Ratificatioun to the lard of Auldbar of his infeftment of the patronage of the kirk of Rescobie

Oure soverane lord and estaittis of this present parliament ratifeis, apprevis and perpetualie confermis the resignatioun, dimissioun and infeftment following thairupoun maid and grantit be Maister George Young, sometyme archedeane of Sanctandrois, of the kirk of Rescobie and patronage thairof, personage and vicarage of the same, in favouris of umquhile Schir Thomas Lyoun of Auldbar, his airis maill and assignais, and siclyke the resignatioun, dimissioun and infeftment following thairupoun maid and grantit be Maister Alexander Gledstanes, now archedeane of Sanctandrois, with consent of George, archebischop of Sanctandrois and chaptoure thairof, to and in favouris of Johnne Lyoun, now of Auldbar, his airis maill and assignais, off the foirsaid kirk of Rescobie and patronage thairof, personage and vicarage of the samyn, in all and sindrie heidis, pointis and conditionis thairin contenit; and decernis and ordanis the foirsaidis richtis and securities to have [been] and to be gude, valide and effectuall richtis and securiteis to thame for bruiking and joysing of the heritable rycht of the foirsaidis patronage of the kirk of Rescobie, personage and vicarage thairof, efter the forme and tennoure of his saidis infeftmentis grantit to him thairupoun in all pointis.

  1. NAS, PA2/18, f.15r. Back
  2. APS interpolation. Back