Judicial proceeding: summons of treason

The quhilk day the saidis Maisteris David McGill of Cranstoun Riddell and Johnne Skene, advocattis to oure soverane lord, producit in presence of the kingis majestie and estaitis, lyk as thay did dyvers tymes ofbefoir, the said summondis of tressone rasit and persewit at the instance of oure said soverane lord and his hienes justice aganis the saidis Williame, erll of Angus, George, erll of Huntlie, Frances, erll of Erroll and Schir Patrik Gordoun of Auchindoun, knicht, quhairby thay wer summond to have comperit befoir oure said soverane lord and his hienes justice the xviij day of Maii last bypast, with continwatioun of dayes, to have answerit to the crymes and pointis of tressone and lesemajestie contenit in the saidis summondis. The quhilk summondis, ressonis and causes thairin contenit being first red in presens of the kingis majestie and in presens of the lordis of articles, thay fund the same summondis relevant, and thaireftir this instant day, the same summondis of tressone being red in presens of the kingis majestie and haill estaitis, and the saidis thre erllis and laird of Auchindoun being thrys callit at the tolbuith windo, and nane of thame comperand, the saidis haill estaitis fand the saidis summondis relevant, and thairfoir thay admittit the same to the saidis advocattis probatioun.

And immediatlie thaireftir the saidis advocattis, for proving of the saidis summondis of tressone aganis the saidis [erllis] and lard of Auchindoun, producit in presence of the kingis majestie and haill estaitis the probationis following, lyk as thai producit the samyn probationis ofbefoir to the saidis lordis of articles upoun the first day of the moneth of Junii instant: in the first thai producit aucht blankis in paper, tua thairof subscrivit be the said Erll of Angus allanerlie, uther tua be the said Erll of Huntlie allanerlie, uther tua subscrivit be the said Erll of Erroll allanerlie, and uther tua be the saidis thre erllis and laird of Auchindoun, all send to Spayne, quhilkis blankis hes na designatioun on the bak nor declaratiouun of the caus for the quhilk thai wer send, bot blank and quheit paper on baith the sydis, except the said subscriptionis. Item, thai produce dyvers and sindrie seillis of the saidis erllis imprentit in paper send with Maister George Ker to Spayne, to the effect utheris seillis micht be maid thair, conforme to the samyn, to seill the saidis blankis efter thai suld be fillit. Thay produce dyvers and sindre depositionis of Maister George Ker, subscrivit with his awin hand, with ane missive lettre writtin and subscrivit be him uncompellit or coactit bot of his awin frie will to the kingis majestie, be the quhilk depositionis and lettre the haill tressonable trafficquing aganis the religioun, the king, his estait and realme is willinglie confessit and planelie declarit, and the tressounable end and effect for the quhilk the saidis blankis and seillis wer send is maid manifest, viz: that thai wer send to be fillit up be the counsaill of Spayne and Maister Williame Creichtoun, Jesuite, with sic forme and securitie as thai suld devyse anent the sending in Scotland of more for lifting of men of weir, and of threttie thowsand Spanyeardis to cum in this cuntrie and land in the wast pertis thairof, quhairof fyve thousand suld have remanit in this cuntrie, and, beand conjunct with the saidis erllis, suld alter the religioun and estait of this cuntrie. Item, for proving the premises thay produce certane depositionis subscrivit be umquhile David Grahame of Fintrie, conforme in all thingis to the depositionis of the said Maister George Ker. Item, thai produce the dome of foirfaltour gevin and pronuncit aganis the said umquhile lard of Fintrie contenand his depositionis and dittay, quhilkis ar conforme in all pointis to the said first ressone of the summondis and expreslie verifies and previs the samyn; the quhilk tressone the said Laird of Fintrie confessit in jugement and nevir revoikit the same, bot yeid to the death thairwith and wes justifiet and execute thairfoir. Item, thay produce sindre lettres writtin be Maister James Gordoun under ane fenyeit name of James Crystesoun, and siclyk ane lettre writtin be Maister Robert Abircrummy, Jesuite, having ane fenyeit subscriptioun of Robert Sandiesoun, and ane lettre writtin and subscrivit be the said umquhile laird of Fintrie, havand ane fenyeit name of David Forrester, quhilkis lettres planelie previs, conforme to the premises, the haill tressone libellit. Item, thay produce lettres writtin be Maister James Gordoun in favouris and commendatioun of Maister George Ker, writtin to sindre personis in Spanyie, to preif that he was purposit to pas to Spaine with the saidis blankis; togidder with tua obligationis subscrivit be the saidis Maister James and Robert, in the quhilk thay confess the fenyeing and mutatioun of thair awin names quhilk lykwayis may be easelie provin thair comparationem literarum and be inspectioun of the saidis obligationis that Sandesoun is Abircrummy and Crystesoun is Gordoun; and as to the fenyeit name of the said umquhile laird of Fintrie, calland him selff David Forrester, he confessit the same fals subscriptioun and name to be his awin hand write and name in his depositionis 20 Januar 1592, the quhilk lykwyis is provin thair comparationem literarum be the subscriptioun of the depositionis and ane lettre writtin and subscrivit with his awin hand heirwith producit; quhilk lettre is direct to the kingis majestie and is repetit in modum probationis of the said libell. Item, thai produce lettres of incident diligence quhairby the saidis erllis and laird of Auchindoun and Maister James Gordoun and Maister Robert Abircrummy ar summoned to this perliament to heir and sie the subscriptionis of the saidis blankis and fenyeit subscriptionis and seillis foirsaid to be thair awin, and being recognoscit, to preif aganis thame and to heir and sie all uther probatioun usit, led and deducit aganis thame as accordis of law, and repeitis the depositionis of witneses in quantum and the notorietie of thair subscriptionis and hand write. Item, becaus Maister George Ker and umquhile lard of Fintrie, Maister James Gordoun and Maister Robert Abircrummy wer traffiquing papistes, trattouris and participants of the tressone libellit, lyk as thai ar yit (except the said laird of Fintrie, quha wes execute for the same); and thairfoir it may be objectit that thair depositionis sall mak na faith in this caus, the saidis advocattis producis ane interloquittour of the lordis of the sessioun, subscryvit be the clerk of register, findand that infame personis, minoris or personis beand fellowis or companyionis in the same cryme may be witneses in the causes of tressone and heresie, quhilk interloquitour wes producit and practizit in the accusatioun of umquhile Ewfame McCalyeane. Item, thai produce the sentence of excommunicatioun aganis the personis accusit and also contrair Maister James Gordoun, umquhile David Grahame of Fintrie. Item, it is of veritie that the king and thre estaitis of this realme in criminall caus hes jurisdictioun and power of ane greit assise and may juge and decyd all crymes, conforme to thair consciences and vehement presumptionis, conjectures and probabilities, quhilk may be collectit and gatherit in the caus, and speciallie in the cryme of tressone, as is manifest in the writtin law of this realme callit Regiam Majestatem lib. 4 c. 1. And the saidis advocattis repetis in forme of probatioun the notorietie of the crymes libellit and that of the law sufficit allegare notorium sed non probare and the publict voce and fame, quhilk is ane vehement probatioun in criminibus clandestinis, and namelie in the cryme of tressone and lesemajestie, with the notorietie of the tressone and of the traffiquing libellit committit be the personis accusit at the Brig of Die the yeir of God jM vC lxxxix yeiris, for the quhilk sindrie of thame cum in his majesties will for the samyn, quhilk is ane confessioun of the cryme. Item, thay repetit and producis ane catologue of fals and fenyeit names of certane Jesuittis and traffiquing papistes, contening also certane fenyeit names of the saidis erllis quha all did fenyie thair names, to the effect thai micht the mair surelie and quietlie use the tressounable traffiquing libellit. Item, thay produce and repeittis that the saidis erllis and laird of Auchindoun, being suspect of tressone and chargit to enter in ward conforme to the act of parliament maid be King James the secund, disobeyit the same, and thairby hes incurrit the pane of tressone be ressone of thair contumacie, becaus of the law, he that is contumax may be condampnit, for his contumacie causes him be estemit as present and inducis aganis him ane confessioun of the cryme l 3 4 9 c decernimus, and it is of treuth that of the law he is callit contumax quha is summoned to ane certane day be ane peremptour summondis, with certificatioun, and comperis not the said day l. contumacia et ibi glossa f. de re judicata. And, for verificatioun thairof, thay produce the kingis lettres, with the executionis thairof, quhairby the saidis erllis and laird ar chargit to enter thair personis in ward. Item, thay produce ane act and decreit of the secreit counsaill maid at Edinburgh, the aucht day of Merche last wes, with the publicatioun thairof at the mercat croce of Edinburgh upoun the xij day of the said moneth the yeir of God foirsaid, findand and declarand that the saidis thre erllis and Laird of Auchindoun hes contravenit the saidis chargis and suld be punissit, estemit and accusit as tratouris. Item, to the end that the saidis erllis and laird of Auchindoun, thair contumacie and perseverance, may be knawin in the tressonable tressone libellit without ony apperance of repentance or amendement, the saidis advocattis repeittis the manifest tressone committit be thame and ilk ane of thame be ressetting of certane strangearis, traffiqueris and tressonable mutineris and rasaris of seditioun aganis the estait of the realme and religioun quha laitlie arryvit and landit in the toun of Montrois and ar presentlie, lyk as thay have bene sen the tyme of thair arryving in this realme, ressett, helpit, supportit, assistit and mantenit be the saidis thre erllis and lard, and everie any of thame to the owerthraw and eversioun of this realme and religioun presentlie professit within the same. The saidis advocattis repetit the haill wreittis and utheris premises abonementionat as thai ar sett doun in maner abonementionat with the notorietie of the deid, and that this parliament is ane greit assys, sua that he quha of his conscience can not clenge, he of necessitie mon fyle and renuncit forther probatioun of the first ressone of the summondis of foirfaltore.

The quhilk day the saidis Maisteris David McGill and Johnne Skene, advocattis to oure soverane lord, efter that thai had repetit and producit all thair probationis to the saidis haill estaitis quhilkis thai wald use for proving of the saidis summondis of tressone, reproducit the samyn summondis of tressone rasit and persewit at the instance of oure said soverane lord and his hienes justice aganis the saidis George, erll of Huntlie, Williame, erll of Angus, Frances, erll of Erroll and Schir Patrik Gordoun of Auchindoun, knicht, quhairby thay wer summond to have comperit befoir oure said soverane lord and estaitis of parliament at ane certane day bygane, with continwatioun of dayes, to have answerit to the pointis and crymes of tressone and lesemajestie contenit in the saidis summondis, off the quhilkis summondis the tennour followis:

Jacobus Dei gratia rex Scotorum dilectis nostris Leoni regi armorum Ilay Albanie Ross Rothsay Snawdoun Merchemont herauldis, Roberto Stewart Davidi Bryssone Alexandro Douglas Jacobo Chalmeris clavigeris, Orment Bute Unicorne Carrik signiferis, Joanni Blindscheille Bute signifero, Roberto Fraser Unicorne signifero, etc. nunciis et eorum cuilibet coniunctim et diuisim vicecomitibus nostris in hac parte salutem. Mandamus vobis et precipimus quatenus summoneatis legittime et peremptorie coram testibus Wilhelmum comitem de Angus, Georgium comitem de Huntlie Franciscum comitem de Erroll dominum Patricium Gordoun de Auchindoun militem, conspiratores perpetratores et celatores criminum lese maiestatis subsequentium, personaliter si eorum personales presentias commode habere poteritis alioquin apud eorum loca habitationum, vel per publicam proclamationem apud cruces forales burgorum nostrorum de Edinburgh Hadingtoun Lanark Abirdene Perth Bamff etc., aliaque loca necessaria degentes vero seu existentes extra regnum nostrum seu nullum certum domicilium in eodem habentes, apud dictas cruces forales aliaque loca necessaria super premonitione sexaginta dierum, sic quod huiusmodi summonitio ad eorum aures et noticiam verisimiliter pervenire poterit, quod compareant coram nobis seu justiciario nostro vigesimo die mensis Maii proxime sequentis, in parliamento nostro apud Edinburgh decimo octauo die mensis Maii predicti, tenendo hora causarum with continuatione dierum ad respondendum nobis nostrove justiciario in prefato parliamento, super proditoriis criminibus subsequentibus, dictos viz Guilielmum comitem de Angus Georgium comitem de Huntlie Franciscum comitem de Errole dominum Patricium Gordoun de Auchindoun militem etc. et eorum quemlibet, pro sua proditoria conspiratione consultatione et conclusione horrendi sceleris et facinoris ad exequendum destinati pro alteratione status regni nostri et vere religionis inde professe per nos nostrosque probos et fideles legios secundum dei omnipotentis verbum per acta parliamenti nostri approbate et per leges nostras confirmate, idque presertim in mensibus Junii Julii Augusti Septembris Octobris Novembris aut eorum aliquid anno Domini millesimo quingentesimo nonagesimo secundo, in ipsorum consiliis et conventionibus cum magistro Jacobo Gordoun et magistro Roberto Abircrummy Jesuitis et seminariis presbiteris, et cum magistro Georgio Ker et quondam Davide Grahame de Fintrie aut eorum aliquo excommunicatis papistis, super literis a magistro Wilhelmo Creichtoun et magistro Jacobo Tyrie jesuitis ex Hispania missis et directis ad prefatum magistrum Jacobum Gordoun; et in ipsorum proditoria consultatione et conclusione desuper habita in quibus declaratur quam diligenter et quanta cura ipsi cum rege et consilio Hispanie elaborauerunt pro pecunia et militibus in Scotiam deportantis, ad extremam subversionem et alterationem religionis nunc professe, et invasionem regni Anglie, quod solum in hoc retardabatur donec ex Scotia clarus quidem vir mitteretur cum letteris certitudinis et aliis vacuis cartis (lie blankis) subscriptis per nobiles viros qui pro parte et nomine catholicorum romanorum in hoc nostro regno existentium sese obligarent et hipothecarent. Quequidem littere (lie blankis) implerentur, cum auisamento dictorum magistri Wilhelmi Creichtoun et magistri Jacobi Tyrie in Hispania degentium tanquam certissima vincula signa et fideiussiones predicte monete et militum extendentium ad numerum triginta millium virorum armatorum anno predicto intrantium versus occidentalem partem huius regni nostri prope Kircubreiche vel fluuium de Clyde prout ventus nauigationi melius inseruiret; ad cuius impii et proditorii facinoris perimpletionem, commemorate vacue littere (lie blankis) partim latine partim gallice sub diuersis formis, una cum literis certificationis et fidei subscripte fuerunt manibus prefatorum Wilhelmi comitis Angusie, Georgii comitis Huntlie, Francisci comitis de Erroll et domini Patricii Gordoun de Auchindoun militis, palam profitentium et affirmantium se esse maiestatis regis Hispanie (ad quem iste littere mittebantur) humillimos et maxime obedientes servitores, quod ipsorum factum proditionis predicte manifeste eos arguit quod tam natura et fide sint nobis suo regi obligati (ad quem huiusmodi littere vacue non erant misse) ligeantiam et fidelitatem nobis debitam proditorie dissoluerunt, et alieno et peregrino regi sine nostro consensu fidem suam obstrinxerint, et litteras vacuas ipsorum manibus subscriptas ad eum miserunt, in quibus scribi et impleri potuit per eum et eius consilium quicquid ipsis visum esset quod posset esse nocium et detrimentosum nobis nostre auctoritati regie regno nostro et subditis; quo ipsorum facto nihil magis proditorium fieri et excogitari ab illis potuit postea eedem littere (lie blankis) ad effectum suprascriptum tradite et deliberate fuerunt in mense [...] anno Domini millesimo quingentesimo nonagesimo secundo, dicto magistro Ker una cum variis et diuersis sigillis dictorum comitum cere impressis, quiquidem magister Georgius trans mare in Hispania nauigaturus, ad hoc sceleratum opus exequendum electus fuit; idemque negotium in se libenter suscepit et iter ingressus ad Cumbram insulam usque peruenit, cum plenaria commissione personarum supramentionatarum onus in se acceptantium, pro omnibus aliis sue factionis hominibus catholicis romanis ad sedulo laborandum pro pecunia et militibus recuperandis cum ipsorum fideli permissione ad preparandum sese suosque viros et equites armatos, quoad dicta pecunia extendere et satisfacere valuerit, qui certo expectarent aduentum et introitum dictorum Hispanorum militum deducerentque maiorem numerum eorundem in Angliam pro evasione eiusdem et religionis ibi professe, et quorum Hispanorum quinque millia infra hoc nostrum regnum pro perpetuo residerent cum quibus antenominati proditores degenerati nobiles et huiusmodi omnes papiste catholice illius secte in hoc nostro regno degentes sese coniungerent, pro alteratione status eiusdem et religionis nunc professe, quorum qui alterutrumque evertit vtrumque evertit, cum inter se ita sunt coniuncta ut uno pereunte alterum perire sit necesse, et exaltatione missarum et catholice romane professionis ad euidens perriculum et detrimentum nostre regie persone disturbationem pacis regni nostri et alterationem uniuersi status eiusdem, committendo inde nefandam et manifestissimam proditionem contra deum nostrum omnipotentem, nos, auctoritatem nostram regiam et leges; ideoque antenominatos Guilielmum Angusie comitem Georgium Huntlie comitem Franciscum Errolie comitem dominum Patricium Gordoun de Auchindoun militem etc., ad videndum et audiendum sese et eorum quemlibet intuitu premissorum crimen lese maiestatis incurrisse per nos et trium regni nostri statuum decretum decerni et declarari, et propterea bona et immobilia tam terras quam officia aliasque res ad eos spectantes nobis confiscari et pro perpetuo nobiscum in proprietate remanere, personasque suas penas proditionis et vltimi supplicii a regni nostri legibus inflicti subire, ac vlterius in premissis respondendum et iuri parendum, intimando supra dictis conspiratoribus et eorum cuilibet quod siue dictis die et loco cum continuatione dierum comparuerint siue non nos dictusque noster justiciarius in premissis justicia mediante procedemus et procedet. Insuper citetis etc. ad comparendum coram nobis nostrove justiciario dictis die et loco hora causarum cum continuatione dierum ad perhibendum fidele testimonium in causa predicta sub pena legis. Et presentes litteras debite executas et indorsitas earundem latori reddatis. Et vos qui presentes executi fueritis sitis ibidem dictis die et loco coram nobis nostrove justiciario portantes vobiscum summonitionis vestre testimonium in scriptis pro premissis seu ipsos testes. Ad quod faciendum vobis et vestrum cuilibet coniunctim et diuisim vicecomitibus nostris in hac parte committimus potestatem. Datum sub testimonio nostri magni sigilli, apud Edinburgh decimo nono die mensis Marcii anno Domini millesimo nonagesimo tertio, et regni nostri vigesimo septimo.

Heir followis the executionis and indorsationis of the saidis summondis: Upoun the xxviij day of Merche the yeir of God jM vC lxxxxiiij yeris, I, Johnne Blindseill, Bute pursevant, ane of the schireffis in that pert within specifiit, past at command of thir oure soverane lordis lettres within writtin and in his hienes name and authoritie lauchtfullie and peremptorlie summond, warnit and chargeit Schir Patrik Gordoun of Auchindoun, knicht, at his duelling places respective of Auchindon and Gairtlie. Efter I had knokit sex severall knokis at the yettis thairof, I affixit ane autentik copie of the saidis lettres translatit in Englis upoun ilk ane of the saidis yettis respective foirsaidis, becaus I culd not aprehend him personallie, to compeir befoir oure soverane lord and his hienes justice the tuentie day of Maii within writtin in his majesties parliament to be haldin at Edinburgh the auchtene day of Maii foirsaid in the hour of caus, with continwatioun of dayes, to answer to his hienes or his justice in the said perliament upoun the tressonable crymes within specifiit in maner, forme and effect as is mair expreslie within rehersit, and with intimatioun to the saidis Schir Patrik as is within contenit efter the forme and tennour of thir oure soverane lordis lettres in all pointis. And this I did befoir thir witness, Alexander Hay in Abirdene, George Greif, stabler in Edinburgh, and Henrie Bell, servitour to Laurence Pacok, doctour in the grammer scule of Edinburgh, with utheris divers. And for the mair verrificatioun to this my executioun and indorsatioun subscrivit with my hand, my signet is affixit. Sic subscribitur, Johnne Blindseill, Bute pursevant. Upoun the xxix day of the said moneth of Merche the yeir of God foirsaid, I, the said Johnne Blindseill, Bute pursevant, past at command of the saidis lettres and in his hienes name and authoritie lauchtfullie and peremptorlie summond, warnit and chargeit George, erll of Huntlie at his duelling place in Strathbogie becaus I culd not aprepend him personallie. Efter I had knokit sex severall knokis at the yett of his said duelling place, I affixit ane autentik copie of the saidis lettres translaitit in Englis upoun the yett thairof, to compeir befoir oure soverane lord or his hienes justice the xx day of Maii within writtin in his majesties perliament to be haldin at Edinburgh the xviij day of Maii foirsaid in the hour of caus, with continwatioun of dayes, to answer to his hienes or his justice in the said perliament upoun the tressonable crymes within specifiit in maner, forme and effect as is mair specially within contenit, and with intimatioun to the said erll as is within writtin efter the forme and tennour of thir oure soverane lordis lettres in all pointis. And this I did befoir thir witnes, Johnne Hammiltoun, servitour to the said George, erll of Huntlie, Alexander Hay in Abirdene, George Greif, stabuler in Edinburgh, the foirsaid Henrie Bell, with utheris dyvers. And for the mair verrificatioun of this my executioun and indorsatioun, my signet is affixit. Sic subscribitur, Johnne Blindseill, Bute pursevant. Upoun the said xxix day of Merche the yeir of God foirsaid, I, the said Johnne Blindseill, Bute pursevant, past at command of the saidis lettres and in his hienes name and authoritie lauchtfullie and peremptourlie summond, warnit and chargit Frances, erll of Erroll, personallie apprehendit and deliverit him ane authentic copie of the foirsaidis lettres translatit in Englis to compeir befoir oure soverane lord or his hienes justice the xx day of Maii within writtin in his hienes parliament to be haldin at Edinburgh the xviij day of Maii foirsaid in the hour of caus, with continwatioun of dayes, to answer to his hienes or his justice in the said perliament upoun the tressonable crymes within specifiit in maner, forme and effect as is mair speciallie within contenit, and with intimatioun to the said erll as is within contenit efter the forme and tennour of the saidis lettres in all pointis. And this I did befoir thir witnes, Johnne Leslie of Balquhyne, Patrik Con of Auchry, Alexander Hay in Abirdene, George Greif, stabler in Edinburgh, and the said Henrie Bell, with utheris dyvers. And for the mar verrificatioun to this my executioun and indorsatioun subscrivit with my hand, my signet is affixit. Sic subscribitur, Johnne Blindseill, Bute pursevant. Upoun the said xxix day of Merche the yeir of God abonewrittin, I, the said Johnne Blindseill, Bute pursevant, past at command of the saidis lettres to the mercat croce of Bamf, quhilk is the heid burgh of the schire quhair the foirsaid Schir Patrik Gordoun, George, erll of Huntlie and Frances, erll of Erroll duellis, and thair be oppin proclamatioun in his hienes name and authoritie lauchtfullie and peremptourlie summond, warnit and chargit the saidis Schir Patrik Gordoun, George, erll of Huntlie and Frances, erll of Erroll, and affixit ane autentik copie of the saidis lettres translatit in Englis upoun the said mercat croce, to compeir befoir oure soverane lord or his hienes justice the xx day of Maii within writtin in his majesties perliament to be haldin at Edinburgh the xviij day of Maii foirsaid in the hour of caus, with continewatioun of dayes, to answer to his hienes or his justice in the said perliament upoun the tressonable crymes within specifiit in maner, forme and effect as is mair speciallie within contenit, and with intimatioun to the saidis erllis and the said Schir Patrik Gordoun as is within contenit after the forme and tennour of the saidis lettres in all pointis. And this I did befoir thir witnes, Williame Leslie in Edinburgh, Alexander Hay in Abirdene, George Greif, stabler in Edinburgh, and the said Henrie Bell, with utheris dyvers. And for the mair verrificatioun of this my executioun and indorsatioun subscrivit with my hand, my signet is affixit. Sic subscribitur, Johnne Blindseill, Bute pursevant. Upoun the first day of Aprile the yeir of God jM vC lxxxxiiij yeiris, I, Johnne Blindsele, Bute pursevant, past at command of thir oure soverane lordis lettres to the marcat croce of the burgh of Abirdene, being the heid burgh of the schire quhair the personis undirwrittin duellis, and thair be oppin proclamatioun in his hienes name and authoritie lauchtfullie and peremptourlie summond, warnit and chargit the saidis Schir Patrik Gordoun, George, erll of Huntlie and Frances, erll of Erroll and affixit ane autentik copie of the saidis lettres translatit in Englis upoun the said mercat croce, to compeir befoir oure soverane lord or his hienes justice the xx day of Maii within writtin in his majesties perliament to be haldin at Edinburgh the xviij day of Maii foirsaid in the hour of caus, with continwatioun of dayes, to answer in his hienes or his justice in the said perliament upoun the tressounable crymes within specifiit in maner, forme and effect as is mair speciallie within contenit, with intimatioun to the saidis erllis and Schir Patrik Gordoun as is within contenit efter the forme and tennour of the saidis lettres in all pointis. And this I did befoir thir witnes, Gilbert Guthrie, Merchemont herauld, Alexander Hay in Abirdene, George Greif, stabler in Edinburgh, and the said Henrie Bell, with uthairis dyvers. And for the mair verrificatioun to this my executioun and indorsatioun subscrivit with my hand, my signet is affixit. Subscribitur, Johnne Blindseill, Bute pursevant. Upoun the secund day of Aprile the yeir of God jM vC lxxxxiiij yeiris, I, Robert Fraser, Unicorne pursevant, ane of the schireffis in that pert specifiit in oure soverane lordis lettres within writtin, past at command of the same and in his hienes name and authoritie lauchtfullie and peremptourlie summond, warnit and chargit Williame, erll of Angus at his duelling place of Douglas. Efter I had knokit sex severall knokis at the yett thairof, I affixt ane autentik copie of the saidis lettres translatit in Englis out of the testimoniall of his hienes gret seill upoun the yett of his said duelling place becaus I culd not apphend him personallie. And als upoun the samyn day and yeir of God foirsaid, I past to the mercat croce of Lanerk, quhilk is the heid burgh of the schire quhair the said erllis duellis, and thair be oppin proclamatioun lauchtfullie and peremptourlie summond, warnit and chargit the said Williame, erll of Angus and affixit ane autentik copie of the saidis lettres translatit as said is upoun the said mercat croce. And alsua upoun the fyft day of the said moneth and yeir of God abone writtin, I past to the mercat croce of Hadingtoun and lauchtfullie and peremptourlie summond, warnit and chargit the said erll be oppin proclamatioun thairat, and thairefter I affixit ane autentik copie of the saidis lettres translatit as said is upoun the said croce. And lykwayes upoun the aucht day of the said moneth and yeir of God foirsaid, I past to the mercat croce of Edinburgh and thair be oppin proclamatioun lauchtfullie and peremptourlie summond, warnit and chargit the said erll and affixt ane autentik copie of the saidis lettres upoun the said mercat croce, translatit as said is, to compeir befoir oure soverane lord or his hienes justice the xx day of Maii nixtocum in his hienes perliament to be haldin at Edinburgh the xviij day of Maii foirsaid in the hour of caus, with continwatioun of dayes, to answer to his majestie or his justice in the said perliament upoun the tressonable crymes within contenit and as mair speciallie is within rehersit, with intimatioun to the said erll as is within writtin, efter the forme and tennour of oure soverane lordis lettres in all pointis. And this I did befoir thir witnes, Johnne Findlasone in Edinburgh and George Cuninghame thair, with utheris dyvers. And for the mair verrificatioun to this my executioun and indorsatioun subscrivit with my hand, my signet is affixit. Sic subscribitur, Robert Fraser, Unicorne pursevant.

The quhilk summondis, with the executionis and indorsationis thairof respective foirsaidis, being this instant day red in presens of his majestie and haill estaitis of parliament first in Latyne and syne in Scottis, and the saidis Williame, erlle of Angus, George, erlle of Huntlie, Francis, erlle of Arroll and Schir Patrik Gordoun of Auchindoun, knycht, being oftymes callit of new at the tollbuyth wyndow of the said burgh of Edinburgh to haif comperit and answer to the said summondis and ressone contenit thairin, and thai nocht comperand to haif defendit in the said mater and to haif answerit to the said summondisis, the saidis Maisteris David MacGill and Johnne Skeine, advocatis to his majestie, desyrit the saidis estaitis declaratioun gif the ressoun of the said summondisis wer relevant aganis the saidis thrie erllis and Schir Patrik Gordoun of Auchindoun, knycht. Quhilkis estaitis, all with ane voce, fund the sam relevant aganis tham. Thairfoir the saidis advocatis of new, for verefeing of the said ressoun contenit in the said summondis of tressoun, producit and repetit the haill aucht blankis in paper, twa thairof subscryvit be the said Erle of Angus allanerlie, uther twa be the said Erlle of Huntlie allanerlie, uther twa subscrivit be the said Erlle of Aroll allanerlie, and uther twa subscryvit be the saidis erllis and lard of Auchindoun, all send to Spane; and als repetit the haill uthair probationis repetit be him ofbefoir in the said mater this instant day, and desyrit the saidis estaitis of parliament to advyis the probationis foirsaidis led and deducit in the said mater and to pronunce thair sentence of parliament thairintill acording to the sam probationis and thair consciencis. And thairefter the haill writtis and probationis being red, sene and considerit be the haill estaitis of parliament in presens of the kingis majestie, and thai thairwithe being ryplie advysit, the saidis lordis and estaitis of parliament findis, decernis and declaris that the saidis Williame, erlle of Angus, George, erlle of Huntlie, Francis, erlle of Eroll and Schir Patrik Gordoun of Auchindoun, knycht, hes committit and done oppin and manifest tressoun aganis oure said soverane lord in all poyntis, articlis and maner contenit in the said summondis. And thairfoir it was gevin for dome be the mouthe of James Nesbet, dempster of parliament, in maner and forme as followis: This court of parliament schawis for law that the saidis Williame, sumtyme erle of Anguis, George, sumtyme of Huntlie, Francis, sumtyme erlle of Eroll and Schir Patrik Gordon, sumtyme of Auchindoun, knycht, and ilkane of tham, hes committit and incurrit the speciall cryme of tressoun and lesemajestie abonewrittin, the tymis and in maner at lenthe contenit in the ressoun of the said summondis of tressoun; and thairfoir decernis and declaris all thair gudis moveable and unmoveable, alsweill landis as officis and uthairis thingis quhatsumevir belanging to tham, to be confiscat to oure soverane lord and to remane perpetuallie with his hienes in propertie in tyme cumming, and thair personis to underly the panis of tressoun and utter punishement appoyntit be the lawis of this realm; and this I gif for dome.

  1. NAS, PA2/15, f.28r-31v. Back
  2. APS interpolation. Back
  3. This reading is not clear. APS does not even attempt it, putting in a row of dots. Back
  4. Sic. '[cum]' interpolated in APS. Back
  5. APS corrects this to '[to]'. Back