Proclamation: the court of session to sit in Perth
Proclamatioun of the sessioun to sitt at Perth

Forsamekill as the kingis majestie, his nobilitie and counsall presentlie convenit hes now thocht meit, concludit and resolvit that the lordis and senatouris of the college of justice, quha, be ressoun of the lait tressonabill uproare and insurrectioun maid aganis his hienes, his trustie counsallouris and guid subjectis within the burgh of Edinburgh upoun the sevintene day of December lastbipast, wer dischargeit to sitt within the samyn burgh, sall now convene and sitt within the burgh of Perth upoun the first day of Februar nixtocum, and thair proceid and minister justice to all his hienes subjectis at the ordinar and accustomat tymes prescryvit of auld to the same effect; and siclyk that the justice generall, his deputtis and officiaris sall mak his and thair residence thairin and proceid and minister justice in all criminall causes as accordis of the law, and that all criminall dyattis salbe appointit to be haldin within the tolbuith of the said burgh of Perth in tyme cuming; and in lyk maner that the commisseris of Edinburgh sall sitt and remane within the burgh of the samyn and proceid and minister justice efter the dait heirof in all causes intentit or tobe intentit befoir thame. And thairfoir his majestie, with advys of the saidis lordis, ordanis letteris to be direct chairgeing officiaris of armes, schireffis in that pairte, to pas and mak publicatioun and intimatioun of the premises to all and sindrie his hienes liegis be oppin proclamatioun at the mercat croceis of the heid burrowis of this realme and all utheris placeis neidfull, quhairthrow nane pretend ignorance of the samyn; as alsua to command and chairge the saidis lordis and senatouris of the college of justice, advocattis, scrybis, maisseris and all utheris officiaris and memberis of the same college, and siclyk the said justice generall, his deputtis, clerkis and officiaris and all utheris his majesteis liegis havand interes or that hes to persew or defend in ony causes befoir the saidis jugeis, to repair to the said burgh of Perth upoun the said first day of Februar nixtocum, to do and performe all thingis quhilkis to every ane of thame in thair severall officeis, placeis and rowmes properlie appertenis, with intimatioun as effeiris.

  1. NAS, PC1/16, 509-510. Back
  2. 'a: b:' written in darker ink immediately below the title in the margin. Back