Ratificatioun in favoris of the Duke of Lennox

Oure soverane lord and estaittis of this present parliament, perfyitlie understanding that his hienes derrest cousing Lodvick, duke of Lennox etc., being lauchfullie prowydit to the abbacie and pryorie of Santandros, haill kirkis and teindis of the samen, maid, seallit and subscryvit ane procutorie, with advyis of the convent of the said pryorie for the tyme, for dimitting of the samen pryorie of Sanctandros with the monastery place and precinct thairoff, togidder with the haill kirkis and teindis, bath personage and viccarage belanging thairto, to the effect his majestie micht dispois thairupoun at his gratious plesure; conforme to the quhilk procuratorie, dimissione wes maid thairoff in his majesties handis, as ane instrument takin thairupoun of the date the [...] day of [...], the yeir of God jM vjC and [...] yeiris at mair lenth proportis. Lyik as, be ane speciall act of parliament maid in the moneth of [...], the yeir of God jM vjC and [...] yeiris, his majestye and estaittis of parliament not onlie dissolvit the haill temporall landis of the said pryorie of Sanctandrois fra his hienes croun, bot also dissolvit the monasterye place and precinct of Sanctandros, with the haill kirkis and teindis of the samen pryorie, fra the benefice thairoff, and suppressit and extinguischit the name and memorye of the said benefice to the effect the samen might be gevin be his majestie to the said lord duke of Lennox, his airis maill and successoures mentionat thairin, to be haldin of his majestie in maner contenit in the said act; lyik as, conforme thairto, his majestie, be his hienes infeftment under the gryit seall of the date the ellevint day of Apryill, the yeir of God jM vjC ellevin yeiris, gave, grantit and disponit to his hienes said derrest cousing Lodvick, duke of Lennox and his airis maill mentionat thairin, the haill landis and kirkis, bathe temporalitye and spiritualitie, pertening and belanging to the said abbacie and pryorie of Sanctandros, quhairupoun he wes seased thairin, as the seasing grantit to him of the samyne off the date the sextene day off Apryill, the yeir of God jM vjC and threttene yeiris, at mair lenth beiris. And becaus that sen the passing of the said infeftment the procutorie of dimissioun of the said benefice is lost, tint and amittit, thairfore the said lord duke hes off new, with consent of the convent of the said pryorie, dimittit the monasterye place and precinct of Sanctandrois, togidder with the haill kirkis and teyndis, baithe personage and viccarage, pertening and belanging thairto in his majestyes handis, to the effect his hienes may off new dispose thairupone at his gratious plesure, as the procutorye of dimissioun of the date the [...] day of [...], the yeir of God jM vjC and [...] yeiris, and instrument of dimissione following thairupoun off date the nyntene day of Junii, the yeir of God jM vjC and sevintene yeiris, at mair lenthe beiris. Quhairfore his majestye and estaittis of this present parliament hes ratifiet and approvin and be thir presentis ratifies and apprevis the foirsaidis first procutorie of dimissioun with the instrument following thairupoun, togidder with the said former act of dissolutioun maid conforme thairto with the foirsaid gryit infeftment granted be his majestye in favoures of the said Lodvick, duke of Lennox and his airis maill specified thairin, off the foirsaid lordschip of Sanctandrois, bathe spiritualitie and temporalitie thairoff, conforme to the said act of dissolutioun, with the instrument of seasing following thairupone, quhilkis ar of the daittis respective aboverehersit, in all and sindrie the heiddis, poyntis, clauses, articles, priviledgis, prerogatives, circumstances and liberties quhatsumevir specifit and contenit thairin, and in everie ane of the samen efter the formes and tennouris thairoff in all poyntis; ordaning this generall ratificatione to be als effectuall and sufficient to his hienes said derrest cousing, his airis maill and assignais specifit in the said infeftment as gif the foirsaid former procutorie and instrument of dimissioun, act of dissolutioun, gryit infeftment and instrument of seasing abovespecifit following thairupoun war worde be worde insert heirintill and ratified heirby in particular. Attoure his majestye and estaittis, for farder securitie and confirmatione of the said erectioun to his hienes said derrest cousing Lodvik, duke of Lennox, his airis maill and successoures specifit in the foirsaid infeftment grantit to him thairupoun, and to all utheris haveand right fra him of onye of the kirkis of the said benefice and without prejudice or dirogatioun thairto, hes of new dissolvit and be this present act dissolvis all and haill the foirsaid monasterye place and precinct of Sanctandrois, togidder with the haill kirkis and teyndis, baith personage and viccarage, pertening and belanging thairto, fra the benefice of the same; and hes suppressit and extinguischit and be thir presentis suppressis and extinguisches the name and memorie of the said benefice in all tyme cuming, to the effect his majestie may of new erect and dispone the samen to his hienes said derrest cousinge Lodvick, duke of Lennox and sick aires maill as he pleisis designne in the same forme and maner as the samen wes disponit of before, to be haldin and for payment of the dewties conteaned in the said former infeftment off the date abovementionat.

  1. NAS, PA2/19, f.23v-24r. Back