Anent satisfactioun to the kirk be papistes

Oure soverane lord, with advise of his estaitis in this present parliament, ordanis all presbiteriis within this realme to caus lauchtfullie summond and charge all personis papistes or suspect of papistrie within the boundis of thair presbiteries, personallie or at thair duelling places, to compeir befoir the saidis presbiteries and satisfie the kirk and presbiterie quhair thay remane and makis residence betuix and the first day of August nixtocum. And incace of thair not comperance or compering sall refuis to gif obedience and mak satisfactioun as said is betuix and the said day, his hienes, with avise of his estaites foirsaidis, ordanis significatioun thairof to be maid be the presbiterie to his hienes privie counsell, and upoun the said significatioun, the privie counsell to direct lettres chargeing the saidis personis papistes or suspectit of papistrie to compeir befoir thame and produce sufficient testimoniall of the presbiterie quhair thay remane of thair satisfactioun as said is, under the pane of rebellioun and putting of thame to the horne; and gif thai failyie, to denunce thame thairto; be the quhilk denunceatioun, oure said soverane lord and estaitis foirsaidis declaris that not onlie thair moveable guidis sall fall in escheat and be confiscat to his hienes use, bot the lyverent of quhatsumevir thair landis, rowmes, possessionis and utheris belanging unto thame sall apertene unto his hienes as escheat, to be intromettit with and disponit upoun as he thinkis gods. And inlikemaner declaris that quhatsumevir persoun or personis sall resset, supplie or interteney the saidis papistes efter the intimatioun of thair disobedience and denunceatioun as said is sall incur the same penaltie of tinsell of thair guidis, geir and liferent. And to the effect that the premises may be the better accomplischit, his hienes and estaitis foirsaidis declaris that incace the saidis presbiteries beis fund remise or negligent in citatioun of the saidis personis befoir thame to the effect abonewrittin, the ministeris of the said presbiterie, or ony ane persoun of the ministerie thairof in quhome the fault salbe tryit, sall amit and tyne the ane half of thair benefice or stipend that yeir, and the collectour or his depuittis sall uplift the same to be disponit be advise of the lordis modifearis of the ministeris stipend, to the help, supplie and interteynement of uthair ministeris as yit not provydit to sufficient stipendis.

  1. NAS, PA2/15, f.33r. Back