Royall Croft, to be haldin of his majestie and his successoures in fewferme for payment of certane particular fewferme dewties extending in the haill to threttie sex pund, fyve schillingis usuall money of this realme, and doubling of the samene at the entrie of the air, as in the said chartour and infeftment of the date at Edinburgh, the tuentie sevint day of Junii jM vjC and sex yeiris at mair lenth is contenit; togidder with the precept and instrument of seasing following thairupoun in the haill heiddis, articles, clauses and conditiones thairin conteanit; and willis and grantis that this present ratieficatioun salbe als valide and effectuall as giff the said chartour and infeftment, with the precept and seasing following thairupoun, wer insert heirin de verbo ad verbum. And siclyik, his majestie and estaittis hes dissolvit and, be thir presentis, dissolvis the saidis haill freir landis, milnes and utheris foirsaidis conteanit in the said infeftment fra his majesties croun and fra all actis of annexations made for annexing of the samene thairto, to the effect the samyne may be of new disponit to the said Thomas, erle of Kellie and his foirsaidis, to be haldin of his majestie and his successouris in fewferme for payment of the said fewferme dewtie of threttie sex pundis, fyve schillingis money foirsaid and doubling of the samyne at the entrie of the air; and ordanis infeftmentis to pas heirupoun, giff neid be, in forme as effeiris.

  1. NAS, PA2/20, f.46v-49r. Back
  2. NAS, PA2/20, f.49r. Back
  3. NAS, PA2/20, f.49r-v. Back
  4. NAS, PA2/20, f.49v-50r. Back
  5. NAS, PA2/20, f.50r-51v. Back
  6. NAS, PA2/20, f.52r-54v. Back
  7. NAS, PA2/20, f.54v-55r. Back
  8. 'lauchfullie' repeated. Back
  9. NAS, PA2/20, f.55v-57r. Back
  10. Sic. '[secund]' in APS. Back
  11. NAS, PA2/20, f.57r-59r. Back
  12. Partly obscured by ink spill. Back
  13. Written superscript. Back
  14. Followed by an undecipherable deletion. Back
  15. A double line space left blank in the manuscript. Back
  16. NAS, PA2/20, f.59r. Back
  17. NAS, PA2/20, f.59r-60v. Back
  18. NAS, PA2/20, f.60v-61r. Back
Ratificatioun in favouris of the Erle of Melros of his infeftment of Bynning

Oure soverane lord and estaittis of this present parliament ratifeis and approves the chartoures and infeftmentis grantit be his majestie under hienes gryit seale to his majesties rycht traist counsing and counsellour Thomas, erle of Melrose, lord Byiris and Bynning, president of the colledge of justice and secretare to oure soverane lord, and his airis maill and of tailyee specifit in the saidis infeftmentis, of the landis, baronies and utheris efter following, viz: the chartour and infeftment of all and haill the landis, lordschip and baronie of Bynning, comprehending the landis and baronie of Byiris, Dummeny, Inverkeithing, the landis of Bynning, Drumcroce, Preistiffeild, with the teyndis thairof includit, temple landis of Drem, togidder with the teyndis, alsueill personage as viccarage, of the kirkis of Hadingtoun and Dummenye, withe advocatioun, donatioun and right of patronage thairoff, togidder with all uther landis, milnes, wodes, fischeingis, kirkis, teyndis and right of patronage thairof and utheris annexit to the said lordschip and baronye of Bynning, with castellis, toures, fortalices, milnes, woddis, fischeingis, coillis, coilheuchis, seypoirtis, burghis, annuelrentis and all utheris specifit and conteanit in the said infeftment and quhilkis ar unite, annexit, create and incorporate in ane frie lordschip and baronye callit the lordschip and baronye of Bynning, to be haldin of oure said soverane lord and his majesties successoures in maner and for the payment off the yearlie dewtie thairin expressit, as in the said infeftment off the date at Carlyill, the fyift day off August, the yeir of God jM vjC sevintene yeiris, at mair lent is contenit. And siclyik ane uther chartour and infeftment grantit be oure said soverane lord to his majesties said right traist counsing and counsellour Thomas, erle of Melros and his aires maill and assigneyis specifit and contenit in his infeftment of the lordschip and barronye of Bynning and assigneyis quhatsumevir off all and haill the landis of Samuelstoun, with the maner place, toure, fortalice, yairdis, orcheardis and mylnes of the samene, advocatioune and donatioun of the chaplanrie of Sanct Nicolas of Samuelstoun, with all thair pertinentis, and of all and haill the landis of Lie Aikeris, with thair pertinentis, lyand contigue to the saidis landis of Samuelstoun, all lyand within the constabularie off Hadingtoun and schirefdome of Edinburgh, to be haldin of oure said soverane lord and his majesties successoures in free blenche for yeirlie payment of ane quhyit rose at the feist of Schir Johnne the Baptist in name of blenche ferme, gif the samene beis askit allanerlie, as the samene, of the date at Quhyithall, the fyift day of Januare, the yeir of God jM vjC and nyntene yeiris, at mair lenthe beiris. Togidder with ane uther chartour and infeftment grantit be oure said soverane lord to his majesties said right traist counsing and counsellour Thomas, erle of Melros, his saidis aires maill and assignais abovespecifit of the saidis landis of Samuelstoun, with the maner place, toure, fortalice, yairdis, orcheardis and milnes of the samene, tennentis, tenandries and service of frie tennentis thairoff, with advocatione, donatioun and right of patronage of the chaplanrie of the foirsaid chapell of Sanctnicolas of Samuelstoun, and of all and haill the foirsaidis landis of Lie Aikeris, with the pertinentis, lyand contigue adjacent to the saidis landis of Samuelstoun, lyand within the constabularie of Hadingtoun and schirefdome foirsaid, and of all and haill the paroche kirk and parochin of Athilstanefurde, and haill teyndis, gryit and small, pertening and belanging thairto, lyand within the said constabularie and schirefdome foirsaid, all erectit in ane frie baronye callit the baronie of Samuelstoun, to be haldin of oure said soverane lord and his majesties successoures in frie blenche for yeirlie payment off ane quhyit rose upoun the ground of the saidis landis of Samuelstoun at the feast of Schir Jhonne the Baptist in name of blenche ferme, gif it beis askit allanerlie, quhilk chartour is of the date the sext day of October, the yeir of God jM vjC and nynetene yeiris, as the said chartour mair fullie proportis, in all and sindrie heiddis, clauses, articles and conditiounes contenit in the saidis infeftmentis, and ilk ane of thame with the preceptis and instrumentis of seasing following thairupoun. Lykas his majestie and estaittis foirsaidis willis, decernis and declaris that this present ratificatioun is and salbe als valide and effectuall to the said Thomas, erle of Melros and his foirsaidis in all respectis as gif the samen chartouris, preceptis and instrumentis of seasing following thairupoun wer at lenth insert and ingrossed heirintill ad longum et de verbo in verbum. Attoure, oure said soverane lord, with consent of the estaittis foirsaidis, decernis and ordanes ane new infeftment, gif neid beis, to be past and exped to and in favoures of the said Thomas, erle of Melros and his foirsaidis of the landis, lordschippis, baronies, kirkis, teyndis, milnes, woddis, fischeingis and utheris abovewrittin contenit in the saidis infeftmentis, and ilk ane of thame to be haldin in maner and for payment of the dewtie thairin exprest. Lyik as his majestye and estaittis foirsaidis hes dissolvit and, be the tennoure heiroff, dissolvis the saidis haill landis, baronies, kirkis, teyndis, mylnes, woddis, fischeingis and utheris abovementionat fra quhatsumevir act of annexatioun in sua far as the same or ony part thairoff wes annexit to the croun; and als dissolvis and dismemberis the foirsaidis kirkis of Hadingtoun, quhilkis pertenit of auld to the pryourie of Sanct Andros, the said kirk of Dummenye, quhilk pertenit of auld to the abbacie of Jedburgh, and the said kirk of Athilstanefurde, quhilk partenit of auld to the pryourie of Hadingtoun, togidder with the haill teindis, personage and viccarage, of the saidis kirkes fra the saidis abbacyes and monasteries respective foirsaidis to the quhilkis the same wer annexit, to the effect the saidis landis, barronies, kirkes, teindis and utheris abovementionat may be of new disponit be his majestie to his majesties said rycht traist cousing and counselloure Thomas, erle of Melros, to be haldin of his majestie and his successouris in maner and for the payment of the dewties particularlie conteanit in the saidis infeftmentis. And als forsamekle as be speciall act and decreit gevin and pronuncit upoun the third daye of Julii, the yeir of God jM vjC and auchtene yeiris be the commissionaris of parliament appoyntit be oure said soverane lord and estaittis foirsaidis for plantatioune of kirkes, the modifiet stepend of the kirk of Hadingtoun is declarit as followes, viz: ane hundereth fourscouris sex pundis xiij s. iiij d. moneye; sex bollis, tua firlottis, tua peckis quhyit; ane chalder, ane boll, tua firlottis beir; tua chalderis, tua bollis, tua firlottis, tua peckis meill; and tua chalder aittis out of the personage teyndis of the said kirk of Hadingtoun pertening heretablie to the said Thomas, erle of Melros, togidder with the viccarage teyndis of the saidis paroche kirkis. And becaus the saidis viccarage teyndis wer of auld sett in tak and assedatioun togidder with the personage of the same to umquhile William Douglas of Lochlevin, therefter erle of Mortoun, his aires and assignais for dyverse yeiris and spaces and for payment of ane certane yeirlie dewtie of silver contenit in the said tak, the right of the quhilk tak is transferrit in the persoun of the said Thomas, erle of Melros be William, now erle of Mortone, oye and air to the said umquhile William, erle of Mortoun, his guidschir; according to the quhilk tak, the dewtie of the saidis viccarage teyndis proportionallie will extend to the soume of tuentie merkis monie allanerlie, and that be the said act of modificatioun the said Erle of Melros hes voluntarly additt and augmentit to the said stepend of Hadingtoun the soume of uther tuentie merkis to be payit out of the saidis viccarage teindis, makand in the haill the soume of fourtie merkis monie, togidder with the soume off tuentie pundis moniey out of the fructis of the saidis personage teyndis to be payit for the furnesing of the elementis to the celebratione of the communione; thairfore and in respect thairoff, the saidis commissioneris, in recompence of the said augmentatioun, hes addit unto the space and yeiris to rin of the tak producit before thame be the said Thomas, erle of Melros of the saidis viccarage teyndis tua lyverentis and tua nyntene yeiris to be and begin at the ischew of the said tack thairoff than producit. Lyikas also be ane uther decreit gevin and pronuncit be the saidis commissioneris of parliament upoun the tuentie ane day of Januare, the yeir of God jM vjC and auchtene yeiris, the saidis lordis commissionaris hes unite and annexit the kirk of Auldcathye to the said kirk of Dummenye to be ane pairt and pertinent off that parochin in all tyme cuming, and hes modifiet the locall stepend thairoff to be in all tyme cuming tua chalder victuell, halff meill, halff beir, with four hundereth merkis money, quhairoff they ordanit ane hundereth merkis money to be payit yeirlie out of the saidis teindis of Auld Cathye be Thomas, lord Bynning, takisman thairoff, and the rest of the said stepend, extending to thrie hundereth merkis money and tua chalder victuell, halff meill, halff beir, to be payit yeirlie out of the teyndis of the said parochin of Dumenye be the said Thomas, erle of Melros, patrone of the said kirk and heretabill proprietar of the saidis teyndis. Thairfore oure said soverane lord and estaittis of parliament ratiefies and apprevis the foirsaidis decreittis of the saidis lordis commissioneris in the haill heiddis, poyntes, clauses and articles thairoff, and findes and declairis that the stependis abovewrittin modifiet to the said kirk of Hadingtoun and to the foirsaidis kirkes of Dummenye and Auldcathye now unite in ane kirk as said is to stand and abyid as ane constant locall and perpetuall stepend to the saidis kirkes and ministeris serveing the cure at the same in all tyme cuming, conforme to the said act and decreittis of the commissioneris of parliament abovespecifit. And his majestie and estaittis foirsaidis declairis that the ministeris present and to cum sall have na farder right to the saidis teyndis, gryit and small, off the saidis kirkes or anye pairt thairof, except allanerlie to the modifiet stependis conteanit in the saidis actis and decreitis of the saidis commissioneris off parliament, and that nochtwithstanding of quhatsumevir claus or provisioun conteanit in the said Thomas, erle of Melros, his authoris and predicessoures rightis and infeftmentis conceavit and introducit in favores of the saidis personage and viccarage teindis or ony pairt thairoff.

  1. NAS, PA2/20, f.46v-49r. Back
  2. NAS, PA2/20, f.49r. Back
  3. NAS, PA2/20, f.49r-v. Back
  4. NAS, PA2/20, f.49v-50r. Back
  5. NAS, PA2/20, f.50r-51v. Back
  6. NAS, PA2/20, f.52r-54v. Back
  7. NAS, PA2/20, f.54v-55r. Back
  8. 'lauchfullie' repeated. Back
  9. NAS, PA2/20, f.55v-57r. Back
  10. Sic. '[secund]' in APS. Back
  11. NAS, PA2/20, f.57r-59r. Back
  12. Partly obscured by ink spill. Back
  13. Written superscript. Back
  14. Followed by an undecipherable deletion. Back
  15. A double line space left blank in the manuscript. Back
  16. NAS, PA2/20, f.59r. Back
  17. NAS, PA2/20, f.59r-60v. Back
  18. NAS, PA2/20, f.60v-61r. Back
Ane uther of the Erle of Melros of his infeftment of Melros with a new dissolutioun

Oure soverane lord, with advyse and consent of the estaittis off this present parliament, ratiefies, apprevis and confermes the chartour and infeftment off the date at Roystoun, the fourtene day of Februare, the yeir of God jM vjC and tuentie ane yeiris, grantit be oure said soverane lord to his majesties right traist cousing and counsellour Thomas, erle of Melros, lord Byres and Bynning, president of the colledge of justice and secretare to oure soverane lord, and his aires maill and off tailyee specifit and contenit in his infeftment of the lordschip and baronye of Bynning, and his assigneyis quhatsumevir heretablie, of all and haill the lordschip and baronye of Melros, comprehending all and sindrie the landis, baronies, mylnes, woddis, fischeingis, medowes, forrestis, mansiones, maner places, yairdis, orcheartis, kirkis, teindschevis, uther teindis, fructis, rentis, emolumentis, fewfermes, annuelrentis, kaynis, custumes, casualities, proffittes and dewties quhatsumevir, with tennentis, tenandries and service of frie tennentis of the same and all thair pertinentis quhilkis pertenit of auld to the abbacie and monasterie off Melros, patrimonie and propertie thairoff, alsueill temporalitie as spiritualitie of the same, and quhairoff the commendatouris and convent of the said abbacie hes bene possessoures in any tyme bygane, quhairevir the same ly within his majesties kingdome of Scotland; and namelie the landis, baronies, mylnes, woddis, fischeingis, tennentis, annuelrentis and utheris particularlie specifit in the said infeftment, with all and sindrie thair castellis, toures, fortalices, mansiounes, maner places, housis, biggingis, yairdis, orcheardis, parkis, forrestis, medowes, haningis, milnes, multoris, woddis, fischeingis, pairtis, pendicles, annexis, connexis, dependences, tennentis, tenandries and service of frie tennentis, with all thair pertinentis, quhilkis pertenit of auld to the abbacie and monasterie of Melros as temporalitie and pairt of the patrimonie thairoff; and off all and haill the tour and fortalice off Melros callit of auld the monasterie and abbay place of Melros, with all and sindrie housis, biggingis, yairdis, orcheartis, doucattis and utheris lyand within the precinct of the said abbacie and boundis thairoff, with all thair pairtes, pendicles and pertinentis quhatsumevir, togidder with all and sindrie teindschevis, uther teynde fruittis, rentis, emolumentis, proffittes and dewties quhatsumevir of the kirk and parochin of Melros; and off the landis of Gaitschaw, Havenangrange, Cliftoun Coit, Southe Coit, Autoneburne, Hownangrange Milne and Brewingis, alsueill personage as viccarage of the same, with all thair proffittes and commodities quhatsumevir quhilkis pertenit of auld to the said monasterie of Melrose as spiritualitie and pairt of the patrimonie and propertie thairoff; and lyikwayis of all and haill the heretable office of bailyerie of the regalitie of Melrosland, Eist Teviotdaill and Woginche, with all and sindrie escheittis, priviledgis, liberties and immunities pertening and belanging thairto, exceptand and reservand alwayis as is exceptit and reservit in the said infeftment, togidder with the burgh of Melros erectit in ane frie burgh of regalitie, togidder with ane oulklie mercate on Setterdaye and thrie yeirlie faires, viz: the first thairoff yeirlie upoun Skyirthurisdaye, the secund thairoff at Lambes, the third thairoff at the feast of Martimes in winter, grantit and disponit be his majestie in favores of the said burgh and all uther liberties, priviledges and immunities grantit in favouris of the said Thomas, erle of Melros and his foirsaidis, and of the foirsaid burgh off Melros, particularlie and generalie specifit in the said infeftment, all erectit in ane frie lordschip and baronye, to be callit the lordschip and baronye of Melros in all tyme cuming, to be haldin of oure soverane lord and his majesties successoures in frie blenche ferme, gevand to his majestie and his successouris the frie service of ane lord and baroun in his majesties parliament and paying yeirlie to oure said soverane lord the soume of fourscore and auchtene merkis usuall money of Scotland yeirlie at the feist of Witsonday in name of blenche ferme; quhilk soume of fourscore and auchtene merkis, togidder with the particular soumes of money and dewties underwrittin, compleittis the soume of tua hundereth merkis money abovespecifit quhilk is the haill blenche ferme contenit in the originall infeftment of erectioun of the said lordschip of Melros grantit in favoures of Johnne, vicount of Hadingtoun, now erle off [...], authour and predicessour to the said Thomas, earle of Melros, of the same, and that in respect thair is allowit in the said blenche dewtie of tua hundereth merkis money foirsaid the soume off fiftie tua pundis money foirsaid for the blenche dewtie off the toure and fortalice callit Hassindene Toure, als Monkistoure, with the bairnis, yairdis, grenis, medowes, toftis, croftis, housis, biggingis and pertinentis of the samene, with the landis and steddingis of Ringwodefeild, Cauldcleuch, North Hous, Braidhauche, Crawishope, Stobbit, Coitburgh, Sudanrig, Coilburne, West Coitrig, Bowanehill, Preistishauche and Penangowishope, with thair pertinentis now pertening heretablie to Walter, erle off Bucleugh etc., haldin be him immediatelie off oure said sovarane lord upone the resignatioun of the said Thomas, erle of Melros in frie blenche ferme for yeirlie payment of the said soume of fiftie tua pundis money; and als thair is allowit in the remanent of the said blenche dewtie off the said soume of tua hundereth merkis the soume of fyve merkis, thrie schillingis, four pennyes money abovewrittin for the blenche dewtie of the toun and landis of Langschaw, with the milnes, multeris, sequellis, knaifschipe, maner place and pertinentis thairoff and fewferme dewties of the same resignit and disponit off before in favouris of Schir Gedeoun Murraye of Elibank, knicht, his majesties thesaurer depute, to be haldin of oure soverane lord; and also that thair is allowit in the rest of the said blenche ferme dewtie of tua hundereth merkis money foirsaid the soume of thrie pundis, ten schillingis money abovewrittin as the blenche dewtie off these fyvemerk landis callit the kirklandis of Caveris disponit and resignit of before in favoures of Williame Dowglas, fear of Caveris, to be haldin also of oure said soverane lord and his majesties successouris for yeirlie payment of the said soume off thrie pundis, ten schillingis money foirsaid; and in lyikmaner that thair is allowit in the remanent of the said blenche dewtie off tua hundereth merkis moneye the soume of nyne pundis money abovewrittin quhilk Johnne, erle of Wigtoun is obleissit to pay to oure soverane lord for the blenche dewtie of the landis of Kingildurres, being a pairt of the lordschip and baronye of Melros, resignit be the said Earle off Melros in favoures of the said Johnne, earle of Wigtoun, to be haldin off oure soverane lord in frie blenche ferme for yeirlie payment of the soume of nyne pundis money abovewrittin, and sua restis de claro of the said blenche dewtie of tua hundereth merkis money abovewrittin as the said haill blenche dewtie off the said infeftment of erectioun the soume of fourescore auchtene merkis moniez abovespecifit, quhilk soume of fourscore auchtene merkis money foirsaid the said Thomas, erle of Melrose, be vertew of his said infeftment, is obleist to paye for the said lordschip and baronie of Melrose, burgh of regalitie, office of bailyerie and utheris abovewritten to oure soverane lord and his majesties successouris yeirlie at the feist of Witsondaye in name of blenche ferme, gif the same beis askit allanerlie. And als the said Thomas, erle of Melros and his foirsaidis paying yeirlie to the minister present and to cum serveing the cure at the said kirk of Melrose the soume of sex hundereth and threttye fyve merkis as ane pairt of the haill yeirlie stepend of fyve hunderethe pundis money foirsaid, quhilk is the haill stepend destinat and prowydit to the said minister of Melros be vertew of the infeftment of erectioun of the said lordschip and baronye of Melrose grantit in favoures of the said Johnne, vicount of Hadingtoun, and that in respect be vertew of the said infeftment thair is allowit and deducit of the haill stepend of fyve hundereth pundis money all and haill the soume of ane hundereth and fyvetene merkis money, quhilk the said Schir Gedeoun Murraye, be vertew of his infeftment, is oblesit to paye yeirlie to the minister serveing the cure at the said kirk of Melros as ane pairt of the said haill yeirlie stepend off fyve hundereth pundis money abovewrittin at the termes of payment useit and wont. And als the said Thomas, earle of Melros and his foirsaidis furneising breid and wyne als oft as neid beis for celebratioun of the holie communione at the said kirk of Melros, and exonering and releiving the said minister and his successouris of all taxatiounes and burdingis quhatsumevir that may be imposit upoun the teyndis, fructis and rentis of the said kirk of Melros, and of all repairing of the said kirk of Melrose in all tyme cuming, as in the said chartour and infeftment at mair lenth is contenit; togidder with the chartour and infeftment of erectioune of the said lordschip and barony of Melros grantit be his majestie in favoures of the said Johnne, vicount of Hadingtoun, now erle of [...], with ane subsequent infeftment of the samene lordschip and baronye of Melros grantit be oure said soverane lord upoun the resignatioune of the said Vicount of Hadingtoun to and in favoures of George, lord Ramsay of Dalhoussie, authour to the said Thomas, erle off Melros, and fra quhome the said Thomas, erle off Melros, his richt proceidis, with the preceptis and instrumentis of seasing following upoun the saidis chartouris and infeftmentis, in all and sindrie heiddis, poyntis, clauses, articles and conditiounes specifit and conteanit in the saidis infeftmentis and ilk ane of thame. Lyikas his majestie and estaittis foirsaidis willes and decernis and declairis that this present ratieficatioun is and salbe als valide and effectuall to the said Thomas, erle of Melros and his foirsaidis off the landis, lordschippes, baronyes, kirkis, teyndis, milnes, woddis, fischeingis and utheris abovewrittin contenit in the saidis infeftmentis, and ilk ane of thame, as gif the saidis chartouris, preceptis and instrumentis of seasing following thairupoun wer at lenth insert and ingrossit heirintill ad longum et de verbo in verbum. Attoure, forsamekle as the said Thomas, erle of Melros, for his farder securitie of the said lordschip and baronye of Melrose and but prejudice or dirogatioune of his former infeftmentis off the same, hes purchesit ane dimissioune fra Maister Johnne Hammiltoun, commendatour of Melrose, for dimitting of the said abbacie of Melros and benefice thairoff, with the monasterie and abbey place of the same, housis, biggingis, yairdis, orcheartis and utheris lyand within the precinct of the said abbey, togidder with all and sindrie kirkis, tendeschevis, uther teyndis, fructis, rentis, emolumentis, mailles, fermes, casualities, proffittes and dewties quhatsmievir pertening and belanging to the said abbacie and benefice thairoff and spiritualitie of the same in his majesties handis or in the handis off the lordis of his majesties secreit counsell as commissionaris appoyntit for ressaving of resignationes and dimissiounes in his majesties name, to the effect his majestie may dissolve and supprese the said abbacye and off new erect the same in ane temporall lordschip and thairefter dispone the same in favouris of his majesties right traist cousing Thomas, erle of Melros and his aires maill and of tailyee specifit and contenit in his infeftment of the lordschip and baronie of Bynning, and assignais quhatsumevir heretablie, in dew and competent forme as use is; lyik as thair is dew and lauchfull dimissione maid be the said Maister Johnne Hammiltoun, commendatour of Melros, and his procuratouris in his name conforme thairto in maner and to the effect foirsaid, as the said procuratorie and instrument of dimissioun mair fullie proportis, thairfore his majestie and estaittis foirsaidis hes dissolvit and dissolvis all and haill the said abbacye of Melrose and benefice thairoff, with the monasterie and abbay place of the same, housis, biggingis, yairdis, orcheartis and utheris lyand within the precinct of the said abbaye, togidder with all and sindrie kirkis, teindschevis, uther teindis, fructis, rentis, emolumentis, proffittes and dewties quhatsumevir pertening and belanging to the said abbacye and benefice thairoff and spiritualitie of the same, togidder with the kirkis of Melros and all and sindrie teyndschevis and wither teyndis, fructis, rentis, proventis, proffittes and emolumentis of the samen kirk and parochine of Melros, and of the saidis landis of Gaitschaw, Hownanegrange, Cliftoun Coit, South Coit, Autoneburne, Hownanegrange Milne and Brewingis, alsueill personage as viccarage of the samen, with thair proffittes and commodities quhatsumevir, and hes supprest and extinguischit and, be thir presentis, suppressis and extinguisches the said abbacie and memorie thairoff in all tyme cuming. And siclyik his majestie and estaittis foirsaidis hes dissolvit and dissolvis fra his majesties croun and fra the act of annexatioun of kirklandis to his majesties croun in his majesties parliament haldin in the monethe of Julii, the yeir of God jM vC fourscore sevin yeiris, and fra all uther actis and statutes made before the date heiroff, all and sindrie the landis, baronies, milnes, woddis, fischeingis, tenementis, annuelrentis, castellis, toures, fortalices, maner places, burgh of regalitie, office of bailyerie of regalitie and utheris particularlie and generalie specifiet and conteanit in the former infeftment off the said lordschip and baronye off Melros maid and grantit to the said Thomas, erle of Melros, off the date at Roystoun, the said fourtene day of Februare, the yeir of God jM vjC tuentie ane yeiris, to the effect that his majestie may dispone the samene haill landis, baronies, mylnes, woddis, fischeingis, office of bailyerie, burgh of regalitie and utheris foirsaidis, togidder with the said kirk of Melros, personage and viccarage thairoff, and utheris teindis abovespecifit, togidder with the said abbay place and monasterye of Melros, housis, biggingis, yairdis, orcheardis and utheris lyand within the precinct of the said abbaye to and in favoris off the said Thomas, erle of Melros and his foirsaidis, to be haldin of oure soverane lord and his majesties successoures for the yeirlie payment of the soume of fourscoir auchtene merkis money of Scotland in name of blenche ferme, giff the same beis askit allanerlie, and for yeirlie payment to the minister of Melros present and his successoures that salhappin to be for the tyme the said soume of sex hunderethe threttie fyve merkis money of this realme as his pairt of the said haill stepend of fyve hundereth pundis money foirsaid destinat to the said minister be vertew of the said infeftment of erectioun. Lyikas his majestie and estaittis foirsaidis ordanis ane new infeftment to be past and exped to the said Thomas, erle of Melros and his foirsaidis of all and sindrie the foirsaidis landis, baronies, milnes, woddis, fischeingis, kirkes, teyndis and utheris particularlie and generalie specifit and expressit in the said Thomas, erle off Melros, his said former infeftment of the said lordschip and baronie off Melros, to be haldin in maner and for payment of the said blenche dewtie and utheris thairin exprest in sick dew and competent forme as effeiris. And als his majestie and estaittis foirsaidis decernis and declaris that the said Thomas, erle of Melros and his foirsaidis to be frie of all the rest and remanent of the said blenche dewtie off tua hundereth merkis money contenit in the said first infeftment of erectioun of the said lordschip of Melros grantit in favoures of the said Johnne, vicount off Hadingtoun, except the said soume of fourscore auchtene merkis money, quhilk the said Thomas, earle of Melros is oblesit to paye be vertew of his said last infefment, and als to be frie of the remanent of the said stepend off fyve hundereth pundis money appoyntit for the said minister of Melros and his successoures, except allanerlie the said soume of sex hundereth threttie fyve merkis money quhilk the said Thomas, erle of Melros is obleisit to pay be vertew of the said last infeftment of the said lordschip, and ordanis the remanent of the said blenche dewtie and stepend foirsaid to be exactit fra the remanent persounes abovewrittin, thair aires and successoures addettit in payment thairoff, to quhome the saidis landis and teyndis ar disponit. And siclyik his majestie and estaittis foirsaidis decernis and declaires the said Thomas, erle of Melros and his foirsaidis to be frie in all tyme cuming of all payment of all taxatioun to be imposit upoun anye landis, kirkes, baronies, milnes, woddis, fischeingis and teyndis pertening of auld to the said abbacy of Melros or lordschip of the same, except allanerlie in sa far as the saidis taxatiounes may be cravit of the said Thomas, erle of Melros and his foirsaidis for the saidis landis, kirkes and teyndis of the said lordschip of Melros conteanit in his said last infeftment of the same, quhilk is of the date the said fourtene day of Februare, the yeir of God jM vjC and tuentie ane yeiris, and na farder, excepting in favouris of the erles of Mortoun and Bukcleugh, thair infeftmentis of the landis of Esdelmure and pertinentis thairoff, with the teindis thairoff, the landis disponit be the said Thomas, erle of Melrose to Walter, erle of Bucleughe, of his landis of Ringwodefeild and utheris, and of the kirk of Hassindene and teindis, both personage and viccarage, of the same, the landis of Kingildurres, with the pertinentis disponit be the Earle of Melros to Jhonne, earle of Wigtoun, the kirk of [...] disponit be the said Erle of Melros to Schir Robert Scott of Thirlestane, knicht, the landis and teindis pertening to the abbacie of Melros wherin umquhile Schir Gedeone Murray of Elibank wes infeft haldin of his majestie, the landis of Kyillismure and Baremure with the kirk of Machlen pertening to the Lord off Loudoun.

  1. NAS, PA2/20, f.46v-49r. Back
  2. NAS, PA2/20, f.49r. Back
  3. NAS, PA2/20, f.49r-v. Back
  4. NAS, PA2/20, f.49v-50r. Back
  5. NAS, PA2/20, f.50r-51v. Back
  6. NAS, PA2/20, f.52r-54v. Back
  7. NAS, PA2/20, f.54v-55r. Back
  8. 'lauchfullie' repeated. Back
  9. NAS, PA2/20, f.55v-57r. Back
  10. Sic. '[secund]' in APS. Back
  11. NAS, PA2/20, f.57r-59r. Back
  12. Partly obscured by ink spill. Back
  13. Written superscript. Back
  14. Followed by an undecipherable deletion. Back
  15. A double line space left blank in the manuscript. Back
  16. NAS, PA2/20, f.59r. Back
  17. NAS, PA2/20, f.59r-60v. Back
  18. NAS, PA2/20, f.60v-61r. Back
Act in favoures of the Vicount Lauderdaill anent Boltoun

Oure soverane lord, with avise and consent of the estaittis of this present parliament, hes ratifiet, approvin and confermit and, be the tennour of this present act, ratifies, apprevis and confermis the chartour and infeftment maid and grantit be his majestie under his gryit seall to his hienes right traist cousing and counsellour Johnne, vicount of Lauderdaill, lord Thirlestane and Dame Issobell Seytoun, his spous, and the langest levar of thame tua in conjunctfie, and to the aires maill lauchfullie gottin or to be gottin betuix thame, quhilkis failyeing, to the said vicount, his aires maill to be lauchfullie gottin of his bodie, quhilkis alsua failyeing, as God forbid, to Maister Robert Maitland of Auchincreif and his aires maill lauchfullie gottin or to be gottin of his bodie, quhilkis all failyeing, to the said Johnne, vicount of Lauderdaill and his aires maill beirand the armes and surname of Maitland and thair assignais quhatsumevir, off all and sindrie the landis and baronye of Boltoun, with the maner place, orcheartis, yairdis, milnes, milnelandis, multeris, knaifschip thairoff, with partis, pendicles, annexis, connexis, outseattis, tennentis, tenandries and service of frie tennentis thairoff, with all and sindrie thair pertinentis comprehending of auld the particular landis underwrittin, viz: all and sindrie the manis of Boltoun with the maner place, fortalice, yairdis, orcheartis, doucattis, milnes, milnelandis, with the pertinentis; all and sindrie the landis of Hayfurde, alias Brigand; all and sindrie the landis of Walkerland; all and sindrie the landis of Egliscarno; all and sindrie the landis of Overboltoun; all and sindrie the landis of Inglisfeild; all and sindrie the landis of Knichtknow; all and sindrie the landis of Braidwodesyid; all and sindrie the landis of Markland; all and sindrie the landis off Wodeheid; all and sindrie the landis of Plewlandis; all and sindrie the landis off Ewingstoun; all and sindrie the landis of Pilmure, with all and sindrie thair annexis, connexis, pairtis, pendicles and pertinentis quhatsumevir respective lyand within the constabularie of Hadingtoun and schirefdome of Edinburgh, to be haldin of his majestie and his successouris in frie blenche for payment yeirlie off [...], quhilk chartour is of the date the fourtene day off Junii, jM vjC and sextene yeiris, with the precept and instrument of seasing following thairupoun, in all and sindrie heiddis, articles, clauses and conditiounes thairoff, with all that has followit or may follow thairupoun. And his majestie and estaittis foirsaidis willis, grantis and declairis that this present ratificatioune is and salbe in all tyme cuming of als gryit availl, strenth, force and effect to the said Johnne, vicount of Lauderdaill and Dame Isobell Seytoun, his spous, thair aires maill and of tailzee abovewrittin, as gif the saidis chartour, precept and instrument of seasing wer at lenth insert in this present act. And farder, his majestie and estaittis foirsaidis hes dissolvit and, be the tennour of this present act, dissolvis all and sindrie the saidis landis and baronye off Boltoun with the principall maner place, orcheartis, yairdis, milnes, milnelandis, multouris, knaifschip thairoff, with pairtis, pendicles, annexis, connexis, outseittis, tennentis, tenandries and service of frie tennentis thairoff, with all and sindrie the pertinentis comprehending the particular landis above rehersit, with thair pendicles and pertinentis lyand as said is, fra the act of parliament made in the moneth off [...], the yeir of God jM vjC yeiris, in sa far as the samen wer annexit to the croun be the foirfaultour of umquhile Johne, sumtyme erle of Gowrie, or any utherwayes quhatsumevir, and fra all uther actis of annexatioun of the samene to the croun for quhatsumevir caus, or of quhatsumevir daittis or tennouris the saidis actis be off, at ony tyme bygane preceiding the date heiroff, to the effect the samene may be disponit be his majestie to the said Johnne, vicount of Lauderdaill, to be haldin blenche of his majestie its maner abovespecifit; and ordanis new infeftment to be made and grantit to the said Johne, vicount of Lauderdaill and his spous and thair aires maill and of tailzee abovespecifit of the samen, to be haldin in frie blenche in all tyme cuming.

  1. NAS, PA2/20, f.46v-49r. Back
  2. NAS, PA2/20, f.49r. Back
  3. NAS, PA2/20, f.49r-v. Back
  4. NAS, PA2/20, f.49v-50r. Back
  5. NAS, PA2/20, f.50r-51v. Back
  6. NAS, PA2/20, f.52r-54v. Back
  7. NAS, PA2/20, f.54v-55r. Back
  8. 'lauchfullie' repeated. Back
  9. NAS, PA2/20, f.55v-57r. Back
  10. Sic. '[secund]' in APS. Back
  11. NAS, PA2/20, f.57r-59r. Back
  12. Partly obscured by ink spill. Back
  13. Written superscript. Back
  14. Followed by an undecipherable deletion. Back
  15. A double line space left blank in the manuscript. Back
  16. NAS, PA2/20, f.59r. Back
  17. NAS, PA2/20, f.59r-60v. Back
  18. NAS, PA2/20, f.60v-61r. Back
Dissolutioun of the pryourie of Hadingtoun in favoures of the Maister of Lauderdaill

Oure soverane lord and estaittis of this present parliament, considdering that the abbacie and pryourie of Hadingtoun, quhilk consistis pairtlie of temporall landis and pairtlie of kirkis and teyndis, is alreddy for the maist pairt disponit to his majesties traist cousing and counsellour Jhonne, vicount of Lauderdaill, lord Thirlestane, conforme to his infeftmentis thairoff, quhilkis ar ratiefiet in parliament, and that thair is na benefite, proffite nor commoditie to be reapit of the said pryourie, except allanerlie off the superioritie of the landis and baronyes pertening thairto, quhairoff the propertie for the maist pairt is establischit in the persoun of the said Jhonne, vicount of Lauderdaill as said is; and als that the kirkis and teyndis of the said pryourie ar disponit or sett in tak and assedatioun for manye yeiris, sua that scairslie thair is sa mekle frie as will sustene the ministeris serveing the cure at the saidis kirkes; and his majestie, remembering the guid, trew and thankfull service done to his hienes be umquhile Johnne, lord Thirlestane, chancellar of this realme, father to the said Johnne, vicount of Lauderdaill, togidder with the continewall service of the said Johnne, vicount of Lauderdaill, his sone, in his attendance of the publict effairis, both of sessione and counsell, quhilkis his majestie and estaittis findes to deserve ane condigne recompence and remuneratioun, and becaus his majestie findis not for the present ane proper occasione to benefite the said Johnne, vicount of Lauderdaill according to the worthines of his service, and his majestie understanding that Maister Patrik Maitland of Auchincreif, quha is lauchfullie prowydit to the said pryourie, is willing to dimite the said pryourie, monasterie place, kirkis and utheris pertening thairto in his majesties handis, in favouris of Johnne, maister of Lauderdaill, eldest lauchfull sone to the said Johnne, vicount of Lauderdaill, to the effect his majestie may erect and dispone the samene to the sade Johne, maister of Lauderdaill and his aires, and his majestie being maist willing thairwith to dispone the superioritie off the saidis haill baronyes and landis pertening of auld to the said abbacye of Hadingtoun, to the effect the samene, togidder with the kirkis and teyndis pertening thairto, may be all erectit in ane temporall lordschip in favouris of the said Johnne, maister of Lauderdaill, his aires maill and assigneyis, and that as ane testimonye of his majesties gracious favoures and rememberance of the faithfull services done to his hienes be the said Johnne, vicount of Lauderdaill and his said umquhile father; thairfore his majestie and estaittis of parliament, for the causes foirsaidis, hes dissolvit and, be the tennour of this present act, dissolvis all and haill the landis, baronies and utheris underwrittin quhilkis pertenit of auld to the said pryourie of Hadingtoun, viz: fyve oxingate of land of the lordschip of Hadingtoun pertening to the said monasterie; all and sindrye landis lyand on baith the syiddes of the water of Tyne, with thair pertinentis, in the territorie of Stevinstoun; item, the landis of Bagbie, with the pertinentis; item, tua oxingate of landis and sevin aikeris with thair pertinentis in the territorie of Pilmure besyid Bagbie; item, tua oxingate of land with thair pertinentis besyid the toun of Hadingtoun; item, the landis and tenementis of Sanctmartinisgate with the milnes and utheris pertinentis; item, ten aikeris of land with the pertinentis in the territorie of Sagrestoun, with tuelff rude of moss land in Wynningden; item, ane pleughgait lyand besyid the kirk of Garvat with the pertinentis; item, the landis and tenementis of Garvat, Eistgrange, Snawdoun, Foulles, Glentarff, Carfra, Newlandis, Lesnunhoopes, quhilkis wer callit of auld Eister Hoopes, Neiwithoun, Groseley, Slaide, with ane pece of land of the territorie off Baro, with mylnes; item, ane tenement of Harveistoun with the pertinentis; item, tua oxingate of land with the pertinentis in the territorie of Benestoun and thrie rudes of moss land in the territorie of Merkill; item, ane toft and ane certane pece of land with the pertinentis in the territorie off Stayntoun; item, ane toft and ane gardine with ellevin aikeris of land in the territorie of Popill, withe the pertinentis; item, ane coster of land with the pertinentis in the territorie of Stanypethe; item, the land of Nunsyid, with the partinentis, besyid Hadingtoun; item, ane merk of annuelrent furth of ane certane feild land besyid Giffart Gait; item, sindrie borrow tenementis and rentis in the burghis and tounes of Hadingtone, Beruick, Roxburgh, Edinburgh, Inverkeithing, Northberuik, [...], Abirlauddye and Ranfrew, with the fischeing of ane nett thair in the water off Clyid, with the pertinentis; the kirklandis off Carraill; the halff of the fischeing of the haill parochin, with the landis and pertinentis annexit to the chappell of Sanct Rufe; the landis of Salchos, Newithoun, Pitcorthe, furde and halffrude of land of Croftrie; sindrie borrow tenementis and rentis of the kirk off Carraill; ellevin aikeris of land of Redermen, Pittenweymes with the partenentis; libertie of multouris in the mylne of Carraill, alsueill teind multer as utheris, with commoun pasturage in the commoun of Carraill and fewall in the Kingis Mure besyid Carraill; and with all and sindrie uther easmentis and pertinentis pertening to the saidis landis, togidder with the milnes, corne and walkmilnes, of the saidis landis with the teindis, personage and viccarage, of all and sindrie the foirsaidis landis and milnes thairin includit, togidder with all uther landis, milnes, fischeingis, tenementis, annuelrentis and utheris quhatsumevir quhilkis pertenit of before to the said pryourie of Hadingtoune as ane pairt of the patrimonie thairoff and quhairoff the pryoures and pryoureses of the said pryourie wer in possessioun at any tyme before; togidder also with the heretabill right and superioritie of all and sindrie the foirsaidis landis, baronies, tenementis, teindis, milnes and utheris above expressit and siclyik all and haill the place and ground upoun the quhilk the said monasterie and abbacie of Hadingtoun wes sumtyme situat and haill precinct thairoff, housis, biggingis and pertinentis of the samene, togidder with the kirkis of Garvate and the chapell of Sanct Rufe within the castell of Carraill, and haill teyndis of the samene, personage and viccarage thairoff, with the teyndis of ane oxingate of land quhilk sumtyme belangit to the territorie of Drem and now to the territorie of Athelstanefurde, the teyndis of multouris, the teindis of the landis off the Barnes and the Byires besyid Hadingtoun quhilkis wer callit of auld the Grange of Hadingtoun and Garmiltoun, with the pertinentis, personage and viccarage thairoff; the teindis off certane croftis of Hadingtoun and Harperfeild, alsueill gryit as small; item, the teyndis of the milnes of Hadingtoun, togidder with all uther teyndis, gryit and small, quhilkis pertenit of before to the said pryourie of Hadingtoun, with advocatioun, donatioun and right of patronage of the saidis kirkis, chapellis and chaplanries, personages and viccarages and utheris quhatsumevir pertening to the said pryourie of auld, fra the act of parliament maid in the moneth of September 1571 intitulated 'Anent landis, rowmes and possessiounes haldin off freiris or nunnes within this realme anent the annexing of all freiris and nunnes landis to his hienes croun', and als fra the generall act of annexatioun made in the monethe of Julij 1587 anent the annexatione of all kirklandis to his majesties croun, and fra all uther actis of annexatioun quhairby the landis, baronyes and utheris foirsaidis or anye pairt thairoff is or may be estemit to be annexit to his majesties croun and fra the said abbacie and pryourie of Hadingtoun, and hes suppresit and extinguischit the name, title and memorie of the said pryourie and that to the effect following, viz: to the effect his majestie may dispone and erect the saidis landis, baronies, kirkes, teindis and utheris foirsaidis particularlie and generalie abovespecifit in ane temporall baronye to the said Johnne, maister of Lauderdaill and his aires maill lauchfullie to be gottin of his bodie, quhilkis failyeing, to the aires maill lauchfullie gottin or to be gottin of the said Johnne, vicount of Lauderdaill, his bodie, quhilkis all failyeing, to the said vicount, his aires maill and of tailyee conteanit in his infeftment of the lordschip of Thirlestane off the date at Linlithgow, the sevint day off Marche 1593, to be haldin of his majestie and his successoures in frie blenche for payment of the soume of fourtie merkis usuall money of Scotland of blenche dewtie, and als payand to the minister serveing the cure at the kirk of Garvat and his successoures the stepend modifiet be the commissioneris appoyntit be parliament in Julii, jM vjC and sevintene, for plantatioun of kirkes, as thair decreit at lenth beiris. And his majestie and estaittis disponis to the said Jhonne, maister of Lauderdaill and his aires maill foirsaidis the heretable right and superioritie off all and sindrie the foirnamit landis, baronies, tennentis, teindis, milnes and utheris above expressit, and decernis and ordanis him and his aires to be superiouris to the heretable tennentis of the saidis landis and utheris foirsaidis in all tyme cuming. And siclyik his majestie and estaittis declairis the saidis teyndis, kirk, baronies and utheris foirsaidis to be frie of all thirdis and utheris dewties nochtwithstanding of quhatsumevir act or statute maid in the contrair, and erectis the saidis landis, kirkis, teyndis and utheris foirsaidis in ane haill and frie baronye to be callit in all tyme cuming the baronye of Hadingtoun. And becaus the saidis landis, baronies, mylnes, fischeingis, kirkis, teindis and utheris foirsaidis wer of auld doted, mortefied and gifted to the said abbacie and monasterie of Hadingtoun, pryoures and pryouresses thairoff before the yeir of God jM [...] yeiris or thairby, and therefter be King James the First of worthie memorie, his majesties grandschir, ratiefied and confermit be his majesties chartour under the gryit seall off the date the last day of August, jM iiijC lviij yeiris, thairfore his majestie and estaittis foirsaidis hes ratifiet and approvin and, be this present act, ratiefies and approvis the samene confirmatioun off the said mortificatioune in all and everie heid, article and claus of the samene; and willis and declairis that the benefite of the said mortificatioun and confirmatioun, haill immunities, priviledges and liberties thairin conteanit introducit in favouris of the saidis pryoures and pryouresses sall redound and be competent to the said Johnne, maister of Lauderdaill and his foirsaidis as being cum in thair place siclyik and als frielie in all respectis as the samene in anye tyme bygane wes competent to thame or thair predicessouris be vertew of the foirsaid mortificatioune and ratificatioune, quhilkis ar be thir presentis declarit to be als sufficientlie ratiefiet and approvin as the samene wer ingrossit de verbo in verbum heirintill. And his majestie and estaittis gevis and grantis full power to the said Johnne, maister of Lauderdaill and his foirsaidis to dispone and present pleno jure the saidis particular paroche kirkes and parochines, personages, viccarages and chaplanries thairoff, sua oft as the samen salhappin to waik be deceis, dimissioun, inhabilite, not residence or utherwayis quhatsuevir, and it is expreslie declairit be thir presentis that in respect the foirsaidis kirkis pertening to the said abbacie, dissolvit and erected in maner foirsaid, and ministeris serveing the cure thairat ar weill and sufficientlie prowydit in gude and competent stependis be the present takismen of the teindis off the saidis kirkis, thairfore the said Johnne, maister of Lauderdaill and his foirsaidis salbe frie of the said burding off prowyding the saidis kirkis sua lang as the saidis takismene, thair richtis thereto salhappin to stand and indure in thair awin strenthe and force, and that nochtwithstanding any act of parliament maid in the contrair; and speciallye nochtwithstanding the commissioun grantit in anno 1606 for erecting off prelacies, modificatioune of his majesties dewtie to be ressavit furthe thairoff and off the ministeris stependis serveing the cure at the kirkis of the samen, or any uther act of parliament quhatsumevir quhilkis his majestie and estaittis foirsaidis be thir presentis declairis sall nawayes be prejudiciall, hurtfull or dirogatorie heirto in ony soirte. And it is declairit that this present act sall nawayes be prejudiciall to the said Johnne, vicount of Lauderdaill, his heretabill rycht of the saidis landis, baronies, kirkis and teyndis with the haill priviledgis and immunities disponit to him of before be his majestie in the monethe of Marche 1593 conforme to his infeftment thairoff, quhilk his majestie and estaittis ratefies and approvis be thir presentis, but prejudice to the Erle of Melrose and to the Lord Lindesay of thair rightis.

  1. NAS, PA2/20, f.46v-49r. Back
  2. NAS, PA2/20, f.49r. Back
  3. NAS, PA2/20, f.49r-v. Back
  4. NAS, PA2/20, f.49v-50r. Back
  5. NAS, PA2/20, f.50r-51v. Back
  6. NAS, PA2/20, f.52r-54v. Back
  7. NAS, PA2/20, f.54v-55r. Back
  8. 'lauchfullie' repeated. Back
  9. NAS, PA2/20, f.55v-57r. Back
  10. Sic. '[secund]' in APS. Back
  11. NAS, PA2/20, f.57r-59r. Back
  12. Partly obscured by ink spill. Back
  13. Written superscript. Back
  14. Followed by an undecipherable deletion. Back
  15. A double line space left blank in the manuscript. Back
  16. NAS, PA2/20, f.59r. Back
  17. NAS, PA2/20, f.59r-60v. Back
  18. NAS, PA2/20, f.60v-61r. Back
Dissolutioun of the pryourie of Cauldstreame in favoures of Schir Jhone Hammiltoune of Trabroun, knycht

Oure soverane lord and estaittis of this present parliament, remembering the constant and faithfull services done and performit be his majesties right traist cousing and counsellour Thomas, erle of Melros, lord Byiris and Bynning, president of the colledge off justice and secretare to oure soverane lord, quhairoff he hes gevin notable prufe and testimonie not onlie in his continuall attendance in his places of sessioun and previe counsell to the quhilk he wes promoveit be his majestie for administratioun of justice to all his majesties liegis, bot also in uther services quhairin he hes bene formerlie employed be his majestie tending to the sene weill and proffitte of this realme, quhairoff he hes acquite him selff with sick singular wisdome and dexteritie that his majestie, in regarde thairoff, does giff unto him the testimonie of approbatioun of a faithfull and loyall subject; and his majestie, now considdering that Johnne Hammiltoun, third lauchfull sone to the said Thomas, erle of Melrose, being prowydit be his majestie to the monasterie and abbacie of Cauldstreame, benefice and haill kirkes, teyndis, fructis, rentis, emolumentis, proffittis and dewties pertening and belanging thairto, and that the said Jhonne Hamiltoun, pryour of Cauldstreame, with consent of his yconimus and of the convent of the said pryourie, hes made and subscryvit dew and lauchfull procuratories of resignatioune and dimissioun for resigning and dimitting in his majesties handis or in the handis off his majesties lordis of secreit counsell, commissioneris appoyntit for ressaveing of dimissiounes and resignatiounes in his majesties name, and according thairto hes resignit and dimittit all and haill the said pryourie of Cauldstreame and benefice thairoff, with the monastery and abbay place off the samene, howssis, biggingis, yairdis, orcheardis, doucattis and utheris lyand within the precinct of the said pryourie, with all and sindrie uther landis, kirkis, teindschevis, uther teindis, fructis, rentis, emolumentis, kaynes, customes, casualities, proffittes and dewties quhatsumevir pertening and belanging to the said pryourie and benefice thairoff, to the effect his majestie may dissolve, suppres and extinguische the said pryourie, name and memorie thairoff, and of new erect the samene with the landis, milnes, baronies, woddis, fischeingis and utheris generalie and particularlie efter rehersit pertening of auld to the said benefice as temporalitie thairoff and pairt of the patrimonye and propertie of the samen formerlie annexit to his majesties croun and now to be dissolvit thairfra in maner underwrittin in ane temporall barony, and that his majestie may dispone the samene in favoures of the said Johnne Hammiltoun and his aires maill lauchfullie to be gottin of his awin bodie, quhilkis failyeing, [...] heretablie in dew and competent forme as use is, as the said procuratorie and instrument of dimissioun mair fullie proportis. And his majestie, being now graciouslie pleased to remunerat the saidis services done be the said Thomas, erle of Melros with the dissolutioun of the said benefice of the said pryourie, landis, kirkis and teindis of the samene and erectioun of the samen de novo in ane temporall baronye in favouris of the said Johnne Hammiltoun and his foirsaidis as ane note of his majesties guid acceptance of the saidis bygane services, and thairwithall to encourage and incite him in the progres of his course so faithfullie begune and continewit, thairfore his majestie and estaittis foirsaidis hes dissolvit and dissolvis fra his majesties croun and fra the act of annexatioun of kirklandis made to his majesties croun in his majesties parliament haldin in the monethe of Julii, jM vC fourscore sevin yeiris, and fra all uther actis of annexatioun made of before or sensyne, all and sindrie the landis, baronies, milnes, woddis, fischeingis, tenementis, annuelrentis, castellis, toures, fortalices, manerplaces, yairdis, orcheardis, kirkis, teyndschevis and all uther teyndis, fruittis, rentis, emolumentis, fewfermes, annuelrentis, kaynes, custumes, casualities, proffittes and dewties quhatsumevir, with tennentis, tenandries and service of frie tennentis, and all thair pertinentis quhilkis pertenit of auld to the said pryourie of Cauldstreme, patrimonie and propertie thairoff, alsueill temporalitie as spiritualitie of the samene, and quhairoff the commendateris and conventis of the said pryourie hes bene in possessioun in anye tyme bygane, quhairevir the samene ly within the said kingdome of Scotland; and speciallie all and haill the landis callit the Manis of Cauldstreame and fischeingis of the same upone the water of Tueid; all and haill sevintene housband landis in Strathmure; all and haill the landis of Snwke, with the teindis of the same includit, with the salmond fischeing in Tilmoirthauche and Lytlehauche on the water of Tueid; all and haill the landis of Auldhirsell and ane carrucate of land in the toun and territorie of Hirsell, Vulgo Lie, Countes Croft, Cauldstremeflett and pece land lyand besyid the burne of Liett upoun the southe syid of the brig of the samene, within the territorie of Hirsell Panneshauche, tuelff aikeris of land of the samene territorie of Hirsell Roundis and Braidspottis; all and haill the landis of Braidhauche, Dedriche and Leyis lyand on the southe syid of the burne of Leitte towarde the monasterie; thrie housband landis in Darnechester; four housband landis of Hutchetnes, with the haill teyndschevis of the samene landis includit; tua housband landis in Brigend; the milne of Byirburnemilne and the milne of Cauldstreme, with the multouris, sequelis and proffittis thairoff, and with the fischeingis of the wateris within the saidis landis and pairtis and pendicles of the samene and off the saidis mylnes, all lyand within the schirefdome of Beruick; and with all and sindrie thair castellis, toures, fortalices, mansiones, maner places, yairdis, orcheardis, doucattis, mylnes, woddis, fischeingis, pairtis, pendicles and pertinentis quhatsumevir pertening and belanging to the landis, baronies and utheris abovespecifit, togidder with all uther landis, baronies, milnes, woddis, fischeingis, castellis, toures, fortalices, annuelrentis, housis, biggingis, yairdis, orcheartis, medowes, forrestis, parkis, haningis, tennentis, tenandries, service of frie tennentis, fewfermes, fermes, kaynis, customes, casualities, proffittes and dewties quhatsumevir quhilkis pertenit off auld to the said pryourie of Cauldstreame as temporalitie and ane pairt of the patrimonie and propertie thairoff. And sicklyik, his majestie and estaittis foirsaidis hes dissolvit and dissolves all and haill the abbay place off Cauldstreame, bairnes, byres, barneyairdis, yairdis, orcheartis, doucattis and litle croft callit the Lytle Orcheard and utheris lyand within the precinct of the said pryourie and boundis thairoff, togidder with all and sindrie the teindschevis, utheris teindis, fructis, rentis, emolumentis and dewties quhatsumevir, alsueill personages and viccarages, off all and sindrie the kirkes and parochonis of Cauldstreame, alias Lannell and Bassinden, pertening to the said pryourie of Cauldstreame as ane pairt of the spiritualitie of the samen, and with all uther kirkes and teyndis pertening of auld to the said pryourie of Cauldstreame as spiritualitie thairoff fra the said abbacie and monasterie in all tyme cuming, and hes suppressit and extinguischit and, be thir presentis, suppressis and extinguisches the said pryourie of Cauldstreame, benefice thairof, with the haill name and memorie of the same, for evir to the effect the said pryourie, with all and sindrie the foirsaidis landis, baronies, milnes, woddis, fischeingis, medowes, forrestis, mansiounes, maner places, yairdis, orcheartis, kirkis, teindschevis, uther teindis, fructis, rentis, emolumentis, few fermes, annuelrentis, kaynes, customes, casualities, proffittes and dewties quhatsumevir and utheris generalie and particularlie abovewrittin pertening of auld to the said pryourie, alsueill temporalitie as spiritualitie of the samene, may be erected be oure said soverane lord in ane baronie and thairefter disponit be his majestie to the said Johne Hammiltoun and his foirsaidis to be haldin of oure said soverane lord and his majesties successoures in frie blenche ferme for the yeirlie payment to his majestie and his successoures off the soume off fourtie pundis usuall money of the realme of Scotland yeirlie at the feist of Witsonday in name off blenche ferme, giff the same beis requyrit allanerlie; and for payment to the ministeris serveing the cure at the saidis kirkis of the stependis modifiet and to be modifiet to thame in maner efterspecifit. And his majestie and estaittis foirsaidis ordanis ane chartour and infeftment after the said dissolutioun to be past and exped to the said Jhonne Hammiltoun and his foirsaidis in dew forme as use is thairupoun. And becaus the saidis kirkes pertening of auld to the said abbacie of Cauldstreame ar not as yit prowydit to constant and locall stependis, except the said kirk or chapell of Bassindene, quhilk be speciall act of the commissioneris of his majesties parliament, of the dait the auchtene day off Februare, jM vjC and auchtene yeiris, is unite to the kirk of Gordoun, thairfore his majestie and estaittis foirsaidis declairis that the said Johne Hammiltoun and his foirsaidis salbe haldin and astricted to prowyid and pay to the ministeris present and that salhappin to be for the tyme serveing the cure at the saidis kirkis sick constant and locall stependis furthe of the reddiest fruitis and rentis of the saidis kirkes as salbe modifiet and appoyntit be the commissioneris and utheris haveing power off his majestie and estaittis of parliament to that effect. And as to the said kirk of Bassindene, quhilk is unite and annexit to the said kirk of Gordoune as said is, his majestie and estaittis foirsaidis decernis and ordanis the said Johnne Hammiltoun and his foirsaidis to pay to the ministeris serveing the cure at the said kirk of Gordoun and Bassindene unite thairto as said is, and thair successouris, that pairt and portioun of the stepend of the saidis unite kirkis quhilk is appoyntit to be payit out of the teindis of the said kirk of Bassindene be the said act of the commissionaris of parliament of the date abovespecifiet.

  1. NAS, PA2/20, f.46v-49r. Back
  2. NAS, PA2/20, f.49r. Back
  3. NAS, PA2/20, f.49r-v. Back
  4. NAS, PA2/20, f.49v-50r. Back
  5. NAS, PA2/20, f.50r-51v. Back
  6. NAS, PA2/20, f.52r-54v. Back
  7. NAS, PA2/20, f.54v-55r. Back
  8. 'lauchfullie' repeated. Back
  9. NAS, PA2/20, f.55v-57r. Back
  10. Sic. '[secund]' in APS. Back
  11. NAS, PA2/20, f.57r-59r. Back
  12. Partly obscured by ink spill. Back
  13. Written superscript. Back
  14. Followed by an undecipherable deletion. Back
  15. A double line space left blank in the manuscript. Back
  16. NAS, PA2/20, f.59r. Back
  17. NAS, PA2/20, f.59r-60v. Back
  18. NAS, PA2/20, f.60v-61r. Back
Annexatioun of the chapell royall to the bischopricke of Dumblane

Oure soverane lord, with consent of the haill estaittis of this present parliament, ratifies and apprevis and perpetuallie confermes the gift and grant of the denerie off the chapell royall of Stirling maid to ane rycht reverend father in God, Adame, bischope of Dumblane off the denerie of the chapell royall, haill antient fundatiounes thairof and new augmentationes eikit thairto, and als the chartour, gift and grant of mortificatioun and dotatioun of all and quhatsumevir landis, teyndis, rentis, proventis and emolimentis, annuelrentis and anniversaries contenit and expressit in the foirsaid new gift and chatour maid and grantit be his majestie to the said right reverend father in God, with the haill priviledgis and immunities thairin conteanit, of the daite at [...], togidder with the sasing to follow thairupoun.

  1. NAS, PA2/20, f.46v-49r. Back
  2. NAS, PA2/20, f.49r. Back
  3. NAS, PA2/20, f.49r-v. Back
  4. NAS, PA2/20, f.49v-50r. Back
  5. NAS, PA2/20, f.50r-51v. Back
  6. NAS, PA2/20, f.52r-54v. Back
  7. NAS, PA2/20, f.54v-55r. Back
  8. 'lauchfullie' repeated. Back
  9. NAS, PA2/20, f.55v-57r. Back
  10. Sic. '[secund]' in APS. Back
  11. NAS, PA2/20, f.57r-59r. Back
  12. Partly obscured by ink spill. Back
  13. Written superscript. Back
  14. Followed by an undecipherable deletion. Back
  15. A double line space left blank in the manuscript. Back
  16. NAS, PA2/20, f.59r. Back
  17. NAS, PA2/20, f.59r-60v. Back
  18. NAS, PA2/20, f.60v-61r. Back
Ratificatioun to Alexander, bischope of Dunkeld off his infeftment off Baltroddie

Oure soverane lord and estaittis of parliament ratiefies, apprevis and, for his hienes and his successoures, perpetuallie confermis the chartour maid and grantit be his majestie, with avise and consent of his hienes principall thesaurer, collectour and comptroller within the realme of Scotland, and of his hienes thesaurer, collectour and comptroller depute within the said realme, and of the remanent lordis of his hienes secreit counsell off the said realme of Scotland, his hienes commissioneris under his hienes gryit seale, to ane reverend father in God, Alexander, bischope of Dunkeld and Barbara Bruce, his spous, and to the langest levar of thame tua in conjunctfee, and to the aires maill lauchfullie gottin or to be gottin betuix thame, quhilkis failyeing, the said reverend father in God, Alexander, bischope of Dunkeld, his aires maill quhatsumevir lauchfullie to be gottin of his awin bodie, quhilkis also failyeing, to Patrik Lindsay, elder, brother germane to the said reverend father in God, and the aires maill lauchfullie gottin or to be gottin of his awin bodie, quhilkis all failyeing, to returne to the said reverend father in God, Alexander, bischope of Dunkeld and his nerrest and lauchfull aires maill quhatsumevir bruiking and beiring the surname and armes of Lindsay heretablie, of all and haill the dominicall landis of Baltroddie, with the mylne, milnelandis, multouris, knaifschipis, sucken, sequellis and dewties of the said milne with the maner place, housis, biggingis, yairdis, orcheartis, outseattis, pairtis, pendicles and pertinentis of the saidis dominicall landis of Baltroddie and mylne thairoff allanerlie lyand within the baronie off Baltroddie and schirefdome of Pearthe, and maid be his hienes, with advyse and consent foirsaid, to the said reverend father in God, Alexander, bischope of Dunkeld and to his aires maill and off tailyee respective above designit, off all and sindrie the rest of the tounes, landis, milnes and utheris particularlie underwrittin off the said baronie of Baltroddie viz: off all and haill the landis of Evilick, with the toure, fortalice, maner place thairoff and thair pertinentis; the landis of Montago and Bowhous, with the mylne, milnelandis and pertinentis thairoff; the landis of Melgynsche, with the pertinentis; the landis of Pitskellie and Balgray, with the mylne, mylne landis and pertinentis thairoff; the landis of Achmagw; the landis of Gothunis and Turhillis, with thair pertinentis respective; the landis of Pitfoure, with the maner place, fischeingis and thair pertinentis; the landis of Pitgook, with the milne, milnelandis, pendicles and pertinentis thairoff; and the landis of Drumgrane, with the partinentis; togidder with the fewfermes, fermes, tennentis, tenandries and service of frie tennentis of the saidis landis, tounes, milnes and utheris abovewrittin, with all thair priviledgis and pertinentis, and of all and sindrie the teindschevis of all and haill the tounes and landis off Baltroddie, Craigersche, Evilick, Montago and Bowhous, with the mylnes and milnelandis thairoff respective, with all and sindrie the outseattis, annexis, connexis, pairtis, pendicles and pertinentis thairoff pertening heretablie to the said reverend father in God, lyand within the baronie and schirefdome foirsaidis; and that upoun the resignatione maid be the said reverend father in God, Alexander, bischope of Dunkeld and his procutouris in his name, off all and sindrie the saidis landis and baronie of Baltroddie and off the haill tounes, landis, mylnes and utheris abovewrittin comprehendit within the said baronye, alsueill of the said dominicall landis of Baltroddie with the mylne, milnelandis and pertinentis foirsaidis as of the saidis landis of Evilick and haill remanent tounes, landis, milnes and utheris abovewrittin, with all thair pertinentis (except the saidis teindschevis abovewrittin) quhilkis pertenit of before to the said reverend father in God and upoun resignatioun maid be his hienes traist counsing and counsellour David, lord of Scone, with expres consent and assent of Schir Andro Murraye of Balvaird, knycht, and Stephane Patersoun of Myres for all thair rycht, title and enteres quhatsumevir in and to the teindschevis underwrittin, and thair procuratories in thair names, of all and sindrie the saidis teyndschevis of the particular tounes and landis abovewrittin, with the pertinentis quhilkis pertenit of before to the said David, lord of Scone, all in the handis of the saidis lordis of his hienes said secreit counsell of Scotland, his hienes commissioneris of the said kingdome, in his majesties name, in favouris and for the said infeftment thairoff to be gevin to the said reverend father in God and his said spous in conjunctfee and thair aires foirsaidis in maner respective abovewrittin, with the unione and erectione contenit in the said chartour unitand, annexand and incorporatand all and sindrie the saidis tounes, landis, milnes, teindschevis, toures, fortalices, maner places, tennentis, tenandries, service of frie tennentis and haill pertinentis thairoff abovementionat in ane haill and frie baronie callit and to be callit the baronie of Baltroddie, quhairoff the toune, fortalice and maner place of Evilick is ordanit to be the principall messuage, quhairat ane seasing is ordanit to be tane of all and sindrie the saidis tounes, landis, baronye, milnes, teindis and utheris abovewrittin in all tyme cuming in maner specifit in the said chartour, to be haldin off oure soverane lord and his hienes successouris in fee heretage and frie baronye for evir, as the said chartour and infeftment under his hienes gryit seall off the date at Halierudhous, the lest day off Februare, the yeir of God jM vjC and tuentie yeiris beiris. And siclyik the uther chartour and infeftment maid and grantit be oure said soverane lord, with advyse and consent foirsaid, under his hienes gryit seill to the saidis reverend father in God, Alexander, bischope of Dunkeld and Barbara Bruce, his spous, the langest levar of thame tua in conjunctfee, and to the aires maill lauchfullie gottin or to be gottin of the said reverend father his bodie, quhilkis failyeing, to the said Patrik Lindsay of Ardinbathie, his brother, and the airis maill lauchfullie gottin or to be gottin of his bodie, quhilkis all failyeing, the said reverend father in God his nerrest and lauchfull aires maill and assignis quhatsumevir heretablie, off all and sindrie the landis of Durdie Inglis, alias Nethir Durdie, with the housis, biggingis, yairdis, orcheardis, doucattis, toftis, croftis, outseattis, pairtis, pendicles, annexis, connexis, dependences and haill pertinentis thairoff, togidder with all and sindrie the teindis of the saidis haill landis, and als with the fewfermes and utheris renter fermes, kaynis, custumes, casualities, services and uther dewties quhatsumevir off the foirnamit landis and teyndis with all thair pertinentis, with tennentis, tenandries, service of frie tennentis of the saidis landis lyand within the lordschip of Scone and regalitie thairoff of auld and now callit the stewartrie of Huntingtour and within the schirefdome of Peirthe; and that be resignatioun thairoff maid be Maister Petir Hay of Nethir Durdye, George Hay, his eldest lauchfull sone and apperand heir, and Marjorie Hay, spous to the said Maister Petir, all with ane mynd, consent and assent and with expres consent and assent of George Hay of Ross, father to the said Maister Petir and Andro Blair in Rosse Ochill, for all right, tytill or entres they or ather off thame hes or may pretend to the saidis landis and teyndis abovewrittin with the pertinentis, or onye pairt thairoff, and be thair procuratouris in thair names, in the handis of the saidis lordis of his hienes said secreit counsell off Scotland, his hienes commissionaris in his majesties name, in favoures and for the said infeftment thairoff to be gevin to the said reverend father in God and his spous in conjunctfee and thair aires foirsaidis in maner abovewrittin, to be haldin of oure said soverane lord and his hienes successoures in fewferme and heretage for payment of ane certane yeirlie fewdewtie mentionat in the said chartour, as the samen under his hienes gryit seale off the date the [...] day of Maii lastbygane also at mair lenth beiris; with the resignatiounes quhairupoun the saidis chartouris and infeftmetis abovewrittin and ather of thame proceidit, and the preceptis of seasing and sasingis following upoun the saidis chartoures and infeftmentis, and ather of thame off quhatsumevir dait or daittis, tennour and contentis the samen resignatiounes and seasingis be off, in all and sindrie the heiddis, poyntis, clauses, articles and conditiounes thairin contenit, and efter the formes and tennouris thairoff in all poyntes. And oure said soverane lord and estaittis of parliament willis and grantis and, for his hienes and his successouris, decernis and ordanis that this present ratificatioun is and salbe als effectuall and sufficient to the said reverend father in God, Alexander, bischope of Dunkeld and Barbara Bruce, his spous, thair aires maill and of tailyee abovewrittin, for bruiking of the saidis landis, baronie, teindis and all utheris abovewrittin as giff the saidis haill chartouris and infeftmentis with the sasing following thairupone wer worde be worde at lenthe heirin insert and conteanit; and als willis, grantis and ordanis that the saidis chartouris and infeftmentis with the seasing following thairupoun and this present ratieficatioun thairoff is and salbe guid, valide and sufficient rightis and securities to the said reverend father in God, Alexander, bischope of Dunkeld and his spous and his aires maill and off tailyee abovewrittin and thair assignais for bruiking of the saidis landis, baronie, mylnes, teyndis and utheris abovewrittin thairin conteanit without anye actioun, clame, objectioun, exceptioun or alledgeance to be acclamit, proponit or alledgit be his hienes or his successoures aganis the samene infeftmentis and sesingis following thairon, or ather of thame, or this present ratificatione thairoff, validitie or invaliditie of the samen, or aganis the persounes makaris of the resignatiounes quahiron the saidis infeftmentis proceidis, or aganis the persounes in quhais favoures the saidis infeftmentis and seasingis ar maid, or anye of thame for quhatsumevir caus, fact or deid bygane, or anye uther contradictioun or impediment to be made be his hienes or his successouris thairanent in thyme cuming.

  1. NAS, PA2/20, f.46v-49r. Back
  2. NAS, PA2/20, f.49r. Back
  3. NAS, PA2/20, f.49r-v. Back
  4. NAS, PA2/20, f.49v-50r. Back
  5. NAS, PA2/20, f.50r-51v. Back
  6. NAS, PA2/20, f.52r-54v. Back
  7. NAS, PA2/20, f.54v-55r. Back
  8. 'lauchfullie' repeated. Back
  9. NAS, PA2/20, f.55v-57r. Back
  10. Sic. '[secund]' in APS. Back
  11. NAS, PA2/20, f.57r-59r. Back
  12. Partly obscured by ink spill. Back
  13. Written superscript. Back
  14. Followed by an undecipherable deletion. Back
  15. A double line space left blank in the manuscript. Back
  16. NAS, PA2/20, f.59r. Back
  17. NAS, PA2/20, f.59r-60v. Back
  18. NAS, PA2/20, f.60v-61r. Back
Ratificatione to the Bischope of Dumblane off his infeftment of Kinnuchare

Oure soverane lord and estaittis off this present parliament, for diverse gude causes moveing his majestie and estaittis foirsaidis and for the gude, trew and thankfull service done to his majestie be ane reverend father in God, Adame, bischope of Dumblane, ratiefies and apprevis the chartour, donatioun and concessioun thairin conteanit with the precept of seasing insert in the samene made, gevin and grantit be umquhile George, archebischope of Sanctandros, with consent of the cheptour of the metrapolitane kirk of the said archibischoprik, to the said Adame, bischope of Dumblane, thairin designit Maister Adame Bellenden of Kilconquhar, persoun of Falkirk, his aires maill and assigneyis, off all and haill the landis and [...] of Kilconquhar, with the loche thairoff and fischeingis of the samen loche, with libertie and priviledge of ane yeirlie frie fair upoun the third day of Maii in the toun off Kilconquhar, with all toillis, custumes and priviledgis of the samene fair, all and haill the landis of Pitcorthie, the landis of Balgrommo, the landis off Cauldcoittis and the landis of Kilmukes, with all and sindrie toures, fortalices, maner places, milnes, milnelandis, multouris and sequellis thairoff, woddis, fischeingis, tennentis, tenandries, service of frie tennentis, advocatioun and donatioun off benefices and chaplanries off the same, pairtis, pendicles and all thair pertinentis quhatsumevir lyand within the regalitie of Sanctandros and schirefdome of Fyiff, to be haldin of the said umquhile George, archebischope of Sanctandros and his successouris for the yeirlie payment off service of warde and releiff quhen it salhappin, and off the soume of sex merkis usuall moniez of the realme of Scotland at tua termes in the yeir, Witsonday and Mertimes in winter, be equall portiounes in name of kayne, with commoun sute in the courtis of the said regalitie of Sanctandros to be haldin at the citie off Sanctandros yeirlie, and for the foirsaid libertie off the saidis fairis, with toillis, custumes and priviledgis thairoff, off the soume of threttie schillingis money foirsaid at the saidis termes allanerlie; be the quhilk chartour the warde and nonentres of the landis and utheris foirsaidis ar taxt yeirlie to the soume of ane hunderethe thriescore thrie pundis and the mariage of the air to the soume of tua hundereth and aucht pundis of the date at Leith, the secund day of Juli, jM vjC and nyne yeiris, with the instrument of seasing following thairupoun, in all and sindrie poyntis, articles, clausses and conditiounes thairin conteanit, efter the forme and tennour thairof. Lyikas his majestie and estaittis foirsaidis declaires that this present ratificatioun of the said chartour and instrument of seasing following thairupoun is and salbe als valide, effectuall and sufficient in all respectis as gif the samene chartour and instrument of seasing abovementionat wer at lenthe insert heirintill, nochtwithstanding the not inserting of the samene, quhairanent his majestie and estaittis foirsaidis hes dispensit and, be thir presentis, dispensses for evir. And lyikwayes his majestie and estaittis foirsaidis declairis the foirsaid chartoure, precept of sasing thairin contenit and instrument of seasing following thairupoun with this present ratificatioun thairoff to be gude, valide and sufficient rightis and titles to the said Adame, bischope of Dumblane, his aires maill, assigneyis and successoures in the saidis landis, for bruiking and joising off the samen landis and utheris foirsaidis, with the foirsaidis priviledgis and liberties of frie fairis and taxting of the said wairde and mariage, and with all uther priviledgis and liberties thairin contenit as thair awin proper heretage at thair plesour in tyme cuming; but prejudice to Schir William Scott of his rightis and possessioun off the landis and baronie of Ardros and loch abovementionat adjacent thairto; as also to Maister Alexander Gibsoun of his landis of Balgrummo and the laird of Balcarhous of his rightis to the landis of Pitcorthie and patronage of the kirk of Kilconquhare, all quhilkis rightis ar nawayes to be prejudgit be this present act as accordis of the law.

  1. NAS, PA2/20, f.46v-49r. Back
  2. NAS, PA2/20, f.49r. Back
  3. NAS, PA2/20, f.49r-v. Back
  4. NAS, PA2/20, f.49v-50r. Back
  5. NAS, PA2/20, f.50r-51v. Back
  6. NAS, PA2/20, f.52r-54v. Back
  7. NAS, PA2/20, f.54v-55r. Back
  8. 'lauchfullie' repeated. Back
  9. NAS, PA2/20, f.55v-57r. Back
  10. Sic. '[secund]' in APS. Back
  11. NAS, PA2/20, f.57r-59r. Back
  12. Partly obscured by ink spill. Back
  13. Written superscript. Back
  14. Followed by an undecipherable deletion. Back
  15. A double line space left blank in the manuscript. Back
  16. NAS, PA2/20, f.59r. Back
  17. NAS, PA2/20, f.59r-60v. Back
  18. NAS, PA2/20, f.60v-61r. Back