Anent annuellis payit out of the propirtie of the croun to prelattis or beneficit personis

It is statute and ordanit be oure soverane lord and his estaitis in this present parliament that efter the deceise of the present possessouris of the prelaciis and uthair benefices within this realme, the annuelrentis payit thairunto out of the burrow males, custumes and utheris rentis of the propirtie to remane with his hienes and his successouris as a pairt of the patrimony of the croun; and nane that salhappin to be providit in title to the saidis prelaciis, or utheris inferioure benefices, salhave richt or actioun to crave or recover the same annuelrentis, nochtwithstanding thair provisionis generall or speciall quhatsumevir, without prejudice alwayes of the hospitallis and collegis within universities and scuilles within this realme.

  1. NAS, PA2/15, f.10v. Back
  2. The letter 'V.' written in the margin. Back