Aganis the exemptioun of Nicoll Uduart, burges of Edinburgh

Item, anent the act of parliament maid in favouris of the wobistaris and walkaris to have bene imbrocht within the realme out of the low cuntries and put to wark be Nicol Uduard, merchand burges of Edinburgh, and contening ane exemptioun of the said Nicoll frome extentis and taxationis; for doing thairof, oure soverane lord, with avise of his estatis, findis that the said mater hes not tane effect, and thairfoir hes decernit and decernis the immunitie grantit to the said Nicoll fra all extentis and taxationis to have na effect in tyme cuming, and the said Nicoll to beir burding with his nichtbouris in all tyme cuming, as he aucht to have done befoir the said act.

  1. NAS, PA2/15, f.50v. Back