Erectioun of the lordschip of Halieroodhous

Oure soverane lord, with advyse and consent of the estaittis of the parliament of Scotland presentlie convenit, considdering the manyfold guide, trew and thankfull services done to his majestie be his hienes richt trustie and familiare counsellour, Maister Johnne Bothuell of Alhammer, ane of the lordis and senatouris of his majesties colledge of justice, alsueill in his daylie and continuall attending in the secreit counsell and sessioun for the administratioun of justice to all his majesties lieges, as in diverse and sindrie utheris greit, wechtie and honorable services committit to his charge be his hienes concerning the commounweill of this realme of Scotland, quhairin he hes evir dischargit himself maist faithfullie to his majesties greit honour and contentment and to the singular commoditie and weill of the realme of Scotland and lieges thairof; and his majestie, being alwayes of mynd and intentioun to remwnerat his saidis faithfull services as occasioun sall offer with sum takin of his hienes favour, his majestie, haifing now be speciall instructionis proponit to the saidis estaittis of parliament the saidis greit and faithfull services done to his hienes and for the commounweill of the realme of Scotland, in particuler be his said richt trustie and familiar counsellour, and the saidis estaittis, haveing thairupoun takin full tryall and verificatioun, they have fund, tryit, censourit and judged, like as they presentlie find, censour and judge the samyne to be, and to have bene, greit, seand and ressonable causes for the weill of his majestie and of the said realme of Scotland; as also his hienes and estaittis foirsaidis findis, decernis and declairis that his majestie, with thair advyse and consent, may for the saidis causes quhilk they have knawin and tryit to be for the seand weill of his majestie and realme as said is, gif, annalie and dispone ony part of the landis annexit to his hienes crowne to his said richt trustie and familiar counsellour, his airis and assignais heritablie, to be haldin in sic maner and in sic forme as his majestie best pleises, and to that effect that annexatioun of tha landis to the crowne that ar to be annaleit and disponit salbe simpliciter dissolvit fra the crowne swa that they may be annaliet and disponit to his said hienes richt trustie and familiar counsellour and his airis heritablie. And the saidis estaittis, being ripelie and gravelie advysit quhat his majestie may annalie and dispone with leist detrement to his hienes crowne and yeirlie rent, the saidis estaittis, all in ane voice, haif fund and declairit and, be the tennour heirof, findis and declairis that the temporalitie, propirtie and superiouritie with the fewfermes and dewties of all and sindrie sic landis, baronies, commownis, pittance silver, annuelrentis and utheris, with the fewfermes and dewties thairof, quhilkis pertenit of auld to the abbacie of Halyruidhous as ane part of the temporalitie thairof and wer annext to the crowne be vertew of the generall act of annexatioun of the haill kirklandis of the realme of Scotland to the crowne in the parliament haldin at Edinburgh in the moneth of Julii, the yeir of God jM vC fourscoir sevin yeiris, now being in his majesties handis be vertew of the said annexatioun, lykas the spiritualitie of the said abbacie contening the abbay place and monasterie with the houses, biggingis, yairdis and utheris lyand within the precinct thairof, togidder with the teindschevis and utheris teindis, fruitis, rentis, emolumentis and dewties, baith personage and viccarage, of the parochkirkis and parochynnis of Quhitkirk, Libertoun, Tranent, Crawfurdelindesay, Sanctcudbert and Halyruidhous, quhilk cumis under the generall exceptioun fra the said annexatioun and pertenit to Johnne, commendater of the said abbacie of Halyruidhous and convent thairof, as ane pairt of the spiritualitie of the same, being now presentlie in his majesties handis be demissioun and resignatioun maid thairof be the said commendater and convent of the said abbay, thair lauchfull procuratouris and patent lettres, as the said demissioun beiris, may, with leist detriment to his majestie or hurt to the rent and revennew of the crowne, for the seand causes abonewrittin, be annaliet and disponit be his majestie to his said richt trustie and familiar counsellour and his airis heritablie in maist ample forme; and, thairfoir, the saidis estaittis of parliament findis it necessar and expedient that oure said soverane lord, be his hienes infeftment to be maid be the advyse of his majesties ordiner officiaris, sall erect, unite, create and incorporate all and sindrie the landis, baronies, annuelrentis, precinct, commownes, pittance silver and utheris pertening to the said abbacie of Halyruidhous as ane pairt of the temporalitie thairof be thair names in speciall quhairever thay ly within this realme of Scotland, and quhilkis wer annext to the crowne be vertew of the foirsaid generall act of annexatioun, togidder with all and sindrie the teindschevis and utheris teindis, fruitis, rentis, emolumentis and dewties quhatsumever, baith personage and viccarage, of the foirsaidis kirkis and parochynnis off Quhytkirk, Libbertoun, Tranent, Crawfurdelindesay, Sanctcudbert and Halyruidhous in ane haill and frie barony and estait of ane lordschip of his hienes parliament; and that the samyne, with all priviledgis and commodities pertening thairto, togidder with the honour, dignitie and estait of ane lord of his majesties parliament, with badge and armes, for the causes foirsaidis, salbe annaliet and disponit to his said hienes richt trustie and familiar counsellour, his airis and successouris heritablie, to be haldin of his majestie and his sucessouris in frie barony and lordschip with the honour and dignitie of ane lord of parliament for ever. And to that effect his majestie and estaittis foirsaidis of parliament dissolvis, annullis and infringis the said generall annexatioun of the kirklandis of this realme of Scotland to the crowne insafar as it may be extendit to ony pairt of the temporalitie of the said abbacie of Halyruidhous that may be comprehendit under any part of the said annexatioun allanerlie, and ordanis the infeftment to be maid heirupoun to be extendit in maist ample forme, berand ane unioun and incorporatioun of all the particularis in ane barony and lordschip with ane speciall remit and discharge of the thriddis of the said abbacie of Halyruidhous, alsueill money as victuell, togidder with all monkis portionis, first yeiris fruitis and fyft penny of the said abbacie and benefice thairof, becaus his majestie wilbe relevit and dischargit of the sustentatioun of the ministeris at the foirsaidis kirkis, and als to beir and contene provisioun that the said lordship pay all taxationis, with the temporall lordis for the said temporalitie comptand the same to fiftie pundland of auld extent, and to haif thair releif of the heritable fewaris, tennentis and utheris takismen of the saidis landis and teindis efter the rait and quantitie of thair landis and teindis sa oft as the saidis taxationis sall occure, and with expres poware to thame to reduce and retreit quhatsumever infeftmentis, takkis, assedationis, richtis and titillis of ony part of the saidis landis, kirkis and teindis for quhatsumever caus compitent of the law with all utheris clauses and provisionis quhilk salbe neidfull to thame for bruiking of the said lordschip and barony; and to the effect foirsaid, his majestie and estaittis of parliament hes supprest and extingueshit the memorie of the said abbacie of Halyruidhous swa that thair sall be na successour provydit thairto, nor na forder mentioun maid of the samyne in ony tyme heireftir. And to the said alienatioun and dispositioun, now as if it wer alreddie maid and than as now, his majestie and the saidis estaittis of parliament hes interponit and interponis thair consent and authoritie as that deid, quhilk is now, and salbe in all tymes heireftir, estemit and judgeit for the weill of oure said soverane lord and for ane seand proffeit and commoditie to his croun and realme of Scotland, payand thairfoir yeirlie the said Maister Johnne Bothuell, his airis and successouris to oure said soverane lord, his airis and successouris the sowme of tua hundreth pundis money of Scotland at the feist of Witsounday in name of blenche ferme, and als payand yeirlie to the ministeris serveing the cures at the kirkis foirsaidis the particular stipendis underwrittin modifiet and apointit to thame for serving the cures of the saidis kirkis be the commissioneris apointit for that effect, viz: to the minister serving the cure at the said kirk of Quhytkirk, thrie chalderis victuell, to witt ten bollis quheit and tuentie aucht bollis aittis, with the cheritie, with the soume of ane hundreth merkis money, with viccarage, manse and gleib; to the minister serving the cure at the said kirk of Libbertoun, sex chalderis victuell, viz: ane chalder quheit, ane chalder beir, four chalderis aittis, with viccarage, manse and gleib; to the minister serving the cure at the said kirk of Tranent, tua hundreth merkis money and thrie chalderis victuell, viz: tuelff bollis quheit, tuelff bollis beir and tuentie four bollis aittis, with viccarage, manse and gleib; to the minister serving the cure at the said kirk of Craufurdelindesay, four hundreth merkis money, with the gleib; to the minister serving the cure at the said kirk of Sanctcudbert, sevin chalderis victuell, viz: ane chalder quheit, thrie chalderis beir and thrie chalderis sufficient infeild aittis, with the viccarage, manse and gleib; and to the minister serving the cure at the said kirk of Halyruidhous, tua hundreth merkis money and thrie chalderis victuell, viz: ane chalder quheit, ane chalder beir, and ane chalder aittis, with the cheritie.

  1. NAS, PA2/16, f.78v-79v. Back