The foirfaltrie of Thomas Kennedie

The quhilk day Maister Thomas Rollok, depute for Schir Thomas Hammyltoun of Monkland, knycht, advocat to oure soverane lord and in his hienes name producit in presens of ane nobill and potent lord Johne, erle of Montrose, lord Grahame and Mukdok, great commissionar of this present parliament, and in presens of the haill estaittis thairof, the summondis of treassoun underwrittin, rasit at the instance of oure said soverane lord and also at the instance of his hienes advocat for his enteres aganis Thomas Kennedie of Drummurchie, brother germane to umquhile Gilbert Kennedie of Bargeny, for certane crymes of treassoun specefeit thairintill, quhilkis summondis wer producit be the said advocat of befoir at Edinburgh in presens of the lordis of articlis upoun the xxviij day of Aprile last bipast, off the quhilk summondis of treassoun the tennour followes:

Jacobus Dei gratia rex Anglorum Scotorum Gallorum et Hibernorum etc fideique defensor dilectis nostris Leoni regi armorum Albanie Snawdoun Merchemont Rothesay Ilay Ross etc. et vestrum cuilibet coniunctim et diuisim. Vobis precipimus et mandamus quotinus legitime summoneatis Thomam Kennedie de Drummurchie fratrem germanum quondam Gilberti Kennedie de Barganie, personaliter si eius personalem presentiam habere poteritis seu aliter apud locum sui domicilii et habitationis ac etiam apud cruces forales burgorum nostrorum de Air Irving Mayboill, ac apud portus nostros de Air et Leith et alia loca necessaria super premonitione sexaginta dierum, eo quod dictus Thomas Kennedie de presente extra regnum nostrum Scotie morari dicitur, quod compareat coram nobis et nostris comissionariis et locum tenentibus necnon coram regni nostri Scotie ordinibus Edinburgi vicesimo die mensis Aprilis proxime futuri in parliamento nostro incipiendo decimo die dicti mensis hora causarum cum continuatione dierum ad respondendum nobis, necnon ad instantiam dilecti et fidelis nostri consiliarii domini Thome Hammyltoun de Monkland militis nostri advocati pro nostro interesse, dictum viz Thomam Kennedie de Drummurchie pro sua proditoria et nefaria obsidione per se et suos complices ad numerum quinquaginta virorum armatorum mansionis et manerie terrarum de Auchinsoull jacentis infra vicecomitatum nostrum de Air; ad quod dilecta consanguinea nostra Jeanna Comitissa de Cassellis comitata septem vel octo seruis ac comitibus confugerat salutis sue caussa, cum dicta domina Jeanna et eius serui iter facerent a domicilio suo de Inche in Gallowidia versus aliud suum domicilium ville de Mayboill in balliatu de Carrik et infra vicecomitatum nostrum de Air, decimo octauo die mensis Maii vltime elapsi anno Domini millesimo sexcentesimo tertio, et pro malevolo crudeli et nefario abominabili et scelesto incendio maneriei in quod caussa euitandi periculi mortis dicta domina Jeanna comitissa de Cassellis et serui fui confugerunt, e qua mansione et manerio de Auchinsowll cum idem manerium combustum esset vndique et conflagraret metu mortis vehementis flammarum et fumi egredi coacti sunt, vbi post egressum dicte domine Jeanne comitisse de Cassellis quondam Hugo Kennedie frater germanus et heres apparens dilecti nostri consanguinei Joannis comitis de Cassellis domini Kennedie Joannes Mcilveane junior de Grymett Joannes Dik de Barbestoun Andreas Cunynghame de Knokdone Quentinus Craufurde Robertus Hay et Willielmus Kennedie serui et comites dicte comitisse pro tempore per dictum Thomam Kennedie de Drummurchie et suos complices capti facti sunt et abducti et in privatis carceribus detenti. Et propterea dictum Thomam ad videndum et audiendum se crimen lese maiestatis per decretum et censuram nostri parliamenti et regni nostri Scotie trium statuum incurrisse, et ideo tanquam reum lese maiestatis puniri debere capitali et vltimo supplicio necnon amissione omnium bonorum suorum mobilium et immobilium terrrarum et tenementorum que dictus Thomas in regno nostro Scotie habet habere vel clamare poterit in futurum propter rationem et caussam subsequentem, propterea quod statutum est per actum parliamenti illustrissime memorie quondam Jacobi quinti Scotorum regis aui nostri tenti et inchoati apud Edinburgh vicesimo secundo Januarii anno Domini millesimo quingentesimo vigesimo octauo quod si quis combusserit aliquos in domibus suis reus lese maiestatis erit; ac etiam vt omnes combustiones domorum vel granorum et omnia incendia voluntaria seu maliciosa sint crimina lese maiestatis, idque in odium incendiariorum quos leges propter criminis atrocitatem serius plecti jubent, sicut in eo statuto plenius continetur. Quodquidem statutum in parliamento nostro tento apud Edinburgh quinto die mensis Decembris anno Domini millesimo quingentesimo sexagesimo septimo repetitum et innovatum est, idque merito, crescente in regno nostro incendiariorum numero et audacia, prout in dicto statuto posteriori etiam latius continetur. Et sic est quod dictus Thomas Kennedie de Drummurchie comitatus circiter quinquaginta armatis equitibus per insidias obsidit iter dicte dilecte consanguinee nostre Jeanne comitisse de Cassellis proficiscentis [e] domicilio de Inche in Gallovidia in vicecomitatu nostro de Wigtoun versus aliud domicilium suum in villa de Mayboll in balliatu nostro de Carrik et vicecomitatu de Air, die decimo octauo mensis Maii anno Domini millesimo sexcentesimo tertio. Et equis citatis in dictam dilectam nostram consanguineam et eius seruos ac comites impetum facientes iter et viam publicam deserere metu vite sue compulerunt; illa autem cum refugii causa versus mansionem quandam de Auchinsowll, quam tum inhabitat Duncanus Craufurde de Auchinsowll cum comitibus et seruis suis citatis equis accurreret, qui locus cum ad effugium commodus videretur, et viderent ex eo loco dilectam consanguineam nostram seruos et comites eius nisi domo incensa extrahi non posse, ilico allato igne domum et eius ambitum vndique incenderunt, e qua crescente fumo et irrumpentibus flammis ad extremum periculum omnes redacti in manus dictorum incendiariorum dilecta nostra consanguinea cum seruis suis et comitibus deditione facta captiui deuenerunt; ex quibus vnus nomine Joannes Mcgraine flammis superatus predictam domum abustam egressus prius quam respirare potuerit crudeliter et nefarie gladiis et machinis bellicis a dicto Thoma et complicibus predictis crudeliter interfectus est. Ac reliqui comites dicte dilecte nostre consanguinee viz Hugo Kennedie frater germanus et heres apparens dicti dilecti nostri consanguinei et consiliarii Joannis comitis de Cassellis Joannes Mcilveyane junior de Grwmett Joannes Dick de Barbatstoun Andreas Cunnynghame de Knokdone Quintinus Crawfurde Robertus Hay et Willielmus Kennedie per dictos incendiarios et predones captiui facti sunt et eorum arbitrio abducti et per eos in domibus fortaliciis et castris de Ardinstinchell et in lie Coiff de Craiganes infra predictum vicecomitatum nostrum de Air proditorie custoditi et detenti sunt per dies quindecim aut circiter, nec ab illa captiuitate liberati et redempti fuerunt donec per se et fideiussores suos obligarentur quod dictum dilectum consanguineum nostrum Joannem dominum de Cassellis cui vt domino et hero seruire tenebantur omnino desererent, et si secus facerent magnam pecunie summam soluturos se promitterent; compulsi etiam diris seipsos deuouere si contra fecissent. In quo non solum insidiationis viarum ac proditorii incendii crimine irritati sunt sed etiam proditorie usurpationis authoritatis nostre reos fecerint, ac vt hec omnia notorioria fiant idem Thomas Kennedie de Drummurchie vocatus coram dominis secreti consilii nostri responsurus predicto proditorio crimini incendii et captionis dictarum liberarum personarum et liegiorum nostrorum et aliis supra mentionatis contumax effectus est. Ac propterea etiam rebellis nobis declaratus et denunciatus est prout in literis nostris ea de re executioni mandatis latius continetur. Quare dictus Thomas Kennedie de Drummurchie per decretum et censuram parliamenti nostri et regni nostri ordinum crimen lese maiestatis incurrisse decerni, et ideo tanquam reus lese maiestatis puniri debet capitali et vltimo supplicio, necnon amissione omnium bonorum suorum mobilium et immobilium terrarum et tenementorum que dictus Thomas in regno nostro Scotie habet vel habere et clamare poterit in futurum. Ac etiam per dictum nostrm parliamentum et regni nostri ordines decerni et declarari debent ad nos pertinere propter rationem et causam suprascriptam; intimando dicto Thome quod siue dictis die et loco cum continuatione dierum comparuerit siue non nos dictusque noster justiciarius in premissis justicia mediante procedemus et procedet. Insuper citetis peremptorie coram testibus Alanum Cathcart de Drumjowane Petrum Algeo seruum magistri Jacobi Donaldsoun advocati Davidem Crawfurde Alexandrum Crawfurde seruos domini Ker Duncanum Crawfurde Johne [Mure] de Carquhen Jacobum Mctrutor in Knokdone Gilbertum Mure in Auchinsoull Gilbertum Kennedy de Monunsioun Arthurum Kennedie filium Davidis Kennedie de Balseroche Joannem Wilsoun in Dalrumpill Archibaldum Gillis coquum Hugonem Kennedie de Garryhorne Allanum Mcteir in Layne Jacobum Gawdie in Lauderdaill Jacobum Mctrutor in Traboyak ad comparendum coram nobis dictoue nostro justiciario dictis die et loco cum continuatione dierum ad perhibendum fidele testimonium in caussa predicta sub pena legis. Et presentes literas debite executas et indorsatas earundem latori reddatis. Et vos qui exequuti fueritis sitis ibidem dictis die et loco coram nobis seu dicto nostro justiciario portantes vobiscum summonitionis vestre testimonium in scriptis pro premissis vel ipsos testes; ad quod faciendum vobis et vestrum cuilibet coniunctim et diuisim vicecomitibus nostris in hac parte nostram committimus potestatem. Datum sub testimonio nostri magni sigilli apud Edinburgh decimo tertio die mensis Februarii anno Domini mllesimo sexcentesimo quarto, et regni nostri Scotie tricesimo septimo, Anglie Gallie et Hibernie primo.

Heir followis the tennour of the executionis and indorsationes of the said summondis of treassoun:

Upoun the fyftene day of Februar, the yeir of God jM vjC and four yeiris, I, James Borthuik, Rothesay herauld, past at command of the summondis of treassone within writtin to the peir and schoir of Leyth and thair, be oppin proclamatioun, summond Thomas Kennedie of Drummurchie, brother germane to umquhile Gilbert Kennedie of Bargany, and left ane copie upoun the said peir and schore of Leyth of the said summondis eftir the reiding of the samyn, to compeir befoir oure soverane lord and his hienes commissionaris or leutenent for the tyme and estaittis of this realme of Scotland, the tuentie day of Aprile nixttocum, in the parliament to be haldin and begun the tent day of the said moneth of Aprile, in the hour of cause with continuatioun of dayes, to ansuere at the instance of oure said soverane lord and also at the instance of his hienes familiar counsaillour Schir Thomas Hammyltoun of Monkland, knycht, his hienes advocat for his majesteis interes, for the causses within specefeit, to the effect within rehersit eftir the forme and tennour of the said summondis. This I did befoir thir witnesses: James Gowdie, Patrick Hammyltoun, servitouris to Johne, erle of Cassellis, and Daniell Boyll, messingeris, with utheris diverse. And for the mair verificatioun to this my executioun and indorsatioun, subscryvit with my hand, my seall is affixit. Sic subscribitur, James Borthuik, Rothessay herauld, upoun the sewintene day of the said moneth of Februar, the yeir of God foirsaid.

I, the said James Borthuik, Rothesay herauld abone namit, past at command of the said summondis of treassoun within writtin to the marcat croce of Irving and thair, be oppin proclamatioun, summond the said Thomas Kennedie to compeir befoir oure said soverane lord and his hienes commissionaris or lieutennent for the tyme and estaittis of this realme of Scotland the said tuentie day of Aprile nixtocum, with continewatioun of dayes, in the parliament to be and begin the said tent day of the said moneth of Aprile, in the hour of cause, with continewatioun of dayes, to ansuer at the instance of oure said soverane lord and also at the instance of his hienes advocat abone nameit, to the effect within writtin, eftir the forme and tennour of the said summondis; off the quhilkis I affixit ane authentick copie upoun the said mercat croce eftir the forme and tennour of the said summondis. This I did befoir thir witnesses: Johne Mure in Wodland and Williame Carnoquhan, his servand, with utheris diverse. And for the mair verificatioun to this my executioun, subscrivit with my hand, my seall is affixit. Sic subscribitur, James Borthuik, Rothesay herauld, upoun the auchtene day of the samin moneth of Februar, the yeir of God foirsaid.

I, the said James Borthuik, Rothesay herauld, abonenameit, past at command of the said summondis to the marcat croce of the burgh of Air and schoir and porte thairof respective, and thair, be oppin proclamation at the said marcat croce, schore and porte foirsaid, I summond the said Thomas Kennedie to compeir [befoir] oure said soverane lord, his hienes commissionaris and lieutennent and the estaittis of this realme, day and place abone and within contenit, with continewatioun of dayes. And siclyk upoun the samin auchtene day of Februar the yeir of God foirsaid, I, the said James Borthuik, Rothesay herauld abonenameit, past at command of the said summondis to the marcat croce of Monyball and thair, be oppin proclamatioun, I summond the said Thomas Kennedie to compeir befoir oure said soverane lord, his hienes commissionaris and lieutennent and estaitis of this realme, day and place abone and within contenit, to ansuere at the instance of oure said soverane lord and his hienes advocat foirsaid, to the effect within specefeit, eftir the forme and tennour of the said summondis; of the quhilkis I affixit ane authentick copie upoun the said marcat croce eftir I had red the samin. This I did befoir thir witness: Johne Mure in Wodland and Williame Carnoquhan, his servand. And for the mair witnessing heirof, subscryvit with my hand, my seall is affixit. Sic subscribitur, James Borthuik, Rothesay herauld, upoun the nyntene day of the said moneth of Februar, the yeir of God foirsaid.

I, the said James Borthuik, Rothosay herauld abonenameit, past and summond the said Thomas Kennedie at the duelling house of Johne Wallace in Ballintray, quhair the said Thomas Kennedie remanit commounlie befoir his depairture furth of Scotland, to compeir befoir oure soverane lord, his hienes commissionaris or lieutennent and estaittis of this realme, day and place abone and within contenit, to ansuer at the instance of oure said soverane lord and his hienes advocat foirsaid, to the effect within specefeit, eftir the forme and tennour of the said summondis; of the quhilkis I affixit ane authentick copie upoun the dure of the said Johne Wallace duelling house in Ballintray eftir I red the samin summondis and knokit sex sindrie tymes thairat. This I did befoir thir witnesses: Williame Carnoquhan, servitour to the said Johne Mure in Wodland and Johne Baird, servitour to Johne Baird in Mayboll, with utheris diverse. And for the mair verificatioun heirof, subscryvit with my hand, my signet is affixit. Sic subscribitur, James Borthuik, Rothesay herauld.

The quhilk summondis of treassoun, with the executionis and indorsatiounes thairof beirand and contenand as is abonewrittin, wer producit be the said Schir Thomas Hammyltoun of Monkland, advocat to oure said soverane lord, in presens of the said lord commissionar and haill estaittis of this present parliament at Edinburgh, the tuentie sext day of Aprile last bipast, and the foirsaidis executionis of the said summondis wer than sufficientlie verefeit be the foirsaidis officiaris, executouris thairof, and the saidis witnesses insert in the samyn executiounes; lyk as the samin executionis wer this instant day of new verefeit and provin be the samin officiaris and witnesses in presens of the said lord commissionar and haill estaittis. And siclyk the said advocat producit lettres of relaxatioun, relaxand the said Thomas Kennedie frome all proces of horning led and deducit aganis him for quhatsumevir cause, and thaireftir the said Thomas Kennedie, being thryse callit at the tolbuth windo to have answerit to the said summondis of treassoun, he comperit nocht to ansuer thairto. And thairfoir the said advocat (eftir that the foirsaid caus of the said summondis of treassoun wes fundin relevant be the saidis haill estaittis aganis the said Thomas Kennedie of Drummurchie), for preving of the pointis of the said summondis of treassoun aganis the said Thomas Kennedie and of the ressoun and caus contenit thairin, repetit the depositiounes of the witnesses ressavit, admittit, sworne and examinat in presens of the saidis haill estaittis upoun the foirsaid ressone and cause, and also repetit the nochtorietie of the fact of the burning and the said Thomas Kennedie acknawlegeing his awin giltines and taking of the saidis crymes upoun him throw being fugitive and denuncit rebell for nocht comperance befoir oure said soverane lordis justice and lordis of his hienes privie counsall respective, in maner contenit in the lettres of horning rasit thairupoun. And lykwayes the said advocat producit diverse utheris wryttis and probatiounes for preving of the said summondis of treassoun, and desyrit the saidis estaittis of parliament to advyse the foirsaidis probatiounes and to gif furth thair dome and sentence thairintill according to justice. And thaireftir, the foirsaidis haill probationis and summondis of treassoun being red, hard, sene and considerit be the saidis estaittis and they thairwith being ryplie advysit, the saidis haill estaittis of parliament findis, decernis and declaris that the said Thomas Kennedie of Drummurchie hes committit treassoun in raising of the said fyre and burning of the said place of Auchinsoull in maner specefeit in the foirsaid summondis and, thairfoir, decernis and ordanis the dome underwrittin to be pronuncit and gevin furth aganis him be the mouth of David Lyndesay, dempster, off the quhilk dome the tennour followis:

This courte of parliament schawes for law that the said Thomas Kennedie of Drummurchie hes committit treassoun in raising of fyre and burning of the said place of Auchinsoull pertenyng to the said Duncane Craufurde, the tyme and in maner specefeit in the said summondis of treassoun persewit be his hienes said advocat for his grace entres aganis him and, thairfoir, findis and declaris that the said Thomas Kennedie hes amittit and tynt and foirfaltit for evir all his landis, heretages, rowmes, possessionis, offices, gudis and geir quhatsumevir belanging to him ony maner of way and quhilkis he hes had, micht have or clame within this realme of Scotland, and decernis the samin to have appertenit and to appertene to oure said soverane lord, to be confiscat and to remane with his hienes as his propirtie in all tyme cumming; and als findis and declaris that the said Thomas Kennedie hes amittit and tynt his same honouris and dignitie and he to be punist as ane tratour conforme to the lawes of this realme. And this I gif for dome.

  1. NAS, PA2/16, f.41r-42v. Back
  2. '4 P' written in margin beside heading. Back
  3. APS interpolation. Back