Act anent cunyie

Oure soverane lord and estaittis of parliament, haveing at lenth ressonit anent the state of the cunyie, as the samin is presentlie current within this realme, declaris that in this present parliament they will on nawayes alter the fynes nor prices of the cunyie, ather of gold or silver, bot that the samyn haif frie passage and course heireftir as it presently geves. And becaus his majestie and estaittis understandis that thair is great scarsetie of cunyie for the present within this realme, thairfoir hes gevin power and commissioun to the lordis of his hienes secrete counsall for ordour taking anent the hamebringing of bulyeoun, for furnessing of the cunyehous and dischargeing the transporting and awaytaking of gold, silver and uther forbiddin geir under the pane of punischement of thair bodeis and gudis according to the discretioun of the saidis commissionaris, quhairby the cuntrey may be furnessit with abundance of cunyie of sic fynnes and prices as the samyn presentlie geves and hes passage within this realme. And thir presentis to be publissit to all oure soverane lordis lieges.

  1. NAS, PA2/16, f.20v. Back
  2. 'V' written in margin beside heading. Back