Ratificatioun to the Lard of Lie of his infeftment off the baronie of Lie

Oure soverane lord and estaittis of this present parliament, having respect to the monyfauld gude, trew and thankfull services done to his hienes be his majesties weilbelovit and obedient subject Schir James Lokhart of Lie, knicht, hes ratifeit and approvin and, be the tennoure heirof, ratifies and apprevis the infeftment maid and gevin be his majestie under his hienes great seill off the dait the auchtene day of Julii, the yeir of God ane thowsand, sax hundreth and sevin yeris, to Jane Auchinleck, spous to the said Schir James Lockhart, than stylit James Lokhart of Lie, in lyfrent during all the dayes of hir lyftyme, off certane landis thairin contenit within the baronie of Lie, and to the said Schir James Lokhart of Lie and his airis maill lauchfullie gottin or to be gottin of his bodie, quhilkis failyeing, to the said Schir James narrest and lauchfull airis maill quhatsomevir of the surname of Lokhart, acceptand and berand the armes of the house of Lie, thair airis and successoures heritablie, off all and haill the landis and baronie of Lie and Cairtland, with castellis, touris, fortalices, maner places, houses, biggingis, yardis, orchardis, mylnis, multuris and of certane annuelrentis thairin specifeit, and of certane uther landis annext thairto, all unite in the said infeftment in ane haill and fre baronie to be callit the baronie of Lie; and alsua off all and haill the advocatioun, donatioun and richt of patronage of the Ladie Altar situat in Sanct Nicholas chapell within the burgh of Lanerk, and of the erectioun of the towne of Cairtland, lyand within the said baronie of Lie, in ane fre burgh of baronie, with the haill privilegis and immunities thairof and utheris thairin contenit, lyand within the schirefdome of Lanerk, in all and sindrie pointis, privilegis, headis, articles, giftis, donationis, clauses and circumstances quhatsomeevir specifeit and contenit thairintill. And his majestie and estaittis foirsaidis of this present parliament willis, grantis, declaris, statutis and ordanis that the said Schir James Lokhart of Lie, knycht, his airis maill and successouris foirsaidis, sall peciablie and frelie posses, bruik and joys all and sindrie the foirsaidis landis, baronie, castellis, touris, fortalices, maner places, mylnis, multuris, annuelrentis, burgh of baronie, advocatioun, donatioun and richt of patronage of the foirsaid altarage and utheris particularlie and generalie exprest in the said infeftment, with all thair pertinentis, privilegis and commodities thairof, efter the forme and tennoure of the foirsaid infeftment, privilegis and immunities thairin contenit in all respectis in all tyme cuming, but stop or impediment, and that this present generall ratificatioun and approbatioun of the said infeftment salbe of als great efficacie, force, strenth and effect to the said Schir James Lockhart of Lie and his foirsaidis in all respectis and conditiounes, as gif the samyn war at lenth word be word ingrost heirintill.

  1. NAS, PA2/18, f.18v. Back