Commissione anent coallis and coilheughis

Oure soverane lord and estaittis off parliament, considdering the evident appeirance of harme to the haill liegis of this realme gif coale, quhilk is our best fewall, inlaik or be utterlie exhaustit within this kingdome, and speciallie besyid the coistsyid quhair the samene may be easiest transportit; and being willing to tak sum goode solide ordour for preventing the said danger, quhilk can not be convenientlie done without sum tryell and cognitioun be first made and takin thairanent, have thairfore gevin and grantit and, be the tennour heiroff, gevis and grantis full power and commissioun to the persounes following: [...], James, archebischope of Glasgow, Adame, bischope of Dumblane, Jhonne, erle of Wigtoun, David, lord Carnegie, Schir Johnne Skrimgeour of Dudope, knycht, Alexander Lauder off Haltoun, Mungo McCall and Schir George Bruce off Carnok, knight, to sicht, view, try and considder the present estate off all and everie coilheuche lyand within tua myillis to the water of Forthe and coist syid thairoff on baithe the syiddis of the samene, gif the samene coilheuchis be coistlie and dificill to wine and in danger of drowning, gif they be not spedielie wroght and the work manteaned by forrayne sale, or gif the samene may be easelie wrocht with ressonable chairgis and have a competent sale in the cuntrie aboute and towardis Leithe and all the coistsyid about, quhairby it may be the more perfyitlie knawin gif the restraynt of exporting of coale be necessar or nocht. And ordanis the saidis commissioneris to meit in the toun of Edinburgh upoun the first Tuyisday of Apryill, and thair sett down and appoynte thair tymes of visitatioun and all uther thingis requisit and expedient for furtherance of that quhilk is heirby committit to thair charge. And as they try and find the estate of the saidis heuches and quhat is maist necessar to be done thairanent, ordanis thame to reporte thair proceiding in wreat in presens of the lordis of counsell upoun the first counsell day in the monethe of Junii thairefter, to the effect the samene may be recordit in the buikis of counsell and at the first occasioun of ane uther parliament be offerrit to the consideratiounes of the estaittis, that thai may tak sick ordour thairanent as the mater it selff salbe found to requyre.

  1. NAS, PA2/20, f.40v-41r. Back