Act for ane new assignatione to the castell of Edinburgh out of his majesties propertie

Oure soverane lord and estaittis of this present parliament, considdering that in the parliament haldin be his hienes and estaittis thairof upone the tuentie tua day of August, the yeir of God jM vC fourscoir four yeiris, it wes statute and ordanit that the money and victuell assignit and gevin of before for keiping of the castell of Edinburgh suld remane and abyid with the captanes and keiparis thairof for sustening of the chairges of thair offices, and namelie the money and victuell speciallie assignit and mentionat in the said act, as the samen in the selff mair fullielie proportis; and oure said soverane lord and estaittis, considdering that be the said act thair wes speciallie assignit to the said castell and keipairis thairoff out of the third of the archbischoprik of Sanctandrois, sevin chalderis, tua bollis, thrie firlottis, ane peck quheit, aucht chalderis, fyve bollis, third pairt peck beir, four bollis meill and ane boll, third pairt boll peis and beinis, quhilk now be act of this present parliament is dischargit in favouris of Jhonne, now archbischope of Sanctandrois and his successouris, thairfore, and in contentatione and satisfactioun thairoff, oure said soverane lord and estaittis of this present parliament hes assignit and disponit and be thir presentis assignis and disponis to the said castell of Edinburgh, captanes and keiparis thairoff and their successoures, all and haill sevin chalderis, fyve bollis, ane firlote quheit thairof forth of Ardett; thrie chalderis, four bollis furth of Drone; tua chalderis, sevin bollis, thrie firlottis and furth of Easter Fernye; ane chalder, nyne bollis, tua firlottis, aucht chalder, aucht bollix beir thairof furth of the foirsaidis landis of Ardett; four chalder, four bollis furth of the foirsaidis landis of Drone; thrie chalderis, tua bollis, ane firlott and furth of the foirsaidis landis of Easter Fernye; ane chalder, ane boll, thrie firlottis to be upliftit and ressavit yeirlie furth of the reddiest of the fermes and dewties of the foirsaidis landis of Ardett, Drone and Eister Fernye, quhilkis ar a pairt of his majesties propertie in Fyiff, be the captanes and keiparis of the said castell off Edinburgh in tyme cuming, and that in place of the said victuell assignit thairto of before furth off the said archbischoprik of Sanctandros. Quhilk particular victuell designit to be payit as is abovementionat, his majestie and estaittis foirsaidis hes dissolvit and be the tennoure heiroff dissolvis fra the croun and fra all lawes and actis made thairanent to the effect foirsaid and na utherwayes; and ordanis, giff neid beis, ane speciall gift and assignatioun to be made thairupoun in forme as effeiris. Lyik as the said Jhonne, now archebischope of Sanctandros, haveing be his majestie be his hienes lettres under the previe seall off the date the [...] day of [...] yeiris, geving, grantit and disponit to him ane yearlie pensioun of certane victuell yearlie to be upliftit and takin furth off his hienes propertie; and that in recompance and satisfactioune of the foirsaid act in August jM vC fourscore four yeiris, assignatioun and dispositioun of the foirsaid victuell yeirlie to be upliftit furth of the thriddis of the said archbischoprik of Sanctandrois for mantenance off the said castell thairin conteanit, quhilk is be ane uther act of this present parliament declarit null and of nane availl, force nor effect in tyme cuming, and the foirsaid victuell thairin expressit, quhilk of before be vertew thairoff pertenit to the said castell, ordanit be the samen act to be upliftit be the said Jhonne, archbischope of Sanctandrois and his successoures in all tyme heirefter; and that in lyik maner in recompance and satisfactioun of the foirsaid yeirlie pensioun of victuell disponit be his majestie be his hienes lettres under the previe seill above mentionat yeirlie to be upliftit furth of his hienes propertie as said is; and that for ane valide and sufficient renunciatioun to be maid be him of the samen pensioun; and thairfore, and for the assignatioun and dispositioun abovementionat grantit be this present act in favouris and mantenance of the said castell and service thairoff, the said archebischope, being personallie present in presens of his majestie and estaittis foirsaidis, judiciallie renuncit, quyteclamit and dischargit and be the tennour heiroff renuncis, quyteclamis and simple and for evir dischargis the foirsaid yearlie pensioun maid and grantit be his majestie be his hienes lettres under the previe seall of the date abovementionate and haill victuell thairin conteanit yeirlie to have bene upliftit furth of his hienes propertie as said is, to the effect his majesties comptrollaris present and to cum, thair deputtis and chalmerlanes and under ressaveris may uplift the samen and intromet thairwith to his hienes use in all tyme cuming at thair plesure.

  1. NAS, PA2/19, f.19v. Back