Judicial proceedings: summons of treason

The quhilk day Schir Thomas Hammyltoun of Bynnie, knycht, advocat to oure soverane lord, producit in presens of the said nobill and michtie lord the said Erle Marschaill, commissionar, and in presens of the haill estaittis, lykas he did divers tymes of befoir, ane summondis of treassoun rasit and persewit be oure said soverane lord and be his hienes advocat aganis Johne, lord Maxwell, to have answerit to the pointis of the said summondis and to the crymes of treassoun and lesemajestie contenit thairintill; the quhilk summondis and ressones and caussis thairin cotenit being first red in presens of the lordis of articlis of this present parliament, they fand the samin summondis relevant, and thaireftir this instant day the samyn summondis of treassoun, being red in presens of the said lord commissionar and of the haill estaittis of this present parliament, the said Lord Maxwell being thryse callit at the tolbuth windo to have answerit to the said summondis of treassoun and comperit not, the saidis haill estaittis fand the said summondis rasit be oure said soverane lord and his hienes advocatt aganis the said Lord Maxwell and the haill thrie ressones and causes thairin contenit and everie ane of thame relevant, and thairfoir they admittit the samyn to the said advocattis probatioun.

And immediatlie thaireftir, the said Schir Thomas Hammyltoun of Bynnie, knycht, advocat to oure soverane lord, in his hienes name, for preving of the pointis of the said summondis of treassoun and haill ressones and causes contenit thairin, repetit all the depositionis of the witneses examinat befoir the lordis of articlis and lordis of secreitt counsaill of befoir for preving of the saidis haill thrie ressones and everie ane of thame, togidder with divers actis of parliament, lawes and constitutionis of this realme, Schir James McConeillis convictioun for braking of waird furth of the castell of Edinburgh, lettre of horning aganis the said Lord Maxwell for not comperance befoir the lordis of secrete counsaill to answer befoir thame for his breking of waird furth of the castell of Edinburgh, for the burning maid be him at Dalfeble and for slauchter of the laird of Johnestoun, with divers utheris wryttis and probatiounes producit be the said lord advocatt for preving of the foirsaid summondis of treassoun and haill thrie severall ressones and causes contenit thairin, and everie ane of thame, and renuncit forder probatioun; and thairupoun the said advocat askit instrumentis. And lykwayes the said advocat producit in presens of the said lord commissionar and haill estaittis lettres of relaxatioun beirand the said Johne, lord Maxwell to be relaxit be James Dowglas, messinger, fra the proces of all horningis at the marcat croces of Lochmaben and Drumfreis upoun the fiften day of Marche, jM vjC and nyne yearis, and at the marcat croce of Edinburgh be Johne Moncur, messinger, upoun the tuentie thrid day of Marche, the yeir of God abonewrittin, as at mair lenth is contenit in the saides lettres of relaxatioun subscryvit be James Primrose, clerk to the secrete counsaill, of the date the sext day of Marche last bipast, and registrat in the clerk of registeris buikis the xxiij day of Marche jM vjC and nyne yeiris. And upoun the productioun of the saidis lettres of relaxatioun, the said advocat lykwayes askit instrumentis and desyrit the said proces of foirfaltour to be advysit be the saidis haill estaittis.

The quhilk day the said Schir Thomas Hammyltoun of Bynnie, knycht, eftir he had repetit and producit all his probatiounes to the saides haill estaittis quhilkis he wald use for preving of the pointis of the said summondis and ressones and causes thairin contenit, rasit and persewit at the instance of oure said soverane lord and his hienes advocat aganis the said Johne, lord Maxwell, quhairby he wes summonit befoir oure said soverane lord and his estaittis of parliament at ane certane day bigane, with continewatioun of dayes, to have answerit to the pointis and crymes of treassoun and lesemajestie contenit in the said summondis; off the quhilk summondis the tennoure followes:

Jacobus Dei gratia Magne Britannie Francie et Hibernie rex fideique defensor dilectis nostris Leoni regi armorum, Ilay, Albanie, Ross Rothesay Snawdoun Merchemont heraudis, Dauid Brysoun Alexandro Dowglas Jacobo Chalmeris et Magistro Willelmo Stewart clavigeris, Ormont Bute Unicorne Carrik signiferis, nuntiis et eorum cuilibet coniunctim et diuisim vicecomitibus nostris in hac parte specialiter constitutis salutem. Mandamus vobis et precipimus quod summoneatis legitime et peremptorie coram testibus Joannem dominum Maxwell personaliter si eius personalem presentiam commode habere poteritis, sin minus per publicam proclamationem apud cruces forales burgorum nostrorum de Edinburgh et Drumfreis, et apud arces de Carlaverok et Drumfreis et domicilia dicti Joannis domini Maxwell ante suam a legibus fugam et rebellionem, necnon apud portum vulgo lie schore and peire of Leith aliaque loca necessaria super premonitione sexaginta dierum quia extra regnum nostrum Scotie esse existimatur, quod compareat coram nobis nostroue commissionario et iusticiario ac regni nostri Scotie ordinibus in parliamento nostro apud Edinburgh, vel vbi nos dictumve nostrum commissionarium et iusticiarium ac dicti regni nostri status pro tempore convenire contigerit tenendo duodecimo die mensis Aprilis proxime futuri hora causarum cum continuatione dierum ad respondendum nobis nostrove commissionario et iusticiario in prefato parliamento necnon ad instantiam dilecti et fidelis consiliarii nostri Thome Hammyltoun de Bynnie militis advocati nostri pro nostro interesse pro ipsius Joannis nefariis sceleratis et proditoriis lese maiestatis criminibus infrascriptis per ipsum et alios eius mandato persuasione consilio auxilio et ratihabitione perpetratis et commissis ac quarum conscius particeps ars et pars fuit; et est necnon dictus Joannes dominus Maxwell ad videndum et audiendum per nos nostrumve commissonarium et iusticiarium ac dicti regni nostri Scotie ordines decerni se crimina lese maiestatis infrascripta modo subsequente commisisse, penasque illas constitutas vite scilicet terrarum et bonorum omnium mobilium et immobilium dignitatum officiorum iurium aliorumque omnium infra dictum regnum nostrum ad se pertinentium vel que vllo modo ad illum spectare vel pertinere poterunt amissionem incurrisse, ac dicta omnia bona predia terras tenementa officia dignitates iura et commoda quecunque illi infra dictum regnum nostrum competentia, vel que ad illum vllo modo spectare poterunt, nobis forisfecisse, eaque ad nos pertinere et nobiscum in perpetuum remanere iuxta leges et regni nostri consuetudinem ob causas et rationes subsequentes. Imprimis quod non solum charissimi quondam avi nostri Jacobi quinti regis illustrissimi constitutione in parliamento suo anno Domini millesimo quingentesimo vigesimo octauo promulgate, sed etiam lege per nos in parliamento nostro anno millesimo quingentesimo sexagesimo septimo lata, cautum est quod quecunque homines infra domicilia sua comburunt omnesque incendiarii edificiorum et frumentorum, omnesque alii voluntarii et maligni incendiarii dictum crimen certo proposito et deliberato consilio committentes lese maiestatis rei erunt; ac certum est quod dictus Joannes dominus Maxwell ab ipsa iuventute ad contumaciam rebellionem legum et authoritatis nostre contemptum, tum natura et prava consuetudine deditus, quum plurimis literis nostris in annis domini millesimo quingentesimo nonagesimo octauo nonagesimo nono, sexcentesimo, sexcentesimo primo et millesimo sexcentesimo secundo, sub pena rebellionis ei imperatum fuisset vt redditus prediorum suorum de Duncow Trive Grange et molendini eiusdem que pars dominii corone nostre unite et annexate sunt, et per dictum Joannem dominum Maxwell et predecessores suos tanquam emphiteutas feudifirmarios et tenentes nostros possesse fuerunt persolueret, necnon vt rationes nobis de aliis redditibus et taxationibus infra senescallatus nostros vallis Annandie et Kircudbricht predictis annis multisque aliis precedentibus nobis debitis tanquam dictarum provinciarum et limitum senescallus vt ei ex officio incumbebat nobis et nostris scaccarii auditoribus redderet, et dictos redditus deuorias taxationes aliasque pecuniarum summas vbi debuerat, sub pena rebellionis persolueret, ac etiam vt coram consilii nostri dominis per se in dictis annis compareret ad respondendum pro variis suis contemptibus rebellionibus carcerum nostrorum effractionibus et violentis extra custodias nostras eruptionibus, aliisque delictis et maleficiis per ipsum commissis et perpetratis; ille tamen omnia nostra imperia et mandata pertinaciter contemnens, easque ob causas multasque alias rebelliones ad cornu nostrum existens quo tamen omnem venie sibi a nobis spem prescinderet et flagiciosissimis criminibus extremas legum penas mereretur [...] die mensis Februarii aut eo circa anno Domini millesimo sexcentesimo secundo comitatus Carolo Maxwell vocato de Kirkhous Roberto Maxwell de Dunwiddie et aliis suis satellitibus et criminum sociis ad numerum viginti hominum illegitime convocatorum, galeis, lanceis, loricis, bombardis, sclopis, aliisque armis prohibitis munitorum, pro inveterato odio et malicia diu ante per dictum Joannem contra quondam Gulielmum Johnestoun fratrem Wilkini Johnestoun de Elcheschellis et Joannem Johnestoun fratrem Jacobi Johnestoun de Hisliebray concepta, ob capitales inimicitias inter Maxwellios et Johnestones accessit ad villam de Dalfibbill infra parochiam de Kirkmichaell et vicecomitatum nostrum de Drumfreis iacentem, ibique per se ipsum dictosque Carolum Maxwell vocatum de Kirkhouse Robertum Maxwell de Dunwiddie, aliosque seruos et socios suos dictum Willelmum Johnestoun in dicta villa de Dalfibbill quiete et pacifice degentem, nullasque iniurias insidias aut invasionem suspicantem, immaniter et maliciose aggressus, eundem infra habitationis sue domum in dicta villa de Dalfibbill fugauit, vt omnis salutis spes ei auferretur, dicti Willelmi domum certo proposito et per industriam proditorie incendit et flammis vastauit, cumque ignis violentia dictum Willelmum erumpere coegisset, crudeliter eum interfecit ac statim ad domum Cuthberti Bratten in eadem villa existentem accedens, eam pariter maliciose crudeliter consulto et deliberato animo proditorie incendit, ac dictum quondam Jacobum Johnestoun vocatum de Briggis infra eandem viuum combussit, domumque dicti Cuthberti incendio penitus consumpsit; eaque proditoria crimina ipsius Joannis domini Maxwell consilio mandato auxilio et ratihabitione perpetrata sunt, dictusque Joannes domins Maxwell eorum ars et pars (vulgo airt and pairt) fuit et est, et dictas penas proditionis et lese maiestatis iisdem criminibus de iure constitutas subire et perferre debet. Secundo quia per nos et dicti regni nostri Scotie ordines in parliamento nostro vndecimo statutum est quod homicidium alicuius subditi nostri, quando is qui trucidatur existit sub fide, fiducia assecuratione et potestate occidentis (vulgo under the trust credit assurance and power of the slayer), omne tale murthurum et homicidium imposterum committendum lese maiestatis crimen erit, et qui illius criminis legitimo iuris ordine convictus fuerit, vitam, terras et bona omnia nobis forisfaciet Atque verum est quod dictus Joannes dominus Maxwell vndecimo die mensis Iunii aut eo circa anno Domini millesimo sexcentesimo quinto coram dominis secreti nostri consilii, in gratiam et amicitiam cum quondam domino Jacobo Johnestoun de Dunskellie milite rediit, ac omnium preteritarum inimicitiarum oblivionem sancte promittens, in signum sincere reconsiliationis et future amicitie fidem et dextram ei dedit, et ab omni iniuria damno invasione et periculo a se parentibus, affinibus, amicis clientibus, seruis aliisque omnibus assistentibus suis imposterum inferende se dictum quondam dominum Jacobum saluum et incolumem prestiturum magno interposito sacramento promisit, et reconciliationis literas (vulgo ane letter of slaynes) manu sua signatas ad premissorum testimonium et confirmationem dedit, quarum fiducia illectum dictum quondam dominum Jacobum quum negligentius et incautius se gerere dictus Joannes dominus Maxwell intelligeret summa fedissime vindicte cupiditate flagrans, consilium cum dicto Carolo Maxwell vocato de Kirkhouse in mensibus Martio et Aprili proxime preteritis iniit, quibus potissimum dolis dictum quondam dominum Jacobum Johnestoun in insidias pertrahere et proditorie occidere possit, tandemque concluserunt dominum Robertum Maxwell de Spottis militem nobis vtrisque charum et fidum ad dictum dominum Jacobum in insidias pertrahendum maxime idoneum futurum, ideoque vocato ad se dicto domino Roberto, dictus Joannes dominus Maxwell diligenter cum eo egit, vt dictum quondam dominum Jacobum ad colloquium ad se pertraheret, vt et arctiorem amicitiam et familiaritatem contrahere et dicti domini Jacobi opera criminum suorum veniam ob predictarum rebellionum multarumque aliarum propter literarum nostrarum in annis domini millesimo sexcentesimo tertio etc. sexcentesimo quarto et sexcentesimo quinto etc. sexcentesimo sexto etc. sexcentesimo septimo etc. et millesimo sexcentesimo octauo contra se sub pena rebellionis et ad cornu nostrum denunciationis directarum contemptum a nobis obtinere possit, quod quum dictus dominus Robertus revera expeti existimaret, dicti Joannis hortatu fide prius ab eo data congressum dum tutum et regressum pacificum et indemnem futurum, cum dicto quondam domino Jacobo sepius egit, eidemque tandem persuasit vt dictum dominum Maxwell vno tantum comitatus amico seu arbitro ad effectum predictum pacifice conveniret, sancte promittens nomine et mandato dicti Joannis domini Maxwell accessum et recessum ei securum tutum et incolumem futurum; quibus adductus persuasionibus et promissis dictus quondam dominus Jacobus sexto die mensis Aprilis vltime elapsi accito secum Gulielmo Johnestoun vocato de Lockerbie gladio sine vllis aliis armis accinctus dictum dominum Robertum Maxwell secutus ad moram inter Arthurstane et Trailftatt pervenit, vbi duos equites adventum suum operientes percepit, dictique domini Roberti hortatu paulatim in eo loco substitit, donec dominus Robertus progrediens dictosque duos equites Joannem dominum Maxwell et Carolum Maxwell vocatum de Kirkhous esse perspiciens, adduxisse se dictum dominum Jacobum Johnestoun ad destinatum coloquii declarauit a dicto domini Maxwell iurisiurandi prius dati pro dicti domini Jacobi et Gulielmi Johnestounes incolumitate, saluoque et tuto accessu et recessu a dicto colloquio, renouationem exegit et dei nomine et numine interposito a dicto domino Maxwell pro seipso et dicto Carolo Maxwell obtinuit, sicque dictum quondam dominum Jacobum Johnestoun tot promissis et iuramentis fidentem ad locum colloquio destinatum ad dictum dominum Maxwell aduxit et mutua data et accepta vt inter amicos fieri solet salute, detectis capitibus congressi dicto Carolo Maxwel et Gulielmo Johnestoun imperarunt vt seorsum subsisterent, ipsique ad colloquium ita progressi sunt vt domino Roberto Maxwell medio vnus ei ad dextram alter ad sinistram obequitaret, dumque de rebus ob quas convenerant pacifice et vti videbatur amanter colloquerentur, dictus Carolus Maxwell, ita vti prius inter eum et dictum Joannem dominum Maxwell convenerat, ad dictum Willelm´ Johnestoun contra quem constitutum erat accessit, et vt discordie et rixe ansam nacisceretur; adeo ingratum sibi illum congressum esse affirmauit vt si illius causam prius intellexisset ei se haud affuturum profiteretur; respondenti vero Gulielmo sperare se colloquii illius finem dictis nobilibus viris amicisque et clientibus eorum gratum et vtilem futurum id fieri non posse Carolus asseruit, dictumque dominum Jacobum omnesque alios Johnestones latrones et proditores vocauit; Gulielmus autem ne sua culpa discordie initium preberetur dixit se quamlibet iniuriam passurum potius quam duorum colloquium disturbaturum, et quamvis tanta dicti Gulielmi patientia frustratus Carolus nullam pugne occasionem inveniret, illud tamen quod prius intenderat omnino peracturus dictum Gulielmum nec verbo nec facto prouocatus crudeliter et proditorie parato sclopo invasit et pallium et vestes eius duobus globalis transmisit, cuius fragore et Gulielmi voce proditorie vim vite sue inferri clamantis turbatus quondam dominus Jacobus Johnestoun ab eo se convertens, et que tam fedi facinoris causa esset rogans dictus Joannes d+s Maxwell a tergo dicto quondam domino Jacobo Johnestoun nil tale metuenti imminens sclopo quem sub palio clam paratum habebat in dictum dominum Jacobum proditorie directo per humerum duabus glandibus plumbeis venenatis in corpus et vitalia eius addictis eum inhumaniter crudeliter fede et proditorie occidit, ac sub fide fiducia assecuratione et potestate sua (vulgo under his trust credit assurance and power) trucidauit contra fidem datam et amicitiam initam coram dictis consilii nostri dominis et dicti domini Roberti Maxwell intervento sepius iuramento per dictum Joannem dominum Maxwell renovatam; quorum criminum dictus Joannes dominus Maxwell est conscius et particeps ars et pars; ideoque penas lesemaiestatis iis iure constitutas vt antea dictum est subire et perferre debet. Tertio quia tam communi gentium omnium quam civili Romanorum iure et regni nostri legibus statutum et vltra omnem memoriam recepta et approbata consuetudine observatum est, eum qui maiestatem publicam leserit cuiusue opera consilio dolo malo consilium initum est quo quis contra rem publicam arma ferat, aut qui lese maiestatis reum in vincula coniectum dimiserit, maiestatis teneri. Ac vero manifestum est dictum Joannem dominum Maxwell in arcem Edinburgenam, quia nostris consilii nostri mandatis obtemperare pertinaciter recusauerat in custodiam missum, consilium cum Jacobo Mcconneill de Dwnyveg milite in eadem arce ob multa lese maiestatis et proditionis crimina in vinculis detento inisse, quibus potissimum rationibus de dicta custodia violenter et proditorie in maiestatis nostre manifestum contemptum et lesionem erumperent, et affito in sceleris conscientiam dicto Roberto Maxwell de Dunwidie conspirasse ereptis custodum armis, illis sibi exitum a dicta arce per vim proditorie parare, quod vt facilius perfecerent [...] die mensis Decembris anno Domini millesimo sexcentesimo septimo ad hilariorem et liberiorem compotationem nouitatis invitatis custodibus, gladiisque illorum per vim ereptis, ipsos deinde custodes in cubiculum obseratum inermes incluserunt, et ad interiorem dicte arcis ianuam armati accedentes Alexandrum Strutheris eius custodem quia pro sua in nos fide eos exitu prohibere conatus est multis vulneribus in capite brachio manu aliisque corporis partibus saucium et prope exanimem prostraverunt, et ob parem causam Margareta Philop vxore eius barbare et crudeliter etiam vulnerata per dictam ianuam interiorem ad mediam arcis portam pervenerunt vbi Archibaldum Cunynghame illius custodem claves tradere recusantem proditorie etiam invaserunt et in brachio crudeliter vulnerato claves ei violenter eripuerunt, et aperta per vim porta proditorie erumpentes, muro qui portam vrbis occidentalem pertingit transcenso, dicti Joannes dominus Maxwell et dominus Jacobus Mcconnell proditorie et violenter aufugerunt, donec sub castellam nostri et aliorum fidelium subditorum insequentium diligentia captus et in carcere retractus est dictus Jacobus Mcconnell, dicto Joanne domino Maxwell celeri fuga euadente; sicque Joannes dominus Maxwell maiestatem nostram lesit eiusque opera consilio dolo malo, consilium initum est quo arme contra nos perseipsum et dictos Jacobum dominum Mcconneill et Robertum Maxwell de Dunwiddie lata sunt, ac etiam dictum Jacobum Mcconneill militem maiestatis reum in vincula coniectum dimisit, dictorumque omnium lese maiestatis criminum conscius et particeps ars et pars fuit et est, et penas iis a iure constitutas subire et perpeti debet; et propterea dictus Joannes dominus Maxwell ad videndum et audiendum per nos dictumve nostrum comissionarium et iusticiarium ac dicti nostri regni Scotie ordines decerni et ordinari se predicta lese maiestatis crimina per seipsum et alios ipsius mandato et persuasione consilio auxilio et ratihabitione commisisse et perpetrasse, ac eorum conscium et participem (vulgo airt and pairt) fuisse et esse; ideoque penas dictis proditionis et lese maiestatis criminibus competentes ferre et subire debere, vite scilicet et bonorum omnium mobilium et immobilium terrarum tenementorum dignitatum officiorum iurium aliorumque omnium ad se spectantium amissionem et confiscationem, dictasque terras predia bonaque omnia mobilia et immobilia dignitates officia iura aliaque omnia ad dictum Joannem dominum Maxwell spectantia et pertinentia vel que ad illum spectare et pertinere vllo modo potuerunt nobis confiscari ad nos pertineri et perpetuo nobiscum in proprietate permanere; et vlterius in premissis respondendum et iuri parendum; intimando dicto Joanni domino Maxwell quod siue dictis die et loco cum continuatione dierum comparuerit siue non nos tamen dictusue noster commissionarius ac iusticiarius et dicti regni nostri ordines in premissis iusticia mediante procedemus et procedent. Insuper summoneatis ad comparendum coram nobis nostroue commissionario ac iusticiario et dicti regni nostri statibus in dicto parliamento dictis die et loco hora causarum cum continuatione, ad perhibendum fidele testimonium in premissis sub pena legis. Et presentes literas debite executas et indorsatas earundem latori reddatis. Et vos qui presentes executi fueritis sitis ibidem dictis die et loco cum continuatione dierum coram nobis dictoue nostro commissionario et iusticiario ac tribus regni ordinibus, portantes vobiscum vestre summonitionis testimonium in scriptis pro premissis aut ipsos testes. Ad quod faciendum vobis et vestrum cuilibet coniunctim et divisim vicecomitibus nostris in hac parte nostram plenariam virtute presentium committimus potestatem. Datum sub testimonio nostri magni sigilli, apud Edinburgh vigesimo sexto die mensis Januarii anno Domini millesimo sexcentesimo nono, et regni nostri annis quadragesimo secundo et sexto.

Followis the executionis upoun the tuentie sevint day of Januar, the yeir of God jM vjC and nyne yeiris:

I, Johne Yallowleyis, Dingwall pursevant, past at command of thir oure soverane lordis summondis of foirfaltrie, gevin undir the testimoniall of his hienes great seall, to the marcatt croce of Edinburgh, and thair be oppin proclamatioun, eftir thrie severall soundis of trumpett with his majesteis coitt of armes displayit upoun me and reading of the summondis within writtin, lauchfullie and peremptourlie summond Johne, lord Maxwell to compeir befoir oure soverane lord or his majesteis comissionar of parliament of his hienes realme of Scotland, justice generall and thrie estaittis of the said realme in the parliament to be haldin at Edinburgh, or quhair it salhappin oure said soverane lord or his commissionar, justice and thrie estaittis of the said realme to convene for the tyme, the tuelf day of Aprile nixtocum in the hour of cause, with continewatioun of dayes, to answer to his majesteis justice. And als at the instance of his hienes weilbelovitt and trustie counsallor Schir Thomas Hammyltoun of Bynnie, knycht, his hienes advocat for his majesteis interes, that is to say, the said Johne, lord Maxwell to heir and sie him self decernit be his majestie, his hienes commissionar, justice and thrie estaittis of Scotland, to have committit the crymes of treassoun and lesemajestie within writtin and to have incurrit the punischement dew thairto, to wit the tynsall of his lyfe, landis and gudis, and lykwayes to have foirfaultit and tynt his hope and apperance of successioun and all utheris richtis and commoditeis competent to him for the causes within specefeit conforme to the tennoure of the said summondis of foirfaltrie rasit aganis him in all pointis; off the quhilkis I affixit and leaft ane just and authentik copie upoun the said mercat croce. This I did befoir thir witneses, Archibald Bald, Johne Moncur, messingeris, and James Chapman, my servitour. And for the mair verificatioun heirto, subscryvit with my hand, my signet is affixit. Sic subscribitur, Johne Yallowleyis, Dingwall purswyvant.

Upoun the tuentie aucht day of Januar, the yeir of God jM sex hundreth and nyne yeiris, I, Johne Yallowleyis, Dingwall pursevant, past at command of thir oure soverane lordis summondis of foirfaltrie gevin undir the testimoniall of his hienes great seall to the peir and schore of Leith, and thair be oppin proclamatioun, eftir thrie soundis of trumpett with his majesteis coitt of armes displayit upoun me and reiding of the withinwrittin summondis, lauchfullie and peremptourlie summond the said Johne, lord Maxwell to compeir befoir oure soverane lord or his majesteis commissionar of parliament of his hienes realme of Scotland, justice generall and thrie estaittis of the said realme in the parliament be haldin at Edinburgh or quhair it salhappin oure soverane lord or his hienes commissionar, justice and thrie estaittis foirsaidis to convene for the tyme, the tuelf day of Aprile nixtocum in the hour of cause, with continuatioun of dayes, to answer to his majesteis justice, and at the instance of his hienes weilbelovit and trustie counsailloure Schir Thomas Hammyltoun of Bynnie, knycht, his hienes advocat for his majesties interes, that is to say, the said Johne, lord Maxwell to heir and sie him self decernit be his majestie, his hienes comissionar, justice and thrie estaittis of Scotland to have committit the crymes of treassoun and lesemajestie within writtin, and to have incurrit the punishement dew thairto, to wit the tynsall of lyfe, landis and gudis, as lykwayes to have foirfaltit and tynt the hoip and apperance of successioun and all utheris richtis and commoditeis competent to him for the cause within writtin, conforme to the tennoure of the said summondis of foirfaltrie rasit aganis him in all pointis; off the quhilkis I affixit ane just and authentik copie upoun the said peir and schore of Leith. This I did befoir thir witneses, Johne Moncur, messinger, and James Chopman, my servitour. And for the mair verificatioun heirto, subscryvit with my hand, my signet is affixit. Sic subscribitur, Johne Yallowleyis, Dingwall pursevant.

Upoun the fourt day of Februar the yeir of God jM vjC and nyne yeiris, I, Johne Yallowleyis, Dingwall pursevant, past at command of this oure soverane lordis summondis of foirfaltrie gevin under the testimoninall of his majesties great seall to the castellis of Carlaverok and Drumfreis, duelling places of Johne, lord Maxwell of befoir his rebellioun and during the tyme of his being within this cuntrey, and als to the mercatt croce of Drumfreis, respective, and thair be oppin proclamatioun, eftir thrie soundis of trumpett with his majesteis coitt of armes displayit upoun me and reiding of the within writtin summondis, lauchfullie and peremptourlie [summond] Johne, lord Maxwell to compeir befoir oure soverane lord or his majesteis commissionar of parliament of his hienes realme of Scotland, justice generall and thrie estaittis of the said kingdome in the parliament to be haldin at Edinburgh or quhair it salhappin oure soverane lord or his commissionar, justice and thrie estaittis of the said realme to convene for the tyme, the tuelf day of April nixtocum in the hour of cause, with continewatioun of dayes, to answer to his majesteis justice, and als at the instance of his hienes advocat for his majesties interes, that is to say, the said Johne, lord Maxwell to heir and sie him self decernit be his majestie or his hienes comissionar, justice and thrie estaittis of Scotland to have committit the crymes of treassoun and lesemajestie withinwrittin, and to have incurrit the punishement dew thairto, to wit the tynsall of his lyfe, landis and gudis, and lykwayes to have foirfaltit and tynt the hope and apperance of successioun and all utheris richtis and comoditeis competent to him for the causes within specefeit, conforme to the tennoure of the said summondis of forfaltour rasit aganis him in all pointis; of the quhilkis I affixit ane just and authentik copie upoun ilkane of the saidis castellis and duelling places foirsaid eftir I had knokit sex severall knokis at ilkane of the yettis of the saidis casttellis respective, as alsua I affixit ane authentik copie of the said summondis upoun the said mercat croce of Drumfreis. This I did befoir thir witneses, Johne Diksoun in Layngholme, James Chapman, my servitour, and Thomas Greneleyis, trumpetour. And for the mair verificatioun heirto, subscrivit with my hand, my signet is affixit. Sic subscribitur, Johne Yallowleyis, Dingwall pursevant.

Upoun the fyft day of Februar, the yeir of God jM vjC and nyne yeiris, I, Johne Yallowleyis, Dingwall pursevant, past at command of thir oure soverane lordis summondis of foirfaltrie gevin under the testimoniall of his majesties great seall to the place of Langholme, being also ane of the said Johne, lord Maxwellis duelling houses, and thair be oppin proclamatioun, eftir thrie soundis of trumpett with his majesteis coitt of armes displayit upoun me, lauchfullie and peremptourlie summond the said Johne, lord Maxwell to compeir befoir oure soverane lord or his hienes commissionar of parliament of his majesteis kingdome of Scotland, justice generall and thrie estaittis of this realme, in the parliament to be haldin at Edinburgh or quhair it salhappin oure soverane lordis commissionar, justice and thrie estaittis of the said realme to convene and meitt for the tyme, the tuelf day of Aprile nixtocum in the hour of cause, with continewatioun of dayes, to answer to his majesties justice, and als at the instance of his majesties weilbelovit and trustie counsallour Schir Thomas Hamyltoun of Monkland, knycht, his hienes advocat for his interes, that is to say, the said Johne, lord Maxwell to heir and sie him self decernit be his majesteis hienes commissionar, justice and thrie estaittis of Scotland to have committit the crymes of treassoun and lesemajestie within writtin, and to have incurrit the punishement dew thairto, to wit the tynsall of lyfe, landis and gudis, and lykwayes to have foirfaltit and tynt the hope and apperance of successioun and all utheris richtis and commoditeis competent to him for the causes within specefeit, conforme to the tennoure of the summondis of foirfaltrie rasit aganis him in all pointis; off the quhilkis I affixit and leatt ane just and authentik copie upoun the principall yeat of the said place of Langholme, being ane of the said Lord Maxwellis duelling places as said is, eftir I had knokit sex severall knokis at the yett thairof, conforme to the act of parliament. This I did befoir thir witneses, Thomas Greneleyis, trumpetour, Johne Dicksoun in Langholme, and James Chapman, my servand. And for the mair verificatioun heirto, subscryvit with my hand, my signet is affixit. Sic subscribitur, Johne Yallowleyis, Dingwall pursevant, haveand the said Johne Yallowleyis signet or stampt affixit to ilkane of the saidis four executionis.

The quhilk summondis, with the executiounes and indorsatiounes thairof respective foirsaidis, being this instant day red in presens of oure soverane lordis comissionar and estaittis of parliament, first in Latine and thaireftir in Scottis, the said Johne, lord Maxwell, being oft tymes callit of new at the tolbuth window of the said burgh of Edinburgh to have compeirit and answerit to the said summondis and ressounes and causes thairin contenit, and he not compeirand to have defendit in the said mater, and to have answerit to the said summondis, the said Schir Thomas Hammyltoun of Bynnie, knycht, advocat to oure soverane lord, desyrit the saidis estaittis declaratioun gif the ressounes of the said summondis wer relevant aganis the said Lord Maxwell; the quhilkis estaittis fand the said summondis and the ressones and causes thairin contenit and everie ane of thame relevant; thairfor the said advocat of new for preying of the foirsaidis thrie ressounes and everie ane of thame, beirand and contenand as is abone writtin, repetit all the depositiounes of the witneses examinat befoir the saidis lordis of articlis and lordis of the secrete counsaill respective, with divers actis of parliament, lawes and constitutionis of this realm, Schir James McConneillis convictioun for braking of waird furth of the castell of Edinburgh, lettres of horning aganis the said Lord Maxwell for not comperance befoir the lordis of secreit counsaill to answer for his braking of waird furth of the said castell of Edinburgh, for the burning maid be him at Dalfebbill and for the slauchter of the said umquhile laird of Johnestoun, with all utheris wryttis and probatiounes producit of befoir this instant day be the said advocat for preving of the foirsaidis summondis of treassoun and haill thrie ressounes and causes contenit thairin and everie ane of thame, and desyrit the saidis estaittis of parliament to advyse the probatiounes foirsaidis led and deducit in the said mater, and to pronunce thair sentence of parliament thairintill according to the samin probatiounes and thair consciences. And thaireftir, the haill wryttis, depositiones of witneses and probatiounes being red, sene and considerit be the saidis haill estaitis of parliament, and they thairwith being ryplie advysit, the saidis lord commissionar and estaittis of parliament findis, decernis and declaris that the said Johne, lord Maxwell committit and did oppin and manifest tressoun in all the pointis, articlis and maner contenit in the said summondis, and thairfoir it wes gevin for dome be the mouth of David Lyndsay, dempster of parliament, in maner and forme as followes:

This court of parliament schawes for law the said Johne, lord Maxwell to have committit and done all the foirsaidis crymes of treassoun and lesemajestie be him self and utheris of his causing, command, assistance and ratihabitioun aganis oure said soverane lord and his authoritie, and that he is and wes giltie and pairtaker, airt and pairt of the samin crymes of treassoun in all maner at lenth contenit in the ressounes of the said summondis; and thairfoir decernis and declaris that the said Johne, lord Maxwell aucht and sould underly and suffer the paynis competent to the saidis crymes of treassoun and lesemajestie, to wit the tynsall and confiscatioun of his lyfe and all his gudis, moveable and unmoveable, landis, tenementis, digniteis, offices, richtis and all utheris thingis belanging to him, and all the saidis landis, rowmes and all gudis, moveable and unmoveable, digniteis, offices, richtis and all utheris belanging and pertening to the said Johne, lord Maxwell, and quhilkis may ony way belang and pertene to him to be confiscatt, to pertene to oure said soverane lord and to remane with his majestie for evir in propirtie. And this I gif for dome.

  1. NAS, PA2/17, f.29r-32v. Back
  2. APS interpolation. Back
  3. NAS, PA2/17, f.32v-38v. Back
  4. APS interpolation. Back
  5. Sic. Back
  6. Followed by '2', which seems to refer to the next letter. Back
  7. In superscript. Back
  8. Followed by '3', which seems to refer to the next letter. Back
  9. Followed by '4', which seems to refer to the next letter. Back
  10. 'buk' is an amendment made in the margin, replacing the deleted 'buik'. Back
  11. Written as a yogh. Back
  12. Written as a yogh. Back
  13. In superscript. Back

And siclyk the said Schir Thomas Hamyltoun of Bynnie, knycht, advocat to oure soverane lord, producit in presens of the said noble and michtie lord the said Erle Marschaill, commissionar foirsaid, and in presens of the haill estaittis, lyk as [he] did divers tymes of befoir, ane summondis of treassoun rasit and persewit be oure said soverane lord and be the said advocat aganis Robert Logane, eldest sone to umquhile Robert Logane of Restalrig, and his tutouris and curatouris, gif he ony hes, and all utheris haveand or pretendand to have interes in the said mater, for thair interesse, to have answerit to the said summondis and to the crymes of treassoun and lesemajestie contenit thairintill; the quhilk summondis and ressones and causes thairin contenit being first red in presens of the lordis of articlis of this present parliament, they fand the samyn summondis relevant; and thaireftir this instant day the samin summondis of treassoun and ressones and causes thairin contenit, being red in presens of the said lord commissionar and of the haill estaittis of parliament, the said Robert Logane, eldest sone to the said umquhile Robert Logane of Restalrig, and his tutouris and curatouris and all utheris haveand or pretendand to have interes, being thryse callit at the tolbuth window to have answerit to the said summondis of treassoun and comperit not, the saidis haill estaittis fand the said summondis of treassoun rasit be oure said soverane lord and his hienes advocat aganis the said Robert Logane and his foirsaidis and the ressoun and cause contenit th[air]in maist relevant causes of treassoun committit be the said umquhile Robert Logane of Restalrig, his father, in his lyftyme; and thairfoir the saidis estaittis all in ane voce admittit the samin summondis of treassoun and ressoun and cause of treassoun contenit thairin to the said advocat in oure soverane lordis name, his probatioun, quhairupoun the said advocatt, in name of his hienes, askit actis and instrumentis.

And immediately thaireftir the said Schir Thomas Hammyltoun of Bynnie, knycht, advocat to oure soverane lord, in his hienes name, for preving of the pointtis of the said summondis and ressone and cause of treassoun and lesemajestie contenit thairin, repetit divers missive billis, all writtin and subscryvit be the said umquhile laird of Restalrig, all the depositiounes of the witneses examinat befoir the lordis of articlis of befoir and befoir the lordis of secreit counsaill, George Sprottis depositiounes and convictioun and his executioun to the death for the samin cause of treassoun of Gowrie, togidder with divers wryttis and utheris probationis quhilkis wer presentlie producit befoir the saidis estaittis be the said lord advocat in oure soverane lordis name for preving of the foirsaid summondis of treassoun and ressone and cause of lese majestie contenit thairin; off the quhilkis missive billis and depositionis producit be the said advocat in oure soverane lordis name for preving of the said summondis of treassoun and ressoun thairin cotenit aganis the said Robert Logane and his foirsaidis, the tennouris followes: Richt honorable schir, my duetie with service remembered, pleis yow onderstand my lord of Gowrie and some utheris his lordis freindis and weilwillaris quha tendaris his lord preferment ar upoun the resolutioun ye knaw for the revenge of that cause, and his lord hes writtin to me anent that purpose, quhairto I will accorde incais ye will stand to and beir a pairt. And befoir ye resolve meit me and M. A. R. in the Cannogait on Twysday the nixt oulk, and be als war as ye can, indeid M. A. R. spak with me four or fyve dayes syn, and I have promesed his lord ane answer within ten dayes at farrest. As for the purpose how M. A. R. and I hes sett doun the course, it will be ane verie easie done turne and not far by that forme with the lyk stratagem quhairof we had conference in bis[...] h[...], bot incais ye and M. A. R. forgadder, becauss he is sumquhat conceatie, for Gods saik be verie war with his rakless to this of Padoa, for he tauld me ane of the strangest taillis of ane nobill man of Padoa that evir I hard in my lyffe resembling the lyk purpose. I pray yow, schir, think nathing althocht this berar understand of it, for he is the speciall secretar of my lyfe. His name is laird Boure and wes auld Manderstounes man for dead and lyfe and ewin sa now for me. And for my awin pairt he sall knaw of all that I do in this warld salang as evir we live togidder, for I mak him my houshald man. He is weill worthie of credite and recommend him to yow alwayes to the purpose. I think best for oure platt that we meit all at my hous of Fastcastell, for I have concludit with M. A. R. how I think sall be meittest to be convoyit quietest in ane boitt be sea, at quhilk tyme upoun sure advertesment I sall have the place verie quiett and weill provydit. And as I ressave youre answer, I will post this berar to my lord, and I pray yow as ye luse youre awin lyfe becaus it is not ane mater of mowis, be circumspect in all thingis and tak na fear bot all sall be weill. I have na will that ather my brother or yit Maister W. R., my lord auld pedagoge, knaw ony thing of the mater quhill all be done that we wald have done, and than I cair not quha gett wit that luffis ws. Quhan ye have red, send this my letter back agane with the berar that I may sie it brunt my self, for sa is the fassoun in sic erandis, and, gif ye pleis, writt youre answer on the back heirof, incais ye will tak my word for the credit of the berar and use all expeditioun, for the turne wald not be lang delayit. Ye knaw the kingis hunting will be schortlie and than sall be best tyme, as M. A. R. hes assurit me that my lord hes resolvit to interpryse that mater. Louking for youre answer, committis yow to Christis haly protectioun. Frome Fastcastell, the auchtene day of Julii 1600. Sic subscribitur, youris to utter power readie, Restalrig.

Laird Bour, I pray yow haist yow west to me about the earand I tauld yow and we sall confer at lenth of all thingis. I have ressavit ane new letter from my lord of Gowrie, concerning the purpose that M. A., his lords brother, spak to me befoir, and I persave I may have advantage of Dirltoun incais his uther mater tak effect as we hope it sall. Alwayes I beseik yow be at me the morne at ewin, for I assurit his lordis servand that I sall send yow over the watter within thrie dayes with ane full resolutioun of all my will anent all purposes, as I sall indeid recommend yow and youre trustines till his lord as ye sall find ane honest recompense for youre panis. In the end I cair not for all the land I have in this kingdome, incais I can a grip of Dirltoun, for I esteme it the plesantest duelling in Scotland. For Goddis cause keip all thingis verie secreit, that my lord my brother get na knawlege of oure purposes, for I rather be eardit quhick. And sua louking for yow, I rest till meiting. Fra the Cannogait, the auchtene day of Julii.

Postscript: I am verie ill at ease and thairfoir speid yow hither. Sic subscribitur, youris to power readie, Restalrig.

Richt honorable schir, all my hartlie duetie with humble service remembered, sen I have takin on hand to interpryse with my Lo of Go, youre speciall and onlie best belowit, as we have sett down the platt alreadie, I will request yow that ye will be verie circumspect and wyse, that na man get ane advantage of ws. I doubt not bot ye knaw the perrell to be baith lyfe, landis and honoure incais the mater be not wyselie useit. And for my awin pairt, I sall have ane speciall respect to my promese that I have maid till his lord and M. A., his lordis brother, althoch the skaffald wer sett up. Gif I can not win to Falkland the first nicht, I sall be tymelie in Sanct Johnstoun on the morne. In deid, I lipnit for my lord him self or else M. A., his lordis brother, at my hous of Fastcastell as I wrait to thame baith. Alwayes I repose on youre advertesment of the precise day, with credit to the berar, for howbeit he be bot ane sillie auld gleyit carle, I will answer for him that he sall be verie trew. I pray yow, sir, red and ather burne or send agane with the berar, for I dar hassard my lyfe and all I have ellis in the warld on this message, I have sic pruif of his constant treuth. So committis yow to Christis holy protectioun. Frome the Cannogait, the tuentie sevint day of Julii, 1600.

Postcript: I use not to wrytt on the bak of ony of my letteris concerning this erand. Sic subscribitur, youris till all power with humble service readie, Restalrig.

My lord, my maist humble duetie with service in maist hartlie maner rememberit, at the ressait of youre lordis letter I am so comfortit especialie at youre lordis purpose communicatit to me thairin, that I can nather utter my joy nor find my self hable how to encounter youre lord with dew thankis. Indeid, my lord, at my being last in the towne M. A., youre lordis brother, impairtit sumquhat of youre lord intentioun anent that mater unto me. And gif I had not bene busyit about sum turnis of my awin, I thocht till have come over to Sanct Johnstoun and spokin with youre loird. Yit alwayes, my lord, I beseik youre lord baith for the saiftie of youre honoure, credit and mair nor that youre lyfe, my lyfe and the lyffis of mony utheris quha may perhappis innocentlie smart for that turne eftirwards, incais it be revilit be ony, and lykewayes the uther wraking of oure landis and hous and extirpating of oure names. Louk that we be all als sure as youre lord, and I my self sall be for my awin pairt, and than I doubt not bot with Godis grace we sall bring oure mater till ane syne quhilk sall bring contentmentt to ws all that evir wissed for the revenge of the Machevalent massacaring of oure darrest friendis. I doubt not bot M. A., youre lordis brother, hes informit youre lord quhat course I layit doun to bring all youre lord associatis to my hous of Fastcastell be sea, quhair I suld have all materiallis in redines for thair saif ressaveing a land and in to my hous, making as it wer bot a maner of passing tyme in ane boit on the sea in this fair sommertyde, and nane utheris strangeris to hant my hous quhill we had concludit on the laying of oure platt, quhilk is alreadie devysit be M. A. and me. And I wald wische that youre lord wald ather come or send Masiter A. to me, and thaireftir I suld meit youre lord in Leith or quietlie in Restal, quhair we sould have preparit ane fyne haitit kit with suckar and confeittis and wyne, and thaireftir confer on materis. And the sonner we brocht oure purpose to pas, it wer the better befoir harvest. Let not M. W. R., youre auld pedagog, ken of youre commoning, bot rather wald I gif I durst be sa bald to intreat youre lord anis to come and sie my awin hous quhair I have keipit my lord bo. in his greatest extremiteis, say the k[ing] and his counsaill quhat they wald. And incais God grant ws happie success in this erand, I hoip baith to have youre lord and his lord with mony utheris of youre luffeiris and his at ane gude dyner befoir I die. Alwayes I hope that the k[ing's] buk hunting at Falkland this yeir sall prepair some daintie cheir for ws aganis that denner the nixt yeir, hoc jocose till animat youre lord at this tyme, bot eftirwardis we sall have better occasioun to mak mirrie. I protest my lord befoir God I wische nathing with a better heart nor to atchive to that quhilk youre lord wald fane attene unto, and my continewall prayer sall tend to that effect and with the large spending of my landis, gudis, yea, the hassarding of my lyfe sall not affray me fra that, althocht the skaffauld wer alreadie sett upe, befoir I sould falsefie my promeisse to your lord, and persuade your lord thairof, I trow your lord hes ane pruif of my constancie alreadie or now. Bot my lord, quhair as youre lord desyres in youre letter that I craif my lord my brotheris mynd anent this mater, I alluterlie dissasent fra that that he evir sould be ane counsailloure thairto, for in gude faith he will nevir help his freind nor hurte his fo. Youre lord may confide mair in this auld man, the berare heirof, my man Laird Boure, nor in my brother, for I lippin my lyfe and all that I have els in his handis, and I trow he wald nocht spair to ryde to hellis yett to plesure me and he is not begylit of my part to him. Alwayes, my lord, quhan youre lord hes red my letter, delyver it to the berar agane that I may sie it brunt with my awin eine as I have send youre lord letter to youre lord agane, for so it is the fassone. I grant and I pray youre lord rest fullie persuadit of me and all that I have promesit, for I am resolvit howbeit it wer to die the morne I man intreit youre lord to expede Boure and gif him strait direction one pane of his lyfe, that he tak nevir ane wink sleip quhill he sie me agane, or els he will utterlie undo ws. I have alreadie send ane uther letter to the gentill man your lord kenis, as the berar will schaw youre lord of his answer and fordwardnes with youre lord, and I sall schaw youre lord forder at meiting quhan and quhair youre lord sall think meittest. To quhilk tyme and evir I committ youre lord to the protectioun of the almichtie God. Frome Gunnisgrene, the tuentie nynt day of Julii, 1600.

Postscript: Prayes youre lord hald me exusit for my unsemely letter, quhilk is not sa weill written as mister wer, for I durst not let ony of wryteris ken of it bot tuk tua sindrie idill dayes to do it my self. I will nevir forgett the gude sporte that M. A., youre lordis brother, tauld me of ane nobill man of Padoa. It cummis sa oft to my memorie and indeid it is aparasteur to this purpose we have in hand. Sic subscribitur, youre lord awin sworne and bundin man, to obey and serve with afauld and evir redie service to his utter power till his lyfes end, Restalrig.

Richt honorable schir, my hartlie duetie rememberit, ye knaw I tauld yow at oure last meiting in the Cannogait that M. A. R., my lord of Gowrie brother, had spokin with me anent the mater of oure conclusioun, and for my awin pairt I sall not be hindmaist. And sensyne I gat ane letter frome his lordis self for that samin purpose, and upoun the ressait thairof, understanding his lordis franknes and fordwartnes in it, God kennis gif my hart wes not liftit ten stages. I postit this same berar till his lord, to quhome ye may concredit all youre heart in that alsweill as I, for and it wer my verie saull I durst mak him messinger thairof. I have fit experience of his treuth in mony uther thingis: he is ane sillie auld glyit carle bot wonder honest. And as he hes reportit to me his lord awin answer, I think all materis sall be concludit at my hous of Fa, for I and M. A. R. concludit that ye sould come with him and his lord and onlie ane uther man with yow, being bot onlie four in company, intill ane of the great fischeing boittis be sea to my hous, quhair ye sall land als saifllie as on Leith schore. And the hous agane, his lord cummig, to be quiet. And quhan ye ar about half a myll fra schore as it wer, passing by the hous, to gar sett furth a waff. Bott for Godis saik let nather ony knawlege come to my lord my brotheris earis, nor yit to M. W. R., my lordis auld pedagog, for my brother is kittill to scho behind and dar not interpryse for feir, and the uther will dissuade ws fra oure purpose with ressones of religioun quhilk I can nevir abyd. I think thair is nane of a nobill heart or caryis ane stomak worth a penny, bot they wald be glaid to sie ane contented revenge of Gray Steillis dead. And the sonner the better his lord be quhick and bid M. A. remember on the sporte he tauld me of Padoa, for I think with my self that the cogitatioun on that sould stimulat his lord. And for Godis cause use all youre courses cum discretione. Faill not, schir, to send back agane this letter, for M. A. learnit me that fassoun that I may sie it distroyit my self. So till youre cumming and evir committis yow heartlie to Chrystis holy protectioun. Frome Gunnisgrene, the last day of Julii 1600. The subscriptioun is ryvin fra this last letter.

Followes the depositionis of the witneses producit:

Maister Alexander Watsoun, minister at Coldinghame, of the age of fyftie yeiris, mareit, deponis the fyve missive letteris subscryvit be the laird of Restalrig and producit in proces be the lord advocat for preving of the ressone of tressoun persewit aganis Robert Logane, sone and apperant air to Robert Logane of Restalrig, being schawin to this deponar, and he haveing at lenth sichtit and considerit the samin, deponis that he takis upoun his conscience that he verelie belives that the saidis fyve missives and everie ane of thame ar verelie and treulie writtin be the said umquhile Robert Logane of Restalrig with his awin hand, and giffis this ressone of his knawlege, that not onlie he thinkis that the charectar of everie letter thairof resemblis perfytlie the said umquhile Robertis hand wrytt everie way, bot alsua aggres with his fassoun of spelling quhilk he hes particularlie remarkit in everie ane of the saidis missive letteris in thir pointis following: First, that he nevir useit to wrytt ane yin the beginning of ony word, sic as yow, youris, yeld, yea and siclyk, bot evir wrytt y insted of the said y; that he wrytt all wordis beginnig with w with ane singill v, and quhan that letter w fell to be in the middis or end of ane word, he wrytt ane daubill w; that quhan he wrytt quhen, quhair, quhilk or ony sic word quhilk uses to be writtin and spellit be utheris with quh, he wrait onlie qh, qhen, qhair and siclyk; quhanevir ane word began with con, he nevir wrytt con at lenth bot with ane Ø; quhan evir t fell to be in the end of ane word, he wrytt it without ane straik throw the t, and did the lyk quhan evir it fell in any pairt of ane word. And for forder confirmatioun of the premises, he producit thrie letteris wryttin everie word and subscryvit be the said umquhile Robert Logane of Restalrig, and comparing thame with the fyve uther missives producit be the advocat, schew evidentlie the direct conformitie of the samin, alsweill in the charecter and trew resemblans of the handwrytt as in the spelling and wryting of everie wrytt sillabe and letter according to the particularis abonespecefeit. Sic subscribitur, Maister Alexander Watsoun.

Maister Alexander Smyt, minister at Chirnesyde, of the age of threttie yeiris or thairby, mareit, deponis that he wes weill acquentit with the umquhile laird of Restalrig, be ressone he wes padagog to his bairnis and hes sene werray mony of his handwryttis. And haveing sene, red and at lenth considerit the fyve missive letteris producit be the advocat, and inquirit gif he knew the samin to be the laird of Restalrigis propir handwrytt, declairis upoun his great aith that he certanlie belives the saidis fyve letteris and everie word thairof to be the laird of Restalriggis thir handwrytt becaus he findis the charecter thairof to aggrie everie way with the schaip of his ordinar wrytingis, and remarkit verray perticularlie the maner of Restalriggis spelling of mony wordis utherwayes nor uther men commounlie uses to wrytt and spell according to the haill perticularis remarkit of befoir be Maister Alexander Watsoun, the witnes immediatlie preceding. And in these points and all utheris is conforme to the said Maister Alexander Watsounes depositioun in all thingis, reddens caussam scientie becaus he hes perfytlie acquentit with the laird of Restalriggis handwrytt in his lyfetyme and wes pedagog to his bairnis mony yeiris and in his company. Sic subscribitur, Maister Alexander Smyth.

Schir John Arnote, provest of Edinburgh, of the age of thrie scoir ten yeiris or thairby, mareit, deponis that he wes weill acquentit with Robert Logane of Restalrig and with his hand wrytt becaus he had ressavit divers of his lettres him self, and sene mony utheris lettres writtin be him. And the fyve missives producit be the advocat being schawin to him, and he haveing sene and considerit the samin, rememberit that he had sene, red and perfytlie considerit the samin of befoir. And eftir gude, advysit deliberatioun is resolvit that the saidis fyve lettres ar all certanlie the laird of Restalriggis handwrytt, as the letteris writtin be the deponar at ony tyme ar his awin handwrytt, and sua takkis on his conscience that the foirsaidis fyve missive bills producit be the advocat ar the propir handwrytt and subscriptioun of the said umquhile laird of Restalrig be his jugement. And far verificatioun thairof, hes producit four wryttis all writtin be the said umquhile laird of Restalrig and send to this deponar and to Archibald Johnstoun aggreand perfytlie in spelling and carectar with the saidis missives. Sic subscribitur, Arnote.

Alexander Cuik, schireff clerk of Berwick, of the age of fyftie yeiris or thairby, maryit, deponis that he wes weill acquentit with the umquhile laird of Restalrig and hes sene mony and sindrie of his wryttis and ressavit divers of his lettres direct to him self. And being desyrit to sie and consider the fyve lettres producit be the advocat and to declair quhidder he knew and estemit the samin to be all writtin be umquhile the laird of Restalrig, deponis upoun his conscience that he belives and estemis the saidis haill lettres to be all writtin be the laird of Restalrig, reddens caussam scientie becaus not onlie the carecter aggreis every way with the schap of Restalriggis handwrytt, bot alsua the spelling in mony particularis quhairin Restalrig diferrit frome other mennis forme of wryting, and in the particularis thairof deponis conforme to the tua first witneses, the ministeris of Coldinghame and Chirnesyde, reddens eand caussam scientie. Sic subscribitur, Alexander Cuik.

Williame Home in Aytoun Myln, of the age of threttie thrie yeiris or thairby, maryit, deponis that all the fyve missives abonewrittin, being schawin to this deponar and haveing at lenth considerit everie ane of thame, takkis upoun his conscience that to his knawlege that the saidis fyve missive lettres ar all writtin and subscryvit be the umquhile laird of Restalrig for the speciall ressones contenit in the depositionis maid be Maister Alexander Watsoun, Maister Alexander Smyth, ministeris, and Alexander Cuke, schireff clerk of Berwick, to quhome he is conforme in all thingis, reddens eand caussam scientie. Sic subscribitur, William Home.

Johne Horne, notar in Aymouth, of the age of fourtie tua yeiris or thairby, solutus, deponis the foirsaidis fyve missive billis, being at lenth sichtit and considerit be this deponar, deponis and declairis upoun conscience to his knawlege all the saidis fyve missives ar the laird of Restalriggis propir handwryttis and subscriptioun, for the ressones abone writtin in the depositioun of Williame Home, reddens eand caussam scientie. Sic subscribitur, J. Horne.

Maister William Hog, minister at Aytoun, of the age of threttie yeiris or thairby, maryit, deponis that he knew weill the laird of Restalrig and hes sene of his wryttis, and producit ane letter writtin be Restalrig to the laird of Aytoun all writtin with Restalriggis awin handwrytt. And haveing considerit the fyve wryttis producit be the advocat, declaris that he thinkis thame lyklie to his wryttis and that the samin appeiris to be verie lyk his wrytt be the conformitie of letteris and spelling. Sic subscribitur, Maister Williame Hog.

At Edinburgh, the tuelf day of August 1608

George Sprott, notar in Aymouth, being brocht to the scaffold and place of executioun, he, in publict audience of the haill people at the four nukeis of the scaffold, ratefeit his former depositionis anent his knowledge and conceilling of Restalriggis guiltines of Gouryes treassoun, for the quhilk he craveit God and his majestie humblie forgifnes, being maist sorie and grevit that he had offendit God and the kingis majestie in conceilling such a vyld, detestable and unnaturall treassoun interprysit be the Erle of Gourie and laird of Restalrig aganis his naturall king, so gude and so godlie a prince quha hes evir bene sa gratious to his subjectis and to this haill yland, protesting that gif he had a thowsand lives to rander and wer able to suffer ten thowsand deathis, it is not sufficient satisfactioun and recompence for his so foull and horrible offence, and that God had preservit him frome mony great perrellis quhan his lyfe wes in extreme danger to bring him to this publict declaratioun of that detestable and horrible fact in testefeing of the treuth, as he said publictlie in presens of all the people in thir wordis following, 'To my awin schame, the schame of the devill and the glorie of God, for satisfeing of the consciences of all these (gif ony be) that hes or can mak ony doubt of the treuth of this so cleire a mater'. And he acknawleges that his hanting with Restalrig, who wes a man without religioun and subject to mony utheris vices, and his ingyreing of him self in thir materis eftir the first sicht of Restalriggis lettre writtin to Gowry, and his continuall beiring of company with Restalrig and Laird Bour who wer irreligious and without feir of God, brocht him frome one fyne to another and consequentlie upoun this grevous, for the quhilk most justlie, worthelie and willinglie he is now to rander his lyfe. And he desyrit all the people to be war of ewill company and namelie of the company of these quha ar voyd of religiouin. And he desyrit that this his declaratioun micht be insert in his proces, as alsua he desyrit the ministeris of Goddis word to publishe this his declaratioun to thair flokkis frome thair pulpittis and tuk everie one of thame who wer present be the hand with their promeis to do the same, saying unto thame that this wes the most glorious day that evir his eeis did sie. And with these wordis he prostratis him self and fallis upoun his kneis in presens of the haill people, and maid a verie pithie prayer, beginning in this forme as followis: 'O Father, how sould I call the Father that am so unworthie to be callit thy sone. I have wanderit a stray lyk a lossit scheip, and thow of thy mercy hes brocht me home to thee and hes preservit my life frome mony dangeris unto this day, that I mycht revile these hye and secrete mistereis to my awin schame and thy glorie. And thow hes promesit that quhansoevir a synner frome his heart will repent and call to the with unfenyeit repentance, that thow will heir him and gif him mercye'. And so he continewit a gude space in a most fervent prayer, to the great admiration and rejoyseing of all the people, and in a better forme and maner nor ony of all the behalderis and heiraris can be hable to sett doun in wrytt, the same not being writtin in the present tyme becaus thair wes na place of wryting upoun the scaffold inrespect of the prease and multitude of the people. And going upe the ladder he desyrit libertie to sing the sext psalme and requestit the people to accompany him in singing thairof, whiche being grantit and he being at the ladder heid, the same wes tane upe and song be him self with a verray loude and michtie voice, and wes assistit with abone the number of fyve hundreth persones, who, with tearis, accompanyit him in singing of that song. Eftir the ending thairof, he repetit and ratefeit his said former depositioun, and with that, recommending his soule to God, he wes cassin over and so endit his mortall lyfe. In witnes quhairof, we undir subscryveyris who, for the most pairt, wer all of ws upoun the skaffold with him and remanit with him unto the tyme of his death, and otheris of ws in so convenient places neir to the skaffold that we did heir all that wes spokin by him, have subscryvit thir presentis with oure handis. Sic subscribitur, Glasgow, B. Galloway, M. B. Brechine, Balfour of Burley, Halyrudhous, Johne Prestoun, clericus registri, P. Scharp, Maister P. Galloway, Johne Hall, Walter Balcanquall, Maister P. Hewat, Maister H. Blyth, Charlis Lumisden, Richard Dobie, baillie of Edinburgh, Williame Speir, baillie, James Ainslie, baillie of Edinburgh.

The quhilkis missive billis and haill depositiounes abone writtin and utheris wryttis and probatiounes producit now presentlie be the said lord advocat, he repetit for preving of the said summondis of treassoun and cause thairin contenit and renuncit forder probatioun, and thairupoun the said advocat askit instrumentis. And lykwayes, the said lord advocat producit in presens of the said commissionar and haill estaittis of parliament oure soverane lordis lettres of relaxatioun, berand the said Robert Logane, eldest sone to the said Robert Logane, sumtyme of Restalrig, to be relaxit be Robert Logane, messinger, fra the proces of all horningis at the marcat croces of Hadingtoun, Duns and Grenelaw upoun the sevint and aucht dayes of Aprile respective, jM vjC and nyne yeiris, and at the marcatt croce of Edinburgh be Johne Moncur, messinger, upoun the ellevint day of Aprile the yeir of God foirsaid, as at mair lenth is contenit in the saidis lettres of relaxatioun of the date the sext day of Marche last bipast, and registrat in the clerk of registreris buik the ellevint day of Aprile jM vjC and nyne yeiris. Upoun the productioun of the quhilkes lettre of relaxatioun, the said advocat lykwayes askit instrumentis, and desyrit the haill estaittis to consider of the saidis probatiounes producit and repetit be him, and to advise the said proces of foirfaltour and to gif furth thair decreitt thairintill according thairto.

And siclyk the said Schir Thomas Hamyltoun of Bynnie, knycht, his hienes advocat, eftir that he had repetit and producit all his probationis to the saidis haill estaittis, quhilkis he wald use foir preving of the pointis of the said summondis and ressones and causes thairin cotenit, he reproducit the said summondis of treassoun befoir the saidis haill estaittis, raisit and persewit at the instance of oure said soverane lord and his hienes advocatt aganis the said Robert Logane and his tutouris and curatouris and all utheris haveand or pretendand to have interes, quhairby they wer summonit to compeir befoir oure soverane lord and his estaittis of parliament at ane certane day bigane, with continewatioun of dayes, to have hard and sene it be fundin that the said umquhile Robert Logane of Restalrig committit treassoun and lesemajestie in his lyfetyme, and to heir and sie his fame, name and posteritie abolishit, and to have answerit to the haill pointis and crymes of treassoun and lesemajestie contenit in the said summondis, off the quhilk summondis of treassoun the tennoure followes:

Jacobus Dei gratia Magne Britannie Francie et Hibernie Rex fideique defensor dilectis nostris Leoni regi armorum Merchemount Ilay Ross Rothesay, Albanie et Snawdoun herauldis, Dauidi Brysoun, Alexandro Dowglas Jacobo Chalmer et Magistro Willelmo Stewart clavigeris, Ormount Bute Unicorne Carrik signiferis nunciis ac eorum cuilibet coniunctim et divisim vicecomitibus nostris in hac parte specialiter constitutis salutem. Mandamus vobis et precipimus quod summoneatis legitime et peremptorie coram testibus Robertum Logane filium primogenitum et heredem apparentem quondam Roberti Logane de Restalrig, personaliter si eius personalem presentiam habere poteritis sin minus apud domicilium et locum habitationis sue, necnon dictum Robertum Logane eiusque tutores et curatores si quos habet omnesaue alios interesse habentes seu pretendentes, per publicationem apud cruces forales burgorum nostrorum de Edinburgh Hadingtoun Duns Grenlaw aliaque loca necessaria ita vt huiusmodi summonitio ad eorum aures et notitiam verisimiliter peruenire possit, ad comparendum coram nobis nostrove comissionario et justiciario ac regni nostri Scotie ordinibus in parliamento nostro apud Edinburgh vel vbi nos nostrumve commissionarium ac justiciarium et dicti regni nostri ordines pro tempore convenire contigerit tenendo duodecimo die mensis Aprilis proxime futuri hora causarum cum continuatione dierum, ad respondendum nobis seu nostro justiciario in dicto nostro parliamento, necnon ad instantiam dilecti et fidelis consiliarii nostri Thome Hammyltoun de Bynnie militis nostri advocati pro nostro interesse, et ad videndum et audiendum per nos aut nostri comissionarii justitiarii et trium dicti regni nostri Scotie statuum decretum et sententiam decerni dictum quondam Robertum Logane de Restalrig crimina lesemaiestatis infrascripta in vita sua commisisse, eorumque conscium et participem fuisse, eaque approbasse et celasse, ideoque memoriam eius damnari et bona omnia mobilia et immobilia jura aliaque omnia ad eum infra dictum nostrum regnum spectantia nobis confiscari et perpetuo nobiscum modo infrascripto remanere debere, ob causas et rationes sequentes. Quum enim quondam Joannes olim Comes de Gowrie et quondam Magister Alexander Ruthven eius frater nulla prouocati iniuria sed multis magnisque devincti nobis beneficijs in necem nostram mense Julio aut eo circa anno Domini millesimo sexcentesimo ingrate crudeliter nefarie et proditorie coniuraiserent et de ascistendis in sceleris consilium et partem sociis consultantes, neminem ad tam immane nefas aut suscipiendum aut perpetrandum aptiorem promptioremve dicto quondam Roberto Logane de Restalrig existimarent. Ideoque dictus quondam Joannes olim comes de Gowrie dictum quondam Magistrum Alexandrum Ruthven suum fratrem ad dictum quondam Robertum Logane de Ristalig misisset cum vt dicti horrendi sceleris consilium et executionis destinatum ordinem ei significaret tum etiam vt eum hortaretur vt eos consilio et auxilio suo in tam nefando facinore perpetrando juuaret, dictus quondam Magister Alexander dictum quondam Robertum Logane de Restalrig in vico canonicorum opportune conveniens omnem proditionis seriem ei patesecit, dictusque quondam Robertus Logane pro sua ad scelera omnia naturali et inveterata propensione adeo gratam sibi eam coniurationem esse declarauit vt fide data et accepta crebrisque cum dicto quondam Magistro Alexandro ea de re in dicto mense Julio habitis sermonibus, omnem tandem tuto et secrete peragendi criminis ordinem proditorie constituerunt. Atque in ea crudeli et scelestissima voluntate dictus quondam Robertus Logane de Restalrig non solum pertinaciter et proditorie perseverauit sed crebris nuntiis literisque per quondam Jacobum Bour de Bourhouse alias laird Boure vocatum ad quondam comitem de Gowrie missis, quibus dicti quondam comitis literis super ea re acceptis respondebat dictum quondam Joannem olim comitem de Gowrie enixe ad constantia in prefato scelere prosequendo et perpetrando proditorie hortatus est, arcemque suam de Fastcastell natura et arte munitissimam post scelus proditorie peractum paratum tutumque coniuratis refugium futurum promisit, si tribus aut quatuor sociis comitatus dictus quondam comes eo se recipere in cymba piscatoria vellet. Et quamvis nomen nostrum et de cede nostra expressam mentionem in dictis literis quondam Robertus Logane, vt in tam fedis proditionibus fieri solet suppresseret, ea tamen adeo dilucide et perspicue habita temporis et circumstantiarum facta in dictis literis descripti ratione expressit vt nil clarius manifestiusque esse possit. Cum tandem quinto die mense Augusto anno Domini millesimo sexcentesimo quem cedi nostre diem destinauerunt dictus quondam Joannes olim Comes de Gowrie misso ad nos Falcolandiam dicto quondam magistro Alexandro Ruthven fratre suo fraudulenter et nefarie nos Pertham pertraxisset et in secretius cubiculum exclusis viris nobilibus domesticisque nostris qui et pauci et inermes instituta eo die venatione relicta nos eo secuti erant, dictus quondam Magister Alexander duxiiset ibique vim vite nostre proditorie afferre enixe conatus fuisset, nosque divino favente numine, licet et armis et alia omni humana ope destituti tam atrocem violentiam diu propulsassemus donec clamore nostro accitis qui in propinqua vrbis platea nostrum ex vrbe exitum operiebantur seruis nostris Dei mira providentia dominus Joannes Ramsay vicecomes Hadingtonie accurrens et dictum quondam Magistrum Alexandrum nos opprimere conantem cernens, stricto pugione in pectus ipsius addacto eum fugere coegit quem Dominus Thomas Erskynne Fentonie vicecomes ad auxilium nobis in dicto discrimine ferendum pro eximia sua in nos fide properans, dictum Magistrum Alexandrum lethalibus vulneribus confecit ac dictum quondam Joannem olim comitem de Gowrie ad ceptum scelus perficiendum multis stipatus coniuratis ferociter accelerantem dicti vicecomites de Hadingtoun et Fentoun prohibere conantes summoque cum vite sue discrimine nostrum periculum propulsantes et vitam nostram honestis vulneribus acceptis protegentes, tandem dictus vicecomes Hadingtonie dicti quondam comitis cor proditionem spirans et sanguinem nostram auidissime sitiens ense sua ferociter et feliciter transfixit. Cuius proditionis quamvis nos dictum quondam Robertum Logane de Restalrig reum esse ignoraremus, ipse tamen sua damnatus conscientia ac semper timens ne dictus quondam Jacobus Bour dicte coniurationis conscius rem omnem detegeret, sepius cum dicto Jacobo egit vt fidem sibi de ea proditione celanda obstringeret, tandemque per dictum quondam Jacobum certior factus quondam Georgium Sprott notarium in Aymouth tum visis ipsius quondam Roberti ad dictum quondam comitem de Gowrie ea de re literis scriptis apud Gwnisgrene priusquam clause fuissent, pluribus diebus ante perpetratum scelus, et post detectam coniurationem (quod dictus quondam Jacobus Boure literarum prorsus ignarus dicti quondam Georgii opera in legendis scriptis omnibus ad eum missis vel pertinentibus vtebatur) quasdem etiam dicti quondam Roberti literas super ea coniuratione apud dictum Jacobum Boure fortuito vidisse quare dicto quondam comite de Gowrie postquam eas legisset ad dictum Robertum Logane reportandas dictus quondam Jacobus Bour retinuerat, sicque coniurationis perfectam noticiam habere, eiusdem dictum quondam Robertum conscium esse et participem Intelligere dictus quondam Robertus Logane de Restalrig cum vtroque diligentissime egit multisque vnicuique eorum datis muneribus persuasit vt dictam proditionem pro perpetuo celarent obtinuitque vt se viuo nunquam revelaretur. Neque prius horrendum illud dicti Roberti maiestatis crimen detectum fuit quam dictus quondam Georgius Sprott diuino vt apparuit inspirante numine ad vindicandam nostram ab improborum calumniis famam predictam proditoriam coniurationem et dicti quondam Roberti Logane eiusdem reatum multis constantissimis confessionibus vltro patefecit, et dicti quondam Roberti literis quas a dicto quondam Jacobo Bour acceperat prolatis manifestauit ac constanti pia et penitenti ob tam horrendum facinus tam diu celatum morte feliciter confirmauit. Cuius crudelis nefarii et proditorii facinoris et lese maiestatis criminis dictus quondam Robertus Logane de Restalrig in vita sua fuit ars et pars conscius et particeps ideoque ipsius persuasione hortatu consilio et auxllio susceptum et perpetratum fuit, dictusque quondam Robertus dictum scelestissimum maiestatis crimen ad mortem et in morte proditorie celauit. Et propterea dictus Robertus Logane filius et heres apparens dicti quondam Roberti Logane de Restalrig eiusque tutores et curatores si quos habet, omnesque alii interesse habentes seu pretendentes ad videndum et audiendum nomen memoriam et dignitatem dicti quondam Roberti Logane de Restalrig extinctum fore et esse decerni, armaque et insignia sua de libro armorum et nobilitatis deleri et cancellari ita vt ipsius posteri ab officiis honoribus dignitatibus terris tenementis prediis redditibus possessionibus omnibusque bonis mobilibus et immobilibus juribusque et aliis in hoc regno nostro Scotie possidendis et gaudendis sint inhabiles et incapaces de hinc imperpetuum, atque omnia bona terras predia tenementa atque alia quecunque bona mobilia et immobilia jura aliaque ad dictum quondam Robertum Logane de Restalrig pertinentia vel que ad illum post initum sceleste factionis et proditoriii criminis supradicti consilium pertinuerant spectarunt vel ad illum vllo modo pertinere vel spectare potuerunt nobis confiscari et ad nos pertinere et properpetuo nobiscum in proprietate remanere. Intimando dicto Roberto Logane filio et heredi apparenti dicti quondam Roberti Logane de Restalrig eiusque tutoribus et curatoribus si quos habet omnibusque aliis interesse habentibus vel pretendentibus quod siue comparuerint siue non dictis die et loco cum continuatione dierum, nos dictusque commissonarius et dictus noster justiciarius dictique regni nostri Scotie ordines in prefato nostro parliamento justicia mediante procedemus et procedent. Insuper summoneatis ad comparendum in dicto parliamento nostro dictis die et loco cum continuatione dierum coram nobis dictoue nostro justiciario et commissario ac dicti regni nostri ordinibus ad perhibendum fidele testimonium in premisssis sub pena legis; et vos qui predictas has nostras literas executioni mandaueritis sitis ibidem portantes vobiscum dicte summonitionis testimonium et ipsos testes. Ad quod faciendum vobis et vestrum cuilibet coniunctim et divisim vicecomitibus nostris in hac parte nostram plenariam tenore presentium committimus potestatem. Datum sub testimonio nostri magni sigilli apud Edinburgh decimo quinto die mensis Februarii anno Domini millesimo sexcentisimo nono, regnorumque nostrorum annis quadragesimo secundo et sexto.

Followis the excecutionis of the said summondis: Upon the sextent day of Februar, the yeir of God jM vjC and nyne yeiris, I, Johne Blinsell, Ilay herauld, past at command of thir oure soverane lordis lettres and summondis of forfaltrie withinwrittin, gevin undir the testimoniall of his majesties great seall, to the marcat croce of the burgh of Edinburgh, and thair, be oppin proclamatioun, eftir thrie soundis of trumpet with his maistteis coitt of armes displayit upoun me and reading the summondis within specefeit, lauchfullie and peremtptorlie summonit, warnit and chairgeit Robert Logane, eldest sone and appeirand air of umquhile Robert Logane of Restalrig, his father, and his tutouris and curatouris, gif he ony hes, for thair interesse, and all utheris haveand or pretendand to have interes in the mater within expremit, to compeir befoir oure soverane lord or his majesteis comissionar of parliament of his hienes realme of Scotland, justice generall and thrie estaittis thairof, in the parliament to be haldin at Edinburgh or quhair it salhappin thame to convene for the tyme, the tuelf day of Aprile nixtocum in the hour of caus, with continewatioun of dayes, to answer to his majesteis justice, and als at the instance of his hienes weilbelovit and trustie counsaillour Schir Thomas Hammyltoun of Bynnie, knycht, advocat to oure soverane lord for his hienes interesse, that is to say the said Robert Logane, his tutouris and curatouris and all utheris haveand or pretendand to have interes, to heir and sie it be fundin and declarit be his majestie, his said commissionar, justice and thrie estaittis foirsaidis that the said umquhile Robert Logane of Restalrig, his father, committit the cryme of tressoun and lesemajestie within writtin, and thairfoir to have incurrit the punishment dew thairfoir at lenth specefeit and sett down in the summondis of foirfaltour within rehersit eftir the forme and tennoure thairof in all pointis, of the quhilkis summondis I affixit ane just and authentik copie upoun the said marcat croce bofoir thir witneses: Andro Fyne, trumpetour in Edinburgh, Archibald Bald and Johne Moncur, messingeris, induellaris in Edinburgh. And for the mair verificatioun to this my executionn, subscryvit with my hand, my signet is affixit heirto. Die subscribitur, Johne Blinsell, Ilay herauld.

Upoun this tuentie ane day of the said moneth of Februar, the yeir of God abonewrittin, I, the said Johne Blinsell, Ilay herauld, past at command of the said summondis of forfaltrie to the marcat croces respective of Grenelaw and Duns and thair, be oppin proclamatioun, eftir thrie soundis of trumpett with his majesties coitt of armes displayit upoun me and reiding of the said summondis, lauchfullie and peremptourlie summond, warned and charged the said Robert Logane, eldest sone and apperand air of the said umquhile Robert Logane of Restalrig, and his tutouris and curatouris, gif he any hes, for thair interesse, and all utheris haveand or pretendand to have interes in the mater within rehersit, to compeir befoir our soverane lord or his majesties commissionar of parliament of his hienes realme of Scotland, the justice generall and thrie estaittis of the said kingdome in the parliament to be haldin at Edinburgh or quhair it salhappin thame to convene for the tyme, the said tuelf day of Aprile nixtocum in the hour of cause, with continewatioun of dayes, to the effect and for the crymes at lenth contenit in the said summondis of forfaltour raisit aganis thame eftir the forme and tennoure thairof in all pointis, quhairof I affixit and left ane just and authentik copie upoun ilkane of the saidis mercat croces of Duns and Grenelaw. This I did befoir thir witneses respective: Andro Fyne, trumpetour in Edinburgh, Andro Wat, post thair, and Alexander Cummig thair. And for the mair verificatioun of this my executioun, subscryvit with my hand, my signet is heirto affixit. Sic subscribitur, Johne Blinsell, Ilay herauld.

Upoun the tuentie tua day of the said moneth of Februar the yeir of God abonewrittin, I, the said Johne Blinsell, Ilay herauld, past at command of the said summondis of foirfaltrie and, be vertue thairof, with his majesteis coitt of armes displayit upoun me, lauchfullie and peremptourlie summonit, warnit and chargeit the said Robert Logane, eldest sone and apperand air of the said umquhile Robert Logane of Restalrig, his father, personalie apprehendit at the place of Farnysyde, and delyverit to him ane just and authentik copie of the said summondis of foirfaltor to compeir befoir oure soverane lord or his majesteis commissionar of parliament of his hienes realme of Scotland, justice generall and thrie estaittis thairof in the parliament to be haldin at Edinburgh or quhair it salhappin thame to convene for the tyme, the tuelf day of Aprile nixtocum in the hour of cause, with continewatioun of dayes, to answer to his majesteis justice, and als at the instance of his hienes trustie and weilbelovitt counsallour Schir Thomas Hammyltoun of Bynnie, knycht, advocat to oure soverane lord for his hienes interes; that is to say, the said Robert Logane and his tutouris and curatouris and all utheris haveand or pretendand to have interes to heir and sie it be fundin and declarit be his majestie, his said comissionar, justice and thrie estaittis foirsaidis that the said umquhile Robert Logane of Restalrig, his father, committit the crymes of treassoun and lesemajestie within writtin, and to have incurrit the punishement dew thairto, at lenth specefeit in the said summondis eftir the forme and tennoure thairof in all pointis. This I did befoir thir witneses: Andro Fyne, trumpetour in Edinburgh, Andro Watt, post thair, and Alexander Cumming thair. And for the mair verificatioun of this my executioun, subscryvit with my hand, my signet is affixit. Sic subscribitur, Johne Blinsell, Ilay herauld.

Upoun the tuentie thrid day of the said moneth of Februar and yeir of God jM vjC and nyne yeiris, I, the said Johne Blinsell, Ilay herauld, past at command of the said summondis of foirfaltour to the marcat croce of the burgh of Hadingtoun and thair, be oppin proclamatioun, eftir thrie soundis of trumpett with his majesteis coitt of armes displayit upoun me and reiding of the said summondis of foirfaltour, lauchfullie and peremptourlie summonit, warnit and chargeit Robert Logane, eldest sone and apperant air to umquhile Robert Logane of Restalrig, his father, and his tutouris and curatouris, gif he ony hes, for thair interesse, and all utheris haveand or pretendand to have interes in the mater within expremitt, to compeir befoir oure soverane lord or his majesteis commissionar of parliament of his hienes realme of Scotland, justice generall and thrie estaittis thairof, in the parliament to be haldin at Edinburgh or quhair it salhappin thame to convene for the tyme, the tuelf day of Aprile nixtocum in the hour of cause, with continuatioun of dayes, to answer to his majesteis jutstice, and als at the instance of his hienes trustie and weilbelovit counsallour, Schir Thomas Hammyltoun of Bynnie, knycht, advocat to our soverane lord for his hienes interes, that is to say, the said Robert Logane and his tutouris and curatouris and all utheris haveand or pretendand to have interes to heir and sie it be fundin and declarit be his majestie, his said commissionar and justice and thrie estaittis foirsaidis that the said umquhile Robert Logane of Restalrig, his father, committit the crymes of treasson and lesemajestie withinwrittin, and to have incurrit the punishement dew thairto at lenth specefeit and sett doun in the summondis of forfaltour within rehersit eftir the forme and tennoure thairof in all pointis; off the quhilke summondis I affixit ane just and authentick copie upoun the said marcat croce. This I did befoir thir witneses: Andro Fyne, trumpetour in Edinburgh, Andro Watt, commoun post thair, and Alexander Cumming thair. And for the mair verificatioun of this my executioun, subscryvit with my hand, my signet is affixit. Sic subscribitur, Johne Blinsell, Iilay herauld, haveand his signet affixit to the saidis haill executionis.

The quhilkis summondis, with the executionis and indorsatiounis thairof respective foirsaidis, being this instant day red in presens of his majesteis commissionar and estaittis of parliament, first in Latine and thaireftir in Scottis, the said Robert Logane, being oftymes callit of new at the tolbuth window of the said burgh of Edinburgh to have comperit and answerit to the said summondis of treassoun and ressones and causes thairin contenit, and he not comperand to have defendit in the said mater and to have answerit to the said summondis, the said Schir Thomas Hammyltoun of Bynnie, knycht, advocat to oure soverane lord, desyrit the saidis estaittis declaratioun gif the ressones of the said summondis wer relevant: the quhilkis estaittis fand the said summondis and ressone and cause thairin contenit relevand; thairfoir the said advocat of new, for preving of the foirsaid summondis of treassoun rasit aganis the said Robert Logane, beirand and contenand as is abonewrittin, repetit all the foirsaidis missive billis and the saidis depositionis of the saidis witneses examinat befoir the saidis lordis of articlis and lordis of secreit counsaill respective, George Sprottis depositionis and convictioun and his executioun to the death for the samin cause of treassoun, with the haill utheris wryttis and probationis producit and repetit be him of befoir for preving of the foirsaid summondis of treasson and ressoun thairin contenit, and desyrit the saidis estaittis of parliament yit as of befoir to advyse the probatiounes foirsaidis led and deducit in the said mater and to pronunce thair sentence of parliament thairintill, according to the samin probatiounes and thair consciences. And thaireftir the haill depositiounes of the witneses, missive billis and haill wryttis and probationis being red, sene and considerit be the foirsaidis haill esttaittis of parliament, and they thairwith being ryplie advysit, the said lord commissionar and estaittis of parliament findis, decernis and declaris that the said umquhile Robert Logane of Restalrig committit and did in his lyfetyme oppin and manifest treassoun in all the pointis, articlis and maner contenit in the said summondis; and thairfoir it wes gevin for dome be the mouth of David Lyndesay, dempster of parliament, in maner and forme as followes:

This courte of parliament schawis for law that the said umquhile Robert Logane of Restalrig in his lyfetyme committit the foirsaid cryme of treassoun and lesemajestie, and that he wes airt and pairt, giltie and pairtaker thairof aganis oure said soverane lord and his authoritie royall, and that the foirsaidis cruell, wicked and treassounable crymes wer interprysit be his causing, persuasioun, counsaill and help, lykas the said umquhile Robert Logane of Restalrig treassonablie conceillit the foirsaid cryme of lesemajestie to his death and in his death in all maner at lenth cotenit in the said summondis; and thairfoir decernis and declaris the name, memorie and dignitie of the said umquhile Robert Logane of Restalrig to be extinct and abolisheit and his armes cancellat, rivine and deleitt furth of the buikis of armes and nobilitie sua that his posteritie sall be excludit and be unhable to posses or injoy ony offices, honouris, digniteis, landis, tenementis, rowmes, rentis, possessionis or gudis, moveable or unmoveable, richtis and utheris quhatsumevir within this kingdome in all tyme cumming, and that all the saidis gudis, landis, rowmes, tenementis and utheris gudis, moveable and unmoveable, richtis and utheris quhatsumevir pertening to the said umquhile Robert Logane of Restalrig or quhilkis micht onywayes have pertenit to him at ony tyme sen his conspyring of the saidis treassonable crymes to be escheat and foirfaltit to our said soverane lord, to appertene and to remane perpetualie with his majestie in propirtie. And this I gif for dome.

  1. NAS, PA2/17, f.29r-32v. Back
  2. APS interpolation. Back
  3. NAS, PA2/17, f.32v-38v. Back
  4. APS interpolation. Back
  5. Sic. Back
  6. Followed by '2', which seems to refer to the next letter. Back
  7. In superscript. Back
  8. Followed by '3', which seems to refer to the next letter. Back
  9. Followed by '4', which seems to refer to the next letter. Back
  10. 'buk' is an amendment made in the margin, replacing the deleted 'buik'. Back
  11. Written as a yogh. Back
  12. Written as a yogh. Back
  13. In superscript. Back