Procedure: draft legislation
Exceptionis fra the act intitulat 'Annulling of pensionis furth of the erectionis sen the annexatioun'

The kingis majestie and estaitis of this present parliament exceptis and reservis frome the act tuiching the annulling of pensionis furth of the erectionis sen the annexatioun all pensionis and utheris dispositionis maid be his majestie to the personis following furth of the same, thay ar to say Ludovik, duke of Lennox, Williame, commendater of Toungland, Maister Piter Young of Seytoun, Thomas Erskin of Gogar and his brether, Michaell and Williame Elphinstonis, brether to the Lord Elphingstoun, Andro Melvill, maister houshald to his majestie, Patrik Murray and Patrik Hume of Polwart, Alexander Young, ane of the ischearis of his majesties chalmer, Maister Andro Blakhall, minister at Mussilburgh, Maister Patrik Galloway and Johne Dunkiesoun, ministeries to his majestie; and ordanis thair saidis pensionis and utheris dispositionis foirsaidis to stand in thair full strenth notwithstanding the said act.

  1. NAS, PA2/15, immediately after f.58v. This is a single unfoliated sheet, written only on one side. Back
  2. 'erectionis sen the annexatioun' is written in superscript above the deleted 'few dewties and erectionis maid in the samyn parliament'. Back
  3. 'same' written in superscript above the deleted 'saidis few males and blenche dewties parliament'. Back
  4. 'this present act' is crossed out. Back
  5. NAS, PA2/15, immediately after f.58v. This is a single unfoliated sheet, written only on one side. Back
  6. The word 'to' is written over with the word 'off'. Back
  7. The word 'be' is written over with the word 'with'. Back
Exceptionis fra the generall act of dissolutioun

The kingis majestie and estaitis of this present parliament ordanis the generall act of dissolutioun maid in this present parliament off the propirtie of the croun to be extendit, lyk as thay extend the same in favouris of the quenis majestie to the effect his hienes may haif sic richtis and infeftmentis of quhatsumevir landis pertening to hir as scho haid befoir; as also in favouris of the Lord Drummond anent the forrest of Glenarknay and of Schir Johne Murray of Tullibardin, knicht, concerning the landis and lordschip of Balquhidder; and also in favouris of Andro Woid of Largo tuiching the landis of Schirmure, Largo, Bawicky, Kingis Mylne, with thair pertinentis, coillis and coilheuchis of the samen landis, to the effect the same may be sett in few to thame be his majestie, with avise of the personis specifiit in the said act of dissolutioun, in maner as the same wer bruikit be thame ofbefoir.

  1. NAS, PA2/15, immediately after f.58v. This is a single unfoliated sheet, written only on one side. Back
  2. 'erectionis sen the annexatioun' is written in superscript above the deleted 'few dewties and erectionis maid in the samyn parliament'. Back
  3. 'same' written in superscript above the deleted 'saidis few males and blenche dewties parliament'. Back
  4. 'this present act' is crossed out. Back
  5. NAS, PA2/15, immediately after f.58v. This is a single unfoliated sheet, written only on one side. Back
  6. The word 'to' is written over with the word 'off'. Back
  7. The word 'be' is written over with the word 'with'. Back