Act anent a new cunyie of gold and silver

Oure soverane lord and estaitis presentlie convenit, considering the grit scairsitie of money within this cuntrey, procurit pairtlie be the careing away in the lait yeiris of derth of grit quantitie of the same for bringing hame of victuall and provisioun, and pairtlie proceeding upoun the meane and law pryce that the same presentlie gevis, thairby sindrie taking occasioun to transport the same, making thair gaine thairof; for remeid quhairof it is statute and ordanit that the haill gould and silver, alsuele of his majesteis awne cunyie as forreyne, salbe imbrocht to his hienes cunyiehouse and the samyne to be strickin and imprentit in the spaceis eftirspecefeit and the valour and pryce of the said money to be cunyeit to be at the rait following: that is to sey, the gould to be of tuentie tua carret fyne, with tua granis of remeid of fynnes, alsueill abone as under, at threttie sax pundis the unce, quhairof sax sall wey the unce, and to be sett furth at sax pundis the peice, with tua granis of remeid of wecht upoun ilk peice, alsueill havie as lycht, with halffis at thrie pundis the peice, with ane graine of remeid of wecht upoun ilk peice, alsuele havie as lycht; the saidis peiceis haveand on the ane syde ane sceptour and ane suorde in forme of Sanct Androis croce, and the croun abone thame and ane thrissell in everie syd, with the yeir of God beneth, all contenit within the inner ring, and with this superscriptioun, 'Salus populi suprema lex', with ane litle roise at the begynning of the ditone on ather syde, and on the uther syde his majesteis armes within ane scheild and ane croun, with this circumscriptioun, 'Jacobus sextus D. G. R. Scotorum'. And als that the haill silver salbe imbrocht to his majesteis cunyiehous and be reduceit to the particular dewtie efterspecefeit: that is to say, the silver to be of ellevin deneir fyne, with tua granis of remeid of fynnes, alsueill abone as under, at thrie pundis the unce, to be set furth in merk peiceis, halfmerk peiceis, fourtie penny peiceis and tuentie penny peiceis, quhairof nyne of the said half merk peiceis sall wey the unce, with tua granis of remeid of wecht upoun ilk peice of the said merk and half peicis, and upoun ilk peice of the saidis tuentie and fourtie penny peiceis ane grane of remeid of wecht, alsueill havie as lycht, off the quhilkis fourtie penny peceis thair salbe cunyeit in ilk staine wecht tua pund wecht, and of tuentie penny peiceis ane pund wecht; ilk peice of the said silver spaceis haveand on the ane syde ane thrissill with tua leaves and ane croun abone the heid of the thrissill, the croun to extend to the utmost ring of the circumscriptioun, quhilk followis, 'Regem Joua protegit', and on the uther syde his majesteis armes in a scheild, crownit, and the croun to be within the utter ring of the circumscriptioun as followis, 'Jacobus sextus D. G. R. Scotorum', and the yeir of God to be put in the thrissell syde of the silver. And to the effect that all oure soverane lordis liegeis may be the better movit to bring in all the saidis sortis of cunyie, alsuele forreyne as his majesteis awin, and that sic as hes presentt money in thair handis sall nawyse find thame selffis hurt or prejudgit be this presentt act, it is speciallie appointit that all sic as in ony wyse sall bring in ony gould or silver to the cunyiehous sall have in all tymes comeing delyverit to thame for the samin fyftie fyve schillingis for everie unce of silver of ellevin denier fyne and threttie thrie pundis for everie unce of gould of tuentie tua carrat fyne, and proportionallie thairto for everie sort of money alsueill forreyne as his majesteis awin cunyie presentlie currand, according to the fynnes thairof and A. B. C. to be maid thairanent. Alwayis it is declairit that the haill cunyie, alsueill his majesteis awin as forreyne, sall nawyse pass nor have course amangis the liegeis bot for the accustomat pryce quhilk the same presentlie gevis, conforme to the last actis and proclamationis maid thairanent, and that allanerlie quhill the first day of Januar nixtocome, betuix and the quhilk day it is appointit that the same salbe imbrocht to the cunyiehous for the pryce abonespecifit to be gevin for the samyne be the maister of the cunyiehous and sic utheris as his hienes thesaurar sall appoint for ressaveing thairof; efter the quhilk first day of Januar nixtocome it is expreslie inhibit and forbiddin that ony, ather his majesteis awin or forreyne cunyie (except that quhilk ressavis this new impressioun), sall onywyse have course or be interchangeit amangis the lieges, under the pane of escheiting and confiscatioun thairof and the sowme of ane hundreth pundis to be upliftit alsueill of the gevar oute as ressaver, and thay to be incarcerat and wairdit quhill the payment of the saidis panis; and that it salbe lauchfull to convene the transgressouris of the same ather befoir the sessioun or secrete counsall summarlie upoun sax dayis wairning and the probatioun ather be aith of pairtie or tua famous witnesses to be sufficient. It is alwayis declairit that it salbe permittit efter the said day to be brocht in for bulyeoun to the cunyiehouse and the pryce abonespecifit to be payit thairfoir. And als oure said soverane lord and estaitis, upoun the consideratioun of the grit hurte that the puire sustenis throw the inlaik of small money, hes ordanit and appointit tua hundreth stane wecht of copper to be cunyeit in tua penny peiceis, quhairof nyne sall wey ane just unce, and in the delyverie of ony sowmes the ressaver sall nawyse refuise to accept tuelf penneis of the said small money in the payment of everie tuentie schillingis of his debt, and the same to have the impressioun and circumscriptioun that the uther tua penny peices had of befoir. Quhairfoir his majestie and estaitis ordanis and commandis the generall maister cunyeour, wardane, compter, sincker, assayer and all utheris officeris and workmen of the said cunyiehous to proceid in working, sincking of the irnis, making, forgeing, prenting and outputting of the said new cunyie of gould and silver, and als of the copper cunyie abonewrittin of the wecht abonexpressit, for the quhilk thir presentis sall serve and be to thame and ilkane of thame a sufficient warrand, promitting in verbo principis to caus the same be ratefeit and apprevit be his hienes and his thrie estaitis in his majesteis nixt conventioun and parliament thairefter. And his hienes and his saidis estaitis hes ordanit and appointit this presentt new cunyie, alsueill of gould and silver as copper, to have onlie course amangis the liegeis, commanding thame heirby to gif oute and ressave the same at the pryceis appointit in the payment of all blokis, debtis, wairis and merchandice and nawyse to refuise the same under quhatsumever pretence, cullour or excuise under the paine of tressoun; and hes ordanit that lettrez be direct to officeris of armes, schireffis in that pairt, chargeing thame to pass to the mercat croceis of the heid burrowis of this realme and thair, be oppin proclamatioun, mak publicatioun of the premisse that nane pretend ignorance of the same.

  1. NAS, PC1/18, 665-667 Back
  2. 'wardane' repeated. Back
  3. NAS, PC1/18, 667. Back
Anent the clayth making

Oure soverane lord and estaittis presentlie convenit, considering that the profitable interpryse and devyse of claith working within this realme and of hamebringing of strangearis within the same for the better accomplischeing of that eirand wes acceptit and tane in hand be the burrowis, and that dyverse premonitionis hes bene maid be the lordis of his hienes previe counsall to the magistrattis and counsall of Edinburgh to have that mater effectuat, quhilk as yit be negligence and oversicht hes tane verie small success; thairfoir, it is declarit be his majestie and estaitis presentlie convenit that, incais betuix and the feist of Michaelmes nixtocome the saidis burrowis in the hame bringing of strangearis and provisioun of thame sall nocht satisfie that quhilk wes injoynit to thame and quhilk salbe found meit and expedient be the lordis of his hienes previe counsall to have bene done in that mater, in that caise thay sall amit, tyne and lose quhatsumevir privelegeis and immuniteis quhilk thay pretend thame to have of the said claith working allegit grantit to thame be ony of his hienes predicessouris; and it salbe lauchfull for his hienes, with avyse of his said previe counsall, to gif and grant power and libertie to ony that his hienes sall mak choyse of to undertak the said claithworking that thairby baith his hienes profite may be advancit, the cuntrey benefitit and sic a work ressave na langer delay.

  1. NAS, PC1/18, 665-667 Back
  2. 'wardane' repeated. Back
  3. NAS, PC1/18, 667. Back