Ratificatioun gevin by the king to the secrete counsaill to ressave resignationis

Oure soverane lord and estaittis of this present parliament ratefeis and approves the commissioun gevin upoun the fourt day of Aprile 1603 yeiris by his majestie to the lordis of his majesteis secrete councell to ressave resignationis of land halden of his majestie and give infeftmentis thairupoun, and decernis and declairis all and whatsomevir resignationis maid sen the date of the said commissioun conforme theirto in the handis of the lordis of his heighnes privie counsaill, and all infeftmentis proceding thairupon, ordourlie passit his heighnes caschet, regisiteris and ordinare seallis, togidder with all confirmationis grantit by his majesteis ordinar officeris of infeftmentis of ony landis pertening to his majesteis faithfull subjectis, whilks confirmationis ar lykwayes lauchfullie and ordourlie past his majesteis caschett and remanent seallis and ordinar registeris, togidder with all and sindrie infeftmentis and confirmationis to be heirftir past and expede upoun the lyk resignationis in the handis of the lordis of his majestie secreit counsaill and ordourlie past throw his majesteis seallis and registeris, to have bene and to be now and in all tyme commyng als lauchfull, valeid and sufficient in judgement and outwith as gif the saidis resignationis had bene maid in his heighnes awin handis and had bene ressavit by his heighnes, and as gif the signatouris of the infeftmentis following thairupoun and of the saidis confirmationis had bene signet and subscryvit with his awin royall hand.

  1. NAS, PA2/17, f.46v. Back
  2. '21' written in margin beside heading. Back