Ratificatioun to Maister Patrik Hammiltoun

Oure soverane lord and thrie estaittis of this present parliament convenit, understanding that his majestie be his hienes lettres off gift off pensioun of the date at Quhyithall, the secund day of November, the yeir of God jM vjC and fyiftene yearis, under his hienes previe seall, for the gude, trew and thankfull service done to his hienes be his majestyes weilbeloved servitoure Maister Patrik Hammiltoun, brother germane to his hienes right traist cousing and counsellor Thomas, lord Bynning etc., getand, grantited and disponited to the said Maister Patrik during all the dayes of his lyiftyme, all and haill ane yearlie pensioun of the soume of tuelff hundereth pundis goode and usuall monie of his hienes realme of Scotland yeirlie to be uplifted and takin at tua termes in the yeir Witsonday and Mertimes in winter be equall portiounes furth of the first and reddiest of his hienes rentis and dewties of his majesties propertie and casualitye of his hienes thesaurarye, comptrollarye and collectourye of his majesties kingdome of Scotland, as the said lettre of gift off pensioun in the selff mair fullie proportis; thairfore, and for dyvers goode respectis and consideratiounes moveing his majestie, his hienes and estaittis foirsaidis hes of certane knawledge and proper motive ratefiet and approvin and be the tennour heiroff ratefies and approves the foirsaid lettre of gift of pensioun grantit be oure soverane lord, with advyse and consent of his trustie and weilbeloved counsellour Schir Gedeoun Murray off Elibank, knicht, his hienes thesaurer, comptroller and collectoure depute, to the said Maister Patrik Hammiltoun in lyverent dureing all the dayes of his lyiftyme off all and haill the foirsaid yeirlie pensioun of tuelff hundereth pundis money of this realme yeirlie to be upliftit and takin at the saidis tua termes in the yeir Witsonday and Mertimes in winter be equall portiounes furthe of the first and reddiest off the fructis, rentis and dewties off his hienes propertye and casualitye of his hienes thesaurarie, comptrollarye and collectourye of his hienes said kingdome of Scotland frome his hienes thesaurer, comptrollar and collectour present and to cum and frome quhatsumevir ressaveris of his hienes saidis rentis and casualyties, in the haill headdis, clauses, conditiounes and circumstances quhatsumevir specifit and contenit in the said gift of pensioun and haill contentis thairoff; decerning and ordaning this present ratificatioun and approbatioun of the said gift of pensioun to be als gude, valide and sufficient in the selff as gif the said haill lettre of pensioun wer at lenthe worde be worde insert heirin, dispensand thairanent be thir presentis and decerning and ordaning his hienes said thesaurer, comptroller and collectour and under ressaveris and all quhatsumevir utheris his hienes officeris that salhappin in tyme cuming to posses anye off the saidis offices as principallis or deputtis, to reddielie ansuer, intend, obey and mak thankfull payment to the said Maister Patrik Hammiltoune, his factouris and servitouris in his name off the said yeirlie pensioun of tuelff hundereth pundis yeirlie and termelie in tyme cuming during all the dayes of the said Maister Patrik, his lyifetyme, efter the forme and tennour of the said lettre of gift of pensioun in all poyntis.

  1. NAS, PA2/19, f.38v-39r. Back
  2. Written superscript. Back