[20 May 1594]

Procedure: opening of session

Parliamentum excellentissimi principis Jacobi sexti Scotorum regis illustrissimi tentum apud Edinburgh vigesimo die mensis Maii anno Domini millesimo quingentesimo nonagesimo quarto, per commissarios subscriptos viz Johanem dominum Thirlestane cancellarium, Petrum episcopum Dunkeldensem, Alexandrum commendatarium de Culross, dominum Thoma Lyoun de Auldbar militem thesaurarium, dominum Ricardum Cokburne de Clerkingtoun militem secretarium, Wilhelmum commendatarium de Toungland, Jacobum dominum Lindsay, dominum Johannem Cokburne de Ormeistoun militem justiciarie clericum, Alexandrum Hay de Eister Kennet clericum rotulorum registri, una cum Johanne Scott pro mariscallo, Jacobo Kinross pro constabulario, Roberto Stewart pro vicecomite de Edinburgh et Jacobo Neisbit adiudicatore; sectis vocatis et curia affirmata.

  1. NAS, PA2/15, f.27r. Back
  2. NAS, PA2/15, f.27r-27v. Back
  3. NAS, PA2/15, f.27v. Back
Judicial proceeding: summons of treason

The quhilk day Maisteris David Makgill of Cranstoun Riddell and Johnne Skene, advocattis to oure soverane lord, producit ane summondis of tressone rasit at his hienes instance deulie execut and indorsat aganis Williame, erll of Angus, George, erll of Huntlie, Frances, erll of Erroll and Schir Patrik Gordoun of Auchindoun, knicht, for certane crymes of tressone specifiit in the saidis summondis of tressone rasit thairupoun, quhilkis four personis war all thrys callit at the tolbuith windo of Edinburgh, and nane of thame comperit, quhairupoun the saidis advocattis askit instrumentis.

And siclyk the saidis advocattis producit Johnne Blindseill, messinger, executour of the first fyve executionis of the said summondis of tressone rasit at the instance of oure said soverane lord aganis the saidis erllis of Angus, Huntlie, Erroll and laird of Auchindoun, and maid faith that he execute the same fyve executionis as the same beris, and that he requirit George Greif and Henrie Bell to be witneses to the foirsaidis haill fyve haill executionis execut be him. Quhilkis tua witneses, being alsua present, maid faith that thay wer requirit witnes be the said Johnne Blindseill, messinger, to the foirsaidis haill fyve first executionis, the samyn being red to thame in presens of the saidis lordis commissionaris, and that thay hard and saw the said Johnne Blindseill summondis the saidis thre erllis and laird of Auchindoun to the effect contenit in the saidis summondis, efter the forme and tennour of the saidis executionis. Upoun the verrificatioun of the quhilkis fyve executionis and everie ane of thame, the saidis advocattis askit instrumentis.

And als the saidis advocattis producit Robert Fraser, messinger, executour of the last executioun of the said summondis of tressone execut at the instance of oure said soverane lord aganis the saidis thre erllis and laird of Auchindoun, and maid faith that he execute the same execution as the same beris, and that he requirit Johnne Finlawsoun and George Cunighame to be witneses to his said executioun. Quhilkis witneses, being present befoir the saidis lordis commissionaris of perliament, declarit that thay war present with the said Robert Fraser the tyme that he execute the saidis summondis of tressone conforme to the said last executioun, and hard and saw the said Robert execute the same summondis upoun the saidis thre erllis and laird of Auchindoun in maner specifiit in the said last executioun, and that thai wer requirit witnes be the said Robert Fraser thairto. Upoun the verrificatioun of the quhilk last executioun, the saidis advocattis lykwyis askit instrumentis.

  1. NAS, PA2/15, f.27r. Back
  2. NAS, PA2/15, f.27r-27v. Back
  3. NAS, PA2/15, f.27v. Back
Procedure: continuation

The lordis declaris this present parliament to ryn ay and quhill the same be speciallie desert, and ordanis all oure soverane lordis leigis that has ony actionis and causes depending in this present perliament to await thairon, sua that the samyn may be callit, treatit and avysit upoun as efferis.

  1. NAS, PA2/15, f.27r. Back
  2. NAS, PA2/15, f.27r-27v. Back
  3. NAS, PA2/15, f.27v. Back