Ratificatioun in favouris of the Lord of Scone of his pensioun of ten chalderis victuall furth of the priourie of Sandrous

Oure soverane lord and estaittis of this present parliament, for the causes mentionat and contenit in the gift of pensioun undirwrittin, with ane consent and assent, ratifeis, apprevis and confermis the letter of gift and pensioun following maid be his hienes, with advyse of his collectour generall to his trustie and weilbelovit counsaillour David, lord of Scone and his assignayis thairin mentionat, of all and haill that equall half of tuentie chalderis of victuall disponit of befoir to Patrik Home, now of Polwart, and umquhile Schir Patrik Murray of Geynis, knycht, during all the dayes of thair lyfetyme, extending to ten chalderis victuall in all the heidis, articlis and clauses thairof, off the quhilk the tennour followes: James, be the grace of God, king of Great Britane, France and Irland, defender of the faith, to the lordis of oure counsaill and sessioun and to all and sindrie utheris liegis and subditis quhome it efferis, quhais knawlege thir present lettres sall tocum, greiting. Wit ye us, remembering the gude, trew and thankfull service done to us be oure trest cousing and counsellor David, lord of Scone, oure comptroller in oure realme of Scotland, in all the services committit to him, and that the gift of pensioun underwrittin pertenit of befoir to umquhile oure trustie counsaillour Schir Patrik Murray of Geynis, knycht, and umquhile Robert Murray of Pittillok, successive eftir utheris, baith brether germane to oure said trustie cousing, willing still of our awin speciall favour to continew oure princelie kyndnes to all the saidis brether, the said David, lord of Scone being now the last on lyfe, and the pensioun underwrittin in oure handis throw the deceis of the said umquhile Robert, last possessour thairof, with advyse and consent of oure trustie counsallour, Maister Johne Prestoun of Fentounbarnis, oure collectour generall and thesaurer of the new augmentationis, to have gevin, grantit and disponit to the said trustie and weilbelovit counsaillor during all the dayes of his lyfetyme, all and haill the equall half of the yeirlie pensioun of tuentie chalderis victuall disponit of befoir to Patrik Home, than apperand of Polwart, ane of his majesteis carveris, and umquhile the said Schir Patrik Murray, than ane of his majesteis fewaris, equalie betuix them during all the dayes of thair lyfetymes respective, viz: ilkane of them the equall half thairof furth of the thrid and half of the priourie of Sanctandrous, extending to ten chalderis victuall, to be upliftit furth of the particular townis and landis yeirlie quhilkis ar contenit in the gift grantit of befoir to the said umquhile Robert Murray and quhairof the said umquhile Schir Patrik and Robert wer in possessioun yeirlie during thair lyfetymes, betuix the feistis of Yuill and Candelmes, be ressaveing thairof fra the handis of the tennentis and possessouris of the landis contenit in thair saidis giftis, all lyand within the parochinis of Sanctandrous and Lathreis respective, all assumit in the thrid of the said benefice, viz: furth of the landis of Pursk, aucht bollis of quhyte, ane chalder, fyve bollis beir; furth of the landis of Scottiscraig, within the parochin of [...], tuelf bollix beir; furth of the landis of Ferrytoun, ane chalder, tua bollis beir; furth of the landis of Dron, aucht bollis quheit; furth of the landis of Newgrange, tua bollis quheat, ane chalder aittis; furth of the landis of West Balrymonth, aucht bollis aittis; furth of the landis of Kynmonth, tuelf bollis aittis; furth of the landis of Ouer Maynis, thrie bollis beir, sewin bollis aittis; furth of the parochin and landis of Lathrisk, tua chalderis, tuelf bollis meill, all lyand in the parochinnis of Sanctandrous, Lucheris and Lathrisk respective foirsaidis, and within the said priourie of Sanctandrous and assumit in the thrid of the samyn, beginnand the first yeiris payment of the said yeirlie pensioun betuix the saidis feistis of Yuill and Candelmes in the yeir of God jM vjC and four yeiris, and sua furth yeirlie thaireftir for the said Lord of Scones lyfetyme. With power to the said David, lord of Scone, be himself, his factouris and utheris in his name, to intromett with and uplift the foirsaid yeirlie pensioun fra the tennentis of the foirnameit landis and utheris addebtit and in use of payment of the samin, call and persew thairfoir gif neid beis, acquittances and discharges upoun the payment thairof to gif and delyver, quhilkis sall be als sufficient to the ressaveris as we or oure collectour generall foirsaid had gevin the samin, transact, compone and aggrie thairanent as he sall think expedient, and with speciall power to the said David, lord of Scone, during all the dayes of his lyfetyme, seik haill or in the verie hour of his death, to transfer and dispone the said yeirlie pensioun to quhatsumevir persone or persones he best pleisis nominat; quhilkis persone or persones to be nominat be the said Lord of Scone as said is, sall bruik, joyse and possess the said yeirlie pensioun of ten chalderis victuall yeirlie to be upliftit as said is during all the dayes of thair lyfetymes eftir the deceis of the said David, lord of Scone, siclyk and als frelie in all respectis as the saidis umquhile Schir Patrik and Robert Murrayes or the said David, lord of Scone or ather of them did or micht have done at ony tyme bigane or heireftir, beginnand the first yeirlie payment thairof betuix the feastis of Yuill and Candelmes immediatlie following the deceis of the said David, lord of Scone, and sua forth yeirlie during all the dayes of the said persone or persones lyfetyme, to and in quhas favouris it salhappin the said David, lord of Scone to transfer and dispone the foirsaid pensioun; quhilk translatioun and dispositioun sua to be maid as said is, we, with advyse foirsaid, will and grant and, for us and oure successouris, ordinis to be als valide and effectuall to the persone or persones in and to quhome the same salhappin to be maid as ather thir oure lettre of gift maid to oure said trest cousing or ony of the former giftis of the said ten chalderis victuall maid to the saidis umquhile Schir Patrik and Robert Murrayes, or ather of them, is or hes bene, sua that the persone in quhome it salhappin to be transferrit and disponit as said is, sall bruik and joise the samin during all the dayes of thair lyfetymes be vertue of this present gift and dispositioun, and the translatioun thairof to be maid as said is, alanerlie without ony new gift and disposoun thairof to be maid be us or ony of oure successouris of the samin. And forder we, with advyse and consent foirsaid, will and grantis that this present gift in all heidis, articlis and clauses thairof, to be ratifeit, approvin and confermit, lyk as we be the tennour heirof willis oure commissionar, estaittis and lordis of parliament to ratifie, appreve and confirme the samin in all the heidis and pointis thairof, commanding alsua yow, the saidis lordis of oure counsaill and sessioun, to grant and direct oure utheris lettres for causing oure said trest cousing and counsaillour, David, lord of Scone and his foirsaidis to be ansuerit and obeyit of the foirsaid yeirlie pensioun in forme as efferis. Gevin under oure privie seall at Quhythall, the last day of December jM vjC and four yeiris, and of oure regne the secund and threttie aucht yeiris, per signaturam manu supremi domini nostri regis suprascriptam manibusque dominorum cancellarii presidis collegii justicie dicti domini regis collectouris generalis et dicti domini regis advocati. Quhilk letter of gift and pensioun befoir insert his majestie, with advyse and consent of his saidis estaittis and lordis of this present parliament, decernis and declairis to stand and to be effectuall to his hienes said trest cousing and to his assignay or assignayis, ane or ma foirsaidis, during all the dayes of thair lyfetymes, conforme to the tennour thairof in all the heidis, articlis and clauses of the samyn insert in this present act beiris.

  1. NAS, PA2/16, f.83r-84r. Back