Anent glebis in pasturage and sowmes grass

Oure soverane lord and estaittis of this present parliament, understanding that be the act of parliament anent the designatioun of manses and gleibis to ministeris, it is ordinit that thair sall be four akeris of land designat to ilk minister for his gleib nixt adjacent to the kirk; and seing that by the iniquitie of tyme and disordour of the bordouris and hielandis of this realme in tyme bigane, thair ar sindrie kirkis within the samin quhilkis hes na arrable land adjacent thairto, bot onlie pasturage, sua that be the foirsaid act of parliament maid anent the designatioun of four akeris of land onlie for the gleib of ilk minister and na forder, the ministeris serveing the cure at sic kirkis as hes na arrable land adjacent thairto, bot onlie pasturage, ar greatumlie hurte and defraudit. For remede quhairof, it is statute and ordanit that, in all tyme cumming, thair be designit to the ministeris serveing the cure at sic kirkis quhair thair is na arable land adjacent thairto four sowmes gress for ilk aker of the saidis four akeris of gleib land, extending in the haill to sextene sowmes for the said four akeris, and that of the maist commodious and best pasturage of ony kirklandis lyand nixt adjacent and maist ewest to the saidis kirkis; and ordinis lettres to be direct aganis the possessouris thairof for removeing thairfra in the samyn forme as is appointit be the foirsaid act of parliament maid anent designatioun of manses and gleibis of befoir.

  1. NAS, PA2/16, f.52r. Back
  2. 'V 6' written in margin beside heading. Back
  3. 'cumming' scored out and replaced by 'bigane'. Back