Act anent the kirk of Leith

Oure soverane lord and estaittis of this present parliament, understanding that the kirk of Restalrig is ruynous and that the kirk of Leith hes bene the place of the convening of the parochineris of Restalrig the space of fyftie yeiris past, as alsua that it is maist commodious pairt in respect that the town of Leith is the greatest pairt of the said parochin, whilk kirk notwithstanding hes nevir yit bene erectit in ane paroch kirk, thairfoir oure soverane lord and estaittis of this present parliament declairis the said kirk of Leith to be ane parochkirk, and ordanis the samin to be repute and called heireftir the parochkirk of Leith, and all the inhabitantis of Restalrig to resorte thairto as unto thair parochkirk as they have done in tymes past; and that the benefice of Restalrig, personage thairof, gleib and manse pertening thairto shall be alwayes disponit to the minister serveing the cure at the said kirk of Leith in all tyme cumming, and that the said kirk of Restalrig be suppressed and extinct frome hencefurth and for evir, reserveand alwayes to the patrone and his successouris thair richt of patronage of the kirk of Restalrig; and the saidis estaittis declaris that the samyn richt of patronage shall nawayes be prejudgeit be this present act.

  1. NAS, PA2/17, f.47r-v. Back
  2. '25' written in margin beside heading. Back