Ratificatioun in favouris of the Lord Abircorne of his infeftment off Abircorne

Oure soverane lord, with advyse of the estaittis of this present parliament, for mony greit and wechtie causes, for his hienes and his successouris, ratifies, apprevis and perpetuallie confermis the chartour maid and grantit be his hienes under the greit seill to his richt traist cousing and counsellour James, stylit than maister of Paisley and now lord Abircorne, his airis maill and assignais quhatsumevir heretablie, off all and sindrie the landis and barony of Abircorne contenit in the said chartour, with the advocatioun, donatioun and richt of patronage of all and haill the rectorie and vicarage of the paroche kirk and parochin of Abircorne, with all and sindrie landis, teindis fruitis, rentis, proffites, emolumentis and dewteis quhatsumevir pertening thairto, togidder with all priviledges, liberties and commoditeis thairof, togidder also with the office of schirefschip of Linlithgow and all and sindrie utheris landis, offices, priviledges, liberties and utheris quhatsumevir generalie and specialie comprehendit in the samyne chartour, as the said chartour of the dait at Halyruidhous, the fyft day of Aprile, ane thousand sex hundreth and thrie yeiris in the selff at mair lenth proportis, in all and sindrie heidis, pointis, clauses, articlis, circumstances, provisionis and conditionis mentionat and contenit in the foirsaid chartour, with the precept and instrument of seasing following thairupoun; and findis, decernis and declairis the foirsaid chartour, precept and instrument of seasing, with the richtis and securities maid of befoir to the said James, lord of Abircorne, his predecessouris and authouris fra quhome his richt proceidis, to be perfyte, lauchfull, valide, guide and sufficient richtis to the said James, lord Abircorne and his foirsaidis, for bruiking and joising perpetuallie in all tyme cuming, off all and sindrie the landis, barony, richt of patronage, offices, priviledges and utheris quhatsumevir, alsueill generallie as specialie comprehendit in the samin chartour, and that nochtwithstanding quhatsumevir actis, statutis or constitutionis of parliament maid in this present parliament at ony tyme of befoir or to be maid heirefter, quhilkis sall nawayes be hurtfull, nor prejudiciall to the fornemmit chartour, precept and instrument of seasing following thairupoun, nor mak dirogatioun thairto in ony sorte; and that the foirsaid chartour, precept and instrument of seasing grantit to the said James, lord Abircorne sall stand and remane in all tyme cuming in the awin strenth, force and effect and that this present confirmatioun and ratificatioun thairof is, and shalbe, als valide as if the infeftmentis of the saidis landis, offices, richt of patronage and utheris generalie and specialie befoir rehersit maid to his authouris and predecessouris thairof had bene lauchfullie and deulie confermit in parliament of befoir. And siclike, our said soverane lord, with advyse foirsaid, willis and declairis this present ratificatioun and confirmatioun to be of als greit force, strenth and effect as if the foirsaid chartour wer word be word ingrost and insert heirin, quhairanent oure said soverane lord, with advyse foirsaid, be thir presentis dispenses.

  1. NAS, PA2/16, f.77r-77v. Back
  2. The hand changes from here until NAS, PA2/16, f.82r, when the 'usual' hand resumes. Back