Conventioun apud Edinburgh, xxvij die mensis Januarij 1609

  1. NAS, PC1/24, 375. The original pagination has been used as a reference for this volume. Back
  2. NAS, PC1/24, 376-377. Back
  3. NAS, PC1/24, 377-378. Back
  4. NAS, PC1/24, 378. Back
  5. NAS, PC1/24, 378-379. Back
  6. NAS, PC1/24, 383-384. This article is placed out of order within the mss, and a note to this effect is written beside the act, signed by J. Primrose. Back
  7. NAS, PC1/24, 379-380. Back
  8. NAS, PC1/24, 380-381. Back
  9. NAS, PC1/24, 381-382. Back
  10. Sic. '[shoe]' in APS. Back
  11. NAS, PC1/24, 382. Back
  12. NAS, PC1/24, 382-383. Back
  13. APS interpolation. Back
  14. NAS, PC1/24, 384-385. Back
  15. NAS, PC1/24, 385-387. Back
  16. Addition to title is an APS interpolation. Not in manuscript. Back
Procedure: commission; king's letter to the estates
The erllis of Dunfermlyne and Dunbar, commissionaris at the convention

The quhilk day the missive lettre undirwrittin, signed be the kingis most excellent majestie, being presentit unto the nobilitie, counsale and estaitis presentlie convenit, contening his heynes nominatioun and choise of the Erll of Dunfermling, chanceller, and of the Erll of Dunbar, thesaurair of this kingdome, to be comissionairis for his heynes in this present conventioun, the saidis estaitis, with all dew reverence, allowit of his majeisteis chois in this mater, and gaif unto the saidis commissionairis thair awne placeis accordinglie. Followis his majesteis missive lettre: Richt trustie and weilbelovit cosines and counsellouris and uthairis, oure good, loveing and obedient subjectis of the estaitis of that oure kingdome presentlie convenit, we greete you weele. Whereas we haif thocht meit for authorising of certane conclusionis of the lait kept generall assemblie, maid for repressing of this grite incres and grouth of contrarie professouris, being daingerous subjectis in the estait, and for utheris causes to be imparted unto you in this meeting, to appoint this generall conventioun of oure estaitis, we haif thairupoun maid speciall choise of oure richt trustie and weilbelovit cosines and counsellouris the Erll of Dunfermline, chanceller, and the Erll of Dumbar, thesaurair of that oure kingdome, to be oure commissionairis thairat, unto quhome we haif committit the truist of the propoising of all materis to be moved thairin, and als haif remitted unto thair cair and diligence to see everie thing prosequuted and concludit that may serve for advancement of the trew religioun professit, for the setting fordwart of oure service and for the commoun wele and benefite of that whole kingdome; and no way doubting of speciall regaird baith of the message and messingeris, with all dew respect that appertenis or is requisite, we bid you fairweele frome oure court at Whytehall, the nynt of Januair 1609. To oure richt trusty and weilbeloved cosines and counsellore and to oure trustie and weilbeloved the nobilitie, clergye and commonis of that oure kingdome of Scotland, now presentlie conveyned.

The nobilitie, prelatis, counsale and remanent estaitis presentlie conveynit, haveing hard and considerit the kingis majesteis most gratious and confortable lettre directit unto thame quhairin his heynes hes very lyvelie expressit, to the unspeakable joy and conforte of the saidis estaitis, his most godlie and religious dispositioun as nurisfather of the kirk of God within his majesteis dominionis to advance the trew, ancient, apostolik faith presentlie professit within this his majesteis kingdome, and to suppresse all contrarie professouris; and alsua hes expressit his heynes most gracious acceptance, approbatioun and allowance of the proceidingis of the lait generall assemblie keepit at Linlithqw in the moneth of [...] last, the saidis estaitis, aknawlegeing with all dew praise and thankis to God his majesteis so faderlie cair and tender affectioun towardis the mantenance and uphalding of this kirk in all puritie, and his heynes most princelie, religious and lauchfull directionis gevin in this mater, hes for the forder strenthning of the proceidingis of the said assemblie and the conclusionis taikin thairin for suppressing of papistis and papistrie declaired, statute and ordaned as followis: In the first:

  1. NAS, PC1/24, 375. The original pagination has been used as a reference for this volume. Back
  2. NAS, PC1/24, 376-377. Back
  3. NAS, PC1/24, 377-378. Back
  4. NAS, PC1/24, 378. Back
  5. NAS, PC1/24, 378-379. Back
  6. NAS, PC1/24, 383-384. This article is placed out of order within the mss, and a note to this effect is written beside the act, signed by J. Primrose. Back
  7. NAS, PC1/24, 379-380. Back
  8. NAS, PC1/24, 380-381. Back
  9. NAS, PC1/24, 381-382. Back
  10. Sic. '[shoe]' in APS. Back
  11. NAS, PC1/24, 382. Back
  12. NAS, PC1/24, 382-383. Back
  13. APS interpolation. Back
  14. NAS, PC1/24, 384-385. Back
  15. NAS, PC1/24, 385-387. Back
  16. Addition to title is an APS interpolation. Not in manuscript. Back
Anent nobilmen who sendis thair sones oute of the cuntrie

Forsamekle as the saidis estaitis, considering that ane of the grete causes whiche hes procuret the growith and incresce of papistis within this kingdome hes proceidit frome the small cair and regaird that hes bene had of the educatioun and upbringing of the youth, who, being send forth of the realme to placeis of contrarie professioun and not being first wele grounded in religioun and accumpaneit with pedagogis skairse weele affectit to religioun, they do often returne bak so possest with superstitionis and hereticall errouris as thay may be justlie suspectit for dangerous subjectis in the estaite; for preventing of whiche growith and incresce of defectioun frome the trews faith by the occasioun foirsaid, the estaitis presentlie convened statutis and ordanis that all suche noblemen and utheris who heirefter salhappin to direct ony pedagogis with thair sones out of the cuntrey salbe haldin be virtew of this present act to have a sufficient testimoniall of the bischop of the dyocie quhair the said pedagog for the maist pairt laitlie before maid his residence, testifeing and approveing the said pedagog to be godlie and of good religioun, learned and instructit in the same. And gif ony nobleman or uther salhappin to send ony pedagog with thair sones out of the cuntrey without the testimoniall and approbatioun of the bischop in maner abonewrittin, in that caice the saidis estaitis declairis, statutis and ordanis that everie suche nobleman and utheris, according to thair severall degreis and rankis, sall incur the panes particularlie undirwrittin, viz: everie erll, fyve thousand pundis; everie lord, fyve thousand merkis; and everie barroun, thre thousand merkis, quhilk sowmes salbe intrometit with and upliftit of thame be his majesteis thesaurair and his depute to his heynes use. As alsua the saidis estaitis ordanis the saidis noblemen, barronis and utheris to haif a speciall cair and to gif ordour and directioun that the remaneing of thair sones forth of the cuntrey salbe in places quhair religioun is professit, or at leist quhair thair is no restrent of the same by the crueltie of inquisitioun; and that during the tyme of their absence they sall not hant ony idolatrous exercise of religioun, and that suche personis that hes not the moyane to intertenye with their sones a pedagog sall send thame to suche pairtis quhair religioun is profest in. And incaice thair sones efter thair depairture out of the cuntrey sall hant the exercises of contrarie religioun, the saidis estaitis ordanis that their parentis or suche utheris as hes the chairge of thame salbe straitit to find cautioun actit in the buikis of secrite counsale, undir suche panes as sall be modifeit, that thay sall not supplie, interteny nor furneis thame with ony thing necessair or comfortable unto thame.

  1. NAS, PC1/24, 375. The original pagination has been used as a reference for this volume. Back
  2. NAS, PC1/24, 376-377. Back
  3. NAS, PC1/24, 377-378. Back
  4. NAS, PC1/24, 378. Back
  5. NAS, PC1/24, 378-379. Back
  6. NAS, PC1/24, 383-384. This article is placed out of order within the mss, and a note to this effect is written beside the act, signed by J. Primrose. Back
  7. NAS, PC1/24, 379-380. Back
  8. NAS, PC1/24, 380-381. Back
  9. NAS, PC1/24, 381-382. Back
  10. Sic. '[shoe]' in APS. Back
  11. NAS, PC1/24, 382. Back
  12. NAS, PC1/24, 382-383. Back
  13. APS interpolation. Back
  14. NAS, PC1/24, 384-385. Back
  15. NAS, PC1/24, 385-387. Back
  16. Addition to title is an APS interpolation. Not in manuscript. Back
Anent these who imbraceis a fals religioun out of the cuntrie

And becaus their is divers personis that passis out of the cuntrey and in the time of their remaneing forth of the same doeth imbrace fals religioun contrarie to that whiche is profest, allowed and manteyned be his majestie, thairfore the saidis estaitis declairis, statutis and ordanis that all and quhatsumevir personis of this kingdome who sall depairt and pas furth of the boundis of Grite Britane to pairtis beyond sea, and sall imbrace ony uther religioun then that quhich is presentlie profest within this kingdome, salbe by vertew and auctoritie of this present act incapable and naway able to brooke ony office or honnour within the kingdome thairefter.

  1. NAS, PC1/24, 375. The original pagination has been used as a reference for this volume. Back
  2. NAS, PC1/24, 376-377. Back
  3. NAS, PC1/24, 377-378. Back
  4. NAS, PC1/24, 378. Back
  5. NAS, PC1/24, 378-379. Back
  6. NAS, PC1/24, 383-384. This article is placed out of order within the mss, and a note to this effect is written beside the act, signed by J. Primrose. Back
  7. NAS, PC1/24, 379-380. Back
  8. NAS, PC1/24, 380-381. Back
  9. NAS, PC1/24, 381-382. Back
  10. Sic. '[shoe]' in APS. Back
  11. NAS, PC1/24, 382. Back
  12. NAS, PC1/24, 382-383. Back
  13. APS interpolation. Back
  14. NAS, PC1/24, 384-385. Back
  15. NAS, PC1/24, 385-387. Back
  16. Addition to title is an APS interpolation. Not in manuscript. Back
Anent excommunicantis

And wheras thair is divers personis who ar excommunicat for not conformeing thame selfis to the trew religioun presentlie profest, and do notwithstanding still injoy the possessioun of thair landis, rentis and leveing, authir directlie in thair awne personis or covertlie in the personis of thair freindis and weele willeris, to thair use and behuife, to the incouraging of thame to persist in thair pernicious and erronyous opinionis, and to the frustrating of the executioun of the actis and constitutionis maid aganis excommunicantis heirtofoir; thairfore it is declairit, statute and ordanit by authoritie and consent of this present conventioun that no personis quhatsumevir who ar alreddy or heirefter salhappin to be excommunicat for not conformeing thame selffis to the religioun presentlie profest within this kingdome, salbe sufferit auther directlie in thair awne personis or covertlie and indirectlie by ony utheris in thair names and to thair behuif injoy the possessioun of thair landis, rentis and revenewis, bot that the same salbe mellit with, intrometit with and upliftit to his majesteis use.

  1. NAS, PC1/24, 375. The original pagination has been used as a reference for this volume. Back
  2. NAS, PC1/24, 376-377. Back
  3. NAS, PC1/24, 377-378. Back
  4. NAS, PC1/24, 378. Back
  5. NAS, PC1/24, 378-379. Back
  6. NAS, PC1/24, 383-384. This article is placed out of order within the mss, and a note to this effect is written beside the act, signed by J. Primrose. Back
  7. NAS, PC1/24, 379-380. Back
  8. NAS, PC1/24, 380-381. Back
  9. NAS, PC1/24, 381-382. Back
  10. Sic. '[shoe]' in APS. Back
  11. NAS, PC1/24, 382. Back
  12. NAS, PC1/24, 382-383. Back
  13. APS interpolation. Back
  14. NAS, PC1/24, 384-385. Back
  15. NAS, PC1/24, 385-387. Back
  16. Addition to title is an APS interpolation. Not in manuscript. Back
Anent knawlege to be had of every manis dispositioun in his religioun

And to the effect everie manis affectioun and dispositioun in his religioun may be cleirlie and sufficientlie knawin, the estaitis statutis and ordanis that everie archibischop and bischop within the boundis of his awne dyocie sall anes everie yeir gif up to the thesaurair, comptroller, collector and their deputis, and to the directour of oure soverane lordis chancellarie, ane roll subscryvit with his hand, contening the names of all suche personis within his diocie who ar excomunicat for religioun and who ar appostatis and refuises to subscryve, swere and communicat for religioun; and ordanis the said thesaurair and his deputis that they ressave no resignationis nor grant confirmationis nor infeftmentis to nor in favouris of ony of the personis whois names salbe contenit in the said roll, and that the directour of the chancellarie and his deputis gif out no brevis, ressave no retouris, nor direct no preceptis upoun retouris nor upoun compriseingis in favoris of ony of the saidis personis whose names salbe insert in the said roll at na tyme thairefter, quhill the said persone or personis produce unto the said thesaurair, comptroller, directoure of the chancellarie and thair deputis ane sufficient testimoniall subscryvit be the said archibischop or bischop testifeing thair relaxatioun fra the said excommunicatioun and thair obedience and satisfactioun to the kirk, as the said thesaurair, directour of the chancellarie and thair deputis wilbe answerable to his majestie upoun the dewtie of their office. And siklyke the saidis estaitis declairis that it salbe lauchfull to all lordis of regalites and to all superiouris quhatsumevir within this kingdome to refuse brevis and preceptis of clare constat in favouris of ony of the personis quhois names salbe insert in the said roll; as alsua to refuse the entrie of tennentis upoun compriseing, quhose names ar insert in the same roll.

  1. NAS, PC1/24, 375. The original pagination has been used as a reference for this volume. Back
  2. NAS, PC1/24, 376-377. Back
  3. NAS, PC1/24, 377-378. Back
  4. NAS, PC1/24, 378. Back
  5. NAS, PC1/24, 378-379. Back
  6. NAS, PC1/24, 383-384. This article is placed out of order within the mss, and a note to this effect is written beside the act, signed by J. Primrose. Back
  7. NAS, PC1/24, 379-380. Back
  8. NAS, PC1/24, 380-381. Back
  9. NAS, PC1/24, 381-382. Back
  10. Sic. '[shoe]' in APS. Back
  11. NAS, PC1/24, 382. Back
  12. NAS, PC1/24, 382-383. Back
  13. APS interpolation. Back
  14. NAS, PC1/24, 384-385. Back
  15. NAS, PC1/24, 385-387. Back
  16. Addition to title is an APS interpolation. Not in manuscript. Back
Anent the abrogating of the secretaris register

Forsamekle as the estaitis presentlie conveyned, undirstanding the just greif and miscontentment whiche the subjectis of this kingdome of all degreis and rankis hes consavit upoun the erectioun of that unnecessair register callit the register of the secretarie, quhairin all instrumentis of seasing, reversionis, bandis for geving of reversionis and certane utheris writtis specialie and particularlie contenit in the act and statute maid anent the erectioun of that office ar ordanit to be registrat, the same register, serveing for litle or na ether use then to acquire gayne and commoditie to the clerkis, keipairis thairof, and to draw his majesteis good subjectis to neidles, extraordinarie and most unnecessair trouble, tormoyle, fascherie and expenses, howsoevir the generall wele and benefite of the hole estaite wes presendit at the making of that statute; and the saidis estaitis, acknowlegeing and considering that faderlie cair quhilk the kingis most sacred majestie has evir had to avoyd the overchargeing of his heynes subjectis with ony unnecessarie burdyngis, and how that his majestie hes evir abhorred and detested the introductioun of ony new innovationis quhilkis howsoevir by private men for thair particulair gayne wer pretendit for the good and benefite of the estaite do nevirtheles oftymes prove nothing but ane cullour for ane extraordinarie intendit extortioun of his majesteis subjectis; as alsua the saidis estaitis, undirstanding that his sacred majestie hes bene oftymes imported with the complaintis presented unto his hienis upoun the just consavit greif anent this register, thairfore the saidis estaitis, efter good advyse and mature deliberatioun, hes abrogat, repealed and dischargeit and, by vertew and auctoritie of this present act, abrogatis, repealis and dischairgeis the act and statute of conventioun quhairby that register wes erected, beiring dait at Falkland, the last day of Julii, the yeir of God jM vC fourscore nynetene yeiris, or quhatsumevir uther dait or daitis the same be and all ratificationis thairof past sensyne in parliament, ordaning the same to have no strenth, lyffe, force, effect nor executioun in ony tyme cuming, and freethis, exoneris and relevis all his majesteis subjectis of all that neidles and extraordiner burdyne whiche they sustenit by presenting of their evidentis, lettrez and writtis to the saidis registeris, sua that now and fra this furth thay sall nevir acknowlege the same nor be troublit nor burdynit thairwith; and ordanis the lordis of counsale and sessioun and all utheris judgeis within this realme to proceid in all actionis and causes foundit upoun the said statute anent the erectioun of the said register according to the tennoure of this present act, and to sustene all suche lettrez, evidentis and writtis quhilkis be virtew of the said act and statute sould have bene registrat heirefter, althoght the same be nocht registrat; and ordanis thir presentis to be ratifeit and approvin in the nixt parliament.

  1. NAS, PC1/24, 375. The original pagination has been used as a reference for this volume. Back
  2. NAS, PC1/24, 376-377. Back
  3. NAS, PC1/24, 377-378. Back
  4. NAS, PC1/24, 378. Back
  5. NAS, PC1/24, 378-379. Back
  6. NAS, PC1/24, 383-384. This article is placed out of order within the mss, and a note to this effect is written beside the act, signed by J. Primrose. Back
  7. NAS, PC1/24, 379-380. Back
  8. NAS, PC1/24, 380-381. Back
  9. NAS, PC1/24, 381-382. Back
  10. Sic. '[shoe]' in APS. Back
  11. NAS, PC1/24, 382. Back
  12. NAS, PC1/24, 382-383. Back
  13. APS interpolation. Back
  14. NAS, PC1/24, 384-385. Back
  15. NAS, PC1/24, 385-387. Back
  16. Addition to title is an APS interpolation. Not in manuscript. Back
Anent the transporting of coillis

Forsamekle as albeit thair hes bene divers actis maid be the kingis most sacred majestie and his noble progenitouris of famous memorie, especialie ane act maid in the jM vC threscore thrie yeir of God be his majesteis darrest moder and hir estaitis of parliament for the tyme, quhilk wes thairefter ratifeit be oure soverane lord in the moneth of October jM vC threscore nynetene, quhairby the transporting of coillis forth of this realme is prohibite and forbiddin undir the pane of confiscatioun of the ship, coillis and all the goodis that the awnair of the coillis hes within the schip or veschell, except sa monay as ar neidfull for fyre during the tyme of thair voyage, the third pairt thairof to the reveillair and apprehendair of the contravenairis of the said act and the rest to his majesteis use, as in the same actis at lenth is conteyned; nevirtheles, the saidis actis hes ressavit litle or na effect nor executioun thir divers yeiris bypast, bot grite nowmeris of personis, alswele straingeairis as cuntrey men, doeth transporte the coillis forth of this realme in verie grite quantitie, quhairthrow the same ar rissin to ane extraordinair derth and price and be all appeirance the haill coill within this kingdome sall in a verie schorte tyme be wanted and consumed, to the grite hurte and prejudice of the haill estait, whiche goodlie can not want so necesser a benefice without remeid be providit; thairfore the nobilitie, prelattis, counsale and estaitis presentlie convenit ordanis new publicatioun to be maid of the saidis actis, comanding and inhibiting expreslie all his majesteis subjectis and strangeairis that thay nor nane of thame presome nor tak upoun hand at ony tyme efter the publicatioun heirof at the mercat croce of Edinburgh to cary or transporte forth of this kingdome to ony foreyne pairtis beyond sea ony coillis in ony schip, crear, boit or uther veschell, except samekle as may serve for thair fyre during thair voyage, undir the panes abonespecefeit, mentionat and contenit in the saidis actis, certifeing thame that failyeis or dois in the contrair, that the saidis panes salbe intrometitwith and uplifted of thame without favour. And quhairas thair is some craftie and avaritious bodyis who pretending most falslie that thay will cary thair coillis to England, do notwithstanding transporte thame to foreyne pairtis, the saidis estaitis, for avoiding of all suche craft and dessait in tyme cuming, ordanis and commandis the takkismen and fermouraris of his majesteis customes to caus sufficient suirtie and band be tane undir grite sowmes of all suche as sall offer to bring their coillis to England (whiche the saidis estaitis intendis noway to prohibite, bot that their salbe a communioun and intercourse of the commoditeis of the one kingdome to the other), for returning of a certificat of thair landing and unlaiding at suche porte or portis in England as they sall aryve at, and the saidis estaitis ordanis that all suche bandis as salbe forfeyted for this caus salbe persewit and exactlie tane up.

  1. NAS, PC1/24, 375. The original pagination has been used as a reference for this volume. Back
  2. NAS, PC1/24, 376-377. Back
  3. NAS, PC1/24, 377-378. Back
  4. NAS, PC1/24, 378. Back
  5. NAS, PC1/24, 378-379. Back
  6. NAS, PC1/24, 383-384. This article is placed out of order within the mss, and a note to this effect is written beside the act, signed by J. Primrose. Back
  7. NAS, PC1/24, 379-380. Back
  8. NAS, PC1/24, 380-381. Back
  9. NAS, PC1/24, 381-382. Back
  10. Sic. '[shoe]' in APS. Back
  11. NAS, PC1/24, 382. Back
  12. NAS, PC1/24, 382-383. Back
  13. APS interpolation. Back
  14. NAS, PC1/24, 384-385. Back
  15. NAS, PC1/24, 385-387. Back
  16. Addition to title is an APS interpolation. Not in manuscript. Back
Anent the exportatioun of barkit ledder

Forsamekle as albeit the exportatioun of barkit leddir, maid shone leddir, yarne and talloun be expreslie prohibite and forbiddin undir divers panes mentionat and contenit in the actis and constitutionis maid thairanent, especialie the confiscatioun of the saidis commoditeis and the haill remanent goodis of the buyairis and transportairis thairof, nevirtheles the bipast negligence in not seiking the executioun of the saidis actis and the oversicht and connivence of the searcheouris hes producit a verie grite contempt, brek and violatioun of the saidis actis, and grite nowmeris of personis, preferring thair privat gayne to the obedyence of the law, ar not effrayed privatlie and publictlie to transporte the saidis commoditeis, to the grite hurte of the commounweele; thairfore, the estaitis presentlie conveyned ordanis new intimatioun and publicatioun to be maid of the saidis actis, certifeing all and sindrie personis quho sall violat, contravene and brek the same that thay salbe noted, tryed and punist accordinglie. And the saidis estaitis ordanis and comandis all searcheouris within this kingdome, everie ane within the boundis of thair office, to caus diligent attendance be gevin that nane of the saidis commoditeis be transportit aganis the tennoure of the saidis actis, bot that thay search, seik, mell and intrometwith the same as thay wilbe answerable upoun the perrell and dewtie of thair offices.

  1. NAS, PC1/24, 375. The original pagination has been used as a reference for this volume. Back
  2. NAS, PC1/24, 376-377. Back
  3. NAS, PC1/24, 377-378. Back
  4. NAS, PC1/24, 378. Back
  5. NAS, PC1/24, 378-379. Back
  6. NAS, PC1/24, 383-384. This article is placed out of order within the mss, and a note to this effect is written beside the act, signed by J. Primrose. Back
  7. NAS, PC1/24, 379-380. Back
  8. NAS, PC1/24, 380-381. Back
  9. NAS, PC1/24, 381-382. Back
  10. Sic. '[shoe]' in APS. Back
  11. NAS, PC1/24, 382. Back
  12. NAS, PC1/24, 382-383. Back
  13. APS interpolation. Back
  14. NAS, PC1/24, 384-385. Back
  15. NAS, PC1/24, 385-387. Back
  16. Addition to title is an APS interpolation. Not in manuscript. Back
Anent the making of yrne with wode

Forsamekle as it hes pleasit God to discover certane vaynes of ritche mettall within this kingdome, as alsua certane wodis in the heylandis, whilkis wodis by reasoun of the savagnes of the inhabitantis thairabout wer ather unknawin or at the leist unproffitable and unused; and now the estaitis presentlie conveyned, being informit that some personis, upoun advantage of the present generall obedience in those partis, wald erect yrne milnis in the same pairtis to the utter wanting and consumeing of the saidis wodis, whilkis mycht be reserved for monay bettir useis and upoun moir choise and proffitable mettaillis, for the honnour, benefite and estimatioun of the kingdome, thairfore the estaitis presentlie conveyned statutis and ordanis and thairwith commandis, chairgeis and inhibitis all and sindrie his majesteis leigis and subjectis that nane of thame presome nor tak upoun hand to woork and mak ony irne with wod or tymmer undir the pane of confiscatioun of the haill yrne that salbe maid with the said tymmer to his majesteis use; and ordanis publicatioun to be maid heirof be oppin proclamatioun at all places neidfull, quhairthrow nane pretend ignorance of the same.

  1. NAS, PC1/24, 375. The original pagination has been used as a reference for this volume. Back
  2. NAS, PC1/24, 376-377. Back
  3. NAS, PC1/24, 377-378. Back
  4. NAS, PC1/24, 378. Back
  5. NAS, PC1/24, 378-379. Back
  6. NAS, PC1/24, 383-384. This article is placed out of order within the mss, and a note to this effect is written beside the act, signed by J. Primrose. Back
  7. NAS, PC1/24, 379-380. Back
  8. NAS, PC1/24, 380-381. Back
  9. NAS, PC1/24, 381-382. Back
  10. Sic. '[shoe]' in APS. Back
  11. NAS, PC1/24, 382. Back
  12. NAS, PC1/24, 382-383. Back
  13. APS interpolation. Back
  14. NAS, PC1/24, 384-385. Back
  15. NAS, PC1/24, 385-387. Back
  16. Addition to title is an APS interpolation. Not in manuscript. Back
Anent the pryces of writtis and seallis

Forsamekle as upoun divers and sindrie complaintis exhibited unto the lordis of prevey counsale anent the exhorbitant prices tane at the registeris and seallis, quhairby not onlie his majesteis subjectis wer havalie damnifeit, bot alsua his heynes rentis of thesaurie, comptrollarie and collectorie greatlie prejugeit and hinderit, his majesteis leigeis being scarit fra expeiding of thair rychtis and secureteis by reasoun of the said extraordinair extortioun, the saidis lordis, be ane speciall act and ordinance beiring dait the fourt of Februar jM vjC and sex yeiris, set doun the just and ordinarie price of all lettrez, actis and writtis proper to quhatsumevir clerkship within this kingdome, togidder with the priceis of the signet, previe and grite seillis, whilkis prices the clerkis and keiparis of the seallis and registeris wer ordanit be the said act to write on the bake of everie ane of the saidis writtis, and subscryve the same with thair hand, undir the pane of deprivatioun of thame fra thair offices, as the said act contening divers utheris clauses, heidis and articlis at lenth beiris; quhilk act, albeit for some shorte space it resaved effect and executioun, nevirtheles it is now become in dissuetude and the formair abuse, scafferie and extortioun is not onlie renewit, bot rissin to a fer grittair heicht, to the hurte and prejudice of his majesteis subjectis and to the sclander and reprotche of this natioun that suche libertie and withgait sould be gevin to suche schamefull scafferie and extorsioun; thairfore the estaitis presentlie convenit ratifeis, allouis and approvis the foirsaid act and ordinance contening the prices of writtis and seallis as said is in all pointis, articlis and clauses thairof and eftir the forme and tennoure of the same, with this aditioun: that the contravenair of the said act in ony point thairof, outher in exceiding the prices specifeit in the said act or not writting of the price undir thair hand upoun the bak of everie lettre and write, sall not onlie incur the pane of deprivatioun fra the seale, register and office whiche thay posses, bot thay salbe callit and convenit before his majesteis counsale and salbe censured and punist in thair personis and goodis as schamefull extorsionairis of his majesteis subjectis, and the persone or personis quhatsumevir quho will complene upoun [thame], sall not onlie have summair and reddy justice, bot the ane half of the fyne and penaltie quhilk salbe injoyned and laid upoun the said contravenair.

  1. NAS, PC1/24, 375. The original pagination has been used as a reference for this volume. Back
  2. NAS, PC1/24, 376-377. Back
  3. NAS, PC1/24, 377-378. Back
  4. NAS, PC1/24, 378. Back
  5. NAS, PC1/24, 378-379. Back
  6. NAS, PC1/24, 383-384. This article is placed out of order within the mss, and a note to this effect is written beside the act, signed by J. Primrose. Back
  7. NAS, PC1/24, 379-380. Back
  8. NAS, PC1/24, 380-381. Back
  9. NAS, PC1/24, 381-382. Back
  10. Sic. '[shoe]' in APS. Back
  11. NAS, PC1/24, 382. Back
  12. NAS, PC1/24, 382-383. Back
  13. APS interpolation. Back
  14. NAS, PC1/24, 384-385. Back
  15. NAS, PC1/24, 385-387. Back
  16. Addition to title is an APS interpolation. Not in manuscript. Back
Anent mesouris

Forsamekle as in the parliament haldin at Edinburgh, the twenty nyne day of Julij, the yeir of God jM vC fourscore sevin yeiris, it wes statute and ordanit be oure soverane lord and estaitis of the said parliament that malt, beir and eattis, quhilkis of before wer usit to be mesurit be heip, for eschewing of fraud sould be mesurit be straik in all tyme cuming efter the dait of the said act, quhairby be just tryall and examinatioun the heip in proportioun wes found to be the thrid of the peck or firlot, and that the measouris of the firlot and peck sould stand universalie, ressaveing and delivering thrie for tua or sex for four of malt, beir and aitis according to the proportioun specifeit in the said act, quhilk is the hundreth and fourtene act of the said parliament, as in the samyn at mair lenth is contenit; and albeit that the foirsaid act be maist equitable and reasonable, as also profitable to all oure soverane lordis leigeis, yit the samyn in that pairt thairof abonewrittin hes not tane full effect within na pairt of this kingdome, thairfore the estaitis presentlie convenit statutis and ordanis that the foirsaid act of parliament sall tak full effect and be put to dew executioun in that pairt thairof abonespecifeit anent the mettis and measuris of malt, beir and eatis, and that the samyn in all tyme cuming salbe deliverit and ressavit be straik, be peck or firlott aggreable to the proportioun specifeit in the said act of parliament in all pointis, receaving and delivering thrie for tua or sex for foure within the haill boundis of the said schirefdome of Edinburgh and constabularie of Hadingtoun; and for that effect, ordanis lettrez to be direct for publicatioun of the premises be oppin proclamatioun at the mercat croces of the burrowis of this kingdome, alswele of royaltie as regalitie and barony, and uther places quhatsumevir quhair mercatis of victuall are haldin. And als commanding and chairgeing all provestis and bailleis of all burrowis, alswele royaltie as regalitie and barony within the boundis foirsaidis, to put this present act to dew executioun sa fer as concernis thame sua that the samyn may tak full effect within the boundis abonespecifeit.

  1. NAS, PC1/24, 375. The original pagination has been used as a reference for this volume. Back
  2. NAS, PC1/24, 376-377. Back
  3. NAS, PC1/24, 377-378. Back
  4. NAS, PC1/24, 378. Back
  5. NAS, PC1/24, 378-379. Back
  6. NAS, PC1/24, 383-384. This article is placed out of order within the mss, and a note to this effect is written beside the act, signed by J. Primrose. Back
  7. NAS, PC1/24, 379-380. Back
  8. NAS, PC1/24, 380-381. Back
  9. NAS, PC1/24, 381-382. Back
  10. Sic. '[shoe]' in APS. Back
  11. NAS, PC1/24, 382. Back
  12. NAS, PC1/24, 382-383. Back
  13. APS interpolation. Back
  14. NAS, PC1/24, 384-385. Back
  15. NAS, PC1/24, 385-387. Back
  16. Addition to title is an APS interpolation. Not in manuscript. Back
Procedure: commission; king's letter to the estates
Commissioun anent revissing [of wemen]

The estaitis presentlie convenit gevis and grantis full power and commissioun to Johnne, erll of Mar, Johnne, erll of Cassillis, George, archibischop of Sanctandrois, Johnne, archibischop of Glasgow, James, bischop of Orknay, Andro, lord Stewart of Uchiltrie, Waltir, lord of Blantyre, Schir Johnne Cokburne of Ormestoun, knycht, justice clerk, Schir Thomas Hamiltoun of Bynnie, knycht, advocat, Schir Johnne Skene of Curriehill, clerk of register, Maister Johnne Prestoune of Fentounbarnis, collectour, [...] Carnegy of Kynnard, Schir William Levingstoun of Kilsyth, Maister Johnne Learmonth of Balcomie, James Weymes of Bagy, Schir Johnne Arnot, provest of Edinburgh, and William Weylandis, commissionair for the said burgh, Maister Alexander Weddirburne, comissionair for the burghe of Dundie, Johnne Lokhart, commissionair for the burgh of Air, to convene and meit at sic dayis, tymes and places as thay sall appoint, and to confer and reasoun upoun the contentis and headis of his majesteis missive lettre direct unto the saidis estaitis anent the cryme of revishing of wemen, and upoun the severall degreis and brancheis of that cryme and quhat pane and punischement thay think meit tobe inflictit to the personis guiltie of the said cryme in the severall degreis and brancheis thairof, or gif thay think meit that the punischement prescryvit and set doun be his majestie in his said missive lettre salbe imbracet and inactit, and to report thair opinionis and overtouris heiranent unto the nixt parliament. Followis his majesteis missive lettre:

Richt trustie and weilbelowit cosines, counsellouris and utheris of oure trustie, loving and dewtifull subjectis of the estaitis of that oure kingdome presentlie convenit, we grete you wele. The odious and now too frequent cryme within that kingdome of revissing of wemen, being both there and els quhair by statute lawis appointed to be punissed with grite severitie and rigour, is ather by the slaknes of the executioun of those lawis or by the obscuritie of the same become sa commoun as out of this grouth of evill maneris the defectis ather in law or executioun thairof wald be amendit, bot becaus thair wilbe of this offence mony sewerall brancheis and degrees, we have thocht meet to divide the same, and according to the quantitie of the offence to ad the grittair or lesse punishement, whiche we wald haive to be by you considerit and past by act in this youre conventioun, that so it may pas in statute at the next ensewing parliament. And first, for those that do ravishe ony woman, ather wedow, maryed or mayd, and have copulatioun with her aganis her will (the same being alreddy on the pointis of oure crowne), quhat forder punishement then quhat is alreddy providit salbe inflicted on thame, we do remitt to yor awne discretioun to appoint, quhairin we wald have it enacted that the first fact and the violence commitit thairin sall not be purgeit be ony subsequent consent of the woman, bot that the offfendour sall stand punissable by law notwithstanding thairof; and becaus often revissingis ar committed quhairon no forder actioun then onlie awaytaking does follow, specialie quhair the pairtie revissed is by her freindis, the magistrat or by utheris meanis releved, we wald have it declarit that in this cais, sience the pairtie offendour did his endevoir to commit the worst, that the same fact of the awaytaking of a woman aganis her will, albeit reskewit in tyme, salbe nochttheles in the committair thairof a cryme capitall. And becaus it is not the respect of the persone bot the ayme ather to the goodis or landis of the pairtie revissed in possessioun or appeirance that moveis the fact, without all doubt some provisioun made by statute to dissapoint thame of those their unlauchfull hoipis wald mak thame the les curious to offend heirin, and their being now a new forme used to avoid punischement in law by preissing without knawlege of the parent, tutour testamentar or guardian of the mayd, being young of yeiris and thairwith of fraill sexe, to intyse her to go with thame, and so they to convoy or to caus hir be convoyed away, we wald have in this cais boith a punischement appointed for the offendour with a secluding of that pairty being thus corrupted and seduced to go away without the knawlege or consent of fader, tutour or guairdiane of ather quhole or pairt of that whiche utherwyse wald haif befallin hir, and the same to be declarit to accress to the nixt of hir kin, gif so the pairtie thus seducit be within the aig of sextene yeiris, bot being past of that aig it is presomed that thay ar come to those yeiris of discretioun as that thay can mak a richt choise and will hardlie without consent of freindis cast thame selflis away, the fader, tutour or guairdiane haveing then som caus to distrust thame and thairfore to be the moir warye of thame, wheras in their younger yeiris his securitie as suspecting no suche mater gevis the better opportunitie to those who intend the abuse. And since this is a generall thing whiche may tuitche mony of the kingdome, we leave it to your considerationis to provid remeidis for all suche abuseis of this natour. And so we bid you fairwele frome oure court at Roistoing, the 22 of Januair 1609, to oure richt trustie and weilbeloved cousines and counsellouris and to oure trustie and weilbelovit the nobilitie, clergy and commonis of that oure kingdome of Scotland now presentlie convened.

  1. NAS, PC1/24, 375. The original pagination has been used as a reference for this volume. Back
  2. NAS, PC1/24, 376-377. Back
  3. NAS, PC1/24, 377-378. Back
  4. NAS, PC1/24, 378. Back
  5. NAS, PC1/24, 378-379. Back
  6. NAS, PC1/24, 383-384. This article is placed out of order within the mss, and a note to this effect is written beside the act, signed by J. Primrose. Back
  7. NAS, PC1/24, 379-380. Back
  8. NAS, PC1/24, 380-381. Back
  9. NAS, PC1/24, 381-382. Back
  10. Sic. '[shoe]' in APS. Back
  11. NAS, PC1/24, 382. Back
  12. NAS, PC1/24, 382-383. Back
  13. APS interpolation. Back
  14. NAS, PC1/24, 384-385. Back
  15. NAS, PC1/24, 385-387. Back
  16. Addition to title is an APS interpolation. Not in manuscript. Back