Commissioun anent moneyis

Forsamekle as the present scairsitie of money can not convenientlie in schort tyme be redressit and all thingis tending to the inbringing of money and to the incres and aboundance thairoff within this kingdome can hardlie be foirsene and ordered without gude and mature advyse and deliberatioun, thairfore oure soverane lord and estaittis of this present parliament hes gevin and grantit full power and commissioun to the persounes following, viz: the Archebischope of Sanctandros, the Archebischope of Glasgow, the Bischope of Brechin, the Bischope of Ross, the Erle of Mortoun, the Erle of Roxburgh, the Lord Elphingstoun and Lord Carnegie, [...] Murray off Balvaird, George Afflect off Balmanno, Maister Jhonne Leslie of Newithoun and Schir Alexander Naper of Laurenstoun, David Aikinheid, provest, and Johnne Byires, dene of gild off Edinburgh, Andro Gray, provest of Pearthe, and Maister Alexander Wodderburne, toune clerk of Dundie, togidder with the four officers off estate following, viz: the lord chancelare, the lord thesaurer, the lord secretare and the lord clerk of register, or onye thrie off everie ane off the foirsaidis rankis of persounes, for trying and cognosceing the maist proffittible and usuall waye for the weill of this kingdoms to inbring money and mak the samene incres and abounde within this cuntrie. With power to thame to convene and meit at sick tymes as they sall think meitest and to call before thame and inquyre of any persoune best skilled in materis of money, alsueill traddismen as cunyearis, and all utheris quha can giff greatest licht and knawledge thairintill, and to do all uther thingis maist expedient for furtherance off that quhilk is committit heirby to thair charge. And quhatsoevir the saidis commissioneris, or thrie of everie ane of the saidis rankis togidder, appoyntis, statutes and ordanis in the premises, oure said soverane lord and estaittis off this present parliament declairis to be of als gryit force, strenthe and effect as gif the samen wer now presentlie concludit, actit and ordanit in this present parliament.

  1. NAS, PA2/20, f.39r. Back