Explanatioun of the actis of parliament anent ocker and usurie

Oure soverane lord, with advyse and consent of the estaittis, ratefeis and appreves the actis of parliament maid anent usurie and taking of unlauchfull annualrent or proffeit for silver in all pointes according to the tennour of the samin. And becaus the obscuritie of the act of his majesteis fyftent parliament, intitulat 'It is nocht lesum to tak mair annualrent or proffeit nor ten for the hundreth', anent the maner of tryell and probatioun of the said cryme be aith of pairtie and all uther lauchfull probatioun conjonit thairwith competent of the law, hes bred sic difficultie in persute and decisioun of the saidis cause that justice thairby hes bene greatlie frustrat and the controveneris of the said act altogidder unpunischit, thairfoir his majestie, with advyse and consent foirsaid, statutis and ordinis that in all actionis alreadie intentit, dependand or heireftir to be intentit aganis the contravenaris of the saidis actis, litiscontestatioun being maid thairin be admitting the summondis to probatioun, it sall be lesum to preis the said summondis and controvening of the saidis actis or ony of thame anent the taking of unlauchfull and exhorbitant proffeitt for sowmes of money be wrytt or aith of pairtie, ressavear of the said unlauchfull proffeitt, and be the witnesses insert in the securitie maid for the saidis sowmes, without ressaveing of the aith of the pairtie, gevar of the saidis unlauchfull proffeitt, for eschewing of all occasioun of perjurie quhilk micht be suspectit to procede thairupoun.

  1. NAS, PA2/16, f.19v-20r. Back
  2. 'V' written in margin beside heading. Back