Procedure: protest
Protestatioun maid be the Lord Roxburgh

The quhilk day, in presens of the said Erle of Montrose, great commissionar, and haill estaittis of parliament, Robert, lord of Roxburgh, being personalie present, protestit that the gracious restitutioun grantit be his majestie in favouris of James Dowglas of Spott and his airis aganis his foirfaltour, quhilk procedit for the samyn crymes committit be Francis, sumtyme erle of Bothuell, for the quhilk his foirfaltour alsua wes ordourlie led and deducit, sall nawayes work ony derogatioun or prejudice to the foirfaltour led aganis the said erle, bot the samin to stand effectuall according to the sentence pronuncit thairupoun and the actis maid anent the inhabilitie of his bairnis and richt, sua that the samin sall be nawayes prejudiciall to quhatsumevir richtis or dispositionis grantit to Robert, lord Roxburgh, Williame, commendatar of Kelso, his sone, of the richt of spiritualitie or temporalitie of the abbacie of Kelso or quhatsumevir utheris richtis acquirit be thame, or ather of thame, of ony landis, rowmes or possessionis sumtyme pertening to the said Francis, sumtyme erle of Bothuel and his bairnis, bot the samin to be peciable bruikit be thame according to thair richtis and securiteis maid to thame thairupoun.

  1. NAS, PA2/16, f.45r. Back
  2. '8 P' written in margin beside heading. Back