Ratificatioun to the kirk of Borthuik

Oure soverane lord and estaittis of parliament, understanding that his majestie, for the zeall he hes to the glorie of God and propagatioun of Christis blessed evangell, hes, be his hienes chartour under the great seall, maid with advyse of his hienes officiaris of estaitt, disunit and dissolvit all and sindrie the teynd scheves and utheris teyndis, baith great and small, alsweill of the personage as vicarage, and haill fruittis of the parochkirk of Borthuik, townis, landis and mylnis within the parochin thairof, and als the prebendareis of Arnetstoun, Myddeltoun, first and secund prebendarie of Vogrie, and twa clerkis to serve in the divines within the college kirk of Creichtoun, ane yeirlie rent for thair sustenatioun foundit of auld within the said college kirk of Creichtoun and haill vicarage of Borthuik, fruittis, rentis, manse and gleib thairof, fra the said uther kirk of Creichtoun to the quhilk the samin wes foundit and annexit of befoir, and hes unitit, erectit and incorporatit the samin in ane severall and distinct benefice of the said parochkirk of Borthuik, to be callit the personage of Borthuik, and to be ane yeirlie rent and stipend to the minister serveing the cure thairat in all tyme cumming, as the said chartour of the date the feird day of Aprile, the yeir of God jM vC fourscoir sextene yeiris at mair lenth proportis; quhilk chartour of erectioun and incorporatioun his majestie and estaittis foirsaidis and haill bodie of this present parliament have ratefeit and approvin, and ratefeis and appreves in all and sindrie the heidis, clauses, articlis and circumstances thairof, with all that hes followit, or that may follow thairupoun eftir the forme and tennour of the samin in all pointis; and als will and grantis that this generall ratificatioun is, and sall be, als gude, valide and effectuall in all respectis as gif the samin and everie particular clause thairof wer heirin specialie and expreslie mentionat or insert; and decernis and declaris that the erectioun and incorporatioun of the teyndis of the said parochkirk of Borthuik and prebendarie abonewrittin, quhilk wes of befoir ane pertinent and part of the said college kirk of Creichtoun, and is now erectit in ane severall and distinct personage, to be callit the personage of Borthuik in all tyme cumming, is and sall be als valide and sufficient in all respectis as gif the said unioun, erectioun and incorporatioun had bene past and expede be the consent of the patrone, titularis and prebendaris of the samin, and that the want of the consent of the saidis patroun, titularis and prebendaris sall nawayes dirogat, nor be prejudiciall thairto, nochtwithstanding quhatsumevir law, act or constitutioun maid in the contrair under the quhilkis the said erectioun and incorporatioun sall nawayes be comprehendit, bot specialie exceptit and reservit furth of the samyn. Attoure his majestie and estaittis foirsaidis, for the causes abonewrittin, be the tennour of thir presentis, of new disunitis and dissolvis the saidis teyndschaves and utheris teyndis, great and small, and haill fruitis of the paroche kirk foirsaid, prebendareis and utheris respective abovewrittin, and erectis the samin in ane severall and distinct personage to be callit the personage of Borthuik in all tyme cumming, and decernis and ordinis the samin unioun, erectioun and incorporatioun of the personage foirsaid to stand and abyd perpetualie in all tyme cumming, and the persounes provydit, or to be provydit thairto, be his hienes and his successouris to have als gude richt to the teyndis, baith great and small, fruitis, rentis, emolumentis and dueteis quhatsumevir of the said personage of Borthuik as gif the samin had bene ane severall and distinct personage fra the beginning, but prejudice of the particular prebendares provisionis yit on lyve, quha wer provydit to the saidis benefices befoir the moneth of Aprile jM vC fourscoir sextene yeiris, for thair lyfetymes alanerlie.

  1. NAS, PA2/16, f.76r-v. Back
  2. '74' written in margin beside heading. Back