Apud Haliruidhous, decimo octavo die mensis Januarij 1593

  1. NAS, PC1/15, 265. Back
  2. NAS, PC1/15, 265-267. Back
  3. NAS, PC1/15, 267-268. Back
  4. The letters 'a: b:' are written in the left margin immediately under the title in a different (darker) ink. Back
  5. NAS, PC1/15, 268. Back
  6. NAS, PC1/15, 268. Back
Act of the taxatioun of ane hundreth thousand pundis

The quhilk day, eftir the propositioun maid be the kingis majestie, oure soverane lord, to his nobilitie and esteatis presentlie convenit, anent the blissing of God shawne to his hienes, this haill realme and natioun in granting unto him successioun of his body to posses his crowne quhen God sall call him to his mercy frome this lyffe, the quene, his darrest bedfellow, now shortlie approcheing to the tyme of his birth, to the conforte alsweill of his hienes as of all his trew and faithfull subjectis, the esteatis, considering the honourable and maist necessair chargeis that mon be maid and sustenit throw this occasioun and uthiris, his hienes urgent and wechtie effearis, and desyrous to releve his majestie of ane pane thairof, hes freelie and voluntarlie offerit and grantit unto his majestie ane taxatioun of ane hundreth thousand pundis tobe upliftit and payit as followis, that is to say, fiftie thousand pundis be the spirituall estate, threttie three thousand, three hundreth xxxiij lib. xvj s. viij d. be the baronis and freehaldaris, and saxtene thousand sax hundreth threscoir sex pundis xiij s. iiij d. be the burrowis; and that at twa termes, that is to say the ane halff betuix and the feist of Pashe nixttocum, and the uthir halff betuix and the feist of Midsommer nixt thaireftir following. And for inbringing of the spirituall menis parte of the said taxatioun, that lettres be direct chargeing all and sindrie bischoppis, abbotis, priouris and uthiris benefeceit personis contenit in the taxt roll, thair chalmerlanis, factouris and intromettouris with thair leving personalie or at thair duelling placeis, and failyeing thairof, be oppin proclamatioun at the principall parroche kirkis of the benefice upoun a Sonday befoir none in tyme of divyne service, and at the mercatt croce of the heid burgh of the shyre quhair the benefice lyis, to mak payment of that sowme that thay and ilkane of thame ar taxt to, to Thomas Erskin of Gogar, collectour generall, for ressaving of the said haill taxatioun or his deputis and officiaris in his name haveand his power to ressave the same, within xl dayis nixteftir the charge, undir the pane of rebellioun and putting of thame to the horne; and giff thay failyie thairin, the saidis xl dayis being bipast, to denunce etc. And that the prelattis and benefeceit men for thair releiff have lettrez to charge thair vassallis, subvassallis, fewaris, taxmen, ladyis of terce, conjunctfearis, lyverentaris and pensionaris to mak payment of thair pairtis of the said taxatioun pro rata within ten dayis nixteftir thai be chargeit thairto, undir the pane of rebellioun etc.; and giff thay failyie etc., to denunce etc. and to escheit, and, giff neid beis, to poind and distrenyie thairfoir. And for the baronis and freehaldaris parte, that thair be upliftit of every pund land within this realme threttie shillingis money, quhairof fyftene shillingis for the first termes payment and uthir fyftene shillingis for the secund termes payment. For payment quhairoff, that lettrez be direct chargeing all and sindrie schireffis, stewartis, baillies, thair deputis and clarkis, that thay and ilkane of thame within the boundis of thair offices raise and uplift the said sowme of fyftene shillingis of every pund land of auld extent lyand within the boundis of thair jurisdictionis as for the said first termes payment of the said taxatioun and uthir fyftene shillingis as for the last termes payment thairof, and inbring and delyver the same to the said collectour generall at the termes abonewrittin, undir the pane of rebellioun etc.; and giff thay failyie etc., to denunce etc. and to escheit etc. And for thair releiff, that lettrez be direct chargeing all and sindrie erllis, lordis, baronis and freehaldaris to mak payment and delyverance to the saidis schireffis, steuartis, baillies, thair deputis and clarkis (ilkane of thame for thair awne pairtis) of the soume particularlie abonewrittin of every pund land of auld extent pertening to thame as for the said first and last termes payment of the same taxatioun, within ten dayis nixteftir the charge undir the pane of rebellioun etc.; and giff thay failyie etc., to denunce etc. and to eschete, or ellis that the saidis schireffis, steuartis, baillies and thair deputis poind and distrenyie thairfoir as thay sall think maist expedient. And that the saidis erllis, lordis, baronis and freehaldaris have siclyke lettrez for thair releiff aganis thair vassallis, subvassallis, ladyis of terce, conjunctfearis and lyverentaris. And for inbringing of the burrowis parte of the same taxatioun, that lettrez be direct chargeing the provest and baillies of ilk burgh to mak payment of the taxt and stent thairof to the said collectour generall at the termes presentlie abonespecifeit undir the pane of rebellioun etc.; and giff thay failyie etc., to denunce etc. And for thair releiff, that lettrez be direct chargeing all and sindrie inhabitantis of ilk burgh to convene and elect certane personis to stent thair nichtbouris, and the said electioun being maid, to charge the personis electit to accept the charge upoun thame in setting of the said stent upoun the inhabitantis of ilk burgh, and to convene and sett the same and mak ane stent roll thairupoun as effeiris within xxiiij houris nixteftir thai be chargeit thairto, undir the pane of rebellioun etc.; and giff thay failyie, to denunce etc. and to eschete etc. And siclyke the said stent roll being maid and sett as said is, to charge the burgeses, nichtbouris and inhabitantis of ilk burgh to mak payment of thair pairtis of the said stent to the saidis provest and baillies conform to the taxt roll tobe maid and gevin oute thairupoun within three dayis nixteftir the charge, undir the pane of rebellioun etc.; and giff thay failyie etc., to denunce etc. and to eschete etc.; and, giff neid beis, that the saidis provest and baillies poind and distrenyie thairfoir as thay sall think maist meit and expedient. Attour it is concludit and resolvit that na suspensionis of the saidis lettrez salbe grantit unto the tyme that the personis, cravaris of the same, consignne the soumes chargeit for in the handis of the said collectour or his clerk appointit to attend upoun the commissionaris undirwrittin, to remane consignit quhill the decisioun of thair complaintis be the same commissionaris; thay ar to say Alexander, lord Levingstoun, Robert, lord Seytoun, Maister David Carnegy of Culluthy, Schir James Melvill of Halhill, Adam, commendatair of Cambuskynneth, Walter, commendatair of Blantyre, Alexander Hume of Northberwik Manis and Johnne Arnott, burges of Edinburgh; to quhome, or ony three of thame conjunctlie, his hienes and the saidis esteatis gevis full power and commissioun, expres bidding and charge to decyde the saidis complaintis summarlie as accordis, be quhome the saidis suspensionis salbe grantit, dischargeing the lordis of secreit counsale and sessioun off all granting of ony suspensionis for the caus foirsaid and of thair officeis in that parte. Forder his majestie and the saidis esteatis ordanis and commandis the said collectour generall that he on nawise answer nor mak payment of ony parte of this taxt to quhatsumevir persone or personis be vertew of ony precept or preceptis tobe direct or subscrivit be his hienes without the same be subscrivit alswa be tuelff personis of his hienes counsale, sittand togidder in counsale, and the provest and commissionair of Edinburgh; and giff the said collectour do in the contrair, the same not tobe allowit to him be the auditouris of his comptis; quhilkis auditouris his majestie and the saidis esteatis nominatis and appointis tobe tuelff personis of his hienes prevey counsale and sax personis of every esteate conjunctlie, be quhome na dischargeis tobe grantit be his majestie to ony persone or personis addettit in payment of ony parte of this present taxt salbe haldin effectuall, bot all personis without exceptioun salbe subject to the payment of the same taxt, the lordis of counsale and sessioun undir placeis and thair memberis, and the rentis assignit to scuillis and collegeis for instruction of the youth allanarlie except.

  1. NAS, PC1/15, 265. Back
  2. NAS, PC1/15, 265-267. Back
  3. NAS, PC1/15, 267-268. Back
  4. The letters 'a: b:' are written in the left margin immediately under the title in a different (darker) ink. Back
  5. NAS, PC1/15, 268. Back
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Act declaring the Erllis of Angus, Huntlie and Errole to have amittit the benefite of the act of abolitioun

Forsamekle as it is nocht unknawne how eftir the trew religioun wes publictlie preicheit, professit and be law establissed in the first yeir of the reignne of our soverane lord, nane or verie litle avowit papistis remaning in ony parte of the realme, sindrie adversaris of the same trew religioun, invying the progres thairof and his hienes educatioun thairin, and pretending be all meanis to subvert the same be Jesuites, seminarie preistis and utheris pernicious instrumentis, pairtlie his hienes borne subjectis and partlie strangearis, craftelie directit in this cuntrey and destinat to work the evill effectis that sensyne hes followit; induceit divers young noblemen, gentilmen and divers uthairis his majesteis subjectis to giff ear to thair alluirmentis and to fall frome professioun of the said trew religioun; and undir sindrie pretenses, at divers tymes, to attempt the troubling and inquietatioun of the estate of religioun and the contempt of his hienes authoritie, and at last gaif grite occasionis of suspicioun of thair practizeis and trafficque to bring strangearis in the realme for the ruyne and overthrow of his majesties estate and professouris of the said trew religoun and establissing of the superstitioun and errouris quhairin thay had sufferit thame selffis tobe led. Off this Williame, erll of Angus, George, erll of Huntley, Frances, erll of Errole and Schir Patrik Gordoun of Auchindoun, being specialie dilaitit, thay wer callit to thair tryale and first to have compeirit befoir certane of his hienes prevey counsale at Sanctandrois in Februair 1592; quhair, not compeiring, thay wer summond of new to his hienes parliament haldin in the moneth of Junii, fra the quhilk, althogh thay absentit thame and that thairthrou justice micht have precedit aganis thame, yit at the eirnist sute of the esteatis, all rigorous and suddane proceding aganis the saidis erllis and uthairis foirsaidis wes supersedit, in hoip to have recoverit thame to the acknaulegeing of thair offence to God and obedience of his hienes authoritie, seing of all uthairis thay wer maist oblist to his majestie for respectis of blude, allya and preferring of thame in his awne tyme to the honnouris, placeis and levingis quhilkis thai occupy. Eftir quhilk clemencie shawne, thay tuke the bauldnes to prostrat thame selffis in his hienes way, craving his pardoun for thair sindrie offenses committit to the displeser of his majestie, bot utterlie standing to thair denyall as innocent of the crymes for quhilkis thay wer callit to the perliament, and offerring thame selffis to abyde tryale thairof; for quhilk his hienes appointit thame a dyet first at Perth and then at Lynlythqw, quhair his esteatis wer convenit for that end; and thair the power of the haill being committit to certane electit personis of every estate, and thay convening for that purpois at Haliruidhous laitlie in November lastbipast, his hienes, with thair advise, for the publict peace and quietnes of his afflictit cuntrey cassin sa oft in trouble, and for the bettir suretie of the state of religioun and professouris thairof, being monywayes in dangeir in sindrie pertis of the warld, the ministeris of Godis word being hard and conferrit wth and thair petitionis considderit, thocht the best forme and meane to quiet the troublis growne throu the bigane procedingis of the adversaris of the said trew religioun wes that the saidis personis summound to his hienes lait perliament for the tressounable causes and crymes contenit in the summondis execute aganis thame upoun occasioun of the blankis and lettrez interceptit concerning trafficquing wth strangearis for the trouble of the trew religioun, his hienes and uthairis professouris thairof and libertie of the realme sould be free and unnacusable in tyme cuming for the saidis causes and crymes, and all proces thairanent tobe aboleist, deleit, extinct and remane in oblivioun for evir, alwayes on certane conditionis specifeit in his hienes edict maid thairanent; speciallie that the saidis erllis and uthairis quhilk sould clame the benefeit of the said edict, ather be acknaulegeing and professing of the said trew religioun within the realme, or be depairting and remaning furth of the samin upoun licence as not persuadit in conscience, sould mak thair declarationis be write of thair chois of the saidis conditionis to his majestie and to the kirk betuix and the first day of this instant moneth of Januair, and that in taikin of thair acceptatioun of the benefeit and favour of the said edict and faithfull promeis to fulfill the conditionis thairof appointit to thame, and sould subscryve the double or copy of the said edict wth thair hands and returne the same with thair declarationis of the chois of the conditionis tobe keipit in the said register betuix and the said first day of Januair instant, as in the said edict at mair lenth is contenit. Nochtwithstanding, the saidis three erllis and uthairis speciall personis abonespecifeit, maist unthankfull for his majesteis monyfauld benefeitis bestowit upoun thame, hes contempnandlie disdanit and refuisit to accept the benefite of the said edict bot postponing and differring to mak chois of the saidis conditionis and to subscryve the double or copie of the same edict wth thair handis and returne the same to his hienes befoir the said first day of Januair bigane, and thairthrou hes worthelie amittit and tint the haill benefeitis of the same edict. Quhairfoir his majestie, with advise of his nobilitie, counsaill and esteatis presentlie convenit, hes declairit and declairis that the saidis erllis and utheris personis speciallie abonenameit hes amittit and tint all benefeit and favour grantit to thame be the said edict, as alswa of all actis and proclamationis maid in thair favour at ony tyme sen thay wer challangeit of the said cryme for the causes befoirspecifeit, and that thay salbe accusable be law for the causes and crymes contenit in the saidis summoundis, as giff the said abolitioun and oblivioun had nevir bene grantit. And to this effect, the saidis nobilitie, counsale and esteatis adviseis his majestie to caus ane perliament tobe proclameit and appointit, sasone as convenientlie may be, and thay tobe summond to undirly tryale thairin for the saidis crymes and justice ministrat as effeiris; and that lettrez be direct for publicatioun heirof be oppin proclamatioun at the mercat croce of Edinburgh and uthiris placeis neidfull, that nane pretend ignorance of the sam.

  1. NAS, PC1/15, 265. Back
  2. NAS, PC1/15, 265-267. Back
  3. NAS, PC1/15, 267-268. Back
  4. The letters 'a: b:' are written in the left margin immediately under the title in a different (darker) ink. Back
  5. NAS, PC1/15, 268. Back
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Committee members: privy council
Certane noblemen and uthiris nominat tobe of the privie counsale quhill the parliament

The quhilk day the kingis majestie, with avise of his nobilitie, counsale and esteatis presentlie convenit, hes nominat and appointit and be thir presentz nominatis and appointis the personis undirwrittin tobe of his hienes ordinair prevey counsale quhill the nixt parliament or conventioun generall of his esteatis, thay ar to say Ludovik, duke of Lennox, Johnne, lord Hammiltoun, George, erll Mairshaell, Johnne, erll of Mar, Williame, erll of Mortoun, Johnne, erll of Montrois, Alexander, lord Levingstoun, Robert, lord Seytoun, James, lord Lindsay of the Byris, Johnne, lord Forbes, Alexander, commendatair of Culrois, Adam, commendatair of Cambuskynneth, Maister George Lauder of Bass, Maister David Carnegy of Culluthy, Williame Steuart of Tracquair, Schir James Melvill of Halhill, George Hume of Weddirburne, Schir Johnne Carmichaell of that Ilk, knicht, and Alexander Hume of Northberuik, with the ordinair offiris of his estate. Quhilkis personis, or samony of thame as salhappin tobe present, sall convene oulklie upoun the ordinair dayis or oftair as the necessitie sall requir, and decyde and conclude in all materis concerning his majestie, the commoun effearis of the realme and liegis thairof, according to the forme and ordour sett doun in his hienes last act of parliament maid heiranent. Lyke as his majestie promittis to use and follow thair counsale and to hald hand to the executioun of quhatsumevir thing salbe concludit and determinat in this cais be thame tending to the suretie of his majesteis persone and estate, advancement of his hienes proffeitt, punishment of malefactoris and quietnes of the cuntrey without alteratioun in ony point. Be it alwayes undirstand that all noblemen and uthairis expressit in the said act of parliament ar nawise secludit bot admittit to have access, place and vote in counsale quhen thay salhappin tobe present or sall pleis to repair thairto.

  1. NAS, PC1/15, 265. Back
  2. NAS, PC1/15, 265-267. Back
  3. NAS, PC1/15, 267-268. Back
  4. The letters 'a: b:' are written in the left margin immediately under the title in a different (darker) ink. Back
  5. NAS, PC1/15, 268. Back
  6. NAS, PC1/15, 268. Back
Legislation: private act
Act in favouris of Schir James Cheisholme

The quhilk day the kingis majestie, with advise of his nobilitie, counsale and esteatis presentlie convenit, decernis and declairis the licence grantit be his hienes to Schir James Cheisholme of Dundorne, knicht, for his depairting and remaning furth of this realme during a certane space expressit thairin tobe effectuall to him in all pointis conforme to the tennour thairof becaus he hes found cautioun, actit in the buikis of secreit counsale, that he sall behave himselff as ane deutifull and obedient subject during the tyme of his absens furth of this realme, and do nor attempt na thing in hurte or prejudice of his hienes, his estate nor the trew religioun presentlie professit within this realme undir a certane pecuniall pane mentionat in the act maid thairupoun. Providing alwayes that the said Schir James use his licence and depairt furth of this realme betuix and the xxv day of Marche nixttocum, uthirwayes the same licence tobe null and of nane availl, force nor effect thaireftir.

  1. NAS, PC1/15, 265. Back
  2. NAS, PC1/15, 265-267. Back
  3. NAS, PC1/15, 267-268. Back
  4. The letters 'a: b:' are written in the left margin immediately under the title in a different (darker) ink. Back
  5. NAS, PC1/15, 268. Back
  6. NAS, PC1/15, 268. Back