Ratificatioun in favouris of the Laird of Moncreif of his pensioun

Oure soverane lord, with advyse of the estaittis of this present parliament, ratefeis and appreves that gift and letter of pensioun maid and grantit be umquhile Williame, commendatar of Pittinweme, with consent and assent of the metropolitane kirk of Sanctandrous, to Williame Moncreif of that Ilk of ane yeirlie pensioun of twa hundreth and ten merkis yeirlie, to be uptakin and upliftit furth of the first and reddiest of the fruittis and rentis of the said priourie of Pittinweme during all the dayes of the said Williame Moncreiffis lyfetyme; and for sure payment thairof, assignig to him the fewmaillis of Eistir and Wester Rindis, togidder with the teynd scheves of the parochkirk of Rynd extending justlie to the said sowme appointit to be confermit in parliament, as the gift and letter of pension maid thairanent of the date at Pittinweme and Sanctandrous, the aucht and nynt dayes of Februar, jM vC fourscoir foure yeiris in it self at lenth beiris, quhilk haill letter of pensioune, with all clauses and articlis thairin contenit is haldin as repetit and word be word ingrossit thairin, and declaris the samin to be als valide and sufficient as gif the samin wer insert heirin; quhairanet the saidis estaitis dispenses.

  1. NAS, PA2/16, f.72v. Back
  2. '66' written in margin beside heading. Back