Ratificatione to the Earle of Errole

Our soverane lord and estaittis of this present parliament, understanding that the office of gryit constabularie of this realme of Scotland pertenis heretablie to his hienes traist cousinge Frances, earle of Errole, lord Hay and Slaynis, and that he and his predicessoures hes dewtiefullie useit and dischargit the said office, and be thame selffis and thair deputtis hes bruikit and joysit all honoures, dignities, liberties, priviledgis, proffittis and casualities belanging thairto, continewallie frome tyme to tyme, past monye aigis and memorie of man; and his majestye, being alwayis carefull that the said office remayne and continew in the awin integritie, and that the same be his hienes or his successoures absens furth of this realme of Scotland and thair remaning within the kingdome of England be not hurt, prejudgit or impaired in onye of the priviledges or dignities thairoff; and considdering also how necessar and requysit the dischairge of the said office and executioun of the privilegis thairoff is for the repressing and punischeing of all persounes transgressoures thairin, thairfore his majestie, with advyse and consent of the estaittis of this present parliament, hes ratefied, confermit, allowed and approvin and be the tennour heiroff for his hienes and his successoures ratefies, confermes, allowes and approvis the foirsaid office of constabularye of this realme off Scotland with all rightis and tytles grantit to the said Frances, erle of Errole, or to ony of his predicessoures thairoff, togidder with all dignities, honoures, liberties, priviledgis, preheminences, proffittis, casualities and dewties belanging thairto, and quhairin the said noble earle or his predicessoures or thair deputtis in thair name hes bene in use and possessioun at ony tyme of before; and also be this present act findis, declairis and, with consent foirsaid for his hienes and his successoures decernis and ordanis that the said office of constabularie is and salbe bruikit, useit and dischargit be the said Frances, earle of Errole and be his successoures and thair deputtis in all tymes cuming within this realme of Scotland siclyik and als frielie and with als gryit libertie in all respectis as gif his hienes oure his majestyes successoures wer still resident and personallie present, and nochtwithstanding of his majestye and his successoures absens furthe thairoff, be the quhilk the said Frances, earle of Errole and his successoures and thair deputtis sall nawayis be hurt nor prejudgit, bot that the said office of constabularye salbe in all tyme cuming in the same forme and maner bruikit and dischairgit be the said noble earle and his successoures and thair deputtis with all dignities, liberties and priviledgis belanging thairto as they have done at onye tyme heirtofore, or as gif his majestye and his successoures wer still resident and remaning within this realme and wer nawayis absent nor furth thairoff as said is; and that dureing his majestie and his successoures, thair absens furthe of this realme, the resident place appoynted or at ony tyme or tymes to be appoynted heirefter for counsell sall represent and be equivalent to his majestyes royall persoun and presence in that cace; and the said Frances, erle of Errole, his successoures and deputtis to enjoye and bruik the said office of constabularie with all honoures, priviledgis, immunities, casualities, dignities and liberties belanging thairto siclyik and in the samen maner as giff his majestie or his successoures wer present in proper persoun at the said place or places of counsell appoynted or to be appoynted as said is.

  1. NAS, PA2/19, f.25r-v. Back