
The haill actis following wer red, voitit and concludit be the estaittis in plane parliament.

Act anent the kingis majesteis prerogative

[...]le as the estaittis and haill bodie of this present parliament, considering [...]full discent in the persone of oure most gratious soverane of the [...] of the famous and renowned kingdomes of England, France and Irland [...] far surpassis the wealth, power and force of the dominionis of ony of his progenitouris kingis of Scotland, God hes also joynit ane wonderfull incresce of cair and burding for discharge, quhairof he hes endewed his majestie with sa mony extraordinar graces and maist rare and excellent vertues as he is nocht onlie knawin by daylie and manifest experiences in materis of greatest difficultie and consequence, to the unspeakable conforte of all his faithfull subjectis, to be capable of the happie governament of his saidis kingdomes, bot be his maist singular judgement, foirsicht and princelie wisdome worthie to posses and habill to governe far greater dominionis and numberis of people; and inrespect thairof, the saidis estaittis of parliament, persaveing that be his majesteis exaltatioun nocht onlie in preeminence and power, bot also in all royall qualiteis requisit for the happie discharge thairof, God hes manifestlie expressit his heavinlie will to be that his majesteis imperiall power, quhilk God hes sa gratiouslie inlarged, sall nocht by thame in ony sorte be impared, prejudged or diminissed, bot rather reverenced and augmented sofar as possible they can; thairfoir the saidis estaittis and haill bodie of this present parliament all in ane voluntar, humbill, faithfull and united hairt, mynd and consent trewlie acknawleges his majesties soverane authoritie, princelie power, royall prerogative and privilege of his crowne over all estaittis, persones and causes quhatsumevir within his said kingdome, and his majestie, with express advyse, consent and assent of the saidis haill estaittis, ratefeis, appreves and perpetualie confermis the samyn, als absolutlie, amplie and frelie in all respectis and considerationis as evir his majestie or ony of his royall progenitouris, kingis of Scotland in ony tyme bigane, possessed, used or exerced the same; and lykwayes, with consent foirsaid, cassis, annullis, abrogattis, retreittis and rescindis all and quhatsumevir thingis attempted, enacted, done or heireftir to be done or intendit to the violatioun, hurte, derogatioun, imparing or prejudice of his hienes soverane authoritie, royall prerogative and privileges of his crowne or ony point or pairt thairof, in ony tyme bigane or tocum. And the saidis haill estaittis, for thame selffis and thair successouris, faithfullie promittis perpetualie to acknawlege, obey, mantene, defend and advance the lyfe, honour, saiftie, dignitie, soverane authoritie and prerogative royall of his sacred majestie, his airis and successouris and privilege of his hienes crowne with thair lyves, landis and gudis, to the uttermest of thair power, and constantlie and faithfullie to withstand all and quhatsumevir persones, poweris or estaittis quha sall presume, preas or intend onywayes to impugne, prejudge, hurte or impair the same, and nevir to cum in the contrair thairof, directlie nor indirectlie, in ony tyme cummyng.

  1. NAS, PA2/16, f.49v. Back
  2. The top right hand corner of NAS, PA2/16, f.49r has been torn away and has resulted in a large amount of missing text. Back
  3. NAS, PA2/16, f.49v-51r. Back
  4. 'V 2' written in margin beside heading. Back
  5. NAS, PS2/16, f.51r-v. Back
  6. 'V 3' written in margin beside heading. Back
  7. Followed by a word in superscript. However, word is illegible. Back
  8. NAS, PA2/16, f.51v. Back
  9. 'V 4' written in margin beside heading. Back
  10. NAS, PA2/16, f.51v-52r. Back
  11. 'V 5' written in margin beside heading. Back
  12. NAS, PA2/16, f.52r. Back
  13. 'V 6' written in margin beside heading. Back
  14. 'cumming' scored out and replaced by 'bigane'. Back
  15. NAS, PA2/16, f.52r. Back
  16. 'V 7' written in margin beside heading. Back
  17. NAS, PA2/16, f.52r-v. Back
  18. 'V 8' written in margin beside heading. Back
  19. NAS, PA2/16, f.52v. Back
  20. 'V 9' written in margin beside heading. Back
  21. NAS, PA2/16, f.52v. Back
  22. '10 V' written in margin beside heading. Back
  23. NAS, PA2/16, f.52v-53r. Back
  24. 'V 11' written in margin beside heading. Back
  25. NAS, PA2/16, f.53r. Back
  26. 'V 12' written in margin beside heading. Back
  27. 'and' repeated Back
  28. NAS, PA2/16, f.53r. Back
  29. 'V 13' written in margin beside heading. Back
  30. NAS, PA2/16, f.53r-v Back
  31. 'V 14' written in margin beside heading. Back
  32. NAS, PA2/16, f.53v. Back
  33. 'V 15' written in margin beside heading. Back
  34. NAS, PA2/16, f.53v. Back
  35. 'V 16' written in margin beside heading. Back
  36. NAS, PA2/16, f.53v. Back
  37. 'P V 17' written in margin beside heading. Back
  38. NAS, PA2/16, f.53v-55r. Back
  39. 'P 18' written in margin beside heading. Back
  40. 'vassell' deleted and replaced by 'prelat'. Back
  41. NAS, PA2/16, f.55r-v. Back
  42. 'P 19' written in margin beside heading. Back
Act anent the restitutioun of the estate of bischoppis

In the parliament haldin at Perth, the nynt day of Julii the yeir of God jM vjC and sex yeiris, be vertue of ane speciall commissioun grantit be oure soverane lord to that effect under the great seall, of the date at Hamptouncourt, the aucht day of Februar jM vjC and four yeiris, oure soverane lord, now in his absens furth of his kingdome of Scotland, ernestlie desyring sa to provyde for the just and politique governament of that estait, as his faithfull subjectis thairof may perfytlie knaw that absens breidis nocht in his royall mynd oblivioun of thair gude, bot that he is daylie mair and mair cairfull of sic thingis as may tend maist to the honour, proffitt and perpetuall stabilitie and quietnes of the said kingdome, quhairin understanding religioun and justice to be sa necessar fundamentis and pillaris, as by thame the authoritie of the princes and quietnes of the peopill in all tymes bipast hes cheiflie bene establischit and mantenit, quhill off lait in his majesteis young yeiris and unsetlit estaitt the ancient and fundamentall policie consisting in the mantenance of the thrie estaittis of parliament hes beine greatumlie imparit and almost subvertit, specialie by the indirect abolischeing of the estait of bischoppis by the act of annexatioun of the temporalitie of benefices to the crowne maid in his hienes parliament haldin at Edinburgh in the moneth of Julii, the yeir of God jM vC fourscoir sewin yeiris, quhairby albeit it wes nather menit by his majestie nor by his estaittis that the said estait of bischoppis, consisting of benefices of cure and being ane necessar estait of the parliament, suld onywayes be suppressit; yit his majestie, by experience of the subsequent tyme, hes cleirlie sene that the dismembering and abstracting frome thame of thair levingis hes brocht thame in sic contempt and povertie that they ar nocht hable to furneis necessaris to thair privat familie, mekill less to beir the charges of thair wonted rank in parliament and generall counsaillis and, eftir the example of thair predecessouris, to assist and supplie thair prince with thair counsaill and gudis in tyme of peax and ware, the remede quhairof propirlie belangis to his majestie, quhome the haill estaittis of thair bundin duetie, with maist hartlie and faithfull affectioun, humelie and trewlie acknawleges to be soverane monarche, absolute prince, judge and governour over all persones, estaittis and causes, baith spirituall and temporall, within his said realme; thairfoir his majestie, with express advyse and consent of the saidis haill estaittis of parliament, being cairfull to repone, restoir and redintegrat the said estait of bischoppis to thair ancient and accustomed honour, digniteis, prerogatives, privileges, levingis, landis, teyndis, rentis, thriddis and estaitt, as the samyn wes in the reformit kirk, maist ample and frie at onytyme befoir the act of annexatioun foirsaid, be the tennour heirof, retreittis, rescindis, reduces, cassis, abrogattis and annullis the foirsaid act of annexatioun of the temporalitie of benefices to the crowne maid in the yeir of God jM vC fourscoir sewin yeiris as said is, in safar as the samyn may in ony sorte comprehend or be extendit to the authoritie, dignitie, prerogatives, privileges, touris, castellis, fortalices, landis, kirkis, teyndis, thriddis or rentis of the saidis bischoprikis or ony pairt thairof, with all utheris actis of parliament maid in prejudice of the saidis bischoppis in the premise, or ony of thame, with all that hes followit or may follow thairupoun, and all actis for dismembring of particular kirkis or commoun kirkis of the saidis bischoprikis frome the samyn, or for separatioun of the thriddis of the saidis bischoprikis frome the bodie, titill and twa pairt of the samyn, to the effect the persones presentlie provydit to the bischoprikis of Scotland or ony of thame, or that sall heireftir be provydit to the samyn, may frelie, quietlie and peciablie injoy, bruik and posses the honouris, digniteis, privileges and prerogatives competent to thame or thair estait sen the reformatioun of that religioun, and all touris, fortalices, landis, kirkis, teyndis, rentis, twa pairt thriddis, patronages and richtis quhatsumevir belanging to the saidis bischoprikis, or ony of thame, and use and exerte the samyn, and frelie dispone upoun the haill twa pairit and thrid temporalitie and spiritualitie of thair saidis bischoprikis and all the premises belonging to the saidis bischoprikis, as the saidis actis of annexatioun and remanent actis maid in onywayes to thair prejudice in the premise, and everie ane of thame and all that followit thairupoun, had nevir bene maid nor done, they allwayes intertenying the ministeris serveing at the cure of the kirkis of thair saidis bischoprikis upoun the reddiest of thair saidis thriddis according to the ordinar assignationis maid or ressonable to be maid thairanent. Attoure, becaus his majesteis intentioun is onlie to restoir the bischoprikis quhilkis ar benefices of cure, and nawayes to alter ony thing done in uther benefices quhilkis ar nocht of cure, and for the better satisfactioun of his majesteis subjectis and faithfull servandis quhome his majestie, in his princelie liberalitie, for diverse gude respectis and causes moveing him, hes beneficit, rewardit and advanceit with erectionis, fewis, patronages, teyndis and utheris infeftmentis, confirmationes of landis, rentis, teyndis, patronages and utheris richtis of abbaceis, prioureis and utheris benefices, nocht being bischoprikis, and to the effect they be nocht prejudgeit nor put in mistrust by this act of thair securitie in the premise, his hienes, with advyse of the haill estaittis of parliament, ratefeis, appreves and for him and his successouris, perpetualie confermes the haill erectionis, infeftmentis, confirmatiounes, patronages, takkis and utheris securiteis of landis, teyndis, patronages, richtis and rentis quhatsumevir of the saidis haill benefices foirsaidis, or ony pairt thairof (nocht being bischoprikis), gewin, disponit or confermit be his majestie during the tyme of the said parliament haldin in the moneth of Julii jM vC fourscoir sewin yeiris, of befoir or sensyne maid agreable to the lawis and actis of the said parliament fourscoir sewin and utheris lawis and actis maid sensyne, and faithfullie promittis in verbo principis nevir to querrell nor impugne the samin, directlie nor indirectlie, in ony tyme cumming. As alsua for the weill and securitie of the tennentis of the landis and teyndis of the saidis bischoprikis, quha since the act of annexatioun hes debursit diverse sowmes of money to his hienes thesaurar for making and confermyng to thame of thair infeftmentis, takkis and securiteis of the saidis landis, teyndis and rentis of the saidis bischoprikis possessit by thame, and to the effect that the annulling of the said act of annexatioun bereiff thame nocht altogidder of the saidis landis, teyndis and rentis of bischopprikis acquirit be thame upoun thair large charges and expenses according to the law than standing, and that upoun the uther pairt the saidis bischoprikis be nocht altogidder maid unproffitable be the unlauchfull dilapidatioun of the rentis thairof and hurtfull conversioun of the victuall, caynis, customes and utheris comoditeis of the samin for unequall and unworthie prices, thairfoir his majestie, with advyse of his estaittis foirsaidis, ordanis the saidis persones possessouris of the landis or teyndis of bischoprikis be vertue of infeftmentis, confirmatiounes or takkis of the samin grantit or sett since the said act of annexatioun and conforme to the samin and lawis of the realme at the tyme of the making thairof, sall have the securiteis, confirmatiounes, takkis and richtis of the saidis landis and teyndis of the bischoprikis foirsaidis renewit and grantit to thame in sufficient, perfyte and valide forme be the bischoppis, possessouris of the saidis benefices, the saidis fewaris, takismen and tennentis payand to the saidis bischoppis for gressum, entres and compositioun for renewing of thair saidis fewis of all landis and utheris belanging to the saidis bischoprikis, and als for ratificatioun of thair saidis takkis of all teyndis pertening thairto, off the quhilkis at the day and date heirof thair is ten yeiris croppis of the samyn to ryn, the doubill of the yeirlie silver duetie contenit in thair saidis fewis and takkis, and the singill of the victuall duetie and of all utheris dueteis expressit thairin, and that by and attoure the yeirlie duetie expressit in thair saidis fewis and takkis, the quhilkis dueteis for gressum, entres and compositioun, the haill estaittis of parliament declairis sall be payit be the saidis fewaris, takkismen and tennentis within yeir and day eftir they be lauchfullie cytit to that effect, and for that samyn cause or eftir that intimatioun of the samyn be maid to thame be the bischoppis in thair awin courtis; and incais of nocht thankfull payment of the doubill of the said silver duetie, and of the singill of the said victuall and utheris dueteis within yeir and day eftir the said citatioun and intimatioun as said is, the saidis estaitis of parliament findis and declairis that the saidis fewaris and takkismen sall be astrictit to pay eftir the expyring of the said yeir and day (thankfull payment nocht being maid within that space of the foirsaidis gressumes, enteres and compositioun extending to the quantitie abonewrittin), the quadruple of the silver duetie and the doubill of the said victuall and utheris dueteis foirsaidis to the saidis bischoppis by and attour the yeirlie dueteis contenit in thair saidis fewis and takkis as said is; and the saidis estaittis declaris that gif thair is nocht ten yeiris compleit to ryn of the saidis takkis of teyndis pertenyng to the kirkis of the saidis bischoprikis eftir the day and date heirof, in that caise the takismen onnawayes sall be astrictit to pay ony gressum, enteres or compositioun for the samyn to the saidis bischoppis, bot they to be frie thairof. Attoure, the saidis estaittis declaris that the said act and ordinance of parliament sall nawayes be extendit, comprehend nor prejudge ony fewis of bischoprikis lauchfullie sett and confermit befoir the said act of annexatioun, quhilk wes in the said moneth of Julii jM vC fourscoir sewin yeiris, exceptand and reserveand alwayes furth of this present act all dispositionis maid of quhatsumevir patronages of the kirkis pertening to the saidis bischoprikis disponit be lauchfull titularis and the kingis majestie, and ratefeit in parliament in favouris of quhatsumevir persone or persones, and nane utheris; and findis and declares all and quhatsumevir dispositionis maid of the foirsaidis patronages of all kirkis pertening to bischoprikis disponit be the lauchfull titularis and his majestie, and nocht confermit in parliament, to be of nane availl, althogh the samyn patronages be grantit and disponit be the kingis majestie and titularis thairof, and lykwayes exceptand and reserveand all commoun kirkis pertening of auld to the saidis bischoppis and thair chaptour in commountie, quhilkis ar disponit be his majestie to quhatsumevir persone at ony tyme preceding the date of this present act. And the saidis estaittis declares that gif thair be ony commoun kirkis pertening to the saidis bischoprikis and to thair chaptour of auld, that now pertenis and fallis to thame be vertew of this present act, that thairby the ministeris quha ar lauchfullie provydit to the saidis commoun kirkis be presentatioun, collatioun and admissioun and serveing thairat sall nawayes be prejudgeit during thair lyfetymes, bot that the saidis provisionis sall be sufficient richt and warrand to the saidis ministeris to bruik, joise and posses thair commoun kirkis foirsaidis according as they ar provydit thairto, for all the dayes of thair lyfetymes, nochtwithstanding of quhatsumevir clause contenit in this present act or ony uther act of parliament that micht mak ony derogatioun to the saidis provisionis, exceptand alwayes and reserveand the castell of Sanctandrois and castell yairdis of the samin, disponit to George, erle of Dunbar upoun the resignatioun of George, archibischop of Sanctandrois, dissolvit and dismemberit fra the said archibischoprik be oure said soverane lord and estaittis, with express consent and assent of the said archibischop, personalie comperand in parliament, quhometo oure said soverane lord in place and recompence of the said castell hes gewin and disponit the provestrie of Kirkhill, vicarage and archidenrie of Sanctandrous, to remane with the said archibischop and his successouris by and attoure ane yeirlie pensioun of thrie hundreth merkis gewin to the said archibischop, sua that the said castell and castell yairdis sall nawayes be comprehendit in this present act, nor yit sall be comptit nor estemit in ony tyme heireftir ony pairt or portioun of the patrimonie of the said archibischoprik, bot sall remane with the said George, erle of Dunbar, his airis and successouris as thair propir heretage, lauchfullie disponit to thame and dissolvit fra the said archibischoprik. And in lykmaner the saidis estaittis declaris that the foirsaid act grantit in favouris of the saidis bischoppis sall nocht be extendit nor prejudiciall to the infeftmentis, richtis and titillis maid to Schir Robert Melvill of Murdocarnie, knycht, his airis and successouris mentionat thairin of the landis of Monymaill and Lethame, with the maner place, yairdis and biggingis of Monymaill and patronage of the kirk of Monymaill pertening of auld to the archibischop of Sanctandrous, and declaris the samyn infeftmentis to stand in the awin strenth nochtwithstanding of this present act, provyding alwayes that the said Schir Robert Melvill and his airis sustene and interteny the ministeris serveing at the said kirk upoun the fruittis of the samin kirk. And, nochtwithstanding of this present act and haill clauses thairin contenit, oure said soverane lord, with advyse foirsaid, haveing considerit the fewaris of the baronie of Glasgow to be mony in number and the povirtie of the maist pairt of thame to be suche as they ar nocht abill to furnesche the ordinary charges for renewing thair infeftmentis, haif dispensit and be this present act dispenses anent the foirsaid clause of renewing of fewis, with samony of the saidis fewaris as have takin thair fewis, without diminutioun of the rentall and conversioun of victuall and utheris dueteis in silver, and quha sall obtene ane ratificatioun frome Johne, now archibischop of Glasgow, of the saidis fewis and richtis befoir the feist of Alhallowmes nixtocum; and declaris the fewis lauchfullie sett as said is to the saidis persones valide and effectuall, thair airis, successouris and assignais alwayes entering be the said archibischop as thair immediat superiour and be his successouris to thair saidis landis, rowmes and possessionis be brevis rasit out of the said archibischoppis chancellarie, preceptis of clare constat, resignationis and confermationis as use is, and payand thair few maillis, fermes, multuris, caynis and utheris dueteis to the said archibischop and his successouris in all tyme heireftir, but prejudice to the lettres of gift and pensionis grantit to the Duke of Lennox, Schir George, Schir James and Schir Archibald Erskynnis pensionis furth of the fruittis of the said archibischoprik of Glasgow, to be bruikit be the said lord duik during the said lord dukis lyfetyme alanerlie.

  1. NAS, PA2/16, f.49v. Back
  2. The top right hand corner of NAS, PA2/16, f.49r has been torn away and has resulted in a large amount of missing text. Back
  3. NAS, PA2/16, f.49v-51r. Back
  4. 'V 2' written in margin beside heading. Back
  5. NAS, PS2/16, f.51r-v. Back
  6. 'V 3' written in margin beside heading. Back
  7. Followed by a word in superscript. However, word is illegible. Back
  8. NAS, PA2/16, f.51v. Back
  9. 'V 4' written in margin beside heading. Back
  10. NAS, PA2/16, f.51v-52r. Back
  11. 'V 5' written in margin beside heading. Back
  12. NAS, PA2/16, f.52r. Back
  13. 'V 6' written in margin beside heading. Back
  14. 'cumming' scored out and replaced by 'bigane'. Back
  15. NAS, PA2/16, f.52r. Back
  16. 'V 7' written in margin beside heading. Back
  17. NAS, PA2/16, f.52r-v. Back
  18. 'V 8' written in margin beside heading. Back
  19. NAS, PA2/16, f.52v. Back
  20. 'V 9' written in margin beside heading. Back
  21. NAS, PA2/16, f.52v. Back
  22. '10 V' written in margin beside heading. Back
  23. NAS, PA2/16, f.52v-53r. Back
  24. 'V 11' written in margin beside heading. Back
  25. NAS, PA2/16, f.53r. Back
  26. 'V 12' written in margin beside heading. Back
  27. 'and' repeated Back
  28. NAS, PA2/16, f.53r. Back
  29. 'V 13' written in margin beside heading. Back
  30. NAS, PA2/16, f.53r-v Back
  31. 'V 14' written in margin beside heading. Back
  32. NAS, PA2/16, f.53v. Back
  33. 'V 15' written in margin beside heading. Back
  34. NAS, PA2/16, f.53v. Back
  35. 'V 16' written in margin beside heading. Back
  36. NAS, PA2/16, f.53v. Back
  37. 'P V 17' written in margin beside heading. Back
  38. NAS, PA2/16, f.53v-55r. Back
  39. 'P 18' written in margin beside heading. Back
  40. 'vassell' deleted and replaced by 'prelat'. Back
  41. NAS, PA2/16, f.55r-v. Back
  42. 'P 19' written in margin beside heading. Back
Anent foirfaltit persones

Oure soverane lord, perfytlie understanding that the dew punischement inflictit to tratouris and rebellis, and the rewardis richtlie distributit to faithfull and weill deserveing subjectis incourages the better sorte in weill doing and is ane terrour to the ewill disposit to give withgait to thair inclinatioun; in consideratioun thairof, with advyse and consent of the estaittis of his hienes parliament, ratefeis, appreves and perpetualie confermes the processes, sentences and domes of foirfaltouris led, deducit and pronuncit aganis Francis, sumtyme erle Bothuell, umquhile Johne, sumtyme erle of Gowrie, and umquhile Maister Alexander Ruthven, his brother, thair memorie, togidder with the actis maid anent the inhabilitie of the posteritie of the saidis tratouris, and decernis, declaris, statutis and ordinis that the gratious restitutioun to be gewin be his majestie or ony of his successouris to ony persone or persones alreadie foirfaltit sen his majesteis perfyte age, or quha in ony tyme cumming sall happin lauchfullie to be foirfaltit be his majestie or ony of his successouris, or to thair airis or thair successouris, sall nawayes hurte or prejudge ony of his hienes subjectis in the richt and securitie obtenit, or to be obtenit, be thame or ony of thame of the landis, possessionis, takkis, richtis, gudis or geir pertening to the saidis foirfaltit rebellis and fallin to oure said soverane lord or his successouris be thair rebellioun and foirfaltour, bot that the samin landis, possessionis, takkis, richtis, gudis and geir quhatsumevir fallin to his majestie in maner foirsaid and lauchfullie disponit be his hienes, or heireftir to be disponit be him or his successouris to ony of his or thair faithfull subjectis, sall perpetualie remane with and appertene to the ressaveris of the securitie and dispositioun thairof, nochtwithstanding the said gratious restitutioun to be obtenit be the saidis foirfaltit persounes or thair airis or successouris, quhilk salbe na forder extendit nor have na forder force nor effect bot for the rehabilitatioun of thair persones alanerlie, and nawayes to be extendit to the landis, possessionis, takkis, richtis, gudis or geir pertening to thame befoir thair foirfaltour and lauchfullie disponit to ony of his hienes obedient subjectis at sic tyme as the indoubtit richt thairof stude in his hienes persone, fallin and becum in his majesteis handis be vertue of the said foirfaltour. And becaus the persones foirfaltit, thair bairnis and freindis in prejudice of his hienes donatouris and utheris his majesteis obedient and duetifull subjectis, abstractis and absentis the evidentis, takkis and securiteis of the landis, rowmes and possessionis of the saidis foirfaltit persones, it is thairfoir statute and ordanit that nochtwithstanding the abstracting and absenting be ony persones of the evidentis, takkis and securiteis of the landis and possessionis quhilkis pertenit to ony foirfaltit persones, and quhairof the richtis being ather disponit or confermit be his majestie, the saidis dispositionis or confirmationes ar extant in his hienes register, that the extract thairof furth of the register sall be als gude and sufficient titill and richt to his majesteis donatouris and utheris his obedient and dewtyfull subjectis haveing richt thairto for bruiking and joising the saidis landis and possessionis as gif the principall and originall evidentis, takkis or securiteis wer yit extant, and that the saidis evidentis and securiteis sall nocht be decernit to mak na faith or to be improvin for nocht production of the originall and principall, the saidis extractis or confirmationes being producit be his majestie or his donatouris and utheris foirsaidis, and they being content to abyd at the veritie of the deid and tryell nocht onlie of the treuth of the confirmatioun, bot also at the treuth of the wrytt quhilk is insert in the confirmatioun quhairof the principall is abstractit.

  1. NAS, PA2/16, f.49v. Back
  2. The top right hand corner of NAS, PA2/16, f.49r has been torn away and has resulted in a large amount of missing text. Back
  3. NAS, PA2/16, f.49v-51r. Back
  4. 'V 2' written in margin beside heading. Back
  5. NAS, PS2/16, f.51r-v. Back
  6. 'V 3' written in margin beside heading. Back
  7. Followed by a word in superscript. However, word is illegible. Back
  8. NAS, PA2/16, f.51v. Back
  9. 'V 4' written in margin beside heading. Back
  10. NAS, PA2/16, f.51v-52r. Back
  11. 'V 5' written in margin beside heading. Back
  12. NAS, PA2/16, f.52r. Back
  13. 'V 6' written in margin beside heading. Back
  14. 'cumming' scored out and replaced by 'bigane'. Back
  15. NAS, PA2/16, f.52r. Back
  16. 'V 7' written in margin beside heading. Back
  17. NAS, PA2/16, f.52r-v. Back
  18. 'V 8' written in margin beside heading. Back
  19. NAS, PA2/16, f.52v. Back
  20. 'V 9' written in margin beside heading. Back
  21. NAS, PA2/16, f.52v. Back
  22. '10 V' written in margin beside heading. Back
  23. NAS, PA2/16, f.52v-53r. Back
  24. 'V 11' written in margin beside heading. Back
  25. NAS, PA2/16, f.53r. Back
  26. 'V 12' written in margin beside heading. Back
  27. 'and' repeated Back
  28. NAS, PA2/16, f.53r. Back
  29. 'V 13' written in margin beside heading. Back
  30. NAS, PA2/16, f.53r-v Back
  31. 'V 14' written in margin beside heading. Back
  32. NAS, PA2/16, f.53v. Back
  33. 'V 15' written in margin beside heading. Back
  34. NAS, PA2/16, f.53v. Back
  35. 'V 16' written in margin beside heading. Back
  36. NAS, PA2/16, f.53v. Back
  37. 'P V 17' written in margin beside heading. Back
  38. NAS, PA2/16, f.53v-55r. Back
  39. 'P 18' written in margin beside heading. Back
  40. 'vassell' deleted and replaced by 'prelat'. Back
  41. NAS, PA2/16, f.55r-v. Back
  42. 'P 19' written in margin beside heading. Back
Act anent the riveris of Tweid and Annand

Oure soverane lord and estaittis of parliament, understanding that in the act maid in his hienes parliament in the yeir of God jM and sex hundreth yeiris, quhairby the slaying of salmond fische in foirbiddin tyme or of kipper smoltis or blak fische at ony tyme wes declarit to be thifte, and the committeris thairof wer ordanit to be punishit for the samyn as for thyfte, the riveris of Tweid and Annand wer than exceptit becaus the saidis riveris at that tyme divydit at mony pairtis the boundis of Scotland and England adjacent unto thame, quhairby the foirberance upoun the Scottis pairt of the slauchter of salmond in foirbiddin tyme and of kipper smoltis and blak fische at all tymes wald nocht have maid salmond ony mair to abound in these watteris gif the lyk ordour had nocht bene than observit upoun the Englische syd, quhilk impediment, throw the infinit mercie of God, being now removeit by the most happie uniting of the empyre of both the kingdomes in the royall persone of his maist excellent majestie, indoubtit and richteous monarche of the samyn, quhairby the inhabitantis of this haill ile ar equaly subject to his sacred persone and lawes, and the remede of thair harmes and redress of thair abuses, punischement of thair transgressionis and estableissing of thair universall weill belangis to his charge; thairfoir our said soverane lord and estaittis of his hienes parliament, cleirlie understanding that the cause of the said exceptioun is now remowed, ratefeis and apprevis the said act of parliament anent the foirbidding of salmond, kipper smoltis and blak fische in maner abonewrittin, and panis of thifte and death decernit aganis the contravenaris thairof, and retreittis and perpetualy annullis and abrogattis the said exceptioun of the saidis watteris of Tweid and Annand, and decernis and ordinis that in all tyme cumming the controvenaris of the said act, or ony pairt thairof in the watteris of Tweid or Annand, or ony pairt of the samin, sall underly the saidis panis of thift and death according to the qualitie, rank and estait of the committeris thairof, and as gif the first act had bene generall and the said exceptioun had nevir bene contened thairin.

  1. NAS, PA2/16, f.49v. Back
  2. The top right hand corner of NAS, PA2/16, f.49r has been torn away and has resulted in a large amount of missing text. Back
  3. NAS, PA2/16, f.49v-51r. Back
  4. 'V 2' written in margin beside heading. Back
  5. NAS, PS2/16, f.51r-v. Back
  6. 'V 3' written in margin beside heading. Back
  7. Followed by a word in superscript. However, word is illegible. Back
  8. NAS, PA2/16, f.51v. Back
  9. 'V 4' written in margin beside heading. Back
  10. NAS, PA2/16, f.51v-52r. Back
  11. 'V 5' written in margin beside heading. Back
  12. NAS, PA2/16, f.52r. Back
  13. 'V 6' written in margin beside heading. Back
  14. 'cumming' scored out and replaced by 'bigane'. Back
  15. NAS, PA2/16, f.52r. Back
  16. 'V 7' written in margin beside heading. Back
  17. NAS, PA2/16, f.52r-v. Back
  18. 'V 8' written in margin beside heading. Back
  19. NAS, PA2/16, f.52v. Back
  20. 'V 9' written in margin beside heading. Back
  21. NAS, PA2/16, f.52v. Back
  22. '10 V' written in margin beside heading. Back
  23. NAS, PA2/16, f.52v-53r. Back
  24. 'V 11' written in margin beside heading. Back
  25. NAS, PA2/16, f.53r. Back
  26. 'V 12' written in margin beside heading. Back
  27. 'and' repeated Back
  28. NAS, PA2/16, f.53r. Back
  29. 'V 13' written in margin beside heading. Back
  30. NAS, PA2/16, f.53r-v Back
  31. 'V 14' written in margin beside heading. Back
  32. NAS, PA2/16, f.53v. Back
  33. 'V 15' written in margin beside heading. Back
  34. NAS, PA2/16, f.53v. Back
  35. 'V 16' written in margin beside heading. Back
  36. NAS, PA2/16, f.53v. Back
  37. 'P V 17' written in margin beside heading. Back
  38. NAS, PA2/16, f.53v-55r. Back
  39. 'P 18' written in margin beside heading. Back
  40. 'vassell' deleted and replaced by 'prelat'. Back
  41. NAS, PA2/16, f.55r-v. Back
  42. 'P 19' written in margin beside heading. Back
Anent the customes betuix Scotland and England

Oure soverane lord and estaittis of this present parliament statutis and ordinis that the farmeris of the customes in Scotland do keip ane originall buik of all the gudis that ar enterit and schippit for England, the schippis name, place and maister is name and to quhat porte the schip is bound, and to keip the entreis of everie porte by thame selffis, and everie half yeir the farmeris of Scotland to send ane trew copie of the samyn buikis to the farmeris of England, and the fermeris of England to do the lyk to the fermeris of Scotland, and anis yeirlie lykwayes to send the ane unto the other all the returnis quhilk come frome ather kingdome for discharge of thair bondis, to examine gif they be nocht falsifeit, quhilk being examinat sall be returnit bak agane. Siclyk, it is statute and ordinit that the coquett do pas in the names of the principall awneris of the gudis ladin in everie schip and nocht in poore mennis names scarslie knawin in England. Item, that ordour may be takin that na geir nor merchandice be sufferrit to pas by land frome Scotland into England nor frome England into Scotland by the waist groundis and wasches. It is statute and ordinit that all gudis caryit by land frome Scotland to England or brocht frome England to Scotland may pas onlie by the wayes of Berwick and Carlyle and by no other way, to prevent all fraude, and that all mercheandis do bring a certificate frome the fermeris deputeis of Edinburgh to the farmeris deputeis of Berwick and Carlyle, and also the farmeris deputeis of Berwick and Carlyle to gif the lyk certificate for all gudis passing those wayes for Edinburgh or any uther citie or towne in Scotland, and to keip originall buikis thairof under the pane of warding of the persones of thame quha sall contravene this present act or ony point thairof, and escheitting and confiscatioun of the haill gudis, geir and merchandice quhilkis ony persone or persones sall transporte betuix Scotland and England utherwayes nor is prescryved in this present act.

  1. NAS, PA2/16, f.49v. Back
  2. The top right hand corner of NAS, PA2/16, f.49r has been torn away and has resulted in a large amount of missing text. Back
  3. NAS, PA2/16, f.49v-51r. Back
  4. 'V 2' written in margin beside heading. Back
  5. NAS, PS2/16, f.51r-v. Back
  6. 'V 3' written in margin beside heading. Back
  7. Followed by a word in superscript. However, word is illegible. Back
  8. NAS, PA2/16, f.51v. Back
  9. 'V 4' written in margin beside heading. Back
  10. NAS, PA2/16, f.51v-52r. Back
  11. 'V 5' written in margin beside heading. Back
  12. NAS, PA2/16, f.52r. Back
  13. 'V 6' written in margin beside heading. Back
  14. 'cumming' scored out and replaced by 'bigane'. Back
  15. NAS, PA2/16, f.52r. Back
  16. 'V 7' written in margin beside heading. Back
  17. NAS, PA2/16, f.52r-v. Back
  18. 'V 8' written in margin beside heading. Back
  19. NAS, PA2/16, f.52v. Back
  20. 'V 9' written in margin beside heading. Back
  21. NAS, PA2/16, f.52v. Back
  22. '10 V' written in margin beside heading. Back
  23. NAS, PA2/16, f.52v-53r. Back
  24. 'V 11' written in margin beside heading. Back
  25. NAS, PA2/16, f.53r. Back
  26. 'V 12' written in margin beside heading. Back
  27. 'and' repeated Back
  28. NAS, PA2/16, f.53r. Back
  29. 'V 13' written in margin beside heading. Back
  30. NAS, PA2/16, f.53r-v Back
  31. 'V 14' written in margin beside heading. Back
  32. NAS, PA2/16, f.53v. Back
  33. 'V 15' written in margin beside heading. Back
  34. NAS, PA2/16, f.53v. Back
  35. 'V 16' written in margin beside heading. Back
  36. NAS, PA2/16, f.53v. Back
  37. 'P V 17' written in margin beside heading. Back
  38. NAS, PA2/16, f.53v-55r. Back
  39. 'P 18' written in margin beside heading. Back
  40. 'vassell' deleted and replaced by 'prelat'. Back
  41. NAS, PA2/16, f.55r-v. Back
  42. 'P 19' written in margin beside heading. Back
Anent glebis in pasturage and sowmes grass

Oure soverane lord and estaittis of this present parliament, understanding that be the act of parliament anent the designatioun of manses and gleibis to ministeris, it is ordinit that thair sall be four akeris of land designat to ilk minister for his gleib nixt adjacent to the kirk; and seing that by the iniquitie of tyme and disordour of the bordouris and hielandis of this realme in tyme bigane, thair ar sindrie kirkis within the samin quhilkis hes na arrable land adjacent thairto, bot onlie pasturage, sua that be the foirsaid act of parliament maid anent the designatioun of four akeris of land onlie for the gleib of ilk minister and na forder, the ministeris serveing the cure at sic kirkis as hes na arrable land adjacent thairto, bot onlie pasturage, ar greatumlie hurte and defraudit. For remede quhairof, it is statute and ordanit that, in all tyme cumming, thair be designit to the ministeris serveing the cure at sic kirkis quhair thair is na arable land adjacent thairto four sowmes gress for ilk aker of the saidis four akeris of gleib land, extending in the haill to sextene sowmes for the said four akeris, and that of the maist commodious and best pasturage of ony kirklandis lyand nixt adjacent and maist ewest to the saidis kirkis; and ordinis lettres to be direct aganis the possessouris thairof for removeing thairfra in the samyn forme as is appointit be the foirsaid act of parliament maid anent designatioun of manses and gleibis of befoir.

  1. NAS, PA2/16, f.49v. Back
  2. The top right hand corner of NAS, PA2/16, f.49r has been torn away and has resulted in a large amount of missing text. Back
  3. NAS, PA2/16, f.49v-51r. Back
  4. 'V 2' written in margin beside heading. Back
  5. NAS, PS2/16, f.51r-v. Back
  6. 'V 3' written in margin beside heading. Back
  7. Followed by a word in superscript. However, word is illegible. Back
  8. NAS, PA2/16, f.51v. Back
  9. 'V 4' written in margin beside heading. Back
  10. NAS, PA2/16, f.51v-52r. Back
  11. 'V 5' written in margin beside heading. Back
  12. NAS, PA2/16, f.52r. Back
  13. 'V 6' written in margin beside heading. Back
  14. 'cumming' scored out and replaced by 'bigane'. Back
  15. NAS, PA2/16, f.52r. Back
  16. 'V 7' written in margin beside heading. Back
  17. NAS, PA2/16, f.52r-v. Back
  18. 'V 8' written in margin beside heading. Back
  19. NAS, PA2/16, f.52v. Back
  20. 'V 9' written in margin beside heading. Back
  21. NAS, PA2/16, f.52v. Back
  22. '10 V' written in margin beside heading. Back
  23. NAS, PA2/16, f.52v-53r. Back
  24. 'V 11' written in margin beside heading. Back
  25. NAS, PA2/16, f.53r. Back
  26. 'V 12' written in margin beside heading. Back
  27. 'and' repeated Back
  28. NAS, PA2/16, f.53r. Back
  29. 'V 13' written in margin beside heading. Back
  30. NAS, PA2/16, f.53r-v Back
  31. 'V 14' written in margin beside heading. Back
  32. NAS, PA2/16, f.53v. Back
  33. 'V 15' written in margin beside heading. Back
  34. NAS, PA2/16, f.53v. Back
  35. 'V 16' written in margin beside heading. Back
  36. NAS, PA2/16, f.53v. Back
  37. 'P V 17' written in margin beside heading. Back
  38. NAS, PA2/16, f.53v-55r. Back
  39. 'P 18' written in margin beside heading. Back
  40. 'vassell' deleted and replaced by 'prelat'. Back
  41. NAS, PA2/16, f.55r-v. Back
  42. 'P 19' written in margin beside heading. Back
Anent teynding of cornes

It is statute and ordanit be oure soverane lord and estaittis in parliament that in tyme cumming in all teynding of cornes, that the samyn be teindit at thrie severall tymes everie yeir gif the awneris of the cornes sall think it expedient, to wit: the croft infeild corne at ane tyme, the beir at ane uther tyme, and the outfeild corne at the thrid tyme; and declaris that fyftene dayes eftir the compleit scheiring of ilk sorte of cornes being outrun, that it sal be lesum to the awneris at the said fyftene dayes end to mak requisitioun upoun sewin dayes to gif thame thankfull teynding, and gif the awneris get nocht thankfull teynding at the expyring of the saidis sewin dayes, the saidis estaittis declaris that it sall be lauchfull to the awneris of the saidis cornes to teynd and stak the samin thameselffis conforme to the act of parliament maid of befoir anent teynding of cornes in all pointis, and sall incurre na danger thairthrow.

  1. NAS, PA2/16, f.49v. Back
  2. The top right hand corner of NAS, PA2/16, f.49r has been torn away and has resulted in a large amount of missing text. Back
  3. NAS, PA2/16, f.49v-51r. Back
  4. 'V 2' written in margin beside heading. Back
  5. NAS, PS2/16, f.51r-v. Back
  6. 'V 3' written in margin beside heading. Back
  7. Followed by a word in superscript. However, word is illegible. Back
  8. NAS, PA2/16, f.51v. Back
  9. 'V 4' written in margin beside heading. Back
  10. NAS, PA2/16, f.51v-52r. Back
  11. 'V 5' written in margin beside heading. Back
  12. NAS, PA2/16, f.52r. Back
  13. 'V 6' written in margin beside heading. Back
  14. 'cumming' scored out and replaced by 'bigane'. Back
  15. NAS, PA2/16, f.52r. Back
  16. 'V 7' written in margin beside heading. Back
  17. NAS, PA2/16, f.52r-v. Back
  18. 'V 8' written in margin beside heading. Back
  19. NAS, PA2/16, f.52v. Back
  20. 'V 9' written in margin beside heading. Back
  21. NAS, PA2/16, f.52v. Back
  22. '10 V' written in margin beside heading. Back
  23. NAS, PA2/16, f.52v-53r. Back
  24. 'V 11' written in margin beside heading. Back
  25. NAS, PA2/16, f.53r. Back
  26. 'V 12' written in margin beside heading. Back
  27. 'and' repeated Back
  28. NAS, PA2/16, f.53r. Back
  29. 'V 13' written in margin beside heading. Back
  30. NAS, PA2/16, f.53r-v Back
  31. 'V 14' written in margin beside heading. Back
  32. NAS, PA2/16, f.53v. Back
  33. 'V 15' written in margin beside heading. Back
  34. NAS, PA2/16, f.53v. Back
  35. 'V 16' written in margin beside heading. Back
  36. NAS, PA2/16, f.53v. Back
  37. 'P V 17' written in margin beside heading. Back
  38. NAS, PA2/16, f.53v-55r. Back
  39. 'P 18' written in margin beside heading. Back
  40. 'vassell' deleted and replaced by 'prelat'. Back
  41. NAS, PA2/16, f.55r-v. Back
  42. 'P 19' written in margin beside heading. Back
Anent auld decreittis of ejectioun and spulzie in the bordouris

Oure soverane lord and estaittis of this present parliament, being cairfull that the satled and peciable estait happelie begun in those pairtes of this countrey quhilkis wer the lait bordouris foiranent England may be so manteyned, as all occasionis of disturbans thairof may be providentlie foirsene and convenientlie remedeit, and understanding that nathing is mair hable to bring diverse of the inhabitantis of the saidis lait bordouris to disperat courses and turbulent enterpryses than the rigorous executioun of auld decreittis obteined aganis thame or thair predecessouris tuentie yeiris befoir his majesteis happie successioun to his crowne of England, specialie quhair the saidis decreittis of thair awin nature may bring the danger of the yeirlie violent proffeittis upoun the persones aganis quhome the saidis decreittis wer obtened, and thairby surmounting often tymes thair haill valient, gif they be put to extreme executioun will gif the pairty occasioun of suche dispair as may induce thame to attempt so dangerous remedyes as may disturb the generall quietnes and renew or begin hotte and bloody feedes amongis the pairteis; for remede quhairof, and to the effect suche auld decreittis of ejectioun or removeing as wer obteyned tuentie yeiris befoir his majesteis comming to the crowne of England, and na executioun socht and obteyned thairupoun during the said space of tuentie yeiris preceding his majesteis obtening of the crowne of England, may nocht urge and dryve to dispair and miserie such as have these thrie yeiris bigane conteyned thameselffis in all dewtifull obedience to his majesteis authoritie and lawes, thairfoir, his majestie and estaittis foirsaidis statute and ordane that all suche decreittis of ejectioun and removeing and all effect and executioun that ony way may follow thairupoun sall cease and in tyme cumming be voyde, except for obteyning possessioun to the pairteis in quhais favouris the saidis decreittis wes pronunced of the landis thairin contened and payment to thame of the ordinar proffeittis quhilkis the saidis landis have payit to the persones aganis quhome the saidis decreittis wes gewin of the yeiris since his majesteis going to England alanerlie, and of na utheris yeiris preceding the samyn; with special provisioun that incais the persones aganis quhome the foirsaidis decreittis of removeing or ejectioun wes gewin salhappin heireftir to be lauchfullie denuncit rebellis and put to the horne for nocht obedience of the foirsaidis decreittis, they being first chargeit eftir the day and date heirof be all the charges conteyned in the lettres rasit or to be rasit upoun the saidis decreittis to obey the samin, in that caise the saidis estaittis of parliament declaris that the persones obtenaris of the foirsaidis decreittis sall have sufficient actioun aganis the persones defendaris specefeit in the saidis decreittis for the violent proffeittis of the landis mentionat thairintill continewallie sen the obteyning of the foirsaidis decreittis as accordis of the law, nochtwithstanding of this present act.

  1. NAS, PA2/16, f.49v. Back
  2. The top right hand corner of NAS, PA2/16, f.49r has been torn away and has resulted in a large amount of missing text. Back
  3. NAS, PA2/16, f.49v-51r. Back
  4. 'V 2' written in margin beside heading. Back
  5. NAS, PS2/16, f.51r-v. Back
  6. 'V 3' written in margin beside heading. Back
  7. Followed by a word in superscript. However, word is illegible. Back
  8. NAS, PA2/16, f.51v. Back
  9. 'V 4' written in margin beside heading. Back
  10. NAS, PA2/16, f.51v-52r. Back
  11. 'V 5' written in margin beside heading. Back
  12. NAS, PA2/16, f.52r. Back
  13. 'V 6' written in margin beside heading. Back
  14. 'cumming' scored out and replaced by 'bigane'. Back
  15. NAS, PA2/16, f.52r. Back
  16. 'V 7' written in margin beside heading. Back
  17. NAS, PA2/16, f.52r-v. Back
  18. 'V 8' written in margin beside heading. Back
  19. NAS, PA2/16, f.52v. Back
  20. 'V 9' written in margin beside heading. Back
  21. NAS, PA2/16, f.52v. Back
  22. '10 V' written in margin beside heading. Back
  23. NAS, PA2/16, f.52v-53r. Back
  24. 'V 11' written in margin beside heading. Back
  25. NAS, PA2/16, f.53r. Back
  26. 'V 12' written in margin beside heading. Back
  27. 'and' repeated Back
  28. NAS, PA2/16, f.53r. Back
  29. 'V 13' written in margin beside heading. Back
  30. NAS, PA2/16, f.53r-v Back
  31. 'V 14' written in margin beside heading. Back
  32. NAS, PA2/16, f.53v. Back
  33. 'V 15' written in margin beside heading. Back
  34. NAS, PA2/16, f.53v. Back
  35. 'V 16' written in margin beside heading. Back
  36. NAS, PA2/16, f.53v. Back
  37. 'P V 17' written in margin beside heading. Back
  38. NAS, PA2/16, f.53v-55r. Back
  39. 'P 18' written in margin beside heading. Back
  40. 'vassell' deleted and replaced by 'prelat'. Back
  41. NAS, PA2/16, f.55r-v. Back
  42. 'P 19' written in margin beside heading. Back
Act anent directing of lettres of hornyng on schireffis, stewartis and baillies decreittis

Oure soverane lord and estaittis of this present parliament ordinis for the greater forderance and better executioun of justice to all his majesteis lieges, and eschewing of the superfluous and unnecessar charges quhilk they sustene by poinding on decreittis obtenit befoir schireffis, stewartis and baillies, alsweill of royaltie as regalitie, that the lyk lettres and executioun of horning be direct and grantit be the lordis of sessioun upoun all actis, decreittis and sentences of schireffis, stewartis and bailleis, alsweill of royaltie as regalitie, as is grantit and direct upoun decreittis, actis and sentences of provestis and bailleis within burgh conforme to the act of parliament maid thairanent and eftir the forme and tennour of the samyn in all pointis.

  1. NAS, PA2/16, f.49v. Back
  2. The top right hand corner of NAS, PA2/16, f.49r has been torn away and has resulted in a large amount of missing text. Back
  3. NAS, PA2/16, f.49v-51r. Back
  4. 'V 2' written in margin beside heading. Back
  5. NAS, PS2/16, f.51r-v. Back
  6. 'V 3' written in margin beside heading. Back
  7. Followed by a word in superscript. However, word is illegible. Back
  8. NAS, PA2/16, f.51v. Back
  9. 'V 4' written in margin beside heading. Back
  10. NAS, PA2/16, f.51v-52r. Back
  11. 'V 5' written in margin beside heading. Back
  12. NAS, PA2/16, f.52r. Back
  13. 'V 6' written in margin beside heading. Back
  14. 'cumming' scored out and replaced by 'bigane'. Back
  15. NAS, PA2/16, f.52r. Back
  16. 'V 7' written in margin beside heading. Back
  17. NAS, PA2/16, f.52r-v. Back
  18. 'V 8' written in margin beside heading. Back
  19. NAS, PA2/16, f.52v. Back
  20. 'V 9' written in margin beside heading. Back
  21. NAS, PA2/16, f.52v. Back
  22. '10 V' written in margin beside heading. Back
  23. NAS, PA2/16, f.52v-53r. Back
  24. 'V 11' written in margin beside heading. Back
  25. NAS, PA2/16, f.53r. Back
  26. 'V 12' written in margin beside heading. Back
  27. 'and' repeated Back
  28. NAS, PA2/16, f.53r. Back
  29. 'V 13' written in margin beside heading. Back
  30. NAS, PA2/16, f.53r-v Back
  31. 'V 14' written in margin beside heading. Back
  32. NAS, PA2/16, f.53v. Back
  33. 'V 15' written in margin beside heading. Back
  34. NAS, PA2/16, f.53v. Back
  35. 'V 16' written in margin beside heading. Back
  36. NAS, PA2/16, f.53v. Back
  37. 'P V 17' written in margin beside heading. Back
  38. NAS, PA2/16, f.53v-55r. Back
  39. 'P 18' written in margin beside heading. Back
  40. 'vassell' deleted and replaced by 'prelat'. Back
  41. NAS, PA2/16, f.55r-v. Back
  42. 'P 19' written in margin beside heading. Back
Anent coilyearis and saltaris

Oure soverane lord and estaittis of this present parliament statutis and ordinis that na persone within this realme heireftir sall fie, hyre or conduce ony saltaris, coilyearis or coilberaris without ane sufficient testimoniall of thair maister quhome they last servit, subscryvit with his hand, or at leist sufficient attestatioun of ane ressonable cause of thair removeing maid in presens of ane baillie or magistrat of the pairt quhair they come fra; and incaise ony ressave, fie, hyre, supplie or interteny ony of the saidis colyearis, saltaris or coilberaris without ane sufficient testimonie as said is, the maisteris quhome fra they came, challengeing thair servandis within yeir and day, that the pairtie quhome fra they ar challengeit sall delyver thame bak agane within tuentie four houris under the pane of ane hundreth pundis to be payit to the persones quhome fra they passit, and that for ilk persone and ilk tyme that they or ony of thame salhappin to be challengeit and nocht delyverit as said is; and the saidis coilyearis, coilberaris and saltaris to be estemit, repute and haldin as theiffis and punischit in thair bodyes, viz: samony of thame as sall ressave foirwageis and feis. And the saidis estaittis of this present parliament gevis power and commissioun to all maisteris and awneris of coilheuchis and pannis, to apprehend all vagaboundis and sturdie beggeris to be put to labour.

  1. NAS, PA2/16, f.49v. Back
  2. The top right hand corner of NAS, PA2/16, f.49r has been torn away and has resulted in a large amount of missing text. Back
  3. NAS, PA2/16, f.49v-51r. Back
  4. 'V 2' written in margin beside heading. Back
  5. NAS, PS2/16, f.51r-v. Back
  6. 'V 3' written in margin beside heading. Back
  7. Followed by a word in superscript. However, word is illegible. Back
  8. NAS, PA2/16, f.51v. Back
  9. 'V 4' written in margin beside heading. Back
  10. NAS, PA2/16, f.51v-52r. Back
  11. 'V 5' written in margin beside heading. Back
  12. NAS, PA2/16, f.52r. Back
  13. 'V 6' written in margin beside heading. Back
  14. 'cumming' scored out and replaced by 'bigane'. Back
  15. NAS, PA2/16, f.52r. Back
  16. 'V 7' written in margin beside heading. Back
  17. NAS, PA2/16, f.52r-v. Back
  18. 'V 8' written in margin beside heading. Back
  19. NAS, PA2/16, f.52v. Back
  20. 'V 9' written in margin beside heading. Back
  21. NAS, PA2/16, f.52v. Back
  22. '10 V' written in margin beside heading. Back
  23. NAS, PA2/16, f.52v-53r. Back
  24. 'V 11' written in margin beside heading. Back
  25. NAS, PA2/16, f.53r. Back
  26. 'V 12' written in margin beside heading. Back
  27. 'and' repeated Back
  28. NAS, PA2/16, f.53r. Back
  29. 'V 13' written in margin beside heading. Back
  30. NAS, PA2/16, f.53r-v Back
  31. 'V 14' written in margin beside heading. Back
  32. NAS, PA2/16, f.53v. Back
  33. 'V 15' written in margin beside heading. Back
  34. NAS, PA2/16, f.53v. Back
  35. 'V 16' written in margin beside heading. Back
  36. NAS, PA2/16, f.53v. Back
  37. 'P V 17' written in margin beside heading. Back
  38. NAS, PA2/16, f.53v-55r. Back
  39. 'P 18' written in margin beside heading. Back
  40. 'vassell' deleted and replaced by 'prelat'. Back
  41. NAS, PA2/16, f.55r-v. Back
  42. 'P 19' written in margin beside heading. Back
Act anent setting of fewis be subvassellis of waird landis

Oure soverane lord and estaittis of parliament, haveing consideratioun of the act and statute maid be his hienes predecessour King James the Secund of worthie memorie in the fourtent parliament haldin be his majestie and threscoir tuelf chaptour of the said parliament, anent the setting of landis in fewferme, as the act itself at lenth contenis, under the pretext and collour quhairof diverse persones halding thair landis of utheris superiouris for service of waird and releif hes sett the saidis landis haldin be thame as said is in fewferme to utheris thair subvassellis for payment of ane fewferme duetie, quhairby they do manefast prejudice to thair saidis superiouris in altering of the said first halding express repugnand to the meaning of the said first act, quhairas the said halding can be nawayes alterit be the vassellis without sum direct deid done be thair superiouris, tending to approve the said dispositioun quhilk may alter the nature and conditioun of the said first halding; for remede quhairof, oure soverane lord and estaittis of parliament presentlie convenit hes statute and ordanit, and be the tennour of this present act, statutis and ordinis in all tyme cummyng that it sall nawayes be lesume to the vassellis of ony erle, lord, prelat, baroun or ony uther frie halder within this realme, quha haldis thair landis of thair saidis superiouris be service of waird and releiff, to sett thair saidis landis quhilkis ar haldin be thame as said is to ony other persone in few, for payment of ane fewferme duetie in prejudice of thair saidis over lordis quhome of they hald the saidis landis be service of wairde and releiff as said is, without the speciall advyse and consent of thair said superiour had and obtenit to the setting of the saidis landis in fewferme or purchessing of the saidis superiouris confirmatioun to the said dispositioun gif ony salhappin to be maid as said is. And incais ony sic alienatioun salhappin to be maid in ony tyme to come without consent of the saidis superiouris, or thair confirmatioun obtenit to the samyn, oure said soverane lord and estaittis of parliament findis, decernis and declaris all sic dispositionis to be null and of nane availl, force nor effect ather be way of actioun or exceptioun.

  1. NAS, PA2/16, f.49v. Back
  2. The top right hand corner of NAS, PA2/16, f.49r has been torn away and has resulted in a large amount of missing text. Back
  3. NAS, PA2/16, f.49v-51r. Back
  4. 'V 2' written in margin beside heading. Back
  5. NAS, PS2/16, f.51r-v. Back
  6. 'V 3' written in margin beside heading. Back
  7. Followed by a word in superscript. However, word is illegible. Back
  8. NAS, PA2/16, f.51v. Back
  9. 'V 4' written in margin beside heading. Back
  10. NAS, PA2/16, f.51v-52r. Back
  11. 'V 5' written in margin beside heading. Back
  12. NAS, PA2/16, f.52r. Back
  13. 'V 6' written in margin beside heading. Back
  14. 'cumming' scored out and replaced by 'bigane'. Back
  15. NAS, PA2/16, f.52r. Back
  16. 'V 7' written in margin beside heading. Back
  17. NAS, PA2/16, f.52r-v. Back
  18. 'V 8' written in margin beside heading. Back
  19. NAS, PA2/16, f.52v. Back
  20. 'V 9' written in margin beside heading. Back
  21. NAS, PA2/16, f.52v. Back
  22. '10 V' written in margin beside heading. Back
  23. NAS, PA2/16, f.52v-53r. Back
  24. 'V 11' written in margin beside heading. Back
  25. NAS, PA2/16, f.53r. Back
  26. 'V 12' written in margin beside heading. Back
  27. 'and' repeated Back
  28. NAS, PA2/16, f.53r. Back
  29. 'V 13' written in margin beside heading. Back
  30. NAS, PA2/16, f.53r-v Back
  31. 'V 14' written in margin beside heading. Back
  32. NAS, PA2/16, f.53v. Back
  33. 'V 15' written in margin beside heading. Back
  34. NAS, PA2/16, f.53v. Back
  35. 'V 16' written in margin beside heading. Back
  36. NAS, PA2/16, f.53v. Back
  37. 'P V 17' written in margin beside heading. Back
  38. NAS, PA2/16, f.53v-55r. Back
  39. 'P 18' written in margin beside heading. Back
  40. 'vassell' deleted and replaced by 'prelat'. Back
  41. NAS, PA2/16, f.55r-v. Back
  42. 'P 19' written in margin beside heading. Back
Anent laying of lynt in lochis

Oure soverane lord and estaittis of parliament, finding that the laying of lynt in lochis and burnis is nocht onlie verie hurtfull to all fisches bred within the samyn, and bestiall that drinkis thairof, bot also the haill watteris of the saidis lochis and burnis thairby being infectit is maid altogidder unproffitable for the use of man and verie noysum to all the people duelland thairabout; thairfoir, statutis and ordinis that na persone nor persones in tyme cumming lay in lochis and rynnand burnis ony grene lynt under the pane of fourtie schillingis toties quoties for ilk tyme they sall controvene, and als confiscatioun of the lynt, to be applyit to the puire of the parochin within the quhilkis the saidis lochis and burnis lyis, and be the tennour heirof geves power to the sessioun of the kirk of ilk parochin to trye, cognosce and put this present act to executioun, and to uplift the unlawis and to confische and dispone upoun the said lynt to the weill of the pure of the parochin as said is; and ordinis lettres of publicatioun to pas heirupoun in forme as efferis.

  1. NAS, PA2/16, f.49v. Back
  2. The top right hand corner of NAS, PA2/16, f.49r has been torn away and has resulted in a large amount of missing text. Back
  3. NAS, PA2/16, f.49v-51r. Back
  4. 'V 2' written in margin beside heading. Back
  5. NAS, PS2/16, f.51r-v. Back
  6. 'V 3' written in margin beside heading. Back
  7. Followed by a word in superscript. However, word is illegible. Back
  8. NAS, PA2/16, f.51v. Back
  9. 'V 4' written in margin beside heading. Back
  10. NAS, PA2/16, f.51v-52r. Back
  11. 'V 5' written in margin beside heading. Back
  12. NAS, PA2/16, f.52r. Back
  13. 'V 6' written in margin beside heading. Back
  14. 'cumming' scored out and replaced by 'bigane'. Back
  15. NAS, PA2/16, f.52r. Back
  16. 'V 7' written in margin beside heading. Back
  17. NAS, PA2/16, f.52r-v. Back
  18. 'V 8' written in margin beside heading. Back
  19. NAS, PA2/16, f.52v. Back
  20. 'V 9' written in margin beside heading. Back
  21. NAS, PA2/16, f.52v. Back
  22. '10 V' written in margin beside heading. Back
  23. NAS, PA2/16, f.52v-53r. Back
  24. 'V 11' written in margin beside heading. Back
  25. NAS, PA2/16, f.53r. Back
  26. 'V 12' written in margin beside heading. Back
  27. 'and' repeated Back
  28. NAS, PA2/16, f.53r. Back
  29. 'V 13' written in margin beside heading. Back
  30. NAS, PA2/16, f.53r-v Back
  31. 'V 14' written in margin beside heading. Back
  32. NAS, PA2/16, f.53v. Back
  33. 'V 15' written in margin beside heading. Back
  34. NAS, PA2/16, f.53v. Back
  35. 'V 16' written in margin beside heading. Back
  36. NAS, PA2/16, f.53v. Back
  37. 'P V 17' written in margin beside heading. Back
  38. NAS, PA2/16, f.53v-55r. Back
  39. 'P 18' written in margin beside heading. Back
  40. 'vassell' deleted and replaced by 'prelat'. Back
  41. NAS, PA2/16, f.55r-v. Back
  42. 'P 19' written in margin beside heading. Back
Act in favouris of his majesteis vassellis for payment of thair blenshe dueties

Oure soverane lord and estaittis of this present parliament, remembering the great favour schawin and borne be his hienes and his predecessouris to the nobill men, barones and utheris subjectis of this realme and thair predecessouris for thair nochtable and memorable factis and services done to his majestie and his predecessouris in defence and weilfair of the realme in making and granting to thame of heretable infeftmentis of thair landis, baroneis, lordschippis, castellis, touris, fortalices, woddis, mylnis, salmond fischeingis, offices and utheris thairin contenit, haldin of oure said soverane lord and his predecessouris in frie blenche ferme for payment of certane blenche ferme dueteis expressit in thair infeftmentis, nocht as ony burding or yeirlie duetie, bot be way of acknawlegeing and recognoscence, gif the samin dueteis beis requirit alanerlie; and that nochtwithstanding thairof within thir lait and few yeiris the saidis noblemen, barones and utheris oure soverane lordis liegis and subjectis quha haldis thair landis and utheris foirsaidis of oure said soverane lord in frie blenshe ar yeirlie, without ony just cause, burdenit, urgeit and compellit be charges to mak payment in his hienes chekker of certane sowmes of money as for the prices and valour of the saidis blenshe dueteis, thair being na sic sowmes of money nor prices contenit in thair saidis infeftmentis; for remede quhairof oure soverane lord, with advyse of the saidis estaittis, findis, decernis and declaris that the noblemen, barones and utheris liegis and subjectis quha haldis thair landis and utheris foirsaidis of his majestie in blensheferme, ar onlie justlie addebtit in payment of the blenshe dueteis expressit and sett doun in thair infeftmentis gif the samyn be requirit alanerlie, and that they aucht nawayes tobe burdenit, trublit or chargeit for sowmes of money as prices for the saidis blenshe dueteis, and that nochtwithstanding quhatsumevir act or ordinance maid be the lordis of his hienes chekker, or utheris actis or ordinances quhatsumevir of quhatsumevir yeiris bigane or tocum, to the quhilkis this present act sall mak and makis full derogatioun. And thaireftir Schir Thomas Hammyltoun of Monkland, knycht, advocat to oure soverane lord, in presens of the saidis estaittis, protestit in his hienes name that the blenche dueteis and spaces thairof contenit in the foirsaidis infeftmentis be conforme to the kingis majestie and his successouris estaite and dignitie; and thairupoun the said lord advocat askit instrumentis.

  1. NAS, PA2/16, f.49v. Back
  2. The top right hand corner of NAS, PA2/16, f.49r has been torn away and has resulted in a large amount of missing text. Back
  3. NAS, PA2/16, f.49v-51r. Back
  4. 'V 2' written in margin beside heading. Back
  5. NAS, PS2/16, f.51r-v. Back
  6. 'V 3' written in margin beside heading. Back
  7. Followed by a word in superscript. However, word is illegible. Back
  8. NAS, PA2/16, f.51v. Back
  9. 'V 4' written in margin beside heading. Back
  10. NAS, PA2/16, f.51v-52r. Back
  11. 'V 5' written in margin beside heading. Back
  12. NAS, PA2/16, f.52r. Back
  13. 'V 6' written in margin beside heading. Back
  14. 'cumming' scored out and replaced by 'bigane'. Back
  15. NAS, PA2/16, f.52r. Back
  16. 'V 7' written in margin beside heading. Back
  17. NAS, PA2/16, f.52r-v. Back
  18. 'V 8' written in margin beside heading. Back
  19. NAS, PA2/16, f.52v. Back
  20. 'V 9' written in margin beside heading. Back
  21. NAS, PA2/16, f.52v. Back
  22. '10 V' written in margin beside heading. Back
  23. NAS, PA2/16, f.52v-53r. Back
  24. 'V 11' written in margin beside heading. Back
  25. NAS, PA2/16, f.53r. Back
  26. 'V 12' written in margin beside heading. Back
  27. 'and' repeated Back
  28. NAS, PA2/16, f.53r. Back
  29. 'V 13' written in margin beside heading. Back
  30. NAS, PA2/16, f.53r-v Back
  31. 'V 14' written in margin beside heading. Back
  32. NAS, PA2/16, f.53v. Back
  33. 'V 15' written in margin beside heading. Back
  34. NAS, PA2/16, f.53v. Back
  35. 'V 16' written in margin beside heading. Back
  36. NAS, PA2/16, f.53v. Back
  37. 'P V 17' written in margin beside heading. Back
  38. NAS, PA2/16, f.53v-55r. Back
  39. 'P 18' written in margin beside heading. Back
  40. 'vassell' deleted and replaced by 'prelat'. Back
  41. NAS, PA2/16, f.55r-v. Back
  42. 'P 19' written in margin beside heading. Back
Act anent saisingis to be gevin on preceptis of the chancellarie

Oure soverane lord and estaittis of this present parliament ratefeis and appreves the act maid of befoir be King James the Fyft of gude memorie, quhairby it was statute and ordanit that all seasingis gewin be vertue of ony preceptis direct furth of the chancellarie suld be gewin be the schireffs of the schires, baillie or stewart quhair the landis lyis, thair deputtis and clerk, as in the said act of the date the tent day of December, the yeir of God jM vC fourtie yeiris, at mair lenth is contenit, in all and sindrie pointis, heidis, articlis, clauses and conditionis of the samin safar as the samin extendis, or may be extendit, to seasingis past upoun preceptis direct furth of the chancellarie upoun retouris alanerlie. And the saidis estaittis of parliament decernis and declaris the samin act maid be King James the Fyft of the date abonewrittin to have been onlie maid for sic seasingis as ar gewin be vertue of preceptis that passes upoun retouris and to nane utheris seasingis direct upoun ony uther precept direct furth of the chancellarie.

  1. NAS, PA2/16, f.49v. Back
  2. The top right hand corner of NAS, PA2/16, f.49r has been torn away and has resulted in a large amount of missing text. Back
  3. NAS, PA2/16, f.49v-51r. Back
  4. 'V 2' written in margin beside heading. Back
  5. NAS, PS2/16, f.51r-v. Back
  6. 'V 3' written in margin beside heading. Back
  7. Followed by a word in superscript. However, word is illegible. Back
  8. NAS, PA2/16, f.51v. Back
  9. 'V 4' written in margin beside heading. Back
  10. NAS, PA2/16, f.51v-52r. Back
  11. 'V 5' written in margin beside heading. Back
  12. NAS, PA2/16, f.52r. Back
  13. 'V 6' written in margin beside heading. Back
  14. 'cumming' scored out and replaced by 'bigane'. Back
  15. NAS, PA2/16, f.52r. Back
  16. 'V 7' written in margin beside heading. Back
  17. NAS, PA2/16, f.52r-v. Back
  18. 'V 8' written in margin beside heading. Back
  19. NAS, PA2/16, f.52v. Back
  20. 'V 9' written in margin beside heading. Back
  21. NAS, PA2/16, f.52v. Back
  22. '10 V' written in margin beside heading. Back
  23. NAS, PA2/16, f.52v-53r. Back
  24. 'V 11' written in margin beside heading. Back
  25. NAS, PA2/16, f.53r. Back
  26. 'V 12' written in margin beside heading. Back
  27. 'and' repeated Back
  28. NAS, PA2/16, f.53r. Back
  29. 'V 13' written in margin beside heading. Back
  30. NAS, PA2/16, f.53r-v Back
  31. 'V 14' written in margin beside heading. Back
  32. NAS, PA2/16, f.53v. Back
  33. 'V 15' written in margin beside heading. Back
  34. NAS, PA2/16, f.53v. Back
  35. 'V 16' written in margin beside heading. Back
  36. NAS, PA2/16, f.53v. Back
  37. 'P V 17' written in margin beside heading. Back
  38. NAS, PA2/16, f.53v-55r. Back
  39. 'P 18' written in margin beside heading. Back
  40. 'vassell' deleted and replaced by 'prelat'. Back
  41. NAS, PA2/16, f.55r-v. Back
  42. 'P 19' written in margin beside heading. Back
Act in favouris of the burrowis regall

Oure soverane lord and estaittis of parliament ratefeis, apprevis and confermes all actis of parliament and lawes with all fredomes, privileges, immuniteis and liberteis grantit to the burghis regall within this realme be oure soverane lord or ony of his hienes predecessouris at ony tyme of befoir; and decernis and declaris the saidis burrowis and everie ane of thame to have gude richt to bruik thair saidis privileges and liberteis as they wer wount to do of befoir.

  1. NAS, PA2/16, f.49v. Back
  2. The top right hand corner of NAS, PA2/16, f.49r has been torn away and has resulted in a large amount of missing text. Back
  3. NAS, PA2/16, f.49v-51r. Back
  4. 'V 2' written in margin beside heading. Back
  5. NAS, PS2/16, f.51r-v. Back
  6. 'V 3' written in margin beside heading. Back
  7. Followed by a word in superscript. However, word is illegible. Back
  8. NAS, PA2/16, f.51v. Back
  9. 'V 4' written in margin beside heading. Back
  10. NAS, PA2/16, f.51v-52r. Back
  11. 'V 5' written in margin beside heading. Back
  12. NAS, PA2/16, f.52r. Back
  13. 'V 6' written in margin beside heading. Back
  14. 'cumming' scored out and replaced by 'bigane'. Back
  15. NAS, PA2/16, f.52r. Back
  16. 'V 7' written in margin beside heading. Back
  17. NAS, PA2/16, f.52r-v. Back
  18. 'V 8' written in margin beside heading. Back
  19. NAS, PA2/16, f.52v. Back
  20. 'V 9' written in margin beside heading. Back
  21. NAS, PA2/16, f.52v. Back
  22. '10 V' written in margin beside heading. Back
  23. NAS, PA2/16, f.52v-53r. Back
  24. 'V 11' written in margin beside heading. Back
  25. NAS, PA2/16, f.53r. Back
  26. 'V 12' written in margin beside heading. Back
  27. 'and' repeated Back
  28. NAS, PA2/16, f.53r. Back
  29. 'V 13' written in margin beside heading. Back
  30. NAS, PA2/16, f.53r-v Back
  31. 'V 14' written in margin beside heading. Back
  32. NAS, PA2/16, f.53v. Back
  33. 'V 15' written in margin beside heading. Back
  34. NAS, PA2/16, f.53v. Back
  35. 'V 16' written in margin beside heading. Back
  36. NAS, PA2/16, f.53v. Back
  37. 'P V 17' written in margin beside heading. Back
  38. NAS, PA2/16, f.53v-55r. Back
  39. 'P 18' written in margin beside heading. Back
  40. 'vassell' deleted and replaced by 'prelat'. Back
  41. NAS, PA2/16, f.55r-v. Back
  42. 'P 19' written in margin beside heading. Back
Act for staying of all unlauchfull conventionis within burgh and for assisting of the magistrattis in the executioun of thair offices

Oure soverane lord and estaittis of this present parliament ratefeis and appreves all and quhatsumevir actis maid heirtofoir be his majestie and his hienes progenitouris and the estaittis of the realme for staying of all tumultis and unlauchfull meitingis and convocationis within burgh, and ordinis the samin to have effect and to be put to dew executioun aganis the controvenaris thairof in all pointis, with this additioun: that na persone nor persones within burgh, of quhatsumevir rank, qualitie or conditioun they be of, presume or tak upoun hand fra this furth, under quhatsumevir collour or pretext, to convocat or assemble thame selffis togidder at ony occasioun, except they mak dew intimatioun of the lauchfull causes of thair meittingis to the provest and bailleis of that burgh, and obtene thair licence thairto sua that nathing be done or attemptit be thame in thair saidis meitingis quhilkis may tend to the derogatioun or violatioun of the actis of parliament, lawis and constitutionis maid for the weill and quietnes of the saidis burghis, declaring be thir presentis the saidis unlauchfull meittingis and the persones present thairat to be factious and seditious and all procedingis thairin to be null and of nane availl, and the saidis persones to be punischit in thair bodeis, gudis and geir with all rigour conforme to the lawes of this realme. And to the effect the saidis unlauchfull meitingis, with all utheris tumultis, trublances and pleyis that salhappin to fall out within the saidis burrowes, may be substantiouslie suppressit, ordanis the haill inhabitantis of the saidis burrowes at all occasiones to reddelie assist and concur with the magistratis and officiaris thairof for satling of the saidis tumultis and trublances and punischeing of the authouris and movearis thairof; and sic as sall nocht assist and concur with the saidis magistratis redelie or thair officiaris for redding and satling of the saidis tumultis and trublances as said is, sall be repute and haldin as fosteraris and mantenaris of the saidis tumultis and punischit thairfoir in thair persones and unlawit in thair guidis at the arbitriment of the magistrattis and counsaill of the said burgh; and ordinis publicatioun to be maid heirof at the marcat croces of the saidis burrowes that nane pretendand ignorance thairof.

  1. NAS, PA2/16, f.49v. Back
  2. The top right hand corner of NAS, PA2/16, f.49r has been torn away and has resulted in a large amount of missing text. Back
  3. NAS, PA2/16, f.49v-51r. Back
  4. 'V 2' written in margin beside heading. Back
  5. NAS, PS2/16, f.51r-v. Back
  6. 'V 3' written in margin beside heading. Back
  7. Followed by a word in superscript. However, word is illegible. Back
  8. NAS, PA2/16, f.51v. Back
  9. 'V 4' written in margin beside heading. Back
  10. NAS, PA2/16, f.51v-52r. Back
  11. 'V 5' written in margin beside heading. Back
  12. NAS, PA2/16, f.52r. Back
  13. 'V 6' written in margin beside heading. Back
  14. 'cumming' scored out and replaced by 'bigane'. Back
  15. NAS, PA2/16, f.52r. Back
  16. 'V 7' written in margin beside heading. Back
  17. NAS, PA2/16, f.52r-v. Back
  18. 'V 8' written in margin beside heading. Back
  19. NAS, PA2/16, f.52v. Back
  20. 'V 9' written in margin beside heading. Back
  21. NAS, PA2/16, f.52v. Back
  22. '10 V' written in margin beside heading. Back
  23. NAS, PA2/16, f.52v-53r. Back
  24. 'V 11' written in margin beside heading. Back
  25. NAS, PA2/16, f.53r. Back
  26. 'V 12' written in margin beside heading. Back
  27. 'and' repeated Back
  28. NAS, PA2/16, f.53r. Back
  29. 'V 13' written in margin beside heading. Back
  30. NAS, PA2/16, f.53r-v Back
  31. 'V 14' written in margin beside heading. Back
  32. NAS, PA2/16, f.53v. Back
  33. 'V 15' written in margin beside heading. Back
  34. NAS, PA2/16, f.53v. Back
  35. 'V 16' written in margin beside heading. Back
  36. NAS, PA2/16, f.53v. Back
  37. 'P V 17' written in margin beside heading. Back
  38. NAS, PA2/16, f.53v-55r. Back
  39. 'P 18' written in margin beside heading. Back
  40. 'vassell' deleted and replaced by 'prelat'. Back
  41. NAS, PA2/16, f.55r-v. Back
  42. 'P 19' written in margin beside heading. Back
Anent the keiping of the kingis houses

Oure soverane lord and estaittis of this present parliament, haveand ane speciall regaird to the mantenance and uphalding of his hienes castellis, pallaceis and houses as the samin hes bene keipit and mantened thir mony yeiris bigane, decernis and declaris that the haill fruittis and rentis assignit, grantit and disponit for costis and charges of the mantenance and keiping of the saidis castellis, pallaces and houses sall remane with thame in all tyme cumming, nochtwithstanding quhatsumevir act or statute maid in this present parliament, ather speciall or generall, quhilkis may be hurtfull or prejudiciall to the saidis fruittis and rentis assignit to the effect foirsaid in onywayes.

  1. NAS, PA2/16, f.49v. Back
  2. The top right hand corner of NAS, PA2/16, f.49r has been torn away and has resulted in a large amount of missing text. Back
  3. NAS, PA2/16, f.49v-51r. Back
  4. 'V 2' written in margin beside heading. Back
  5. NAS, PS2/16, f.51r-v. Back
  6. 'V 3' written in margin beside heading. Back
  7. Followed by a word in superscript. However, word is illegible. Back
  8. NAS, PA2/16, f.51v. Back
  9. 'V 4' written in margin beside heading. Back
  10. NAS, PA2/16, f.51v-52r. Back
  11. 'V 5' written in margin beside heading. Back
  12. NAS, PA2/16, f.52r. Back
  13. 'V 6' written in margin beside heading. Back
  14. 'cumming' scored out and replaced by 'bigane'. Back
  15. NAS, PA2/16, f.52r. Back
  16. 'V 7' written in margin beside heading. Back
  17. NAS, PA2/16, f.52r-v. Back
  18. 'V 8' written in margin beside heading. Back
  19. NAS, PA2/16, f.52v. Back
  20. 'V 9' written in margin beside heading. Back
  21. NAS, PA2/16, f.52v. Back
  22. '10 V' written in margin beside heading. Back
  23. NAS, PA2/16, f.52v-53r. Back
  24. 'V 11' written in margin beside heading. Back
  25. NAS, PA2/16, f.53r. Back
  26. 'V 12' written in margin beside heading. Back
  27. 'and' repeated Back
  28. NAS, PA2/16, f.53r. Back
  29. 'V 13' written in margin beside heading. Back
  30. NAS, PA2/16, f.53r-v Back
  31. 'V 14' written in margin beside heading. Back
  32. NAS, PA2/16, f.53v. Back
  33. 'V 15' written in margin beside heading. Back
  34. NAS, PA2/16, f.53v. Back
  35. 'V 16' written in margin beside heading. Back
  36. NAS, PA2/16, f.53v. Back
  37. 'P V 17' written in margin beside heading. Back
  38. NAS, PA2/16, f.53v-55r. Back
  39. 'P 18' written in margin beside heading. Back
  40. 'vassell' deleted and replaced by 'prelat'. Back
  41. NAS, PA2/16, f.55r-v. Back
  42. 'P 19' written in margin beside heading. Back
Act anent the taxatioun and collecting thairof

Forsamekill as the estaittis convenit in this present parliament, upoun gude and weichtie considerationis moveing thame, hes frelie and voluntarlie offerrit and grantit to the kingis maist excellent majestie, oure soverane lord, for releif and payment of his hienes debtis and reparatioun of his majesteis houses, ane taxatioun to be payit, collectit and upliftit in maner and at the four termes following: that is to say, for the barones and friehalderis pairtis of the samyn taxatioun, tuentie schillingis money to be upliftit of everie pund land of auld extent within this realme pertening to erlis, lordis, barones, frehalderis and fewaris of oure soverane lordis propir landis haldin be thame immediatlie of his majestie, and payit at everie ane of the four severall termes eftirspecefeit, that is to say, tuentie schillingis at the first day of Februar nixtocum in the yeir of God jM vjC and sewin yeiris, tuentie schillingis at the first day of Februar in the yeir of God jM vjC and aucht yeiris, tuentie schillingis at the first day of Februar in the yeir of God jM vjC and nyne yeiris, and tuentie schillingis at the first day of Februar in the yeir of God jM vjC and ten yeiris. And for the spirituall men and the burrowis pairt of the same taxatioun that thair sall be upliftit of everie archibischoprik, bischoprik, abbacie, priourie and uther inferiour benefice and of everie frie burgh within this realme at everie ane of the saidis four tymes of payment, the just taxatioun of the samin and as the samin have bene accustomit to be taxat unto in all tymes bigane quhansoevir the temporall landis of this realme wer stentit to tuentie schillingis the poundland of auld extent, and the samyn taxatioun to be payit at everie ane of the four severall termes abonespecefeit. And for inbringing of the barones and friehalderis pairtis of the samin taxatioun and of the fewaris and rentalleris of oure soverane lordis propir landis pairt thairof, it is statute and ordinit that lettres be direct chargeing all and sindrie schireffis, stewartis and bailleis, thair deputtis and clerkis, fewaris, chalmerlanis and ressaveris of oure soverane lordis propir landis, that they and ilkane of thame within the boundis of thair offices raise and uplift the said sowme of tuentie schillingis money of everie pund land of auld extent lyand within the boundis of thair jurisdictionis for everie ane of the four termes payment abonespecefeit, and inbring and delyver the samyn to James Hay of Kingask, his hienes collectour generall appointit for ressaveing of the samyn haill taxatioun, or to his deputtis and officiaris in his name, haveand his power to ressave the samyn at the particular termes abonespecefeit under the pane of rebellioun; and gif they failyie thairin, at the bipassing of everie ane of the samin termes, to denunce and escheat etc., and for thair releif that lettres be direct chargeing all and sindrie erlis, lordis, barones and frie halderis, fewaris and rentalleris of oure soverane lordis propir landis to mak payment to the saidis schireffis, stewartis, bailleis and thair deputtis and clerkis, chalmerlanis and ressaveris of oure soverane lordis propir landis, ilkane of thame for thair awin propir pairtis respective, of the said sowme of tuentie schillingis money for everie pund land of auld extent pertening to thame for everie ane of the saidis four termes payment within tuentie dayes nixt eftir they be chargeit thairto under the pane of rebellioun etc.; and gif they failyie, to denunce and escheat etc., and gif neid beis that the saidis schireffis, bailleis, stewartis, thair deputtis and clerkis, chalmerlanis and ressaveris of oure soverane lordis propir landis poind and distrenye thairfoir as they sall think maist expedient, provyding alwayes that the first termes payment of the samyn taxatioun be evir past befoir the nixt termes payment be chargeit for; and that the saidis erlis, lordis, baronis, frehalderis, fewaris and rentalleris of oure soverane lordis propir landis have lettres for thair releif to charge thair vassellis, subvassellis, ladyis of terce, conjunctfearis and lyferentaris to mak payment of thair pairtis of the samin taxatioun within tuentie dayes eftir the charge under the pane of rebellioun etc., and gif they failyie, to denunce and escheat etc., and gif neid beis to poind and distrenye. And for the spirituall mennis pairt of the samin taxatioun, that lettres be direct chargeing all and sindrie archibischoppis, bischoppis, abbottis, priouris and utheris beneficeit persones contenit in the taxt rollis, thair chalmerlanis, factouris and intrometouris with thair levingis to mak payment of that sowme that they and everie ane of thame ar taxt unto for everie ane of the saidis four termes payment to the said James Hay of Kingask, his majesteis collectour foirsaid, his deputtis and officiaris in his name haveand his power to ressave the samyn, at the particular termes abonespecefeit, under the pane of rebellioun etc., and gif they failye, to denunce and escheat etc., provyding alwayes that the first termes payment of the samin taxatioun be evir past befoir the nixt termes payment be chargeit for. And that the prelattis and beneficit persones for thair releif have lettres chargeing thair vassellis, subvassellis, ladyes of terce, conjunctfearis, lyfrentaris, fewaris, takismen and pensionaris to mak payment of thair pairtis of the samyn taxatioun pro rata within tuentie dayes nixt eftir the charge, under the pane of rebellioun etc., and gif they failyie, to denunce and escheat etc, and gif neid beis to poind and distrenye thairfoir as they sall think maist expedient; alwayes declaring that the productioun of suffcient horningis aganis the saidis fewaris, vassellis, takismen and pensionaris sall be ane releif to the saidis prelattis and beneficeit persones, and sall exoner thame pro tanto fra the payment of the samin taxatioun, provyding that the samin horningis, with thair taxt rollis authentiklie maid and subscryvit be the saidis prelattis and beneficeit persones, and be thair vassellis, takismen and pensionaris, contening the particular sowmes that everie ane of thame ar taxt unto, be delyverit to the collectour of the samin taxatioun within the space of fourtie dayes eftir ilk terme, utherwayes he sall be nawayes oblist to ressave the samyn, nather sall the prelate and beneficeit persones be exonerit be productioun of the samin at ony tyme thaireftir. And forder, that the saidis prelattis and utheris beneficeit persones may have thair releiffis of thair saidis vassellis, subvassellis, ladyis of terce, conjunctfearis, lyferentaris, fewaris, takismen and pensionaris to thair greater ease and less truble to thair saidis vassellis and utheris foirsaidis, and to the effect that everie man proportionalie may pay his pairt of the samyn taxatioun according to the quantitie and availl of the frie rent he hes of his landis, pensionis and teyndscheves pertening to him, alsweill the prelat himself as the fewar, takisman and pensionar, it is thocht expedient, statute and ordanit that the saidis prelaittis sall, everie ane of thame severalie, convene his haill fewaris, vassellis, takismen and pensionaris at sic convenient place as he sall think meitest and cause summond thame personalie or at thair duelling places to that effect, and being convenit the saidis prelattis and beneficeit persones sall schaw to thair vassellis, fewaris, takkismen and pensionaris the quantitie of the said taxatioun imposit upoun thame authentiklie subscryvit be clerk of the samyn taxatioun and they, with ane consent, sall distribute the samyn to be payit be everie man alsweill be the prelat as be the vassell, fewar, takkisman and pensionar according to the great or small quantitie of his frie rent that he hes ather of his landis, teyndis or pensioun; with certificatioun to ony of the saidis persones, fewaris, vassellis, takismen and pensionaris that comperis nocht at the day appointit to the effect foirsaid, that sic as sall compeir with the said prelat and beneficeit persone sall procede in the equall distributioun of the samin taxatioun, alsweill amongis thame that ar present as amongis the absentis, quhilkis sall be als lauchfull in all respectis as gif the haill number wer convenit. And for inbringing of the burrowes pairt of the samin taxatioun, that lettres be direct chargeing the provest and bailleis of ilk burgh to mak payment of the taxt and stent thairof to the said James Hay of Kingask, his hienes collectour generall foirsaid, his deputtis and officiaris in his name haveand his power to ressave the samin, at the particular termes abonespecefeit, under the pane of rebellioun etc., and gif they failyie, to denunce and escheat etc.; and for thair releif that lettres be direct chargeing all and sindrie inhabitantis within ilk burgh to convene and elect certane persones to stent thair nichbouris, and the said electioun being maid to charge the persones electit to accept the charge upoun thame in setting of the said stent upoun the inhabitantis of ilk burgh, and to convene and sett the samin and mak ane stent roll thairupoun as efferis within tuentie four houris nixt eftir they be chargeit thairto, under the pane of rebellioun etc., and gif they failyie, to denunce and escheat etc.; and siclyk the said stent roll being maid and sett as said is, to charge the burgesses, nichbouris and inhabitantis of ilk burgh to mak payment of thair pairtis of the said stent to the saidis provest and bailleis conforme to the taxt roll to be gewin out thairupoun within thrie dayes nixt eftir the charge, under the pane of rebellioun etc., and gif they failyie, to denunce and escheat etc., and gif neid beis that the saidis provest and bailleis poind and distrenyie thairfoir as they sall think maist expedient. It is alwayes provydit that na persone quhatsumevir be stentit or taxt within burgh except according to the availl and quantitie of his rent, leveing, gudis and geir that he hes within burgh, nawayes respecting his landis and possessionis quhilkis he hes to landward, for the quhilkis he will be oblist to pay taxatioun to utheris officiaris, provyding alwayes that the first termes payment of the samin taxatioun be past befoir the nixt termes payment be chargeit for. Attoure, his hienes and the saidis estaittis decernis and declaris that the chargeis to be gewin for payment of the samin taxatioun sall be execute befoir the termes of payment abonespecefeit for everie termes payment particularlie be itself, and that the denunciatioun of horning following thairupoun sall nocht be execute till the terme of payment be bypast, quhilk denunciatioun sua following upoun the charge gewin befoir the saidis termes of payment the saidis estaittis decernis and declaris to be valide and sufficient. Attoure, his majestie and the saidis estaittis, considering the great abuse that hes bene useit in all tymes bigane be sindrie of the liegis of this realme, aganis all gude conscience, in causing thair puir fermoraris and laubourraris of thair ground, being removeable, quha ar subject in verie deir fermes, paying to releif thame of the haill burding of the samin taxatioun, quhilk hes bene the occasioun of the impoverisching of ane great number of the saidis pure lauborraris and fermoraris and bringing of thame to utter wrak and ruyne, quhair as of reassoun the saidis tennentis suld be altogidder frie of the payment of ony taxatioun and the samin suld be payit be sic as hes frie rentis, landis and gudis of thair awin; for remede quhairof, it is statute and ordinit that na persoun quhatsumevir exact or compell his tennentis or fermoraris removeable quha payis him ferme for his landis occupyit be thame to pay ony pairt of this present taxatioun or to sute releif of the samyn at thair handis; and gif the samin beis fundin done be ony persones that they sall be callit and convenit thairfoir befoir his hienes justice and his deputtis as violent and maisterfull oppressouris of his hienes subjectis and punischit thairfoir according to justice.

  1. NAS, PA2/16, f.49v. Back
  2. The top right hand corner of NAS, PA2/16, f.49r has been torn away and has resulted in a large amount of missing text. Back
  3. NAS, PA2/16, f.49v-51r. Back
  4. 'V 2' written in margin beside heading. Back
  5. NAS, PS2/16, f.51r-v. Back
  6. 'V 3' written in margin beside heading. Back
  7. Followed by a word in superscript. However, word is illegible. Back
  8. NAS, PA2/16, f.51v. Back
  9. 'V 4' written in margin beside heading. Back
  10. NAS, PA2/16, f.51v-52r. Back
  11. 'V 5' written in margin beside heading. Back
  12. NAS, PA2/16, f.52r. Back
  13. 'V 6' written in margin beside heading. Back
  14. 'cumming' scored out and replaced by 'bigane'. Back
  15. NAS, PA2/16, f.52r. Back
  16. 'V 7' written in margin beside heading. Back
  17. NAS, PA2/16, f.52r-v. Back
  18. 'V 8' written in margin beside heading. Back
  19. NAS, PA2/16, f.52v. Back
  20. 'V 9' written in margin beside heading. Back
  21. NAS, PA2/16, f.52v. Back
  22. '10 V' written in margin beside heading. Back
  23. NAS, PA2/16, f.52v-53r. Back
  24. 'V 11' written in margin beside heading. Back
  25. NAS, PA2/16, f.53r. Back
  26. 'V 12' written in margin beside heading. Back
  27. 'and' repeated Back
  28. NAS, PA2/16, f.53r. Back
  29. 'V 13' written in margin beside heading. Back
  30. NAS, PA2/16, f.53r-v Back
  31. 'V 14' written in margin beside heading. Back
  32. NAS, PA2/16, f.53v. Back
  33. 'V 15' written in margin beside heading. Back
  34. NAS, PA2/16, f.53v. Back
  35. 'V 16' written in margin beside heading. Back
  36. NAS, PA2/16, f.53v. Back
  37. 'P V 17' written in margin beside heading. Back
  38. NAS, PA2/16, f.53v-55r. Back
  39. 'P 18' written in margin beside heading. Back
  40. 'vassell' deleted and replaced by 'prelat'. Back
  41. NAS, PA2/16, f.55r-v. Back
  42. 'P 19' written in margin beside heading. Back
Act anent the granting of the taxatioun

Forsamekle as the haill estaittis of this present parliament nocht onlie seis bot, to thair infinite conforte, by daylie experience, feillis the monyfauld blessingis redounding to thame frome thair maist gratious soverane, the sinceritie of quhose intentionis, richteousnes and wisdome in his actionis and zeall to religioun and justice haveing procurit to his hienes the indoubtit favour of God and man, hes thairwith also bred to this his native kingdome so perfyte peax and universall prosperitie that nather the experience of the present, nor memorie of ony bipast age, is able to recorde ony preceding exampill quhairby ather the ordinar traffique and repair of people hes bene so frielie and commodiouslie dispersit to sa mony sofar distant nationes (quhilkis heirtofoir being onlie knawin to ws by name, ar now for the reverence and lowe borne be all people to oure most renowned king sa favorable patent to all oure commerce as no people is more universallie acceptable and weilcum to all nationis), or that the bowellis and haill boundis of this kingdome wer evir so happelie purged of violence, enormitie and disordour, and so universallie blessed with peace, justice and Christiane policie as by the exceding cair, provydent directioun and great charges of his maist excellent majestie is now establissit, so that we want na pairt of our wisched erthlie felicitie bot the desyrit presence of his most sacrede majestie, quhilk to oure unspeakable comforte his hienes hes bene pleasit by his wyse, humane and most kind letter direct to the estaittis gratiouslie to promeis maist willinglie to remeid by his assured repair to this cuntrey so sone as the necessar impedimentis thairof can be removed. In consideratioun of quhilk so mony so great benefittis, the saidis estaittis trewlie acknawleging how justlie they ar bundin to gif maist hartie and continuall thankis and praise to God, the authour of the same, and to thair sacred soverane, his blessed instrument thairof, and ferventlie to beseik God long to continew his foirsaidis graces with thame and thair most gratious soverane long and happelie to regne over thame. And thairwith also being most willing according to thair bundin duetie to mak effectuall demonstratioun of thair most gratefull myndis to his excellent majestie and to indevoir thame selfis so to remove all impedimentis and ernestlie to advance all meanis and occasionis of his majesteis resorte to this cuntrey as may beir witnes to the world how thankfullie and dewtefullie they acknawlege and foirsie the infinite commoditie and contentment quhilk indowtlie they sall ressave be the same, albeit they be nocht abill to offer or performe that quhilk in ony degrie approches to the large proportioun of his royall bounty and favour to thame, yit hopeing that his majestie in his wounted gudnes will gratiouslie accept of thair most faithfull affectionis, and in his princelie wisdome consider that they now onlie present thair first fruittis of that satled and peceable estait, quhilk being recentlie establessit by his majesteis favour and providence will, with tyme, incresce thair welth and abilitie and mak it mair neirlie to approche nor at this tyme it can, to the full measure of thair most hartlie affectionis, everie way to gratifie and serve his majestie; thairfoir, in most humble maner, the saidis haill estaittis of this realme ernestlie beseik his maist sacred majestie gratiouslie to accept this thair offer of ane taxatioun, quhilk, with most faithfull hairtis as ane plege and arlis of thair most loyall service, humble obedience and unchangeable affectioun, they offer to his majestie to be imposit, collectit and payit to his hienes be the saidis estaittis in maner and at the four termes following: that is to say, the erlis, lordis and commissionaris of schires for the temporall estaite hes grantit that thair sall be upliftit of everie pund land of auld extent within this realme pertening to erlis, lordis, barounes, frehalderis and fewaris of his majesteis propir landis the sowme of tuentie schillingis money at everie ane of the four termes following, viz: the sowme of tuentie schillingis at the first day of Februar nixtocum in the yeir of God jM vjC and sewin yeiris, the sowme of uther tuentie schillingis at the first day of Februar the yeir of God jM vjC and aucht yeiris, the sowme of uther tuentie schillingis at the first day of Februar jM vjC and nyne yeiris, and the sowme of uther tuentie schillingis at the first day of Februar jM vjC and ten yeiris. The archibischoppis and abbottis for the spirituall estait hes grantit that thair sall be upliftit of all the archibischoprikis, bischoprikis, abbaceis, prioureis and utheris inferiour benefices within this realme, at everie ane of the four termes abonespecefeit, the just taxatioun thairof, and as they have bene accustomat to be taxit unto at all the tymes bigane quhansoevir the temporall landis of this realme wer stentit to tuentie schillingis the pund land of auld extent, and the samin taxatioun to be payit at everie ane of the four severall termes abonespecefeit. And the commissionaris of burrowes for thair estait hes grantit that thair sall be upliftit of all burrowes within this realme at everie ane of the four termes abonewrittin, the just taxatioun thairof and as they have bene accustomit to be taxit unto in all tymes bigane quhansoevir the temporall landis of this realme wer stentit to tuentie schillingis the pund of auld extent, and the same taxatioun to be payit at everie ane of the four severall termes abonementionat. And inregaird that his majestie hes erectit sindrie prelaceis in temporall lordschippis, quhairby the awneris thairof may clame to be taxt with the barounes of the temporall estait, and thairthrow his hienes will be defraudit of a great pairt of the samin taxatioun, thairfoir it is statute and ordinit that all erectionis of prelaceis in temporall lordschippis sall in payment of the said taxatioun pay to the collectouris thairof samekill of the samin taxatioun pro rata as gif they wer nawayes erectit and as they wer subject to do befoir the erectioun of the same. And siclyk it is statute and ordanit that all dissolvit benefices within this realme sall be subject in payment of samekill of the samin taxatioun pro rata as they wald have bene subject to pay sua the samin had nocht bene dissolved. And forder the saidis estaittis annullis and discharges all privileges and immuniteis quhatsumevir quhairby ony persones may think thame selffis frie of payment of this present taxatioun (except alanerlie the privileges grantit to the senatouris and memberis of the college of justice).

  1. NAS, PA2/16, f.49v. Back
  2. The top right hand corner of NAS, PA2/16, f.49r has been torn away and has resulted in a large amount of missing text. Back
  3. NAS, PA2/16, f.49v-51r. Back
  4. 'V 2' written in margin beside heading. Back
  5. NAS, PS2/16, f.51r-v. Back
  6. 'V 3' written in margin beside heading. Back
  7. Followed by a word in superscript. However, word is illegible. Back
  8. NAS, PA2/16, f.51v. Back
  9. 'V 4' written in margin beside heading. Back
  10. NAS, PA2/16, f.51v-52r. Back
  11. 'V 5' written in margin beside heading. Back
  12. NAS, PA2/16, f.52r. Back
  13. 'V 6' written in margin beside heading. Back
  14. 'cumming' scored out and replaced by 'bigane'. Back
  15. NAS, PA2/16, f.52r. Back
  16. 'V 7' written in margin beside heading. Back
  17. NAS, PA2/16, f.52r-v. Back
  18. 'V 8' written in margin beside heading. Back
  19. NAS, PA2/16, f.52v. Back
  20. 'V 9' written in margin beside heading. Back
  21. NAS, PA2/16, f.52v. Back
  22. '10 V' written in margin beside heading. Back
  23. NAS, PA2/16, f.52v-53r. Back
  24. 'V 11' written in margin beside heading. Back
  25. NAS, PA2/16, f.53r. Back
  26. 'V 12' written in margin beside heading. Back
  27. 'and' repeated Back
  28. NAS, PA2/16, f.53r. Back
  29. 'V 13' written in margin beside heading. Back
  30. NAS, PA2/16, f.53r-v Back
  31. 'V 14' written in margin beside heading. Back
  32. NAS, PA2/16, f.53v. Back
  33. 'V 15' written in margin beside heading. Back
  34. NAS, PA2/16, f.53v. Back
  35. 'V 16' written in margin beside heading. Back
  36. NAS, PA2/16, f.53v. Back
  37. 'P V 17' written in margin beside heading. Back
  38. NAS, PA2/16, f.53v-55r. Back
  39. 'P 18' written in margin beside heading. Back
  40. 'vassell' deleted and replaced by 'prelat'. Back
  41. NAS, PA2/16, f.55r-v. Back
  42. 'P 19' written in margin beside heading. Back