Act for translating of the kirk of Gulane to Dirltoun

Oure soverane lord and thre estaittis of this present parliament, understanding and being crediblie informit that the kirk of Gulane is situat at the outsyde of the haill parochin thairof, quhilk is ane great parochin, and is sa incommodiouslie situat besyde the seasand that the same, with the kirkyard thairof, is continewallie owerblawin with sand, that nather the kirk servis commodiouslie for convening of the parochiners nor yit the kirkyard for their buriall, besydis mony utheris inconvenientis staying the saidis parochiners in tyme of storme and unseasonable weather to convene at the said kirk; and considering lykwayes that the town of Dirltoun is ane florising towne and lyis within the said parochin of Gulane within the middis thairof, and it is the will and intentioun of the haill parochiners of the said kirk of Gulane that the same kirk be transportit fra the said towne of Gulane to the said towne of Dirltoun, alsweill for the ease and commoditie of the parochiners as of the minister serving the cure at the said kirk, thairfore it is thocht meit and expedient be oure said soverane lord and estaittis foirsaidis that ane kirk and kirkyard be erectit and biggit within the said toun of Dirltoun for serving the haill parochiners of the kirk foirsaid; and to that effect it is statute and ordanit be thir presentis that it salbe lesum to his hienes richt traist cousing and counsaloure Thomas, vicount Fentoun, lord Dirltoun etc., to demolische and cast downe the said kirk of Gulane and to transport the stanes, haill tymmer work and utheris materiallis thairof to the said towne of Dirltoun for bigging of ane new kirk within the samyn, providing the said vicount obtene the consent thairto of the presbiterie within the quhilk the said kirk of Gulane lyis, and the consent of the parochiners thairof or of the maist part of thame; and that in the meyntyme the said vicount find and furneis ane sufficient hous and place within the said towne of Dirltoun quhair the word may be preatchit and the sacramentis ministred to the saidis parochiners, quhill the said kirk be sufficientlie biggit and finisched.

  1. NAS, PA2/18, f.11r. Back