Ratificatioun of the lettir of pensioun grantit be his hienes to George and James Prestounes, sonnes to Maister Johnne Prestoun, president

Oure soverane lord and estaittis of this present parliament, considering that his majestie in respect of the lang, trew and thankfull service done to his hienes be his richt trustie and familiar counselloure Maister Johnne Prestoun of Pennycuke, president of his majesties counsale and sessioun, in divers employmentis committit to him at sindrie occasionis, and thairwith of his great diligence and continuall attentioun in exercising of the office of president in the sessioun and college of justice in this his hienes kingdome of Scotland, to the approbatioun and contentment of all his hienes gude liegis; and that his majestie, willing to gratefie the said Maister Johnne in his auld aige be granting of ane yeirlie pensioun to George and James Prestownes, his sonnes, to remane with thame efter his deceis as ane memoriall and testimonie of his hienes maist gracious favoure towards him, for his great zeale, approvin cair and affectioun to his majeities service, thairfore, and for divers uther gude respectis and considerationis, hes of lait, with advise of his hienes thesaurar depute and ressaver of his hienes rentis and lordis of his hienes privie counsale and exchekker, gevin, grantit and disponit to the saidis George and James Prestounes, sonnes to the said Maister Johnne Prestoun, during all the dayes of thair lyftymes and to the langest levar of thame twa, but divisioun, all and haill ane yeirlie pensioun of ane thowsand pundis money of Scotland, to be upliftit and payit to thame yeirlie during the said space furth of the reddiest fruittis, rentis and dewtyes of his hienes patrimonye, propirtie and casualities quhatsomevir within his hienes kingdome of Scotland. And for the mair sure payment thairof to the saidis George and James Prestounes during their lyftymes, and langest levar of theme twa but divisioun as said is, his majestie hes assignit to thame the blensche dewtye of the lordschip of Abirbrothok erectit in favours of his hienes trustye cousing and counsaloure James, marques of Hammyltoun, extending yeirlie to fyve hundreth pundis money foirsaid, and the rest of the said pensioun extending to uther fyve hundreth pundis to be payit to thame during the tyme foirsaid furth of the reddiest of his hienes great custumes of this his kingdome be his hienes or his deputis and utheris ressavers thairof, or be the takkismen or intromettours thairwith, notwithstanding quhatsomevir lawis or constitutionis maid in the contrar or quhilk mycht mak dirogatioun thairto, quhairanent his majestie, with consent foirsaid, of certane knawlege, for the causes abonespecifeit, hes dispensit for evir, as the said gift of pensioun under his hienes privie seill of the dait the [...] day of Aprile, the yeir of God ane thowsand sex hundreth and ellevin yeris, mair at lenth proportis; quhilk lettir of pensioun his majestie faithfullie promeist in verbo principis to ratefie and approve in his majesties first parliament nixt thaireftir following, lykas his majestie hes directit his special warrand to that effect, to the end the same may induce as ane perfect securitie to the saidis George and James Prestounes during the space foirsaid; and quhilk letter of pensioun, being at lenth red and considerit be the estate of this present parliament, and the saidis estates having tryit and considerit the causes and respectis of the geving of the said pensioun, and finding the same to be necessair and proffitable causes tending to his majesties weill and proffite of the haill cuntre, and that the said Maister Johnne Prestoun his service hes justlie deservit the same, thairfore his majestie and estaittis of this present parliament hes ratifeit and approvin and, be the tennoure of this present act, ratifies, approvis and confirmis the said gift of pensioun grantit and gevin to the saidis George and James Prestounes, sonnes lauchfull to the said Maister Johnne Prestoun, during all the dayes of thair lyftymes, and langest levar of thame twa without divisioun, in all and sindrie heidis, pointis, clauses and articles thairin contenit, and willis and grantis and, be thir presentis, decernis, ordanis and declaris that this present ratificatioun salbe als valide, effectuall and sufficient in all respectis to the saidis George and James Prestounes siclyke as gif the said lettir of pensioun wer insert at lenth de verbo in verbum in this present act. And for the said George and James better securitie, his majestie and estaittis foirsaidis, for certane great and wechtye causes and considerationes moving thame, hes dissolvit and, be the tennoure of this act, dissolvis the said blensche dewtye of the erectit lordschip of Abirbrothok, togidder with samekle of the saidis custumes as extendis to the said sowme of fyve hundreth pundis disponit in pensioun as said is, from the patrimonie of his majesties croun during the said George and [James] lyftymes and the langest levar of thame twa as said is allanerlie, and further hes efter the said dissolutioun gevin and grantit, lykeas be thir presentis, for the cause abonewrittin, gevis, grantis and disponis to the saidis George and James Prestounes during all the dayes of thair lyftymes and to the langest levar of thame twa without divisioun, all and haill the said yeirlie pensioun of the sowme of ane thowsand pundis money of Scotland, to be yeirlie upliftit and payit to thame in maner specifeit in the said gift and to be peciablie bruikit and joysit be thame during the space thairin contenit; and willis and decernis that this presentis sall stand as ane effectuall gift and valide richt to the saidis George and James Prestounes to the effect foirsaid, notwithstanding of quhatsomevir actis of annexatioun annexing the custumes and blensche deweties of erectit landis, and notwithstanding of quhatsomevir acts or statutis alreadie maid quhairbye all pensionis or dispositiones of the blensche deweties of the erectit landis or furth of his hienes custumes or propirtie is annullit and dischargit, with the quhilkis and all uther acts, statutis and utheris quhatsomevir alreadie maid or to be maid quhilkis may in onywyse dirogat heirto, his majestie and estaitis foirsaidis, ex certa scientia et proprio motui, dispenses for evir, to the effect the samyn may be ane valide, richt and effectuall gift to the saidis George and James Prestounes for bruiking of the said pensioun during thair lyftymes and the langest levar of thame twa but divisioun.

  1. NAS, PA2/18, f.11v-12r. Back
  2. 'and' repeated. Back