Legislation: private act
Act in favors of the colledge of Saint Andrews

The kingis majestie, his nobilitie, counsall and estaittis presentlie convenit ratifies, apprevis and confermes the actis and ordinances under specifiit establischit be his majestie, with advyse of the haill visitouris of the universitie of Sanctandrois, upoun the sevintene day of Julii the yeir of God jM vC fourscoir sevintene yeiris and fyft day of Julii the yeir of God jM vC fourscoir nynetene yeiris respective for the better recall and ordour to be observit in tyme cuming within everie colledge of the said universitie: In the first, that thair salbe in tyme cuming ane counsall of that universitie chosin be his majestie to haif the cair and owirsicht of the effairis thairof, quhilkis salhaif poware to haif the yconimus in everie colledge, with the consent of the maisteris thairof, togidder with ane advocat, ane agent and ane writtare for the haill universitie, apoint thame thair fies, prescryve to the iconimus and uther publict officiaris thair dewties and tak cautioun of thame for thair upricht administratioun; that the maist part of the counsall nominat sall subscryve quhatsumever takis or uther dispositionis of ony rentis pertening to the colledgis with the maisteris in taikin of thair consent, utherwayes to be null. The act of parliament to be observit preceislie in tyme cuming be the haill maisteris and utheris foundit personis except in sic particuler pointis as his majestie, with the said counsall, sall dispens with, that na actionis anent the rentis pertening to colledgis salbe persewit heirefter bot in the iconymus names. The counsall, with the assistance of the ordinare electouris, to chuise ane fourt maister for the new colledge for compleitting of the course of theologie, and ane stipend to be provydit to him of the colledge rentis, but prejudice alwayes of the fies of the present maisteris according to thair present possessioun. That thair salbe ane dene of facultie of theologie alsueill as of philosophie, to be alterable fra yeir to yeir and electit in all tyme cuming upoun the thrid day of Marche yeirlie be the actuall doctouris professing theologie within the universitie, ministeris resident within the said citie and the principall maisteris of the colledgis thairof, and sall haif the like priviledge and jurisdictioun upoun the studentis and professouris of theologie as the saidis deanis of philosophie hes be the fundatioun upoun the professouris of philosophie. And that heirefter sic as salbe graduat in the said facultie of theologie sall have lykwayes voit in the said electioun of the dene of that proffessioun, provyding that nane admittit to the office be reiterat dene of facultie but efter thrie yeiris space. For the better ordour to be observit in tyme cuming in the haill colledgis, that all doctouris and regentis not being pastouris in the kirk professing ather philosophie or theologie and astrictit in daylie teaching and examinatioun of the youth salbe in all tyme cuming exemit fra all imployment upoun sessionis, presbytries generall or synodall assemblies and fra all teiching in kirkis and congregationis, except in exerceises and censuring of doctrine in exerceises allanerlie; dischargeing thame and everie ane of thame to accept ony sic commissioun upoun thame prejudiciall to this present exemptioun under the pane of deprivatioun and forder under the pane of rebellioun at the conservatouris instance, the ane executioun not to prejudge the uther. That notwithstanding heirof, thair salbe yeirlie thrie commissioneris nominat be the actuall teachearis of the universitie, off the quhilk thrie sa nominat, the counsall foirsaid sall elect ane to be present at the generall assemblie for that yeir; and that the persone chosin sall not be reiterat for the space of thrie yeiris thairefter. That thair be yeirlie examinationis in the colledge of theologie as is usuall in uther faculties, quhilkis salbegin yeirlie upoun the fyftene day of December, keiping siclike solempnitie as is observit in uther professionis be divisioun of the studentis in clases and degries and the thrie maisteris present compleiting the course of theologie to thame in four yeiris, teiching everie ane of thame in maner following, that is to say:

The first yeir the intrantis salbe teachit be Maister Patrik Melvill the holie language with the practize thairof in sum of the poeticall buikis, and be Maister Johnne Johnestoun ane fourtpart of the New Testament, and be Maister Andro Melvill ane fourt part of the commoun places, viz: de Deo Creatore. The secund yeir they salbe teachit be Maister Andro Melvill ane uther fourtpert of the commoun places, viz: de Deo Redemptore, togidder with the thridpert of the historie of the Auld Testament, and be Maister Johnne Johnestoun ane uthair fourt part of the New Testament, and be Maister Patrik Melvill ane thridpert of the Propheittis, with the tua buikis of Salomon. The thrid yeir of the course thay salbe teachit be Maister Andro Melvill ane uther fourt part of the commoun places, viz: de Deo Sanctificatore, togidder with ane uther thrid part of the historie of the Bybell, and be Maister Johne Johnestoun ane uther fourtpert of the New Testament, and be Maister Patrik Melvill ane uther thrid part of the Propheittis. The last yeir they salbe teachit be Maister Andro Melvill the last fourt part of the commoun places, via de ecclesia, togidder with the last thrid part of the historie of the Auld Testament, and be Maister Johne Johnestoun the last fourt part of the New Testament, and be Maister Patrik Melvill the last thrid part of the Propheittis, sa that Maister Andro Melvill sall haif for his auditouris of the commoun places yeirlie the haill schollaris and for the auditouris of the historicall buikis the schollaris that hes part thair first yeir. Maister Johne Johnestoun salhaif for his auditouris of the New Testament yeirlie the haill scholaris, and Maister Patrik Melvill for his auditouris of the languages the intrantis yeirlie and for his auditouris of the propheticall buikis sic as hes part the first yer. The rectour, the vice chancellar, the dene of facultie of theologie and the principall maisteris of the remanent tua colledgis salbe the ordiner examinatouris yeirlie of everie class of theologie. That na rectour salbe reiterat in tyme cuming bot efter thrie yeiris space. That everie suppost of the universitie being past, maister may be maid rectour; sa being, he will keip residence within the universitie during his office for the maist part.

  1. NAS, PA8/1, f.34v-35v. Back
  2. There is a space in both the mss (of c.1 ½ lines) and APS. However, this does not seem to denote missing words but rather is to allow for the following passage to be separated. Back