[10 July 1593]

Procedure: preamble

Parliamentum currens excellentissimi principis Jacobi sexti regis Scotorum tentum apud Edinburgh decimo die mensis Julii anno Domini millesimo quingentesimo nonagesimo tertio, per dictum dominum regem et regni status.

  1. NAS, PA2/13, Appendix, f.6v. Back
  2. NAS, PA2/13, Appendix, f.6v-8v. Back
  3. This material and the following two folios are not in the main PA2/15 source. Back
  4. NAS, PA2/13, Appendix, f.9r. Back
Procedure: suit rolls and commissions produced

The quhilk day the haill commissioneris of burrowis, the commissioneris for baroneis and schireffis, being all callit to compeir befoir oure said soverane lord, and the said burrowis and barroneis within ewerie schyre being callit at the tolbuith windok to produce thair sufficient commissiounes of parliament; as lykwayis the haill schireffis within the realme of Scotland being callit to compeir and produce thair sute roll befoir oure soverane lord and the lordis commissioneris of his hienes parliament this instant day,

Thair compeirit thair commissionaris of burrowis wnderwrittin and producit their sufficient commissiounes.

  1. NAS, PA2/13, Appendix, f.6v. Back
  2. NAS, PA2/13, Appendix, f.6v-8v. Back
  3. This material and the following two folios are not in the main PA2/15 source. Back
  4. NAS, PA2/13, Appendix, f.9r. Back
Procedure: continuation of parliament

The kingis majestie, with avise of the lordis commissionaris of this present parliament, declaris this parliament to ryn ay and quhill the samyn be desert, and ordanis all the comissionaris of parliament to await thairon, and als all utheris quha hes ony actionis and causes to be decydit in this present parliament to await thairon; and als ordanis the officiaris, executouris of the summondis of tressoun producit of befoir in this present parliament, and the haill witneses, to be present to verefie the samyn executiounis upoun Setterday and Monunday nixtocum.

  1. NAS, PA2/13, Appendix, f.6v. Back
  2. NAS, PA2/13, Appendix, f.6v-8v. Back
  3. This material and the following two folios are not in the main PA2/15 source. Back
  4. NAS, PA2/13, Appendix, f.9r. Back