Ratificatioun of the resignationis and dissolutioun of the kirkis of Northberwik

Oure soverane lord and his thrie estaitis of parliament, understanding that the haill temporalitie of Northberwick, with the mansioun, maner place, houses, biggingis and yardis thairof and thair pertinentis, with the parochkirk of Northberwick, advocatioun, donatioun and richt of patronage thairof, wer all erectit in ane frie baronie quhairin umquhile Alexander Home of Northberwick, for him self, his airis and successouris specefeit thairin, wer heretablie infeft be oure soverane lord, his chartour under his hienes great seall, quhilkis landis and temporalitie ar exceptit furth of the generall annexatioun of the kirk landis to the crowne, quhairby the said monasterie is alredie effectualie suppressit and the remanent kirkis of the patrimonie thairof in effect dissolvit thairfra, to wit: the kirkis of Largo, Kilconquhair and Mayboill lyand in the schirefdomes of Fyff, Striviling and Air respective, quhilkis kirkis and patronages thairof ar alredie resignit in oure soverane lordis handis be umquhile Dame Margaret Home, priores of the said monasterie, for erectioun thairof in severall rectoreis, to be servit be speciall ministeris and rectores as utheris benefices of cure according as his hienes suld think maist expedient to provyde and dispone the samin; quhilk dimissioun and resignatioun of the said patronages his hienes ressavit and admittit, sua that now thair remanis na propir rent nor patrimonie in the said abbacie of Northberwick, nather temporalitie nor spiritualitie quhairunto ony successour may be provydit in tyme cumming. Thairfoir oure said soverane lord, with advyse of the saidis thre estaittis, ratifeis and appreves the said dimissioun and resignationis maid of the kirkis foirsaidis and everie ane of thame, and hes dissolvit and dissolvis the samin perpetualie heireftir fra the said abbacie that they be na pairt of the patrimonie thairof, suppressand the said abbacie and monasterie for evir, and that thair be na successour provydit thairto in tyme cumming.

  1. NAS, PA2/15, f.80v. Back
  2. This act in yet another hand, a more flourishing, loopy one. Back