Anent the privilegis of the college off justice

Oure soverane lord, with avise of his estatis in parliament, ratifies, apprevis and confirmis all and quhatsumevir privilegeis, liberties and immunities grantit ofbefoir be his majestie and his maist noble progenitouris to the chancellair and haill senatouris, baith spirituall and temporall, and memberis of the college of justice, for mantinance of thame in thair personis, honouris and dignities and for bruiking of thair landis, rentis, benefices and pensionis in sic forme as is contenit in the first erectioun of the said college and as thay and thair predicessouris hes bruikit and possest sensyn, conforme to the ratificatioun thairof in parliament or in ony uther actis, lawis or statutis maid be his majestie or his predicessouris in favouris of the said college, senatouris and memberis thairof in all pointis, nochtwithstanding quhatsumevir actis or constitutionis that may appear to derogate the same.

  1. NAS, PA2/15, f.36v. Back