Ratificatioun in favouris of James Maxwell anent the landis halden be him of the Lord Maxwell

Oure soverane lord and estaittis of this present parliament, haveing consideratioun that his heighnes trustie and weilbelovit servitour James Maxwell, gentilman ischear of his heighnes privie chalmer, hes pertening to him heretablie all and sindrie the landis underwrittin, viz: the fyve pund land of Munbellie of auld extent, with the pertinentis, lyand within the provestrie of Lyncluden, stewartrie of Kirkcudbricht and schirefdome of Drumfreis, the landis of Auchinbedrig, extending to ane fourtie schillingland, the tuentie schillingland of Stanneris, the tuentie schillingland of Conhestes, the fourtie schillingland of Rispottage and the markland of Poleskine, all of auld extent, with the pertinentis, lyand within the stewartrie of Anandaill and the said schirefdome of Drumfreis, haldin be the said James Maxwell or his authouris off the Lord Maxwell, aganis whome their is ane proces and dome of foirfaultour led and deduced for certane crymes of treasoun and lesemajestie committit be him, wheirthrow his haill vassellis and tennentis hes amittit, tynt and foirfaultit their haldingis, tenandreis and the propirtie of sic landis as they hald of him; nochttheless, for the gude, trew and thankfull service done to his majestie be the said James Maxwell, his domestique servitour, his majestie, with full deliberatioun, advyse and consent of the estaittis of this present parliament, hes ratifeit and approvin and perpetualie confermed and, be the tennoure heirof, ratefeis and perpetualie confermes all and sindrie the infeftmentis, chartouris, seasingis and otheres evidentis whatsumevir maid and grantit to and in favoris of the said James Maxwell, his airis and assignais, of and concerning the landis particularlie abone nameit, and decernis and declairis the samin to be gude and valiable richtis and securiteis for them to bruik, jois, use and dispone the saidis landis as their heretage at thair pleasure, notwithstanding of ony crymes of treassoun done and committit be the said Johne, lord Maxwell, his predecessouris or otheris, the said James, mediat or immediat superiouris of the foirsaidis landis, or ony convictioun dome and process of foufaltour led and deduced aganis them thairfoir, and this present ratificatioun to be als gude, valide and sufficient to the said James and his foirsaidis as gif his and his authouris haill infeftmentis and securiteis of the said landis wer particularlie insert and sett doun heirintill; and siclyk decernis and declares that the said James Maxwell, his airis and assignais shall hald the foirsadis landis of the nixt immediat superiouris or of oure soverane lord and utheris haveand richt of superiority theirof siclyk and eftir the samin forme and maner as the said James Maxwell now haldis the saidis landis and held the samyn befoir the foirfaltour.

  1. NAS, PA2/17, f.48v-49r. Back
  2. '29' written in margin beside heading. Back