Ratificatioun of the act and contract anent the cunyie

Forsamekle as oure soverane lord in the last conventioun haldin at his hienes palice of Haliruidhous in the moneth of Januar last bypast, for the eschewing of the greit confusioun and inconvenient than apperand to be within this realme throw the multitude of divers sortis, baith of gold and silver than passand without ony kynd of stand or cry, his hienes, with avise and consent off the lordis of his privie counsell, officiaris of estait, commissionaris of perliament for the cunyie, auditouris of his hienes chekker and senatouris of the college of justice, concludit that the haill gold, silver and allayit money suld be reducit to certane kyndis of guid cunyie, viz: the gold to tuentie tua carrat fyne and the silver of ane ellevin denier fyne, and than ordanit divers and sindre pecis, baith of gold and silver, to be prentit and cunyeit and to have passage and to be current within this realme in all tymes thaireftir upoun sic wecht and fynnes as is contenit in the act maid thairupoun, as at mair lenth is contenit in the samyn act off the dait at Haliruidhous, the xvij day of Januar lastbypast; at quhilk tyme, or within veray schort space thaireftir, his hienes, with avise and consent foirsaid, sett in tak and assedatioun to the provest, baillies, counsaill and communetie of the burgh of Edinburgh, as personis maist meit to sett fordward sa guid ane wark tending baith to the honour, proffite and commoditie of his hienes realme, all and haill his hienes cunyehous, haill proffittis and commodities thairof for all the dayis, space and termes of tua yeris and thre monethis nixt and immediatlie following thair entrie thairto, quhilk was upoun the first day of Februar last bypast, for payment of the sowme of ane hundreth and ten thousand markis at sic tymes as is specifiit and contenit in ane contract maid betuix his hienes, with avise of the saidis lordis of his privie counsaill, officiaris of estait, commissionaris of parliament for the cunyie, auditouris of his hienes chekker and senatouris of the college of justice and the saidis provest, baillies and counsaill thairupoun, quhilk is actit and registrat in the buikis of counsaill upoun the [...] day of Januar siclyk lastbypast. Quhilkis act and contract, haill clauses, heidis, articles and conditionis contenit thairin, his hienes, with avise of the estaitis of this present perliament, ratifies, apprevis and confirmis in all pointis and statutis and ordanis that the said cunyie, baith of gold and silver alreddie cunyeit and to be cunyeit and prentit of the fynes, wecht and prices as is contenit in the former act maid at the conventioun foirsaid, salbe current and haif frie passage within this realme in all tymes heireftir; as alsua that the said contract maid betuix his majestie, with avise foirsaid, and the saidis provest, baillies, counsaill and communitie of Edinburgh salbe obsevit, kepit and fulfillit to thame and thair assignais in all pointis, conforme to the tennour thairof.

  1. NAS, PA2/15, f.51r. Back
  2. 'Ratificationis' is written at the top of the new page. Back