[1600/11/24]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
Oure soverane lord and estaittis of this present parliament, considering that his hienes and his hienes predecessouris, for the help and releif of his pure commonis in diverse pairtis of this realme, hes reservit great quantitie of mureis and utheris commoun landis nawayis disponit in propirtie to ony particular persone, nochtwithstanding quhairof diverse persones hes ryvin out, parkit, teillit, sawin and laubourit great portionis of the samin commounteis, without ony richt of propirtie competent to thame, to the prejudice of his hienes and utter wrak of the pure tennentis and commonis of this realme, thairfoir statutis and ordinis thatt all persones quha hes teillit, laubourit, sawin, parkit, inclosit or appropriat ony pairt or portioun of his majesties commoun mures or utheris commounteis belanging to his hienes within the memorie of man, the samyn being tryit ather be way of molestatioun or be the lordis of the sessioun, that they within yeir and day eftir the said tryell lay in the samyn commounteis agane to the effect the samin may remane unlaubourit or parkit in ony tyme thaireftir bot to remane as commountie siclyk and in the samin maner as it wes befoir the ryving out or parking thairof; and gif they failye to do the samin within the space foirsaid, lauchfull tryell being tane thairin as said is, they sall be decernit to have committit purprusioun. And siclyk oure soverane lord and estaittis foirsaidis statutis and ordinis that quha soevir in tyme cumming sall teill, laubour, manure, saw, park, inclose or appropriat ony pairt or portioun of his majesties commoun mures or utheris his hienes commounteis (the samin being sufficientlie tryit in maner foirsaid) sall be alsua decernit to have committit purprusioun and punischit thairfoir conforme to the lawis, use and consuetude of this realme observit of auld in matteris of purprusioun.