Ratificatioun of the liberties and privilegis of burrowis

Oure soverane lord and estaitis of this present parliament ratifies, apprevis and confermis all and sindrie constitutionis and actis of parliament maid ofbefoir be oure said soverane lord and his predicessouris and estaitis in parliament anent the privilegeis, liberties, immunities, fredomes, giftes, infeftmentis of annuellis, landis and utheris commodities quhatsumevir maid, gevin and grantit be oure said soverane lord or his maist noble progenitouris in ony tymes bygane to or in favouris of burrowis and communities thairof; as also of all uther landis, annuelrentis and commodities foundit to the sustentatioun of the ministrie and hospitalitie within the same. And that this present act be of als sufficient force and strenth in all respectis to the saidis burrowis, and everie ane thairof, the communities and inhabitantis of the samyn and thair successouris, as gif the saidis privilegis, infeftmentis, fundationis and utheris abonewrittin wer in thir presentis speciallie expressit.

  1. NAS, PA2/15, f.17v-18r. Back
  2. The letter 'P.' written in the margin. Back