[1593/4/64]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
Oure soverane lord and estaitis of this present parliament gevis and grantis full power and commissioun to Williame, erll of Mortoun etc., Johnne, erll of Mar etc., Schir Thomas Lyoun of Auldbar, knicht, thesaurair to oure soverane lord, Walter, commendater of Blantyre, lord privie seill, Alexander, lord Urquhart, president of the college of justice, Eduard, commendater of Kinloss, Mr Robert Douglas, provest of Lincluden, collectour generall, Maister Johnne Lindsay, persoun of Menmure, and Schir Patrik Waus of Barbarrauche, knicht, or ony sevin of thame conjunctlie, to convene at sic tyme and place as the saidis comissionaris sall appoint among thame selffis, and thair to treat and confer how in quhat maner thair may be ane minister provydit at ilk paroche kirk within this realme, and anent thair provisioun to locall sufficient stipendis and augmentatioun of thair present stipendis and assignatioun furth of the thriddis be the takkismen of teyndis and landis of quhatsumevir prelaciis or utheris benefices within this realme conforme to the comissioun gevin thairanent of befoir in the last parliament; and as the saidis comissionaris aggreis in thair said conference, ordanis thame to report the same be wreit to his majestie and estaitis to be convenit at the nixt parliament, to the effect thay may sett doun ane constant and solide ordor to be folowit furth thairanent in tyme cuming.
[1593/4/65]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
Oure soverane lord, considdering that the noblemen, baronis and sum utheris nominat to be of his hienes privie counsaill at the last parliament attendit nocht thairupoun in maner as wes appointit, quhairthrow his majesties awin effayres and the materris concernig the commoun weill of the realme wer oftymes neglectit, for remeid quhairof in tyme cuming, his hienes, with advise of his estaitis in this present parliament, hes thot expedient, statute and ordanit that the noblemen, lordis of his hienes parliament, salbe of his hienes privie counsaill quhen thai happin to be present or beis send for be his majestie, and committis the dalie remembrance, cair and directioun, furtherance of the executioun and administratioun of the wechtie effayres concerning his hienes estait and realme to the personis undirwrittin, thay ar to say the Duke of Lennox, the Erll of Mar, the Erll of Montrois, the chancellair, thesaurair, thesaurair depute, kepair of the privie seill, maister of requestis, secretair, justice clerk, comptroller, collectour, capitain of his gard, clerk of register, maister almousser, Schir Johnne Seytoun, Schir George Hume, maister of the garderob, Schir Williame Keith, Schir James Melvill, knichtis, and Maister David Carnegie of Culluthie, or ony sevin of thame, quhome his hienes willis to be still resident, attending and remanig with his majestie quhair he salhappin to be for the tyme, except for sic schort space as his hienes sall permit ony of thame to await upoun thair awin effayres, his majesties licence to that effect being alwyes socht and grantit, and this forme quhill the nixt parliament and ay and quhill forder order be takin to indure.