Legislation: private act
Ratificatioun of the contract of the Lewis

Oure soverane lord, nobilitie and estaitis presentlie convenit ratifeis, apprevis and confeirmis the contract and appointment maid, endit, perfyttit and subscryvit be his hienes, with advyse of his thesaurare and comptroller on the ane pairt and the gentilmen, venturaris underwrittin, on the uther pairt, anent his majesties dispositioun and alienatioun of the Ile of the Lewis, Ronna Lewis, pairtis, pendicles and pertinentis of the samyn in all and sindrie heidis, pointis, articles, clauses, conditiounis and circumstances thairof, and decernis the same to haif the full strenth, force and effect of ane act of this present conventioun, and ordanis the samyn to be insert and ingrost in this present act, quhairof the tennour followis: At Haliruidhous, the tuentie aucht day of Junii the yeir of God jM vC fourescoir auchtene yeiris, it is appointit, agreit and finallie concordit betuix the richt excellent, richt heich and michtie prince James the sext, be the grace of God, king of Scottis, with avyse and consent of the estaitis of his hienes realme presentlie convenit, and als with avyse of his majesties thesaurare, comptroller, generall collectour and of the lordis of his hienes counsall and chekker upoun that ane pairt, and Patrik, commendater of Lundoris, James Leirmonth of Balcolmy, Schir James Anstruther, fear of that Ilk, maister houshald to the quenes majestie, James Spens of Wormestoun, Schir James Sandelandis of Slamanno, knycht, Capitane Williame Murray, Johnne Forret of Fingask, Williame, commendater of Pettinweme, David Home, appeirand of Wedderburne, Schir George Home of Wedderburne, knycht, his father, administratour to him, and Ludovick, duke of Levenox, Erle Dernlie etc. upoun that uther pairt, in maner, forme and effect as efter followis: that is to say, forsamekle as the landis and iles of the Lewis and Ronalewis and Trouternes, with thair pairtis, pendicles and pertinentis, being ane pairt of his majesties propirtie, his hienes and his predicessouris hes ever bene maist solist and cairfull to reduce the possessouris thairof to thair majesties obedience and to mak the samyn commodious and profitabill to his hienes, his realme and leigis quhilk hes bene the mair difficill hitherto to be accomplischit be reasoun of the evill dispositioun and barbaritie of the peopill, inhabitantis of the saidis landis and iles, fra tyme to tyme, quha hes ever opponit thame selfis directlie to suffer or permit ony policie or civilitie to haif ony entrie or place amangis thame. And his majestie, considering and perfytelie understanding that the saidis landis and iles ar be speciall providence and blissing of God inrychit with ane incredibill fertilitie of cornis and store of fischeingis and utheris necessairis surpassing far the plentie of ony pairt of the inland, and yit nottheles the same ar possest be inhabitantis quha ar voyd of ony knawledge of God or his religioun and naturallie abhoiring all kynd of civilitie, quha hes gevin thame selfis over to all kynd of barbarietie and inhumanitie, quha utteris daylie the effectis thairof, not onlie be thair treasonable practizes and attemptis aganis his majestie, his estait and quyetnes of this realme, bot be maist odious abominable murthuris, fyres and depredatiounis maid amangis thame selfis extendit maist unmercifullie to all aiges and sextis quhair thay can find thame, maisteris of thair awin revenge, occupying in the meintyme and violentlie possessing his hienes proper landis without payment of maill or gressum. Thairfoir, and spairing na sorte of insolence aganis his majesties peciabill and quyet subjectis repairing to tha pairtis in thair ordinarie tred, leveing everie way as thocht thair wer nather justice in God nor power in thair naturall prince to call thame to acompt, and now the gentilmen abone namit being maist willing at the uttermest of thair power to advance and set fordwart the glorie of God, the honour of thair native cuntrey and his majesties service, and heirwith to augment the yeirlie rent and revenew of the croun, not onlie in the yeirlie dewtie undermentionat bot als in the planting of kirkis and uther policie within the landis and iles foirsaid, and augmenting of his majesties custumes upoun thair awin grit coist, charge and expenses besyde and attoure the hazard of thair awin bodyis and lyves and the lyves of utheris, thair kyn and freindis, thairfoir his majestie, with avyse and consent foirsaid, be thir presentis faythfullie promittis and oblises his hienes and his successouris to dewlie and sufficientlie infeft and sease with all possibill diligence efter the dait heirof the haill foirnamit gentilmen equallie amangis thame and thair airis maill in few ferme heritablie be his majesties infeftment of few ferme under the grit seill, with all solempniteis requisite, in all and sindrie the foirsaidis landis and iles of the Lewis, Rona Lewis and Ilandschand, castellis, touris, fortalices, mylnes, wodis, fischeingis, salmound fischeingis and utheris fischeingis thairof, pairtis, pendicles, annexes, connexis, dependances of the samyn, with all and sindrie myndis of quhatsumevir mettallis, minerallis and materiallis within the haill boundis of the saidis landis and iles, and als with advocatioun and donatioun of kirkis, benefices and rycht of patronage thairof, with all profittis, priviledgis, casualiteis and dewteis of the samyn and all thair pertinentis, and als in all and haill the fourescoir merkland of Trouternes lyand within the Sky, with castellis, touris, fortalices, mylnis, wodes, fischeingis, salmound fischeingis and utheris fischeingis thairof, pairtis, pendicles, annexis, connexis, dependances of the samyn, with all and sindrie myndes of quhatsumever mettallis, minerallis and materiallis within the haill boundis thairof, advocatioun and donatioun of kirkis and benefices and rycht of patronage thairof, with all proffittis, privileges, casualiteis and dewteis of the samyn and all thair pertinentis, to be haldin of his majestie and successouris in few ferme and heritage for the yeirlie payment to his hienes and thair saidis successouris, thair comptrolleris, chalmerlanes and factouris present and that salhappin to be for the tyme for the saidis landis and iles of Lewis, Rona Lewis and Ilandschand, with thair pertinentis, of sevin scoir chalderis beir rynnand met to be delyverit yeirlie at ony pairt or maist commodious port within the Lewis of the met and measour of the commoun stand of Edinburgh betuix the feistis of Yuill and Pasche; and for the foirsaidis landis of Trouternes, with the pertinentis, the sowme of four hundreth merkis usuall money of this realme at tua termes in the yeir, Witsonday and Mertimes in winter be equall portionis in name of few ferme; begynnand the first yeiris payment of the said victuall betuix the saidis Yuill and Pasche in the yier of God jM and sex hundreth yeiris, and siclyke the payment of the said yeirlie dewtie of four hundreth merkis at the feist of Witsounday the yeir of God jM and sex hundreth yeiris. And als the airis maill of ilk ane of the saidis gentilmen, adventuraris, payand at thair entrie to the iles of Lewis and Ronna Lewis, with thair pertinentis foirsaidis, the sowme of tuentie pundis for ilk chalder of fouretene chalderis beir, for quhilk quantitie everie ane of the saidis adventuraris is speciallie bundin and oblist unto, and that for the doubling of thair few ferme allanerlie; and siclyke payand at thair entrie to the saidis landis of Trouternes thair pairt of the doubling of the haill silver dewtie addettit yeirlie for the saidis landis in name of double as said is. Provyding alwyis that gif it salhappin at ony tyme heirefter the foirsaidis landis and utheris abonespecifeit, with thair pertinentes, to be evectit be ordour of law fra the foirnamit gentilmen, thair airis maill foirsaidis or successouris, or gif it salhappin thame or thair saidis airis maill or successouris to be dispossessit thairof be violent force or oppressioun, than and in the saidis caises, or ather of thame, the saides gentilmen, thair airis maill and successouris salbe frie of all payment of the foirsaid yeirlie fewferme and nawyis subject in payment of the same nor of na pairt thairof fra thyne furth, quhilk infeftment foirsaid sall speciallie beir and contene full and frie libertie and priviledge to the foirnamit gentilmen, thair airis maill and successouris of frie barrounis with sok, sak, thole, thame, vert, wrak, wair, vennysoun, infangtheif, outfangtheif, pit et gallous, with all utheris privileges and immwniteis of ane frie barroun. And lykwyis the said infeftment sall speciallie contene ane full power, priviledge and libertie in maist ample and dew forme to the foirnamit gentilmen and ilk ane of thame, thair airis maill and successouris to erect, mak and constitute alsmony burghis of barronie within the foirsaidis landis and iles as they sall think expedient fra tyme to tyme. And als with speciall and full power to the saidis gentilmen, thair airis maill and successouris to mak, elect, constitute and create baillies, officiaris, serjandis and quhatsumever utheris officeris neidfull within the saidis burrowis for rewlling and governament thairof, baillies, officiaris, serjandis and uthairis foirsaidis to elect, chuse, imput and output as they sall think expedient. With power lykwyis to the inhabitantis of the saidis burrowis to pak and peill, and within the samyn burrowis to by and sell wyne, walx, clayth, lynning and wollin braid and narrow and all uther kynd of merchandice and staple guidis, and to hald, admit and ressave within the samyn burrowis baxteris, browsteris, fleschouris, fischares, tailyeouris, cordinaris, wobsteris, walkeris, wrychtis, smythis and all utheris craftismen necessair perteining and belanging to the libertie of ane frie burgh of barronie. And als to big and hald within the samyn burrowis tolbuithis, mercat croces and oulklie mercattis at thair plesour, with frie fairis and priviledge thairof, and to gather, uplift and apply the custumes of the same to thair awin uses, and to depute officiaris for keeping of gude rewll thairin. And als with power to the said gentilmen, thair airis maill and successouris to ressave the resignatiounis of all and sindrie landis, tenementis, annuelrentis within the saidis burrowis and to geve and dispone the samyn to quhatsumever persoun or personis with all infeftmentis, chartouris, preceptis, seasingis and utheris necessair, burrow courtis within the saidis burrowis and friedome thairof to set, affix, begyn, afferme, hald and continew als oft as neid beis, and to create clerkes, serrjandis, dempstaris and all utheris officiaris and memberis of court neidfull, transgressouris to punische conforme to the lawis of this realme, unlawis, amerciamentis and escheittis of the saidis courtis to lift, uptak and the samyn to thair awin uses to apply, and, gif need beis, to poynd and distreinyie thairfoir; and generallie all and sindrie uther thingis neidfull and expedient for the premises to do, exerce and use. And siclyke the said infeftment sall speciallie contene ane full power, priviledge and libertie in maist ample and dew forme to the foirnamit gentilmen, thair airis maill and successouris to erect, mak and constitute als mony sey portis and heavinis within the boundis of the foirsaidis landis and iles as they sall think expedient for ressait of schipis, crearis, boittis and utheris veschellis, and to use the samyn as frie portis and heavinis perpetuallie in all tyme cuming; and with powar to the saidis gentilmen, thair airis maill and successouris to intromet with, uplift and ressave all heavening silver, customes, anchoragis and utheris dewteis and casualiteis of the saidis portis and heavenis alsfrielie as ony utheris frie portis and heavenis within this realme, and the samyn to thair awin uses to apply. Rerservand alwyis to his majestie the grit custumes of all guides, alsweill inbrocht as caryit furth of the saidis iles and landis abonewrittin siclyke as his hienes hes within ony pairt of this realme, and of all fischeingis and utheris guidis quhilkis salbe acquyrit be the saidis gentilmen, adventuraris, within the saidis boundis, quhilk custome salbe tane of the saidis guides conforme to the particular A. B. C. set doun anent the saidis customes be the lordis auditouris of his hienes chekker. And forder, his majestie, being maist cairfull that the foirnamit gentilmen, thair airis maill and successouris and utheris the inhabitantis of the foirsaidis landis and iles for the tyme sall nawyes be destitute of the comforte of spirituall pastouris for preicheing to thame of the word of God and administratioun of the sacramentis in all tyme cuming, his hienes, be the said infeftment, sall speceallie erect four sindrie perroche kirkis within the foirsaidis landis and iles of the Lewis and Rona Lewis and tua sindrie perroche kirkis within the foirsaidis landis of Trouterness, with ane rectorie, personage and vicarage at ilkane of the saides kirkis, and sall geve and dispone, lyke as his majestie, with avyse foirsaid, be thir presentis gevis and disponis to the foirnamit gentilmen equallie amangis thame and thair airis maill foirsaidis the full rycht and heritabill patronage of the saidis perroche kirkis, personages and vicarages thairof perpetuallie in all tyme cuming. And his hienes, with avyse and consent foirsaid, hes dissolvit and suppressit and be the tennour heirof for his majestie and his successouris dissolvis and suppreses the foirsaid perroche kirkis, personages and vicarages thairof with all landis, teyndis, fruitis and rentis quhatsumever perteining and belanging thairto fra the bischoprik of the Yles and benefice thairof and fra all and quhatsumever uther benefices quhairunto the teyndis grit or small of the foirsaidis landis and iles wer onywyis anttexit of befoir; and will, grantis, decernis and ordanis for his hienes and his successouris that the saidis kirkis within the foirsaidis landis and iles, nor the teyndis thairof, grit or small, or utheris landis, fruitis or rentis of the samyn, salbe na pairt nor portioun of the patrimonie of the said bischoprik of the Iles nor of na uther benefices quhairunto they wer annext of befoir in ony tyme cuming. And mairover, his majestie, with avyse and consent foirsaid, promittis and oblises his hienes and his successouris to erect and constitute be ane expres conditioun to be contenit in the foirsaid infeftment ane office of stewartrie, justiciarie and commissariat of the haill boundis of the foirnamit landis and iles, with all thair pertinentis, with ane speciall, ampill and full commissoun, power and priviledge for administratioun of justice in the saidis offices, useing and exerceing of the same within the haill boundis foirsaidis, with all priviledges and immuniteis belanging thairto, siclyke and alsfrielie in all respectis as ony uther stewart, justice or commissar has done or may do within this realme. And the said gentilmen, thair airis maill or successouris foirsaidis, or the maist pairt of thame, sall haif full richt, power to nominate and present to his majestie and his successouris ane qualifeit persoun quha sall use and exerce the haill foirsaidis offices of stewartrie, justiciarie and commissariat during his lyftyme; and his majestie, for his hienes and his successouris, promittis to ressave and admit the said persoun to be presentit in maner foirsaid and na utheris to the samyn offices during his lyftyme in dew and competent forme as accordis in all tyme cuming. And the foirnamit gentilmen bindis and oblises thame, thair airis and successouris to geve to the said persoun quha salbe presentit be thame fra tyme to tyme to the saidis offices and admittit thairto be his majestie and his successouris in maner abonespecifeit ane sufficient and ressonabill seall for useing and exerceing of the saidis offices, and to the effect the saidis offices may be maid sure and frie to the saidis gentilmen, thair airis maill and successouris and to the persoun to be nominate and presentit be thame for useing and exerceing thairof within the haill boundis foirsaidis in all tyme cuming, his majestie promittis and oblises his hienes and his successouris to caus George, erle of Huntlie, lord Gordoun and Badyenocht etc., heritable schiref of the said schirefdome of Innernes, his airis and successouris and all utheris haifand entres, to frielie renunce, discharge and overgeve all rycht, tytle and entres quhilkis they haif or may pretend to the office of schirefschip, justiciarie or commissariat within the boundis of the foirnamit landis and iles or ony pairt thairof, with all jurisdictioun and priviledge of the samyn in all tyme cuming in als ample forme as the saidis gentilmen and thair airis maill foirsaidis sall devyse for thair securitie. And siclyke, forsamekle as his majestie, considering and perfytelie understanding that the foirnamit gentilmen, thair airis and successouris ar nor will not be abill to mantene and defend thair possessioun of the foirnamit landis and iles without ane continewall residence thairin, and gif it salhappin thame to be transportit or drawin furth of the boundis thairof in ony tyme cuming upoun his majestie and his successouris proclamatiounis for forayne or intestine raidis or weiris, the samyn landis and iles wilbe in perrell and hazard of incursion of the hieland and brokin men, thairfoir his majestie, with avyse foirsaid, for remeid thairof, hes exemit and be the tennour of the foirsaid infeftment sall speciallie exeme the foirnamit gentilmen and als the haill inhabitantis of the samyn landis and iles, with thair pertinentis, during the lyftymes of the abonenamit gentilmen, venturaris, fra all oistis, raidis and weiris intestine to be maid be his majestie or his successouris, thair leuetennentis or wairdanis be sey or land in ony tyme cuming, except allanerlie gif it salhappin his majestie or his successouris to haif weiris with forayne natiounis or to mak expeditioun to the rest of the yles for conquesing of the same, that than the foirnamit gentilmen, fewaris and immediat tenentis to his hienes with thair houssald men salbe onlie haldin and astrictit to accumpany his majestie and his successouris in proper persoun to the saidis forayne weiris and expeditioun to the iles and na utherwayis; and the saidis gentilmen, venturaris, thair airis maill abonewrittin sall na tyme heirefter by the exceptiounis abonexceptit be forder bundin to cum to ony oist or raid to accumpany his majestie or his hienes leuetennentis except the same commissioun be to be execute be north the water of Ness, in quhilk cace thay salbe reddy to obey his hienes proclamationis siclyke as ony uther subjectis within this realme. And als his hienes, with avyse foirsaid, has exemit and be the said infeftment sall speciallie exeme the foirnamit gentilmen, thair airis and successouris with the haill inhabitantis of the foirsaidis landis and iles for the tyme fra all payment of ony taxatiounis, extentis, subsidies or uthairis impositiounis, imposit or to be imposit upoun the realme for the tyme for quhatsumever caus or occasioun in ony tymes cuming, except allanerlie that the saidis gentilmen and thair airis maill foirsaidis salbe onlie haldin and astrictit to pay in ilk taxt that salhappin to be imposit for thair pairtis comptand the haill landis of the Lewis to fourtie pundland and comptand the saidis landis of Trouterness to fourescoir merkland sua lang as thay salhappin to bruik the samyn landis and iles in propertie in tyme cuming, and the samyn nawyis to be evictit nor recoverit fra thame be ordour of law, nor thay nor nane of thame nor thair airis maill foirsaidis to be dispossessit thairof be violent force or oppressioun as said is nor na utherwyis. Attoure it is speciallie agreit and convenit upoun betuix his majestie, with avyse and consent foirsaid, and the foirnamit gentilmen be expres conditioun of this present contract, lyke as the saidis gentilmen be the tennour heirof bindis and oblises thame faythfullie, thair airis maill foirsaidis and successouris that at quhat tyme and quhensoever it salhappin thame to be dewlie and sufficientlie infeft and seasit in the foirsaidis landis and iles of the Lewis and Rona Lewis, Ilandschand, pairtis, pendicles and pertinentis of the samyn, ather be lauchfull resignatioun of the just and lauchfull proprietaris thairof or be lauchfull recognitioun, and that thair by the richt thairof be lauchfullie establischit in the personis of the saidis gentilmen and thair airis maill foirsaidis, that thay sall immediatlie thairefter mak resignatioun and renunciatioun of all and haill the foirsaid fourescoir merkland of Trouternes, with thair pertinentis, in the handis of his majestie and his successouris ad remanentiam; provyding alvyis that at the tyme of the said resignatioun and renunciatioun of all and haill the foirsaid fourescoir merkland of Trouternes, with the pertinentis, his majestie and his successouris dewlie and sufficientlie infeft and sease agane of new the foirnamit gentilmen equallie amangis thame and thair airis maill foirsaidis in all and haill the samyn landis of Trouternes with thair pairtis, pendicles and pertinentis; and that in speciall claus of warrandyce and securitie of the foirsaidis landis and iles of the Lewis and Rona Lewis, with thair haill pairtis, pendicles and pertinentis in dew and competent forme as accordis. And utherwyis the said foirnamit gentilmen, thair airis maill nor successouris nawyis to be haldin nor oblist to mak the said resignatioun nor renunciatioun of the saidis landis of Trouternes in his majestie or his successouris handis ad remanentiam, nor utherwyis except thay be infeft of new thairin in warrandyce as said is in maner and forme abonexprest. And finallie his majestie promittis and oblises his hienes and his successouris to reiterat and renew this present contract and appointment, with the haill infeftmentis, rychtis and utheris securiteis particularlie abonementionat appointit to follow thairupoun, to the saidis gentilmen, thair airis maill and successouris in als ampill forme as thay sall devyse for thair securitie als oft and sa oft as they sall desyre the same. As als his majestie promittis in verbo principis to caus this present contract and appointment, with the haill infeftmentis and securiteis abonementionat appointit to follow thairupoun, be dewlie ratifeit and approvin in his hienes nixt parliament be the thrie estaitis thairof with all solempniteis requiseit, and to remove lauchfullie be actis and statutis of parliament all impedimentis that may hurt or mak impediment or dirogatioun to the said contract, infeftmentis and securiteis abonementionat contenit thairin ay and quhill the foirnamit gentilmen, thair airis maill or successouris find thame selfis sure. And for the mair securitie, bayth the saidis pairteis ar content and consentis that this present contract and appointment be insert and registrat in the buikis of counsall and sessioun, and decernit to haif the strenth of ane act and decreit of the lordis thairof, to remane thairin ad perpetuam rei memoriam. And for acting and registring heirof, thay be thir presentis mak and constitute [...] thair undouttit and irrevocabill procuratoris conjunctlie and severallie promitten de rato. In witnes of the quhilk thing (writtin in the wryting buith of Daniell Hay, wryttar to his majestie privie seill be Robert Rawsoun, his servand), all the saidis pairties hes subscryvit this present contract and appointment with thair handis day, yeir and place abonespecifeit befoir thir witneses, Maister David Home, brother germane to Schir George Home of Wedderburne, knycht, Maister Alexander Hay, ane of the clerkis of sessioun, Robert Skein and Patrik Innes, servitouris to Maister Johnne Skene, clerk of registrie, with utheris diverse. Sic subscribitur, James Rex, Lenox, Lundoris, Pettinweme, S. J. Anstruther, J. Balcolmie, J. Sandelandis J. Spens of Wilmerstoun, W. Murray, George Home, administratour to my sone David, Johnne Forret of Fingask, Blantyre, George Home, comptrollor, Fyvie, W. Elphingstoun, J. Cokburne, W. Bruce, clericus registri, M. T. Hamiltoun, S. Robert Melvill, Johnne Prestoun, D. Howme, witnes, Robert Skene, witnes, Patrik Innes, witnes, Maister Alexander Hay, witnes.

  1. NAS, PA8/1, f.3r-5v. Back
  2. Alternative title of 'Contract anent the Lewis' written in the margin. Back
  3. The mss contains a dash and a new line is taken thereafter. Back